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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
SSD and Mxy's blogs have both been added to the feed.
Expect minor ticker spasms as it updates.
"Minor Ticker Spasms" would be a good name for a post-hardcore band.
I wonder if Capaldi is going to be a bit more like the First Doctor.
> That is the dematerializing control, and that, over yonder, is the horizontal hold. Up there is the scanner; those are the doors; that is a chair with a panda on it. Sheer poetry, dear boy! Now please stop bothering me.
I think I kinda have an answer for this question, but it's a bit of a "mu" answer so I want to workshop it here a bit. Anyone interested?
OP is in chat.
The gist of my opinion is that creating a barrier to something in the setting doesn't necessarily change how people play, or how they're inclined to play. And it needs some kind of strong thematic resonance to get players to follow along rather than looking for loophopes.
@BESW Oh, yay!
@AlexP That's a good point. If the foundational rules create one kind of behavioural paradigm, adding a layer of punitive rules on top to discourage that behaviour is, at best, sending mixed signals.
@GamerJosh Ping. I had an opinion on your question that's not quite formed enough to be an answer yet. So I am sputtering about it in chat.
It's a recipe for frustration and workarounds.
I'd imagine that carrot would be more effective than stick.
...like an XP bonus for making sure the sapient dead are treated respectfully.
I'm reminded of beliefs about vampires and draugrs and such. Trying to mess up the body in various ways so that it doesn't come back.
Anti-littering laws don't increase recycling; container deposit laws do.
I feel like if you just dropped this into the typical D&D environment, that's kinda what you'd get: people coming up with ways to hobble or bind dead guys so they don't come back as effective undead.
"So we can take the guy's stuff so long as we dump the body in a hallowed graveyard? Sweet."
@AlexP I suspect that the underlying thesis of your answer is "creating rules to punish behaviour doesn't teach players not to do things; it teaches them to find loopholes."
See also: 3.5's taint subsystem.
It's a logical extension of "if it has hit points, the players will try to kill it."
@KitFox [wave]
What can I fill the body of my question with?
I'm trying to think of alternatives... you mention XP for proper burial. I'm reminded of Artesia AKW.
Also, hello, @KitFox!
There's a whole thing about where you go in the afterlife.
How did I get here?
@KitFox With style and class.
What the—? I'm in like half a dozen rooms.
Did you "rejoin" something?
Didn't think so.
Or you never left.
@KitFox More like 10 rooms
@KitFox You are large; you contain multitudes!
@RedRiderX Holy crap!
War Metal Tyrant? That room hasn't existed for like...two years.
I must have hit the "Rejoin favorites" while I wasn't looking.
You must have an extensive room favorite list
I didn't think so, but I guess ten is rather a lot.
My list is only like 6
with one being frozen I think
coughs Right. I was just looking for Oracle info.
Not here. I mean. On my computer.
I sort of switched on SE by accident.
But of course
@KitFox I mean they put the button right there
How could you not click it by accident!
@KitFox Toss the bones, lay the cards, peer at the tea leaves, gut a rabbit?
There's probably a haruspicy app.
@RedRiderX Well, how could I not open my browser, point it to SE, and click through from my main site to the chat rooms. And stuff.
@KitFox Psh, I've got rpg chat as an on-boot tab in my browser.
It was an accident!
And now I've managed to land here from out of nowhere.
Methinks the fox doth protest too much.
From having favorited this room apparently. Probably in some kind of hat-induced fervor.
@Alex Would you like some black tea with cinnamon and cloves?
Hat-induced Fervor is Minor Ticker Spasms' hit single.
It's my recent favorite winter drink.
So what's up?
Who, me?
Yes, you.
[hums Magic Dance]
@KitFox - Heya, long time no see
There's a papal joke in there somewhere.
Q: What do we do with this Cleric Quicken Spells question?

Jonathan HobbsWhich options are available for casting spells instantaneously or concurrently? This old question is about a cleric who wants to speed up his casting of divine spells. It's a classic case of a user having a very specific situation, but deciding to ask their question in much broader terms to be ...

@Lord_Gareth Hi! Yes! I was going to post a story on that forum, but never got around to it. Not enough time for lurking first.
Don't worry, there's plenty of other authors willing to fulfill their demand for smut until you radically re-write their expectations with regards to fantasy pornography.
Is this about the cake erotica?
Food porn isn't really that new, is it?
Huh. I performed a reading of cake erotica just the other night, even.
See? See?
Perfectly normal.
That reminds me, I have to listen to We Are Finally Cowboys (Golden Brown Mix)...
... nope.
Man, you know
If I ever wanted to go out in a hideous blaze of trolling I'd join or host a PbP game and open a question along the lines of, "What should I do in X situation?" at the start of every single one of my combat turns.
What's a PbP game?
@KitFox "Play by post," i.e. on a forum.
Oh. Hahahaha.
I either get banned (which would be the goal in that situation) or I run the first truly crowdsourced character in D&D history.
@Lord_Gareth I think it'd be interesting to see what RPG.SE does with a character.
Ours tend to be "what's a single word for X?" where X is a ridiculously specific situation.
@Metool - I'd have to make it a gish of some kind just so we have the most options available to argue over per round.
@KitFox Just migrate those questions to German Stack Exchange.
Reg would kill me.
@Lord_Gareth Make it so.
I don't know what that is.
Ruby Knight Vindicator, a Cleric/Initiator gish notable for being able to create additional swift actions for itself.
The only flaw with this is my ongoing desire not to be banned.
Let's just organize a game where various gaming sites each control a member of a given party.
I feel like it's a foregone conclusion that Something Awful would win.
@AlexP You underestimate the dark powers of Giant in the Playground and its overgod, the dreaded Emperor Tippy, He Who Eats Games.
I say a game, but I mean several games, by edition.
@Lord_Gareth True story.
@Lord_Gareth Sounds like you need a Tigerlily Jones style pep talk.
@BESW Did you intend to leave the @BESW in TtCB?
Fix'd. Thanks for the catch.
So, apparently Steam doesn't translate PC saves in Arkham City into Mac saves.
Is the game SteamPlay marked?
Hmmm. I thought it was.
Yes, it's SteamPlay.
Well damn them.
I'm powering up the PC to see if it's still got my saves.
...eyup, PC's got them.
I think the next step is whinging to FI about the game freeze.
It's not like I really want to play on the laptop anyway, I was just hoping I could use it to get past the freeze.
Morning! Somewhere...
What is the term for the in-the-fiction "rules" of a setting? Rules like "the unburied dead become zombies" or "using poison sends you to hell."
Can't think of a specific term. What's the context?
As in, are you writing it up, explaining to someone, just wondering?
I'm writing an answer to the question about changing D&D's reward cycle by punishing you for not burying the dead. And I want to say that one thing to watch out for is that legalistic/mechanistic "physics"/"divine rules"/&c. tend to promote the same kind of thinking from players.
@BESW So, "setting conceits". A cool word!
A player of mine is doing research for our Eclipse Phase game, and it's taking her to strange places, such as Octopus Wrestling. It was a thing, apparently.
So, walking/floating/flying cities are a thing.
And now there'll be an octopus uplift NPC who always wears a Mexican wrestling mask. El Tentalce!
But they're usually either very slow or very noisy, or both.
I want a ninja city. One moment you're in a barren desert and the next time you turn around, you're right outside a city's gates.
@BESW Fey cities in 4e can do that via worldfall.
Yeah, but that's cheating, and they're usually rather predictable.
Well, I find it hard to envision a non-cartoony way for a city to sneak up on people. But teleporting/worldfalling on top of them is another matter.
Memory, Sorrow and Thorn featured an army that always marched under the cover of storm.
Clearly the city should sneak up on you in your sleep.
HORROR (for librarians).
[can't the brain]
@AlexP Turn it around. In certain places, you dream of being in the city.
(see also Palimpsest by Catherine M. Valente)
Which was a very surreal book.
hrrnng. [brain blows a gasket] There's a book I'm reminded of that I just can't recall.
@Magician Well, yes, of course.
Is it Habitation of the Blessed, also by Catherine Valente?
No, it's The Unconsoled by Ishiguro.
D&D Next: I don't recall any strong rules for running away -- is that right?
So long as you run far and fast, that's all that matters.
Neither do I, but that's not saying much.
(I couldn't get The Unconsoled by Googling "novel conductor amnesia," so I had to remember "butler nazi sympathizer" and backtrack from there.)
Tweets to Campaign By presents an in media reser beginning.
(Fraction is very random on twitter :P)
I am slowing down posting to Tues/Thurs.
@BESW Hehehe
@BESW Oi, the holiday posts are kind of late.
Sort of.
@Metool Tweets To Campaign By has never promised punctuality.
When you can find Christmas tweets before Christmas, then we'll talk.
@BESW Not your fault all the good stuff is posted late-night December 24th. ;)
Just ran across this again. I don't think I will ever tire of it.
@BESW yes something like that
Tweets to Campaign By reminds you to always buckle up and double-check your coordinates before entering the wormhole.
Best wishes to everyone caught between the vortex and home. Safe travels, all.
@RyanJCoxPhD Why was the Owlbear on fire? I will accept, "why not!" as an answer.
@BESW Tweets to Campaign By thinks this Royal Zookeeper is tough but fair.
A: Is a rotary wing craft capable of supersonic flight?

Skip MillerGoogle "Thunderscreech". This was a USAF jet fighter modified with a turboshaft engine and a propeller designed to operate at supersonic blase speeds. The result was a noise that was literally deafening. Whereas there may be some advantages of a supersonic propeller, the side effects (the ...

apparently there was an attempt to make a particular style of aircraft supersonic
it failed dramatically, not because it couldn't fly at supersonic speeds, but because merely engaging the engines and leaving the plane on idle would create a perpetual sonic boom that would leave ground crews feeling ill or getting outright incapacitated, and which could be heard 40 kilometres away
I can see how this would quickly be coopted by Special Weapons Research.
> On the ground "run ups", the prototypes could reportedly be heard 25 miles (40 km) away. Unlike standard propellers that turn at subsonic speeds, the outer 24–30 inches of the blades on the XF-84H's propeller traveled faster than the speed of sound even at idle thrust, producing a continuous visible sonic boom that radiated laterally from the propellers for hundreds of yards.
I must close this webpage quickly, before it devours all of my time at work.
"Most Glorious People's Republic of A1" Location: Unspecified 0.7 km2 area of eastern metropolitan Melbourne.
I knew a guy who speculated on the feasibility of annexing everything exactly three feet above ground level.
I think the implied promise of maps notwithstanding, sovereign governments do claim three dimensional control over their territory.
@lisardggY LOL.
2 hours later…
Morning indeed.
@BESW that is breathtaking

Peter TurnerDoes anyone have a T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM?

(That one-boxed on the second try. HTTP non-Secure, folks.)
Looks like you need http://
Yeah, I ran into that a couple of years back.
Someone was being a bit too clever.
@BESW The pictures are wonderful, but he style is so... buzzfeedy and annoying.
@lisardggY Alas, yes.
@lisardggY with the naming?
@JonathanHobbs Yes.
@lisardggY no cleverness just a foreign development team
in fact i mean no cleverness, 'cuz nobody thought maybe in this pure-english API they should just call it T_DOUBLE_COLON and save everyone the confusion
@JonathanHobbs I'm pretty sure they considered T_DOUBLE_COLON but then decided to be extra-clever and sneaky and call it T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAIM as an in-joke to any Hebrew speakers among the users.
I'm just glad UTF8 wasn't as universal when it was introduced, or someone would be tempted to call it T_פעמייםנקודתיים and be really obscure.
@lisardggY what is the joke?
@JonathanHobbs Sneaking in a Hebrew expression into an API used by non-Hebrew speakers. It's just an obscure error code for most, but Hebrew speakers will suddenly go "Hey, I understand that!".
Cleverness is not creating an obscure error code for most, unless that is what you set out with the express purpose of doing.
Banana for scale, to the moon!, I'll explain later... in-jokes are in-jokes.
Clever, in this context, is this: en.wiktionary.org/wiki/too_clever_by_half
(Changed link, same meaning)
Oh, man. I'm cleaning out some files and just found this again:
@BESW Where's that from?
@Metool It's an actual line from an actual episode of The X-Files, circa 1993.
@BESW Hey, it beats the standard TV solution of "The resolution is too poor, let's enhance it!"
Yes, that's the point.
A science fiction show like X-Files gets it right, when so many others don't.
Although I've heard people whinge about the zoom-in bit in Sneakers, and I think that's legit.
Personally, I like the Blade Runner solution of zooming in past the back wall, then turning right to see what's behind it.
@lisardggY ... wat?
... Oh cripes.
@Metool I recall there being another, similar scene that was more explicit about the turns.
@lisardggY Oh. Right. Ok. No, it's not a joke, that's just poor API design. Hiding words foreigners understand in your language isn't an in-joke.
Programming APIs aren't meant to be funny and clever, they're meant to be clear and understandable.
@BESW I loved that episode
even before the dumb zoom enhance stuff was a meme
(I seem to recall it was about Astral Projection, but I could certainly be wrong)
Been a while since I saw it.
This is also highly related:
Having worked with that language a lot I don't disagree. I have never worked with a language that felt like I was tiptoeing through a minefield, just waiting for the next quirk to explode on me.
(well, other than PHP)
@BESW they may have said similar things a couple times
it is also entirely possible I just got the episode wrong
I've noticed that since the recent SuperBar replacement on StackExchange, I've lost track of how much rep I have in various sites.
Since each site showed its own rep change notifications, I would click them separately. Now I just see a summary in the first SE site I log into and that's it.
Good morning! Good mooooorning~
@ProfessorLokiCaprion It's too late to say good night.
Hmm? Oh, hi.
Was singing along with the Exile Main Theme.
It must be a slow news time, since all people are talking about is POLAR VORTEX!
There is a kind of beauty in this answer:
A: How does Dracula turn people into vampires?

user21168Some of the answers are interesting turning in to a vampire is not a thing that relates to science as nowadays we want to think. Personally I am the one who loves undead Vampire with a real limitless love... I am the one who has watched Bram Stoker's Dracula more than 1000 times and I believe or ...

"I am the one who has watched Bram Stoker's Dracula more than 1000 times and I believe or not I do not exaggerating about the number."
I do not exaggerating about the number.
I believe or not I do not exaggerating about the number.
Is that Tommy Wiseau?
the moment the Victim Drinks the blood of Vampire he or she infarct drinks the essence of death
Random capitalization in Your Sentences in infarct awesome.
@BESW So that's... over 88 straight days of Bram Stoker's Dracula, all told?
@ProfessorLokiCaprion 'infarct' is awesome because it's like 'infact' infused with 'fart'.
/me is feeling particularly mature today.
@lisardggY That is way, way too much.
@lisardggY I haven't even seen Clue that many times, I don't think. And I'm a man who loves some Clue.
@BESW Could be worse. Could be 88 straight days of Brahm Stocker's Dracula.
infarct (plural infarcts): (pathology) An area of dead tissue caused by a loss of blood supply; a localized necrosis.
@ProfessorLokiCaprion It is a darn fine movie, though I can only claim 3-4 viewings.
Wait, infarct is a real thing? XD
My all-time most-watched is probably Almost Famous.
Maybe Tommy Wiseau can teach us a few things about Dracula!
@lisardggY My wife, roomate and I had it on the other day, and we were all pretty much performing all the lines along with the movie. We're pretty much party animals.
@ProfessorLokiCaprion It is not only a real thing, it is a real thing that is somewhat relephant to the topic!
@BESW It does! I mean, not with that syntax, but it does!
Thanks for the upvote, whoever that was.
That'd be it, then.
I find that I still don't have entirely coherent guidelines for upvoting questions.
Sometimes I upvote for a well-reasoned and well-asked question. Sometimes I upvote for a question that interests me.
I usually just go with my gut.
Coherent voting? What's that?
My basic rule is "Am I glad this is part of the site? / Do I think this is a good addition to the site?"
@BESW That's about how I do it. I mean, an obvious upvote for a question is "was this something I came here looking for the answer to?"
Which is primarily how I upvote on the Board Game section.
My friends and I use the Board Game SE and BoardGameGeek as FAQs while we play our games.
I'm glad to know this isn't just me here.
Not at all.
We actually came here with a Battlestar Galactica question mid-game, since it was pretty much the deciding factor on which side won.
You mean that's how you first found the site?
Nono, what first brought me here was looking for answers on the Fate system. The question I asked about the additional Stress Track for Torg, specifically. I just come back when I have more questions about other stuff.
Ah, right.
I remember being useless about that question.
No, you weren't!
Between the two answers I got from you and Ty, I came up with the system I'm still using, and now there's been quite a few Reality conflicts that have utilized it.
Hell, we had 5 different Reality Storms this past Sunday alone, though that is an anomaly and the narrative behind it was rather hilarious (which is the important thing).
I came to Stack Exchange because one of my D&D players who frequents game dev pointed me at this question.
Two months later I made the post which is still my highest scored, and it's all been downhill since.
I was using StackOverflow for quite a while before I figured I'd check out some other sites on the SE network. Now the procrastination here offsets all the time saved by StackOverflow answers.
Same for me, but it's procrastination at work, so it's no big deal.
Let's see if I can can crack 10k rep on SF&F by the end of the month.
@BESW that was a pretty flippin' awesome answer too
i learned me a lot about paladins from that
@lisardggY Story of my life :P
Good morning.
[Fights a Polar Vortex. Gains 15XP]
It's not a spoiler if everyone knows it's going to happen.
Q: Have Marvel spoiled the endings of the Amazing Spiderman films?

howlerMarvel have recently announced that a Sinister Six film is to be released in 2015. So does that mean the villains in the Amazing Spiderman sequels all survive?

I haven't run the numbers, but I feel that scifi and fantasy make up a very significant chunk of movies.SE.
What other movies pose so many unanswered questions?
@InbarRose Indeed
O_O A Sinister Six movie?!
Whenever I see the word "indeed" :
@ProfessorLokiCaprion Oh, hey.
@InbarRose I think it's the fact that genre fiction (and movies, and TV) generates a more active community and fandom.
@lisardggY I think those are both factors.
@InbarRose I am glad, because that is the voice I use whenever I type it.
I am curious though. What is so different between movies.se and scifi.se ?
@BESW :)
Augh. It's late at night, and I don't want to bring up "good behaviour" vs "Good behaviour", but...
A: How do I play a paladin without being a stick in the mud?

Erik SchmidtPaladins seem to be consistently characterized as downers because so many adventuring parties have wandered far afield from good behavior. In a party of truly good characters, the Paladin won't stick out so much. Regardless of whether a Paladin is surrounded by like-minded characters or not, his...

@Metool Yeeees?
I love the title of my question. Each time I get rep for it I get stronger.
darnit I can't paste the pic
I have a lot of health XD
not sure what it is, but I can't help but feel that capital-g Good is a better term for that answer, as Good-aligned is not a requirement of good (quality) characters.
@Metool We should have some image macro or reaction gif we can easily link to, whenever a discussion seems to head towards the core issues of D&D and Alignment.
@lisardggY Just go to imgur and search alignment. You will get a lot of alignment pictures that explain different alignments very well using well known characters.
@Aaron What I mean is that every time a question touches upon alignment, the answers are never fully satisfactory. So you always find yourself trying to justify it further, and it always reaches the point where the whole alignment system collapses around its own inconsistencies. So Let's Not Go There.
@BESW ooh, bandicam AND gifsoup
I don't see many of those.
@Metool The wonder of Google!
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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