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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

(I would like to thank @JonathanHobbs for his restraint.)
Blue Electric Stealth Wombat
@BESW (you may consider yourself to be ever so welcome)
@JonathanHobbs [sees what you did there]
@JonathanHobbs [bows elaborately, straightens, winks]
BESW! End such waggishness!
@Zachiel Foul! No recursion.
that is quite waggish but please continue
@BESW ._.
Blighted Evil! Such Woe!
I found a big clue.
I know it's possible to track down my first and last names via the chat log, if one is observant and/or moderately clever.
But good luck finding it if you don't know what to filter for.
@BESW I think I know the best way to do this but I am too lazy to do so.
@BESW But that would be cheating :P
And it still leaves half the puzzle unsolved anyway.
@BESW I could also go to your google account that Is present on every google document you share and get your name from there ;-)
It's somewhere in the back of my mind. I almost remember your name.
@InbarRose My Google account says my name is Eric Merit Fairchild.
I tried searching google for the partecipants to the Baha'i assembly in Tel Aviv, to no effect.
@BESW That's not it? :(
@InbarRose You didn't py attention to what I said earlier, did you?
Time to look in the Guam phone book for someone named Bruce E. S. W.
I think I got the E
S still missing.
@InbarRose He lives with dad, but that probably greatly reduces the Ws
I don't have his name, but...
That is the face of the mysterious man we seek!
I remember he shared a picture of himself once. I thought it might have a clue (maybe in the URL) but no luck.
nope. Not in guam white pages.
actually i'm going to use magical internet powers to delete those comments :D
(carry on, as you were, what-ho)
Strange. No snakes or dangerous beasts in that photo's background ;)
@Zachiel That's actually taken in South Carolina, in... 2007, probably.
A friend shared this on FB - and I don't normally share random stuff.. but this is some crazyness: 77-facts-that-sound-like-huge-lies-but-are-completely-true
The snakes there can actually kill ya.
@Zachiel it's guam; that is not quite Hard Mode (at least I think so)
@LiamGu Hi!
Ah, I know. It's not an S, it stands for Hope !
"34. The last time the Chicago Cubs won the baseball World Series, the Ottoman Empire still existed."
@LiamGu I don't have Star Wars specific experience, but I've had luck with games where all the characters are members of an organisation like an adventuring guild, or are all beholden to the same master. I accomplish this by the simple expedient of asking the players (before the campaign begins) to design their characters to conform to that conceit.
are there actually countries outside the USA that participate in the baseball world series?
@JonathanHobbs "world series" lol.
It's like Earth is the only planet to ever win a "mrs universe" pageant.
@JonathanHobbs Yes: Canada.
Ah, ok.
I was under the impression that the USA was the only country to play baseball competitively.
@BESW Aha, that's the information I couldn't find in there.
@JonathanHobbs that's not true, however the WS is the championship for MLB which only has teams in the US and Canadia
@BESW I think that could be a good way to tie up the current adventure. Just need to work out how to introduce it.
@JonathanHobbs Japan, Korea, Venezuela, Italy, Cuba, Domincan Republic and numerous other countries have their own professional baseball leagues
@LiamGu I strongly advise just asking your players to help you work it out. They'll have cool ideas and help you brainstorm, and it gives them more stake in it, which will help them accept the conceit.
If you present it to them as a fait accompli, they won't have as much reason to buy into it.
@waxeagle "Canadia." Is that an exceptionally polite and be-plaided area of ancient Greece?
@waxeagle Ok good; I'm glad to hear it extends to outside the American continents
figures the day im at work sick is the day my boss has us walk to another location carrying equipement
[yawn] Goodnight, all.
@BESW yes, definitely
@BESW Good night
Be Excellent, Stack Wonderworkers!
@BESW nighty night
goodnight besw
Goodnight :D
hmmm wish edge of the empire wasnt 60 bucks
would so pick i tup
So while researching this fighter build I have realized that Combat Maneuvers in Pathfinder are not as useless as I thought.
@JoshuaAslanSmith or if FFG did like most people do these days and also sell a cheaper PDF copy
Especially with Age of Rebellion right around the corner
In case anyone is still around - anyone have any ideas for a time travel-themed costume for a party?
Something easy to throw together, hopefully.
@lisardggY Get a doctor who costume. Even without the screwdriver most people should get it.
soooo. Can anyone please tell me how the link thing is supposed to work?
@lisardggY set your watch ahead by an hour, come as yourself from the future
[text to be linked](\link.url);
I tried that. already
@Aaron the dashes are breaking markdown I think
@lisardggY Thank you.
@Aaron It's a bit banal in that crowd, I'm afraid.
brb getting lunch
nope, not that
you can do alt text, just not sure how
Anyway my questions was can this be enchanted with weapon enchants?
14374025: there was a space between ] and ( that was the problem
@lisardggY Well... Any period costume can work... (ie: pirate costume: "arrrr I was taken from me boat, now I am in the future Arrrr")
@InbarRose I thought of going as an anachronism - Victorian suit with sunglasses and sneakers. But it will probably only seem to be badly accessorized period dress. :)
@lisardggY Well.. short of coming to the party with an actual time machine... the only costume would be people who use time machines.
Which could be anybody...
So you have your classic option.. (ie: the doctor) and pretty much anything else you can justify.
What kind of costumes do you think others will come as?
@InbarRose Which is fine with me, if there's an easily recognized costume. Doctor Who is way too banal at this point. Marty McFly is a good choice, though there might be a couple of those.
But I gotta find a red lifevest thingie.
The terminator?
Sunglasses + leather jacket + speak like Arnold + leave a lot and say "i'll be back"
Another classic, yes. But I don't actually like the films all that much, so I'll leave that as a last resort.
What about that asian time-travel dude from Heroes? (Wasn't his name Hiro?)
Dress like a short nerdy Asian with glasses? And say "Yatta!" a lot.
@Aaron yes
He doesn't have a distinctive enough look for a costume.
Even in his kickass-Hiro-from-the-future look.
Dr. Brown ?
Samurai sword is not badass enough ?
@InbarRose Not distinctive enough. It's just a guy with glasses and a samurai sword.
@lisardggY You could introduce yourself as 'Hi, I am Hiro Nakamura I'm from the future"
The Flash does Time Travel at some point
everyone does time travel at some point.
@InbarRose A costume that needs a verbal explanation isn't a good costume, in my book.
Even Xena and Hercules did Time Travel at some point.
I missed that.
Time travel is a common and important element of science fiction, depicted in a variety of media. Time travel in novels and short stories Time travel is a recurrent theme in science fiction literature. Thousands of books incorporate time travel. Below are examples of texts that are repeatedly recognized as works of science fiction (as the genre has been defined in this article) that integrate time travel. {| class="wikitable" |- ! Date ! Title ! Author ! Description |- | 1733 | Memoirs of the Twentieth Century | Samuel Madden | A guardian angel travels to 1728 with letters from 1997 and...
Quantum Leap's Al
May I suggest homestuck characters? (I guess their cosplays are way too common among the fanbase and too unknown elsewhere so maybe heroes of Time are not a good idea)
If you were a girl you could dress as Carmen Sandiego! :P (This helps you 0%)
Actually I remember a Xena episode where she's stuck in a time loop
I have a friend coming as Carmen Sandiego, actually.
@Zachiel I've never heard of them before today and likely no-one else at the party would either.
@lisardggY Cool.
The harry potter trio does some time travel
You could come as the Genie of the Lamp (Aladdin) since he has clearly traveled through time.
Extra points if you get something in your pants keeping them in that shape
H.G. Wells from Lois & Clark : the new adventures of superman
@Trajan Why is H.G.Wells in superman? That's just silly.
Someone from Chrono Trigger
@Zachiel oooo. Chrono Trigger +1 :)
River Song?
@InbarRose In one episode, Lois & Clark travel through different periods, always assuming linked lives (because they're soul mates). Clark becomes a Robin Hood clone.
@InbarRose I'd say Lucca to be the most recognizable one, but she's female...
@Trajan Wow... That just seems so silly it could only work in comics.
@InbarRose this is why they've historically had trouble adapting comic character to screen :)
@lisardggY So... I have a friend of mine interested in playing Fate (I explained the idea we had for the game - that is... that it will be open/episodic/rotating ST).. Any luck with your friends?
@InbarRose Only one seemed interested, and he's living in France at the moment. :)
That doesn't work out too well.
I mean.. You and I have never met - but I wouldn't call us "strangers" my question is - would you be opposed to bringing in someone else that is a "stranger" (ie: someone that neither of us know - probably recruited from a FB group).
@waxeagle and when they do, there's always something wrong for the fans
@Trajan yeah. I think (IMO) that this is why the Marvel/Avengers series has done as well as it has.
it's hard, and they've been doing it in way that works and people like that
Agents of Shield?
obviously plenty of people have found points to complain on, but they're doing it right
@InbarRose actually it falls pray to the wonky comic story bit more than the movies
I was thinking the movies. the show is still figuring itself out. I like it, but it's not great TV yet
Yeah, I really don't know why DC Comics fails so much at this.
It has something that annoys me in a lot of media (but not because of it's comic origin) they treat science/technology like Magic. Which is especially annoying since the show has 2 characters which are scientists... And another one who is a master programmer/hacker
@InbarRose yes, technobabble is always the solution
@InbarRose I'm fine with stranger strangers.
@InbarRose hackers in media usually are a lot of fun.
@InbarRose Because, narratively speaking, the technology isn't important. Only its effects.
It works especially in a comicbook-based setting, where super-science nearly is almost indistinguishable from magic.
@lisardggY the problem is that they've subbed in technology for actual problem solving. They use it as a writer's shortcut rather than an actual plot device
I don't want to deal with X in any meaninful way, so Oh look Tech!
@waxeagle Well yes, that's because it's not a well written show (at least in the 6 or so episodes I've watched).
But I don't have a problem with unrealistic technology in general.
@lisardggY sadly no, it should be with who is running it, but it's not
I don't care about unrealistic, I can accept that. Using it to mask (or even enhance) lazy story telling bores me
(and I like Agents of Shield, I just don't think it's good TV
Including huge GUIs for no reason and random code snippets on screen.
The CIA agent is looking for the virus “subroutine” [...] a JavaScript tutorial from Quackit.com that’s used to explain how to display popups
It got really quiet
It'd be cool if "ignored tags" would actually ... ignore questions with those tags.
@ProfessorCaprion The system functioning as intended?
@ProfessorCaprion lol, they get faded out, not good enough?
It works better on SO where they never appear on your home page
@waxeagle That's what I'd like for it to do!
@ProfessorCaprion ask for it on meta!
@waxeagle Perhaps! I! Shall!
for me I find that liking specific tags means the highlights tell me what I want to look at, I mostly look past other stuff unless the title intrigues me
Well, I'd rather not have to wade through all these pages of questions since I have no interest in the games that are biggest right now (the D&D and Pathfinder varieties)
But! It looks like it's something I can toggle on my account. One moment...
ah, yes it is
Yep! Excellent!
I went to meta, then searched to see if my question had been asked. :)
smart :). the system works!
is it acceptable for me to edit an answer to be more like how I think it should be? By which I mean format, but also adding content?
A: DND Source Material for Honour Systems

LuciferFound it, there is a Honor system presented in Dragon Magazine 404 for 4th Edition It presents different ways to implement honor and different style in which it can be used like; "thieve's code", "bushido", "chivalry" and "harper code". Its based on Honor and Dishonor points which factors into...

@JoshuaAslanSmith as long as it doesn't change the meaning
No basically I think he should get rep for the answer
but he kinda missed the boat on what I was telling him format wise
should be fine, not a bad way to get a new guy to understand what a good answer here looks like
1 hour later…
Oh gods. I'm now really terrorized of gaming with a specific DM, after hearing what he did to another party.
An NPC of his bargained magical healing for the group with 10 years of life. I don't want to be given such choices. Is this a social contract issue? Is it just what people commonly thinks is cool?
@Zachiel I think it's cool to have to make such tough choices. I'd say it's more an issue of different expectation from the game rather than social contract. Either way it's worth talking with him about it.
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

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