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@CRoss Lol, didn't you see the community ep?
10 hours later…
@waxeagle "community ep"?
Q: Is there a list of all player moves in Apocolypse World?

Brian Ballsun-StantonI find myself reading multiple playbooks to see if there are any particular moves from other playbooks that fit my own character. This strikes me as crushingly inefficient. Is there a list of all Apocalypse World player moves (not generic moves) sorted in some useful form somewhere on the inter...

@CRoss A rather bastardized version of D&D was featured this past season in an episode of community. One of the major scenes involved the rather ummm intricate seduction of an elven maid in order to acquire a Pegasus. I like the episode and I showed it to my gaming group who thought it was pretty funny.
@waxeagle ok, in general community is not my kind of show
@CRoss certainly not for everyone, but some of their episodes are masterpieces (in paticular the 3 paintball ones have been something to behold)
my favorite D&D in a show has to be IT Crowd
@CRoss I've only watched a couple of episodes with my coworkers. I need to get my hands on the whole show
@waxeagle yes, yes you do :-)
it's on Netflix WI
@CRoss I know it, but i'm not a subscriber...
@waxeagle fair enough.
1 hour later…
Q: Are the WotC archives of d20 Character Optimization forum forever lost?

apacayI was looking for the Wizard Handbook but all the links were broken. Somewhere on the handbooks of other classes (on other forums) I saw a This was archived by WotC, here's the link But the link leads to the welcome page of WotC (since it's broken). Is there a way to get all that info ba...

@CRoss Uh.. wow. Didn't think it was that kind of game, either.
@waxeagle Bastardized, yes. Hilarious, yes. I loved the episode, personally!
@GPierce we thought it was great too, don't get me wrong.
@waxeagle I had friends who had never played d&d interested because of that episode. I told themn that it isn't actually like that, but they were still intrigued. So good on community for that.
@GPierce def. It provided mass exposure to D&D in a way that made it seem interesting and fairly non threatening (in fact with the whole pierce drama it was pretty darn awesome)
@GPierce from what I read on the wizards site they seemed to feel like it was a fair representation of their product as well
@waxeagle As far as a social game with issues solved by a die roll and some rp, sure, I'd agree.
@waxeagle From an actual gamer standpoint.. not really. Still, a lot of fun and it got me to watch a show that isn't really up my alley.
@GPierce I think "social" is the bit that most <strike>normal people</strike> non-RP'ers don't get
@CRoss I'd agree with that.
@CRoss I think that aspect was what they really wanted to key in on. Less hey lets get the mechanics right and more hey people really have fun with this. Plus it saves lives yeah :)
@CRoss But I'd that is true for a lot of stuff. Even as much as WoW doesn't interest me, even I can admit how social that game can be if you make it. Now, it's still computer screens, internet, and team speak, but it's still social. Not as social as in your face group dynamics RPGs like D&D or Savage Worlds, of course.
@GPierce easier escape hatch too
@CRoss true, its a lot harder to walk out then it is to turn off your machine
@CRoss :-D There is that!
@CRoss But I think that is a testament to social awkwardness. Fear of any confrontation which is the opposite of social. So, there are arguments I suppose for WoW not being a social game as well. (Not good ones mind you, but they exist)
Got me thinking of D&D and online gaming. I miss Neverwinter Nights and it's online games. Those were a blast. (hint hint WotC, do that!)
@waxeagle Watching the "Days of Future Past" episodes of XMen! I was eagerly awaiting these episodes.
Removed, huh?
@GPierce just reminded myself of which two those were. Those were a lot of fun.
@GPierce yeah well some mistakes are too embarrasing to admit to :)
@waxeagle Yeah, one day I watched a bunch of these episodes in the background. My fiancee was less than pleased, apparently I was supposed to read her mind that she wanted to watch XMen with me.
@GPierce lol we have been watching them during dinner with our 2 yr old. My wife bought them for me because she wanted to watch them...
@waxeagle I'm sure your 2 year old is loving them!
@GPierce he is, between that and the DK xmen book he knows most of the characters already. Poor thing really doesn't have a hope of not turning into a complete nerd
@waxeagle You could do what my dad did to me and read comics as bedtime stories. That ensures the condition. :-D
@GPierce When he is a bit older. Working on the original winnie-the-pooh right now
@waxeagle Good stuff as well!
You should read Bone to him. If you've never read it, you can find it here (amazon.com/Bone-Complete-Cartoon-Epic-One/dp/188896314X/…) (also really, really cheaply priced, wow. I paid double that!)
@GPierce indeed.
Psh, silly Bishop getting all mixed up in the head.
@GPierce yeah, he starts in a bit of a fog. something they conveniently don't bother with in the next set of episodes with him or with cable...
@waxeagle I was nerding out earlier when they ran into Cable. I was like, "Jean, Scott, it's your son! Cable is your son! (From an alternate future...)"
@GPierce that looks very interesting. I may pick it up
@waxeagle It is fantastic in the definition of the word.
@GPierce lol, interesting, my knowledge of comic histories are so incomplete its not funny. I need to spend more time with our DK xmen book
@waxeagle I grew up with it and have a healthy collection to this day. I haven't really read comics in the past year, sadly. I've been too busy.
@GPierce holy crap, i just looked at one of the other pictures, its huge, like CS textbook huge
@waxeagle Yeah it's a tome. It's a collection of about 10 years worth of storytelling.
@GPierce wow. its like what would happen if they bound 8-bit into a single volume...
maybe bigger
@waxeagle It's a great deal. And kid-friendly and just fun. It's probably one of my favorite books ever.
@GPierce I will add it to my wishlist :)
I'm reading about 4e Warlocks and man, I really want to play a Tiefling Inernal Cha-lock.
@GPierce I've heard thats a good combo, but I haven't had a chance to look at one
@waxeagle I like the flavor of pact-based magic
Granted, I like the idea of magic with a cost, too
@GPierce mechanic cost or flavor cost?
@CRoss Both, actually. Flavor is easier, of course. But the mechanical idea of "blood magic" has always intrigued me.
Lovecraftian and Howardian (Conan) is dark, and magic is generally not easy to come by. I like that, it makes magic not only a commodity, but a legitimate fear as well.
Dark Sun does a good job exploring that, but I have a love affair with the DS fluff.
@GPierce a setting I've never gotten much into
and my current setting is at the other end of the spectrum (Eberron has magic everywhere)
@CRoss Never have played in Eberron, I'm very interested, I like its fluff as well.
I'm not sure I do it justice, but it is fun
I've read about Eberron in both its 3.X and 4E incarnations. My DM hates it, for whatever reason, but it's very interesting to me.
@GPierce I haven't read up much on the 4E incarnation, but I've been told it's more muddled (it has a Shadowfell for example)
@CRoss The campaign guide is a good fluff book
Not as good as the Dark Sun one, though. And I'm not just saying that because I love it :-)
@CRoss The Shadowfell is polarizing, you either love it or hate it. I like it just fine, but I can see where some people would think it "muddles" stuff up.
Alright, off to class. Talk to you gents later.
@GPierce oh, I think it's just fine, I just don't think it makes sense in Eberron
2 hours later…
Q: Where can I find a good [MyClass] Handbook CharOp List?

apacayI want to find the most concise and clean list of CharOp ordered by base-class, and not by build ideas. If you take a look at brilliantgameologists forum the list is a bit messy and hard to find what you are looking for. And some have broken links, eg WotC (Look at this question). Someone came ...

Q: Map making with GIMP

SardathrionDoes anyone know of good city specific (although I would be interested in others as well) plug-ins for fantasy RPG map making using GIMP?

@CRoss I'd agree with that. I love planar cosmology and the connection of the different settings through it, but to be effective I think it needs to be more of a background thing. Unless of course a campaign is focused specifically on the planes and the connections between worlds.
@GPierce see, that is one of the things that I like about Eberron, it has such a rich, fitting, and unique planar cosmology
I just don't think Shadowfell fits in that
@CRoss I very much agree. In setting specific worlds it doesn't really fit.
@CRoss What's a good novel to read into the Eberron setting a little more? I've got a short story collection from WotC with stories from each of their worlds and enjoyed the Eberron stuff, but would prefer a longer story/novel to really flesh it out and get a better grasp on it.
@GPierce would you believe I've never read any of the novels?
just dug into a bunch of the source books
just read the book on Sharn and it's cool :-)
@CRoss Fair enough. I'll have to check out the Sharn book.
I've never actually played in the Realms but have read a handful of the books. I don't think the Realms would be fun to play in since there are way more powerful NPCs running all over the place..
I've read the Eberron makes the PCs feel epic though, which sounds great
@GPierce Realms has it advantages, but you've pegged the one big disadvantage
@GPierce it does, but it's hard to keep that line ...
having no humanoid NPCs after 6th or 7th level doesn't really work out well IMO
@CRoss I'd say the biggest advantage is the Lore. It's fantastic and the world is/can be fun.
@CRoss I could see that being an issue for actual campaign building
@CRoss The feeling of being able to take on the entire world at level 8 is probably... interesting. I'm not sure how I'd feel about that unless I was in a strictly evil party.
@GPierce you have to remember most of Eberron leans evil
even (perhaps especially) the civilized parts. In many D&D settings you're shocked when you find evil in a civilized areas, in Eberron it's like saying "Oh, the sun rose..."
@CRoss That does sound fun. I will admit my knowledge of Eberron is limited and hazy. I have not read either 3.X or 4e source book in awhile.
@waxeagle Xmen is so good/bad at the same time. I love me some nostalgia.
@waxeagle I've also started writing up our PbW game
If I wanted to propose that we delete the indie-rpg tag, would I post that in meta?
Oh hey, someone already beat me to it. Nevermind.
Q: Is it possible to play an Epic D&D3.5/3.75 campaign with a non-magic heroe?

apacayMy DM is going to arrange a campaign of Epic Gestalts (LvL 24/24), I wanted to play a non magic user, but they are so underpowered that I probably can't, the closest to a non magic user I seem to find is using Tome of Battle. Is it the only way? My idea was to do something like a Warblade16/Fact...

@TheOracle Bad spelling.. and grammar... the bane of my existence!
3 hours later…
Anyone picked up Dance With Dragons yet?

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