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@Styphon Hi!
Mistake or no?
Just a spoiler.
Oh oops
Well if it's on toys we can maybe spoil it right?
Well, it's a year+ old spoiler and this chat usually embargoes spoilers for a month at most.
and tbh, it's her first appearance
so it really only spoils that particular episode
We need to contact the OP from the RFS thread and see if he'll let us publish RFS quickstart rules :)
@Brian Ballsun-Stanton or anybody else who puts the comments on questions -- you might want to ask the SE folks to set up a permanent banner for you, a la what has been done over on Physics.SE:
A: Books banner: top or bottom?

Shog9Yeah, this looks terrible. Not only does it waste the preview, it gets in the way of the question, and can easily end up being longer than the question itself. Fortunately, we have a system for attaching permanent banners to posts that doesn't get in the way of viewing the question. I've adde...

@tpg2114 ooh custom post notices. nice
@waxeagle Yeah, nobody over there knew it was possible until Shog told us about it. Since that game-rec comment is used really often, it's probably worth asking about
@tpg2114 suggest it on meta plez?
Sure thing
I use the citation needed/insufficient explanation notices all the time on C.SE
@BESW spam flagg'd and protected
And ooh, I now have the power to vote to delete.
nice, added my del vote
@tpg2114 Awesome, thanks for the suggestion!
Also welcome to chat.
@waxeagle Posted
@tpg2114 thank you ser/madam
@BESW No problem -- I always lurk silently, figured I actually had something useful to contribute :)
Link for pin.
Nicely done, peeps, that spam post lasted less than five minutes.
my only concern with the meta proposal is that it needs to either be automatic with the tag, or they need better tools for adding post notices
I'm not a mod so I don't know how the tools work, but that was the concern on Phys.SE too
We just flag it for moderator attention -- it seems like a mod is always the one to post the comment here anyway, so it might not be much of a workflow change for them
@tpg2114 basically a mod has to click "mod -> post notices -> choose notice" what needs to happen is for a user/group of users to be able to do it
@tpg2114 yes, ideally they should be trying to work themselves out of that job though
Right now I think they're using a script for automated commenting; you select your comment from a list and it drops the text in magically.
@BESW yeah, won't break that workflow much. Maybe a couple more clicks
@BESW I wonder if a script could be written to click-through the notices for them
But I don't know how the API works either, so that may not be possible
you could write a userscript to expose the option, and make it pretty easy I think.
Q: Permanent banner for game-recommendation tag

tpg2114On every question (correctly) tagged with game-recommendation, somebody comes along and leaves a comment reminding answer's how to address the question properly. To make this more permanent than the ephemeral comments, RPG.SE mods should request a permanent banner be set up. For example, Physic...

Alright, time for me to fade back into anonymity :) I hope if you guys decide you like the idea that you'll get it!
@tpg2114 Thanks again, and feel free to drop by even when you don't have amazing ideas.
you know you're working late when the automated overnight cleanup scripts delete the file your working on.
quite all right, I happened to have it up in my IDE still so I just saved it again
Looking at these forum-RPer image macros makes me realize I really have no idea how any part of the culture works. What the heck is a "muse?"
@AlexP the inspiration that drives you to do artistic stuff
@Metool Not in the context they seem to be using it? Or at least there's some very specific subtext beyond just that.
@AlexP one of them that I saw matches it
Ah, okay, I guess it's "my inspiration" + "my character."
2 hours later…
Teenager: "You should just TRY Dark Souls!" Me: "Did you have a presentation at school about peer pressure? Maybe DARE was involved?"
Teenager: "...yes." Me: "I'M HIGH ON LIFE, MAN!"
2 hours later…
I just answered this question and now I'm remembering when I thought such detailed, explicit, and painstaking attempts to model intuitive "Well, duh" elements of the setting were... elegant and praiseworthy.
You mean like 300 words to define explicitly what "changing shape" means?
I mean, for a complicated game like D&D there do have to be established rules about how your ability scores change and what happens when you turn into something with innate magic.
But "If you lose your wings, you can't fly" doesn't feel like it needs to be on the list except because EVERYTHING needs to be covered in painstaking detail.
I'm trying to remember why I felt that there was an actual need for details that, frankly, if anyone couldn't be part of reaching a quick group consensus on such things they probably weren't the kind of person I'd've wanted in my group.
I think in the context of the other kinds of detailed rules, it reassures you that the writers did consider the issue.
Unfortunately that seems to extend to all manner of things --like economics and torture-- that I rather wish they hadn't considered.
But then sometimes you pull your hair out because there's just so much stuff to navigate and also it makes things worse when they do just miss something wholesale.
Also I think that's part of why D&D magic feels so anodyne to me.
It feels like all the consequences and details are just there, spelled out.
Oh wow there are people on this late.
Late? It's a quarter to four in the afternoon.
Oh. It's 11:45 PM here
12:45 here
Good morning to you then @AlexP
I'm game-designin' in my other window.
What kinda game?
Do you have any games out?
I'm helping my friend with a thing.
It's an indie game kinda inspired by Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell.
It's kinda Jane Austen + Byron + faerie magic.
That sounds entertaining.
4 hours later…
@AlexP That's a superb book
@Styphon For reference, here's the original feature request from which the "Please consider leaving a comment" pop-up after downvoting originated.
Q: Encouraging people to explain downvotes

ChrisFI used to get "upset" (though that is too strong a term) when I got downvoted without comment. If my answer isn't good enough then I'd like to know why. Not only does it improve the answer for the OP but it improves my knowledge too. Where the down-vote has been explained I've found it useful & ...

> this is now implemented and live for users with reputation below 2000. It is shown on every downvote until you get to 2k
I hope that bit changed
Well now that I think about it I haven't seen those messages for a while...
Mystery solved!
Spider alien detective
Ask questions first, shoot later
I'd do anything for Astrid's Diner
Eyes on Taurus
Dames are blabbermouths
This... is not an elf wizard.
No it is not.
The other PC was a Belligerent Lizard Warrior with the trouble Loud and Proud.
Oh my
That would be interesting.
In the middle of the spider's attempt to blackmail a corporate CEO, the lizard attacked the CEO's bodyguard.
That would go well I'm sure.
The setting turned out to be 1920s Chicago IN SPAAACE, which meant all the characters were animal-like aliens (the CEO was a dragon) and everything had "space" in its name.
So when the lizard got caught stealing files from a space pig PI, they had an exciting chase in space cars down the space highway.
Sounds legit
I love Trogdor's characters. The lizard had all the expected skills--Fight, Athletics, Provoke, Physique--and then down at bottom "+1 Burglary." And I had to totally re-evaluate my vision of the PC.
Oh my
Yeah that would certainly be an interesting character.
So how do they go about their burgling?
Just go around punching locks or something?
Smashing always works.
Belligerent lizard warrior
Loud and proud
Involuntary diplomat
Eye on Samson
Smashing always works
(No sketch.)
Is this Fate?
Ah ok.
It was the spider's player's first time in a non-D&D-3.5 system.
I was expecting him to stay in his "elf wizard" comfort zone.
Well good for them
It's always nice to break out in to a new setting
especially a radically novel one
yeah. I gave them carte blanche to come up with any characters and let their choices define the setting.
Ah intersting
And so we got a "Spider alien detective" recently let go from the Galactic Police for shooting a hostage.
At about the same time, the sketch got a fedora and the backstory got an asteroid diner called "Astrid's."
I started channeling Futurama-meets-Bogart.
@BESW Fedoras always help with that kind of thing.
It says something about me that when the player said he didn't know how to draw a fedora, I had a graphic novel with a fedora-wearing main character within arm's reach.
Hmm yeah.
I don't think any of my graphic novels have fedoras in them
But I don't have many
Britten and Brülightly is a British graphic novel written and illustrated by Hannah Berry, and published by Random House under their Jonathan Cape imprint on April 3, 2008. Plot Fernandez Britten, private investigator, would rather be called a 'private researcher'. Tired of years spent dragging people's unpleasant secrets to the surface, the only thing which keeps him going is the hope of one day unearthing a happy resolution along with the truth. In that vain hope, he takes on the case of suicide Berni Kudos, whose fiancée Charlotte Maughton refuses to believe he would ever have kille...
@BESW Oh wow a melancholy yet hopeful PI
@RedRiderX And crazy. Don't forget crazy.
The man's partner is a lecherous smack-talking teabag.
Ah but of course.
@BESW ...
wow really?
Oh wow maybe I should check this out
It is not played for laughs.
Amazing value
But hey I could maybe get it used
or see if it's at a library
B&B is not my favorite graphic novel, but it's a brilliant one.
The art alone is worth reading for, with deft use of colour pallets to reflect mood, and the characterisation is... memorable.
It sounds like it
It's just overall a very masterful work, showing perfect control of the craft.
Ugh now I want to get it but I want if for less then $21 plus shipping D:
Anyway, sleepytimes for me.
Q: Who killed Kennedy?

enedilI was always thinking that the killer of J.F.Kennedy was Lee Oswald. A few days ago, I've seen that video: http://youtu.be/gK_xpL2k64s (you can turn on subtitles). What to think about that?

Once again, I propose a "Flag as Conspiracy Theory" flag for History.SE.
2 hours later…
@lisardggY Flag it as off-topic because it's a basic historical fact.
good morning everyone
2 hours later…
@waxeagle any good character themes for barbarian?
@waxeagle went with mercenary
3 hours later…
@JoshuaAslanSmith guardian is a good one depending on the party
1 hour later…
I just flagged that as well @lisardggY

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