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A mechanical keyword is contrasted with a non-mechanical non-keyword.
@BESW After the daily rep cap?
@Metool Rep cap was on SF&F.
I don't have nearly this much rep over there.
So where do you have it?
Where is chat getting 28.7k from, then, total network rep?
@Metool Yes.
@BESW are the devas and shardminds actually called immortals?
@BESW Woohoo! \o/ Congratulations
@JonathanHobbs "you are considered to be an immortal creature for the purposes of effects that relate to creature origin."
@JonathanHobbs Thanks!
@BESW gasp! so I guess that means shardminds and devas are immortals and effectively from the astral plane for any such purposes
and thus, if they spoke supernal, anyone could understand them and they could understand anyone
For shardminds, that phrase is preceded by "You are native to the Astral Sea, and so..."
For devas, "Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so..."
so for those, they can understand anything provided they speak supernal
but they can't just speak anything because they're not gods/angels
@BESW oh wait i think I just got on the right page. The mechanical keyword is "immortal", and the nonmechanical keyword is "mortal", and they appear to use the two in contrast with each other but we're never told what a mortal is?
all them other chumps
@JoshuaAslanSmith Right... but then what's an elemental?
It's not a mortal in any sense of the word except "not a native of the Astral Sea."
Counterpoint: there's no word for "not especially immune to fire," is there?
Devas cant ever really die right?
@JoshuaAslanSmith Narratively no, mechanically yes.
like a PC can die but within the fiction a DEVA is always reborn unless they become the evil deva
@AlexP Countercounterpoint: there's no section of the rules which treats "not especially immune to fire" as a mechanical keyword.
It's not about things there aren't words for; it's about a word being used as a keyword without having keyword status or a keyword-like definition.
Amusing spelling of the day:
Q: What is the chronological order for the Star Trek series?

Memor-XMy dad a while back got a couple of volumes of Star Trek Voyageur, out of the entire series he's only seen some of Next Generation and the First Contact Movie so he never know about Voyageur. During his holiday break he walked into my room while i was on the computer, he does this on occasion whe...

> voyageur (plural voyageurs): A trader, particularly in furs, who worked (and explored) in the area of Canada and the northern United States from the 16th to early 19th centuries.
"We're lost in a strange place far from home and there are weird people here. How do we get back?"
Seems to fit the Canadian theme.
We've played a brief flashback game last night, because 2 of the players were missing. One of the flashbacked players was thoroughly creeped out and may change the way their character views certain things now. I consider that to be a success.
Especially in a game all about challenging one's point of view :D
I'm thinking maybe I should convert the DFRPG one-short "Night Fears" to Core for tomorrow's introduction.
Or I could use Aeon Wave again...
Or I could use @Problematic's Tribute to the Dragon concept.
Or I could be overthinking.
Tribute to the Dragon might be best.
I haven't read or played any of those, so yes, sure, if you say so.
Tribute is more a concept than a module: it's a generic quest skeleton that can be adapted to nearly any setting.
The skeleton is: PCs must take tribute to a dragon so that it won't destroy their village.
The dragon could be a terrible Space Emperor who demands tribute or he'll blow up your planet, or anything.
@Magician System?
@AlexP Eclipse Phase. We're spinning up a lengthy campaign.
The strength is that it's got clear sections which can be expanded or consolidated to focus on whatever the group wants to be the important part of the story: the journey, acquiring the tribute, negotiating with the dragon...
@BESW Right, so it's one of standard-ish frameworks for a quest.
Pretty much, yeah.
this mostly just sounds like a setting, not a system
not even really a whole setting, just the outline of a very basic story
That's the point: I can provide you and Marc with a framework for a short story, but you guys can fill in the details to whatever extent you want.
so you run it in fate, after maybe asking what setting the PC(s) want
decide what the dragon actually is, what kind of world the story is in
then all the normal stuff from there
"You have to make a hazardous journey to take an important thing to a dangerous being to keep it from destroying your home. Where's your home? What hazards are on the journey? What's the important thing and where do you get it? What is the being, why is it dangerous, and why is it threatening your home?"
Anything you guys don't answer, I'll fill in.
well, what I meant was mostly character creation
Yeah, character creation is where a lot of those questions will be answered.
plus, all that stuff you mentioned would be taken care of organically I would think
anyway, the best way I can think of to describe it atm is premise
and I think this is a great premise for a short term campaign
[shambles in]
go home prob, your drunk
@Problematic I'm going to use your dragon tribute premise for tomorrow's game introducing a new player to Fate.
@BESW Excellent.
Let me know how it goes, yeah?
I expect it to be in a relatively D&D-like world, but we'll see.
At the very least, I expect Marc to be an elf of some rangery/wizardy ilk.
yeah, I expect elf to happen hands down
ranger or wizard is also likely
I'd like to see what we can push in terms of finding out what he likes about those qualities, and what's just D&D baggage along for the ride.
Maybe if we start play without actually defining "elf" very closely, and see what happens in play.
well, you will have time with him before hand for a couple hours before I even get there
you can easily explain that this is a wide open story
Dunno if we'll hang out and do other stuff or focus on Fate.
we as yet have no definition of elves, or even of any race
@JoshDM Hey again.
1 hour later…
How does FATE handle questions of race, @BESW?
Depends on how you want to deal with it.
At its simplest, race is part of your aspect and comes with whatever implications your setting has.
Just like in a real-world setting being human implies a certain number of certain kinds of limbs, being an elf might imply extra-long life and the ability to sneer down your nose at even the tallest orcs.
I'd ran this setting once where elves were the first race made by gods who didn't have a user manual for their own powers. They'd practiced with animals and monsters, of course, and when they settled down to make elves they thought they had everything settled out great.
And then it turned out that they didn't install a mechanism to deal with centuries's worth of memories and elves started going batshit insane after about a hundred and seventy years, give or take twenty.
With an average lifespan of 500 if they didn't otherwise die
But by then it was just the tiniest bit too late for take-backs
If you want more mechanics tied to your race, the Fate System Toolkit suggests treating it as a kind of extra.
For example, an elf has to choose at least one but no more than two of these aspects: The Experience of Centuries, ”I Know These Woods.”, The Long Game, Magic in the Blood, Perfection in Everything.
He also gets the Elf skill: You may use the Elf skill to recognize useful flora and fauna, know your way through the woods, or notice hidden dangers. In addition, pick one of the following flavors; you may pick more at the cost of one stunt or refresh each.
And he can take stunts to augment the Elf skill, like these:
Elven High Magic: You can use Elf to cast spells relating to nature or growth, even if you have no other magical ability.
Perfection in Battle: Choose Shoot or Fight. When you’re using the traditional armaments of your people, you can use Elf instead of the chosen skill.
In a game like that, everyone has a racial skill/aspect extra, so it doesn't cost anything because all the PCs are on the same power level.
But if one person wanted a racial aspect in a game that otherwise had ordinary people?
Then he'd probably have to spend Refresh on the skill.
What about the inverse, a player whose concept doesn't involve a racial aspect in a game that otherwise has them?
In that case I'd probably award him Refresh equal to the value of the extra he's refusing.
And this concept is universally applicable? Like, if you have a campaign of Force users set in Star Wars, and one guy has his heart set on someone who can't use the Force...?
In DFRPG, pure mortals are unable to take any supernatural abilities at all. Since supernatural abilities get a bit more bang for their buck compared to pure mundane abilities in that setting, pure mortals get +2 Refresh.
@Lord_Gareth Han Solo's got more stunts and/or he's better at more mundane skills because he's not stuffing them into the "Force" skill.
Okay, why the difference?
Difference in what?
In the way they're treated
I'm not sure what you're talking about with "they".
Also the movies suggest that your statement is B.S. - Luke, among other things, invents an entirely new kind of lightsaber, repairs a starship, and evidently can build droids, moisture farm, do home engineering, etc, so forth
Han has different but not more skills.
Okay, back up.
Well, the difference between a Force User and a non-User being treated differently than, say, an Elf and a Human
First: the key is that everyone starts with the same level of resources to spend.
Second: in a game where everyone has the same kind of thing (like a race), that's effectively a zero-sum benefit so there's no need to first abstract it as resources. Just give everybody the racial benefits.
But in a game where not everyone wants to be a Force-user, you don't hand out Force powers for free.
Instead, Han and Luke started with the same number of Refresh and skill points, but Han spent Refresh on the Falcon while Luke spent it on getting access to a new skill.
Then Luke had to put points into the Force skill, leaving fewer for mundane skills compared to Han.
Which seems inaccurate, given the depth and breadth of Luke's demonstrated skill set.
Including speaking languages for no reason.
A few points: first, not everything needs to be represented by a skill.
If one of your aspects justifies just being able to do a thing and failure isn't interesting, the GM's likely to just have it happen.
Second, a lot of what you described as Luke's talents fall into a pretty narrow "good with mechanics" range.
So he doesn't have to spread a lot of skill points around in different areas to make that work for him.
Mm, lemme think...
Third, Luke and Han both levelled up a lot during the films.
Force, Melee, Ranged, Mechanics, Languages, Athletics, and Haggling off of the top of my head
Han seems to have put his level-up points into being better at what he already did, while Luke spent them on learning new stuff.
(And, of course, it's impossible to precisely jam a story into mechanics that it wasn't intended to follow.)
But here's a lot of my point: Han's got the Falcon, and Luke's got the Force. They both have other talents, but those are their big resource dumps.
(Fluency in a language is unlikely to be a skill you roll in a Fate game; it's more likely to be implied by your aspects.)
So languages gets filed under Cheating Magic BS for Luke
Since it's a Force thing
Probably in the third film he has an aspect reflecting his off-screen training.
It could even be a temporary aspect that he rolled to give himself an advantage in that particular plan.
Maybe he spent a week with Teach Yourself Conversational Huttese tapes.
Like I said, it's kinda a Force thing
It's part of the reason Jedi are diplomats
Also, don't try to reconcile everything he does all at once.
In Fate, you can shuffle your skills around pretty easily.
For example, at the end of every session you can switch the rank values of any two skills or replace one +1 skill with a skill you didn't have any ranks in.
Anyway, going back to your original questions: if everyone's got the same kind of major features, they get them all for free; if everyone's got very different major features, they have to spend resource points individually to get them; if you don't want that to lower their access to more "normal" features, just give them all more resources at character creation.
And don't think of characters as static piles of features which get added to; they're dynamic and shifting, intended to change slowly over time so that the PC's sheet at the end of a campaign may not have much in common with its sheet at the start.
I see
(Also, I suspect that later-films Luke's melee and ranged abilities are keyed off the Force skill, which he can do by adding stunts to his Force extra which gives him access to the skill.)
Frees up more skill points for things he can't key off Force.
Y'know, Star Wars is oddly similar to Halo in that it has a backwards slant to its canonical power level.
It's like, Palpatine, right?
Even with Expanded Universe content he only makes black holes with his mind and has a cloning fetish.
Meanwhile, way back in the day, if Darth Nihilus wasn't on a strict regimen of self-control he'd annihilate all life within a freakin' galactic sector of himself. With strict self-control, he only eats entire worlds.
And it's like...
Why are there even Sith left?
They whacked that guy
The rest shoulda given up and gone home
You know, at least with Doctor Who there's an easy out for why the Time Lords were insanely more powerful earlier in the show.
Well there's an easy one for Star Wars too, but "Bioware contains 100% of the authors from this universe that know a pen from a rabid gerbil," isn't something you can say in-universe.
I dunno, making black holes with your mind is pretty boss
Oh it certainly is.
So why didn't he do it to the Rebel fleet in Episode 6?
no idea
You can see my point.
After the Expanded Universe rapidly expanded his power level, Movie Palpatine came off as being almost subhumanly stupid.
I expect, if there is an explanation, it is probably along the lines of him not wanting to kill Luke
cause if you remember, he was invested in turning Luke for some reason
@trogdor He knew the minute Luke walked aboard the Death Star. Fire mind-singularity, villain laugh.
plus, the rebel fleet was pretty close
Tame mind-singularity. I don't think you grasp the full extent of EU Palpatine the Drool Monkey
and it's a black hole
He had a pet black hole that he could command and control down to the finest details, safe enough to send friendly ships through.
And selectively kill enemies
I think I am starting to see the problem then
that is not an ability you give the main villain in a movie
Especially not post-canon!
And yet, the Star Wars Universe has *no*authorial standards
unless the good guys find a magic item that turns it off or something
And for every one author who graduated the fourth grade there's a dozen who're writing backwards in Esperanto
Writing backwards in Esperanto sounds like a pretty difficult skill to master.
@BESW Sadly it also means that maybe five people on Earth understand you, and of them only two don't want to slap you for doing it.
this is now why I am glad most of what I know of Star Wars comes from the films and some of the games
and some of the games don't even have any real info that the movies didn't have already
5 hours later…
What's new in Professorland?
Medical billing nightmares!
Ooh, I'm sorry to hear that.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion yeah, no fun
just went through 3 months of "do we know how much we owe yet" and "oh the Dr is talking to the wrong insurance company"
@C.Ross Blurgh.
We have never-ending struggles with the VA for my dad.
They refer him to a civilian doctor 'cause they don't have a specialist on island, but then his primary care doc doesn't like the civ doc, so the approval for the referral drags out for months, and then they ignore or decline the meds and tests the civ doc requests because "He doesn't know what he's doing."
@BESW headdesk thankfully, not that extreme
My wife had her gall bladder removed in September. In October we got bills for the surgeon, the hospital, and the anesthesiologist equalling about $750. Then I got a check from my insurance company for about $750, so I was like "yay, this balances out."
but I have heard similar stories about the VA and TriCare
Then, MONTHS later, I get this bill from the ASSISTANT surgeon for $870, and it claims that the $750 check I got before was for THAT. Why wouldn't the insurance have just paid directly, instead of sending me an enigmatic check, I'll never know...
I need some info to complete an A:
Can any of you recall which D&D 3.5e manual has that "use Perform to influence people's attitude like if it was Diplomacy" option?
@Zachiel oh joy, the splat book memory map ... it seems like a Complete Adventurer sort of thing, but I don't know
@Zachiel Do you have any idea if it's a feat or a PrC feature or a skill trick or what?
@C.Ross oh we had that with our first, wife had her own insurance, her doc didn't know who to bill for the circ
Good mornin
God I'm glad the NHS exists in this country
@Phil Ugh, now I'm remembering quitting the National Honor Society.
Heya @C.Ross
@BESW I think he means the health service!
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Yes, but that's what "NHS" pings in my brain first.
So, anyone here not seen RWBY yet?
never even heard of it
There's only 16 episodes thus far, all of them very short
Watch it and bask in the glory
Meh? I have little interest in even the newer RvB stuff, much less other Rooster Teeth productions.
You're no Nur-ab-Sal.
@Lord_Gareth morning
@BESW - They have a team of four secondary characters that are all based on legendary cross-dressers.
@BESW Oh c'mon. You don't like references to Thor, Mulan, Joan of Arc, and Achilles?
Not in the hands of Rooster Teeth.
It's in the hands of Monty Oum. Rooster Teeth is just doing the marketing, as it were :p
Since all I know about him is that he was involved in the seasons of RvB that I don't care about, you're not making a great case here.
@BESW Ever seen Dead Fantasy?
@Lord_Gareth Nope.
Dead fantasy is awesome
Lemme see...
Eh, screw it, full action episode
I am sad cause I don't think the guy is ever gonna finish it. DX
I'm not really interested in being convinced.
But, but...but wizard fight...
It's a genre I'm not engaged in, drawing on franchises and subcultures I'm not interested in.
But wizard fight!
Also, I'm uploading files to a client. Not gonna be streaming anything for the next hour.
I've been pondering lately about how the name "role playing games" contains several unspoken assumptions that don't really hold true for all games.
It places the role playing, the playing of the character, as the essence of the game, while the the rest - the world building and the story telling - being "support roles" around that central activity.
While I find myself playing to tell a story, when the role playing is the means to that end.
That's reflected in the common player/GM divide.
The rise of game systems which don't put the focus on the player-avatar element of the medium is relatively recent.
Interestingly, while White Wolf's old system used in the WoD games was called "The Storyteller system", it wasn't any different than other systems of the time with regards to the role of the story in the game.
So our terms are as out of date as the floppy disk for a save icon.
@BESW Exactly. I'm not saying I'm surprised that the term is out of date, just wanted to draw attention to it.
It's still very much the paradigm, though, I think.
It's only bits on the fringes that are really delving into what RPGs can be divorced from the avatar ethos.
Speaking of which, I need to re-read Microscope and see if it would be good for my upcoming game...
It is still the paradigm. In almost all RPGs the expectation is that you'll behave as is 'realistic' for your character - that their motivations, thoughts, and beliefs will be what you consider.
I think that this has been going on for years, only never officially embraced as a thing.
Ars Magica has been doing similar things since the early 90's.
Not specifically embracing the story, but supplying alternative to the "players play their character, GM does the rest" paradigm.
White Wolf's Wraith: the Oblivion had each player play a shadow of a different player's character.
@lisardggY That sounds like an awesome idea. Shame it was in oWoD
@lisardggY Which sounds awesome in theory, but in practice it can get REALLY rocky.
"White Wolf's Wraith" is the name of an eco-punk band.
They write songs like "Brown Note Whalesong."
Oh, wow, you were serious!
Which one of us?
Oh, I thought BESW was talking about a real band.
Or is he? I can't google, because for some reason ONLY this site is running for me, right now.
Is eco-punk even a thing? You kids and your musical genres.
I made it up, yes.
But I would be totally unsurprised if it turned out to also exist.
Oh, good! I won't have to google them.
I found a link to "Eco Punk | Funky childrens clothing for girls and boys".
@C.Ross I threw a blanket over it.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Did it go to sleep?
@BESW Sure seems like it!
"The Guardian says that JK Rowling says that the Daily Mail says that Rowling says that some churchgoers said mean things to her", I tweeted
@javafueled Hi!
@BESW hello hello
@lisardggY I like games which allow character creation to define setting.
@BESW D'ya mean explicitly? Because it's not hard to just do that.
From The Princes' Kingdom:
> You can choose anything you want as a quality. The point of this game is to let your imagination run wild. So, if you want to pick “I can move things with my mind” or “I can talk to animals” as qualities, go for it!
> When you do this, though, remember that you’re helping to create a shared vision of the world that you are going to play in. This is one reason making characters together is fun. By bringing up the qualities you are going to take, you get input from everyone else about whether your ideas fit with theirs, and your ideas may inspire them!
@BESW A friend of mine recently ran an introductory game to a bunch of first-time roleplayers. Since they weren't familiar with many of the settings and tropes that we're familiar with, he just asked them what they wanted to play.
The example has a prince whose traits include "I can turn into a fox."
One said "A steampunkish inventor thingie". Another said "A necromancer". A third wanted to be a courtesan, and the fourth a street urchin with a pet monkey.
And thus, a setting was born.
Is it bad that my first thought is to run that system, @BESW, just to see how long I can keep making Belgariad references until my players notice?
I don't think that would really lend itself to a consistent playstyle.
@BESW Well, thing is - you recall the bit where my players are morons?
@Lord_Gareth So you've said.
@BESW I'd be willing to bet fifty bucks stone-cold cash that all on their own they define a generic-ass fantasy setting. Which, since the world of the Belgariad is the generic-ass fantasy setting...
I do this constantly
[Mentally adjusts] That is...
20% more hilarious now
@BESW One my all-time xkcd favorites.
Although I'm pretty sure moving the hyphen on generic-ass fantasy will get us flagged to a chat mod.
@lisardggY "Nobody cares. Why don't you write about it in your blag?" XD
@Zachiel And of course, #386.
@lisardggY Of course
I had a player whose previous GM's games were in exactly that kind of setting.
@BESW The one with the moved hyphen?
Uhm, Giant creatures and several vore tropes, I assume
One of those GMs who spends an inordinate amount of time describing what (little) the female NPCs are wearing.
Well, that's what we have games of imagination for, isn't it?
Whops. Is it bad if I do that for my PCs? :p
Though not necessarily something I'd want shared with the whole table.
@lisardggY My PCs actually seem to build their mental images based on whatever voice I use for the character. I had a girl with a Harley Quinn accent, and the only describing characteristic I gave them was "white hair", and they all came up with pretty much the same idea of what she looked like.
Or at least what they were wearing.
Awww. I'in't that sweet, puddin'?
@BESW And yet they DIDN'T suspect she was secretly the villain's henchwoman.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Well, no. Harley couldn't have pulled off a subterfuge like that for half an hour.
@BESW Way less, I say.
@Zachiel If it involves making her sweetums happy, she might last 45 minutes.
The woman's not totally incompetent, just not usually focused.
After she got what she wanted out of them, she sent a video of herself gloating about it. She got them to help her by acting like she was an incompotent member of the French Resistance. They thought she was failing badly at a stealth roll, but she was just striving to be noticed.
Eventually, my players WILL stop trusting random NPCs.
The old "oops, I failed my roll!" trick.
They recently discovered that the "mole" in their organization was the psychic they've been trusting with ALL THE THINGS! "Oh, Katrina says it's there, so it must be!"
You should sometimes reward their trust.
But she was the mole from the beginning! I gave big clues!
Like she directed them toward a hidden base that ended up being a death trap. Their thinking was "welp, psychics aren't 100% accurate!"
Okay, maybe they deserved it a little bit.
(The person they actually DID suspect of being the mole was their most dedicated ally who they had no reason to distrust, which baffled me further)
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion "Have I pointed out how she isn't an actual psychic?"
@Zachiel Oh, she WAS a psychic. She just used her abilities to put them in the worst places.
I've had a lot of experience with players creating their own narrative independent of anything I'm actually saying about the game world.
Sometimes I roll with it, sometimes I don't.
I should have come to expect it. One of these players, in my Scion game, somehow made this amazing leap of logic that their main antagonist was the personified spirit of a car.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Please tell me you decided to make that actually the case.
"No. Charlotte is not a car." "Yes she is, and you're just mad I figured it out!"
There is no way your actual plan was better than that.
@BESW Well, to be FAIR... he was half right. She was a personified spirit, but not of the inconsequential car that he was so attached to.
But I'd given no hints about the "personified spirit" bit. He thought she avoided contact with people because she had no substance; she just didn't want her enemies touching her (imagine that)!
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is back from the dead, and he lusts for human blood!
Haha! She was the OWNER of the car. It was an old Model T with some special powers, but not sentient by any means.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Nothing is consequential or inconsequential except by the players' interest making it so.
I played a bard a couple of years back, which tended to take creative liberties with things. We would talk to some NPCs and I would outline what I thought was going on. Usually presented as unalienable truths. Much to the surprise of the GM and fellow players.
@BESW Indeed! So I eventually made the car sentient to at least give him a bit of appeasement.
I'm pretty sure many of those ideas were incorporated into the game.
Hmm. I can't find the question post this made me think of...
Sometimes, if the players do come up with a good theory, I change things to make that what's going on.
Bah. There was a question a while back which had the perfect example of a campaign where the GM insisted that he had sole discretion to choose what was and wasn't important.
Several of those lately. One just today, about the XP penalties. All around the central theme of people who GM for the sense of power.
@BESW If the players focus on something, it becomes important! That's how some of these minor NPCs become the focus of whole arcs.
This was some time ago, and it was asking about a greentext the OP had some across.
Instead of defeating the GM's villain, the party got involved in social reform.
Then the villain destroyed the world.
Ah, my upload's done.
Goodnight, all.
whud up players
@waxeagle I hate the pixie race so much
theres so much pointless shenanigans around it
how is everyoen today?
anyone here with dungeonworld experience?
Nope. Though it's on my (ever-lengthening) list of games to try out.
And unfortunately, I won't be able to get to the nearest con to try out some games this year.
@lisardggY what time zone you in? I could run a session sometime I know @aaron was interested as well
@JoshuaAslanSmith GMT+2. Usually a problem. :)
hmm 7 hours
@JoshuaAslanSmith I think I am going to have to back out. I am playing a game in person and DMing another game online.
@aaron its fine
nobody else ever voiced interest
and I was more offering a one off, vs a campaign
evangelize the system basically
@BESW it's an option. Like "hey, you can also use it this way". Like the way the devs said how to use hide to hide in a crowd or how you can use Sleight of Hand to gain money as if it was Perform
[d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/fly] ("Fly") Are there rules somewhere for casting this spell on something that already has wings?
darnit how does that linking thing work.
@JoshuaAslanSmith pointless is the key word :)
@Aaron It's always the reverse of what I think it s.
@Aaron First the text in square brackets, then the link in parentheses.
Hello :)
@waxeagle you talking about the pixie stuff?
@Lord_Gareth Is he good at Haggling? Or does he just do it?
@BESW Ed Greenwood?
And... now I'm caught up on the log.
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