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@TheOracle I am ... very interested in that question
5 hours later…
Q: What's the simplest way of representing a "savage" warrior with an tiger animal companion?

cr0mThe "savage" warrior with an animal companion is a staple of pulp fantasy/swords & sorcery. However, if you wanted to play a warrior with a tiger for an animal companion, you're looking at a 7th level Druid or 14th level Ranger according to the SRD. Is there another way to represent this cla...

@waxeagle Whoa, weird/awesome!
I guess that'd be weirder/awesomer if I had been here for that long instead of just 70-something day!
3 hours later…
Q: Using a Rapier in your Off Hand?

David Allan FinchYou get a +1 to Parry using a Rapier. If you hold a Rapier in your Off Hand do you still get the +1 to Parry?

3 hours later…
Q: Can you use a Power to do Suppressive Fire?

David Allan FinchCan you cast a Bolt Power to do Suppressive Fire on a area?

3 hours later…
morning all
@CRoss good morning....
@TheOracle I like this question, but I think the answer is simple
@CRoss start with a tiger kitten and have it grow up as you level up?
@waxeagle something like that
depends on the level you need
if you want to start at level 1, that would work
tiger with the Juvenile template from Bestiary
@CRoss yeah, seemed to be what mxy was getting at in his answer.
@CRoss even better
updated answer ...
Q: How does a readied action triggered on movement adjacent to an ally work when an enemy charges?

wax eagleA readied action is an Immediate Reaction. A charge is a movement with an attack at the end. Suppose the following case: A PC charged with protecting his party's wizard does not want to move away from the wizard so he readies an action triggered if anyone moves adjacent to the wizard. Later in...

@TheOracle good question @wax eagle
@DForck42 I was looking at iplay4e and realized a readied action was an immediate reaction rather than an interupt so that triggered the question
@waxeagle what's iplay4e?
@DForck42 its a web app that lest you upload a 4e character builder file and have an online character sheet
pretty sweet little app actually
oh, cool
@CRoss yeah we have been fooling with it as prep for our PBW game
@waxeagle extremely useful for that
@CRoss yup, did you know you can embed an entire campaign object into a wave?
@waxeagle hurm?!
@DForck42 iplay4e has 2 major objects. A character or a group of characters formed into a campaign.
both of them are embedable into a wave object in google wave
or into your google home page for that matter :)
@waxeagle oh i get it, because wave has all the nifty app stuff you can use
Q: What Classic/Old-School Sci-Fi Adventures might adapt well to a Serenity Game?

NumeneticsI'm going to be running a one-shot Serenity game and I'm not sure if any of the published adventures fit what I want to do. I've thought about mining some older modules (e.g., Traveller), but I've done very little Sci-Fi gaming and I'm not sure where to start. Are there any SF modules that are ...

@DForck42 yup
@TheOracle I really should read this book again now that I've rp'd a bit. The entire thing would make more sense now
@waxeagle once we get done playing DFRPG (who knows how long that'll be), i want to look at either Serenity or Supernatural (love both shows)
@DForck42 I have the original serenity book that predates cortex. Not sure if its worth trying to play that or better to find the new books
@waxeagle cool.
@DForck42 First RP book I ever owned, my wife (g/f at the time) got it for my birthday and also bought me my first set of Polyhedrals..
looks like all of the sernity stuff is OoP
@waxeagle OoP? i know what that menas in programming lingo....
@DForck42 out of print
@waxeagle ahh, ok
nothing is listed on the publisher's site for them
2 hours later…
Q: Pitfalls and Gotchas of running Dresden Files RPG with round-robin GMs

SevenSidedDieI really like how in Diaspora, character and cluster creation explicitly allows for everyone (GM included) to have a character tied into the other PCs and the setting, so that anyone can take up the mantle of GM for an adventure or three. I'm looking at running the Dresden Files RPG soon and the...

1 hour later…
aww he left :(
@waxeagle No 10's, 100s, or 8s.
Wait... maybe there's an 8.
@Iszi bmmer
So, you've got 6, 8, 12, and 20. And it only does single-digit multiples.
@Iszi gotcha
still handy
You must be new here.
@Iszi fairly new
RPG member for 8ish months, hanging around chat for about a monthish now
Yeah, Dice Service has been around pretty much since we got a chat room. It's the "easter egg" for this site.
@Iszi I had seen it earlier, didn't realize it was always active
Yup, it's always here and in other rooms associated with RPG on SE.
@Iszi that is quite handy
We'll push for d4's and d10's when we graduate :-)
Used to use it a lot in The Back Room, where we played some D&D4e over chat.
@Iszi makes sense
not d10 is slightly problematic...
as is d4...
indeed, especially for those people who play certain games based on d10 that I have no interest in
@CRoss very very true.
d4 though ... no magic missile? come on
@CRoss well thats cuz magic missile doesn't roll damage anymore
I'm way more concerned about daggers
@waxeagle anymore? What are you talking about. Those of us not playing war games still roll for damage ;-)
@CRoss ouch...pretty sure you just hit 4e below the belt :)
@waxeagle 4e is a big game, it can take it
... that reminds me, I need to do decide what to do with our sister of the Flame
@CRoss yes, yes it is...almost looking foward to a 5e just to have all of the choices limited until wizards puts out more books
@CRoss I'm on the join and backstab later side :)
@waxeagle that's simple, limit what books your group uses
@waxeagle oh, no, that's the Blue Wilder
@CRoss we are doing that in our PBW group and its really hard because its essentials only. I'd rather play in a PHB1 group...
Sister of the Flame is the somewhat crazy monk of the Silver Flame (player character)
@waxeagle yeah, PHB1 & PHB2 suits me
I liked druid pretty well
@CRoss ah gotcha. hates silver flame how high and mighty is she?
@CRoss gotcha, that makes sense, PHB3 is where 4e started to get a bit goofy
@waxeagle she's fairly strict, aside from the head of bugbear hand puppets
@waxeagle Easy on PHB3 there. One of my favorite PCs is a telekinetic-psion shardmind.
@Iszi Im in a group with one of those. he is starting to get useful, now that he figured out how to control an area with psychic anomoly
@Iszi I'm not sure any one book is the problem, it's just that there are N * 10 books
@CRoss make her start hearing the voices :). thats an SF thing right?
@waxeagle hmmm, I already have other people dreaming weird stuff
@CRoss put them in a position where the only way to succeed is for her to violate her beliefs then send an SF paladin after them when they do it?
@waxeagle I have a corrupt Prior striking up a relationship with her
Q: 3.5e Variant Rules

MarkPI'm thinking of starting a new campaign with a laundry list of house rules. The variant rules on the SRD seem worth while. As an example, using 'armor as DR' and 'Spell Points' are at the top of my list. Has anyone ran a campaign with any of these modifications listed on the page? And would you s...

@TheOracle ... is there a question there?
well, the "have you used these, what's your experience is ok"

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