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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@KRyan when you did that, you sounded contradictory because you didn't recognize that your previous sentence was easily misunderstandable or you didn't care to tell him. Having explained the thing like you later did to BESW would have caused less confusion in LitheOhm.
Can we get some flags on this, please? I'm going to leave my usual welcome comment, but... ah.
hahaha read the comment too
Yeah. I'm still playing it straight, while flagging and VTCing as hard as I can.
I get a certain amount of satisfaction out of playing the sincere straight man to trolls, providing no traction for retaliation.
ObliviousSage, on the other hand.
I like that it's tagged
And then it's asking about rank 2 of "jeckhtshot."
@Problematic are those in any way related with FF10?
@Zachiel Not likely.
hahaha Oblivious correcting trollish grammar XD
trolls are gonna get mad at this site
@oblivioussage Point made, stop poking the troll.
A question for the ages.
I like that it's "their internet," rather than "the internet."
I assume that his Internet is not in Al Gore's backyard like mine is.
It actually amuses me
He's definitely got a flair that most trolls lack.
I dunno, that's not winning many Troll Points right now.
SE is not the right format for scoring Troll Points, really.
Oooh, now the question is "Oblivious Sage is trolling people"
I think that should be moved to meta.
It should be tagged
aaand I was going for the rollback myself
@Zachiel Don't get involved.
ObliviousSage should probably be backing off, too, really.
@AlexP Maybe he's a Mystery Troll and we're getting points.
The mods are pretty clear: flag, VTC, and get out.
but that's boring
@BESW Considering that he's now in a revert war with a troll, I say yes.
Troll: The Provoking will teach you the real ways of trolling, in a fun game-like format (that you should never actually play). See especially "Skarka Clone Wars" on page 3.
can I downvote for "non useful question"?
@Problematic [face/palm]
@Zachiel Mods say save your downvotes for genuine contributions.
So, yes, you can. But why? It's just going to vanish into the hot air from whence it came.
Now he's just getting offensive.
I was wondering about the guys who already downvoted
flag as offensive then
Offensive, spam, off-topic, the flag and close reasons are endless!
@Heather Hi! nice Seal of Rassilon.
Thanks, hi BESW. I was just popping up to see if anyone was discussing the obvious troll question, but I see you guys are on it.
Obvious Troll is Obvious.
@Heather Thanks!
Oblivious Troll?
If you've got the rep to flag, or vote to close, please do so.
Otherwise, it's great that you're on the ball and making sure we are too.
Haven't yet, only got 50 or so, so can't do that yet, otherwise I very much would have done.
So, how's your Doctor Who game?
You were just starting it up a couple months ago, right?
It went well I think, the players seemed to have fun anyway :) I enjoyed GMing something I've written for the first time!
Fun is the primary objective!
I really want to tell the troll "Just in case you didn't notice it, it's crystal clear who made the edits. Good luck winning you war here..."
but I guess that would be feeding
What did you find to be the most challenging thing about moving from player to GM?
(I started out as a GM and didn't get a chance to run a PC for about six months, so I'm interested in the other side of the experience.)
Mainly planning ahead, I am quite a reactive player, so being the one who's meant to know what's coming was a bit of a challenge!
Also I absolutely didn't predict what my lunatic players would choose to do about my big bad, but it made sense so I let it work :P
@Heather That's a good thing to do.
I started my first game with great stacks of notes, and threw out most of it half an hour in.
>grumbles< Why is it that the StackEx chat can never tell that I'm logged into RPG, Arqade, and a couple others?
(I'm keeping a weather eye peeled on the meta page, in case something trolly pops up there too.)
@BESW The original question was, in fact, about Final Fantasy 10.
@ObliviousSage Yes, I saw that.
But cyber police. Really.
Also, how has it not gotten enough spam/abuse flags to disappear? Seems like there's enough people in the room to cover it.
@AlexP doesn't seem to actually be around, and @Heather doesn't have the rep for it.
0_o How much rep do you need to flag things? I thought it was really low?
And it seems like the mods have hit a coffee break or something.
15 rep to flag
@ObliviousSage I keep this link handy for such questions.
3000 to VTC
But I think flagging doesn't auto-close unless it's flagging spam. And this isn't spam.
Wait, wait, how is Heather talking in here if it takes 20 rep to talk in chat and only 15 to flag, and she can't flag?
@BESW Not spam in the sense that the flag defines it, anyway.
It is abuse that's unwelcome in the community, though. Or it was a couple edits back, at any rate.
@ObliviousSage Flagging doesn't do anything unless there's a 10k user standing by who hasn't also flagged it.
Umm, I don't see the question anymore.
The spam/unwelcome flags will auto-delete once it receives a certain amount of them I thought?
So I think it did disappear?
Ummm, no, there's 2 of them now.
It's gone from the main page but still shows up on the questions pages.
Not in the active view.
Downvoting to -5 does drop it from the main page, I'd forgotten that.
Here's the second one for people to pile on.
@Heather Different GMs have different approaches to prep. I've usually found it best to design the setting and the people. The people have plans and goals, but I don't.
The more I'm invested in something particular happening with the game, the more I wind up forcing unfun things on the players when they don't conform to my ideas.
Oops, sorry, didn't realise I could flag, I knew it needed 125 to downvote and assumed it would be similar to flag.
Thanks @BESW, that's a great tip.
But if it's the people in the setting who have plans, then the players can run roughshod over them and it's all good; that's what main characters do.
A useful mantra is "Don't plan; play to find out what happens."
Of course, the smart people in the setting have contingencies and backup plans and alternate strategies.
@Heather Please flag as unwelcome in the community. That's appropriate for those questions and will auto-delete the question without need for a mod if enough such flags are thrown.
@BESW Do you remember when I said VTC was too much for me?
Not on days like this, man
Aye, this is a situation @trogdor would be pleased to participate in.
@ObliviousSage he's not being offensive towards ethnic groups or religions, I'm not sure that applies.
@ObliviousSage I've flagged it now. You learn something new every day!
@Zachiel He was calling us faggots in one edit.
I think debating whether it's offensive or spam or what is splitting hairs when it's obvious that he's intentionally trolling. Just get it flagged and gone.
"Teabagging," personal attacks, etc.
@Problematic Good point, the "spam" flag works just as well.
what's teabagging in this context?
Spam says it's for advertisements.
@Zachiel Look it up on Urban Dictionary if you dare.
@Zachiel, you really don't want to know...
@Heather Knowledge is power. Even bad knowledge. >.>
@Problematic Dude, did you just send someone to Urban Dictionary? Someone we like? Not cool.
Damn it Warframe! Stop giving me the headshots challenge on missions against enemies that don't have heads!
The meaning I know of is... not fancy for this site
Nobody deserves Urban Dictionary.
@BESW It wasn't a direct link! And it had a warning! I'm sorry!
At least it wasn't TVTropes. That's just mean.
I found UD really useful to get some slang
@BESW Urban Dictionary will throw like 10 definitions at you that don't make sense and have really stupid examples. It's like 40% jokes and trolling.
@AlexP True, if in some cases power and mental trauma...
Once I saw a photo of a One Direction movie promo somewhere in Wales where it used some... "[redacted] trumpets" name to define them. UD clarified the meaning pretty well.
I apologize with whales for calling them a nation.
which reminds me that joke about large girls with a strong accent. I'm not writing it here.
@Zachiel Thank you.
Aaaaand ninja'ed by Oblivion
I'm not sure that was necessary.
I'm sure we all understand that it's a joke and we really don't have any prejudice against "very large ladies".
I'm sure nobody wants to make the same assumption about worse jokes.
Ooh, I have an idea! Let's talk about RPGs.
Is that on-topic here???
Here's a Kickstarter for a gothic horror soap opera (like Dark Shadows) game, using Cortex. I am told it will be pretty cool if you like that kind of thing.
@ObliviousSage No, but if we're quiet the mods won't notice and force us to post ponies instead.
@AlexP That man has too finely-crafted a goatee for me to trust him.
@Problematic Aren't finely-crafted goatees, like, mandatory for that genre?
Shouldn't we be suspicious if he lacked one?
In that genre suspicion might be a good idea regardless of the state of people's goatees.
@Problematic Look closer. He is appropriately scruffy.
Scruffy = trustworthy. It's just a fact.
@AlexP Now I have Wander Over Yonder's theme song stuck in my head again. Thanks.
@BESW what in the... what.
@BESW If you're looking for a replacement and happen to recall a show called Voltron from your youth then I would recommend I'll Form the Head.
@Problematic It's the current project from the guy who did Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home, together with his wife who created Friendship is Magic.
@ObliviousSage Lol, I was just listening to that yesterday, out of nowhere.
@ObliviousSage Nothing from cable TV is part of my youth.
How tragic.
I could have sworn Voltron was on Saturday mornings.
Now, if you wanted to talk about All I Ever Wanted Was a Spoon...
(Probably one of the best villain-motive songs ever. Very tragic.)
I was browsing rpg.se when I found an answer by Brian suggesting to use a program called CBLoader to get new things into the offline Character Builder for D&D 4e. Of course new things should be homebrew, for adding things published later by WotC would be a violation of their DDI content. For this exact reason people around the net are reclutant about explaining how to setup your offline character builder for installation. Is there anything you can do on this chat to help me?
I thought WotC Stopped supporting the offline character builder.
@Zachiel May I ask why the built-in homebrew functionality do not meet your needs?
They did, but a friend of mine who played for like 2 months with our group had a DDI subscription active
I have no experience with it; it's still downloadable from their site, but it doesn't work on the Mac.
@RavenDreamer It has one? I don't have the program installed myself.
@Zachiel Yeah, it's been a few years, but last time I used it, it would allow you to define custom feats / items / etc.
Since we're gonna group up again for a new game (and maybe we won't be using new material) I was wondering if we could get the program on par with the errata
the errata is still downloadable for free AFAIK
@Zachiel Are they still doing errata? I thought they were focused on 5e.
I mean, they'd have text versions of it, but nothing that could be downloaded into the program. (They'd update their online-only builder instead)
I don't think they're making new ones, but the old offline compendium doesn't look like it's on line with all the errata since they continued upgrading things
@RavenDreamer They actually don't add errata or Dragon content into the online builder or Compendium any more.
I'm pretty sure the magic missile last update came after their passage to the online builder
@ObliviousSage Yay! Now I feel validated for bowing out when I did!
@RavenDreamer My group still uses it simply because we haven't found a replacement system that works for us.
Well, this is not gonna be a problem if CBLoader does not work with not-last Character Builder installs
@kryan no harm no foul :).
@ObliviousSage I am putting the finishing touches on a new tabletop system of my own because 4e wasn't cutting it for me anymore. :D
@besw thank you for picking up in the discussion, I did read that much
@BESW I Summon Thee
And 5e doesn't look like my cup of tea.
@Lord_Gareth No matter what time I start thinking "I should go to bed," that is the time you summon me.
@kryan after having walked away for a bit (and reading the following discussion) you are correct in the sense that it could mislead future readers. Editing to clarify my experience
What do you dare ask of a cranky oracle?
@BESW But I want to ask stuff about Creating a New Tag
@RavenDreamer Nice, my group did something similar but we couldn't quite tweak it the way we wanted, ended up going back to 4e. Would be interested in trying your system when it's done.
@ObliviousSage Well, I've been having folks play with it for a few months now. Basically, the sticking point is getting all the rules compiled and actually written out.
Yeah, we had issues with that too.
I'm actually updating to the 5th iteration of my character sheet as we speak.
I have a picture of the 4th handy; feast your eyes! lol
I think it's the issue 4e has with its errata'ed material
I really wish they did publish Class Compendium
I have not.
fluffy. heh
@RavenDreamer have you ever played Dungeon World by any chance? It looks to me you're looking for simplification
@Zachiel I have not. And yes, simplification and modularity were two of the design goals.
@RavenDreamer - Have you checked out Legend yet?
Are you eager to keep the heavy tactical mindset of D&D 4e's combat?
Speaking of simplified 4E, 4E for kids. Most of the rules are still there, just the descriptions got shifted around a bunch.
@Lord_Gareth Looks like it's not what he's looking for
@Zachiel Yes. My system is strictly tactical tabletop. There's no core rules for non-combat stuff.
@Lord_Gareth I am not familiar with that.
@Lord_Gareth Then the BESW rejects your claim for audience.
@RavenDreamer: This is what my group came up with.
@RavenDreamer Legend is a rebuild of 3.5, and a pretty good one at that. The only reason my group isn't using it is that it's noticeably more work than 4e to make level-appropriate foes.
@RavenDreamer ruleofcool.com <-Here, it's free so you're not out any money to read up on it. Legend contains non-combat rules but the wonderful thing about them is that they're easy to ignore.
@kryan not relenting on the neg energy comment though :)
1. It's a commonly overlooked type of energy damage, *de facto*. The lack of immunity applies. Consider it contrary to Comp. Arc.'s *repair light damage*, which works on constructs (a type of object)
2. Can't you crit on an *inflict* spell, since it requires an attack roll? It doesn't fall under either of the two immunities listed for objects.
3. Only bludgeoning and slashing *weapon* damage typically damage objects. Spells may affect them normally, within each guideline
@ObliviousSage "Currently, hit points do not scale with level. ... You also gain 5 hp per level as you gain levels."
@RavenDreamer I never said it had been professionally edited. Or edited at all, for that matter.
@ObliviousSage Heh. Fair enough!
Goodnight, chatters.
@RavenDreamer - Anyway, I think Legend'd be good if you're looking for tactical combat; the balance of the mechanics essentially revolves around offering meaningful tactical choices and the system mastery is about learning the action economy and making synergistic use of your teammaters
@ObliviousSage Mooks. The answer is mooks. For non-vital characters and monsters, stat up mooks, stick 0-4 tracks on them.
@Metool Yeah, we can do that, but it's still a lot more work than just refluffing something from 4e's monster manuals.
Well, part of the incentive to make my own system was because I didn't like how D&D (and Legend, by the look of it) handles them. e.g. "Dump Stats", and Ability Scaling.

A big part of my system is that all 6 abilities are useful to any character.
Oh, and I hate vancian magic. So there's that. :D
@RavenDreamer That was something we tried to address as well.
@ObliviousSage Alright, then wait for the Monster Guide.
@ObliviousSage Daily spells are just vancian magic that everyone has. I had to nuke that.
@RavenDreamer Talk more about the Ability Scaling objection to me.
@RavenDreamer Skills were added to Legend just because the ability score framework made Constitution non-essential.
@RavenDreamer We tried to ditch dailies as well.
@Lord_Gareth Hm. Legend looks pretty slick.
@RavenDreamer @Metool, @KRyan and myself are all qualified to answer questions on it if you need anything. Plus there's the IRC channel.
@Lord_Gareth Well, in 4e specifically, you got something like +8 ability bumps over the course of the player career, 2 abilities at a time. However, the design of the classes and combat mechanics meant that you were extra incentivized to increase your primary and secondary stats to the exclusion of all else. This meant at least one (and sometimes 2!) of your defenses did not scale, meaning you would always be hit by those attacks. It also meant that there was a strictly optimal way to build
the character, and many suboptimal ways to do so -- no sorcerer could afford a high CON, for instance
Bye folks.
@Heather bye!
@RavenDreamer Most Legend builds do have some ability scores they care less about. However, it helps that the game gives you easy access to minor stat boosters (helps in lower levels), ability score increases (to four different scores so you can shore up areas lagging behind your primaries) and bases saving throws on more than one stat so that you don't accidentally screw yourself.
@RavenDreamer I think you're always going to see that with a level-based system, though. You have a finite set of ability ups and you have to apply them in a targeted way to focus on your core thing.
Social defenses tend to be where glaring weaknesses are sometimes.
+8/+8/+6/+6 in level bonuses make a difference?
@AlexP Well, part of the problem is that "HIT" and "DAMAGE" are the same stat. It'd be different if, for instance, you couldn't increase your chance to hit via ability increases, but you could pick between: more damage, qualify for a feat, or more effect from riders.
(Still talking 4E, btw)
@Lord_Gareth Also, Legend has some pretty kickin' art.
@RavenDreamer Part of how Legend avoids this as well is the KAM system - each character has a Key Offensive Modifier that affects attack, damage, most hostile ability DCs, etc, and a Key Defensive Modifier that affects their hit points and armor class.
@Lord_Gareth Doesn't that naturally focus you into those two stats?
Anyone can also make a social skill check in combat, which makes the mental scores relevant for social defenses.
@AlexP It does, but Legend's standard array (16 14 14 12 10 10) makes it easy to snag something competent outside of them.
Question: Are the Circles "locked in"? Or could I pick circle 1 from path X, and circle 2 from path y?
You gain one circle from a track three levels after you gain the previous circle.
So you could have Path of the Ancestors 4/ Path of Rage 3/Path of Destruction 3, but not Path of Rage 6/Path of Destruction 3/Path of the Ancestors 1
I am enjoying the in-jokes in the rulebooks.
@RavenDreamer So yes, they are, in a sense, locked in. There are three progressions.
Kinda, yeah.
Oh, you need http://
It's there.
Hrm, how strange.
Maybe not the quotes.
Eh. My point should be clear regardless
I especially enjoyed one of the suggested dwarf names.
Fistbeard Beardfist?
`Optimistic Viscera
Your interior portions are sure today is going to be a
good day.`
Seven Drunken Immortals - the feat I would take just to say the name out loud when I activate it.
Test test test.
Damn, didn't update.
There we go.
You look your namesake.
@Lord_Gareth hey!
So I just learned that you regenerate health and ammo when gunzerking.
stares hatefully at Metool's metool avatar
@RavenDreamer I feel like Legend still has dump abilities but they have less (because 4 abilities get pumped up while leveling) and it's no more the same ones for everyone. But they still are there.
There are two that'll lag behind and leave you with tactical weaknesses, yes.
Mind you, the same is true of the monsters
@AlexP Your eledrin is wearing Converse shoes...
@Lord_Gareth tactical weakness? Like what?
@sevensideddie haha :D
@metool your gravatar kicks ass.
@ObliviousSage Minions?
Ah, nevermind
@LitheOhm X's ass, really
@Zachiel Or any other incarnation of him, really. Metools are omnipresent!
Very much Xing.
I'm curious, since this is a community that seems to like D&D-inspired games (Legend and Dungeon World, for instance): has anyone read / played / formed an opinion about 13th Age?
(My interest is mainly, erm, academic. But I'm really curious what Tweet and Heinsoo actually think D&D should be like, now. Given that they were responsible for a lot of the actual down-in-the-guts design work for the last two editions.)
I haven't had a chance to look into 13th Age, but I'd like to do so.
I don't even know what 13th age is about.
The name isn't that evocative.
It's a "homage" to D&D in general, made by one of the lead designers of 3.5 and one of the lead designers of 4e.
@Zachiel The main gimmick is that you create "iconic" NPCs/groups that define a setting and PCs have a relationship with them and their adventures affect their agenda. Like, it's a scheme to make low-level adventures more world-impacting.
Looks like a good thing to me
Beyond that... I dunno, it says it's 4e-inspired in some way, and I was wondering how.
@BESW huh? what situation?
@BESW also, now that you even say that so do I
thanks a lot,.....
1 hour later…
@trogdor We did that "learning the arts" challenge not-quite-right. It worked out, but I shouldn't have had you rolling multiple rolls of the same skill.
well, I do feel it worked out satisfactorily
Like, instead of rolling Lore once for studying history/dogma and once for learning rituals, you should've rolled Lore once, and used those details to describe the minor cost.
Also, I could've done better with the falcon-snatching.
Oh, well.
Next time!
(Among other things, I regularly set the difficulties a point or two lower than I should've.)
well, we are both learning
Remember how you kept getting With Style over and over and over.
That should've tipped me off that I needed to either aggressively invoke, or increase the difficulties.
One of these days, I think I want to play a troll philosopher.
@AlexP "I eat bridge-crossing goats, therefore I am"?
I was more gonna base him on Diogenes. On account of how Diogenes pretty much lived like a troll, anyway. And also trolled others.
With a cultivated, educated disdain for "civilized" ways and a love of calling out hypocrisy.
@AlexP Hmm. Maybe he's a Natty Bumppo character.
@BESW That's the frontiersman, right?
Diogenes is more of the snarky hobo kind of guy.
He's very proud to be "a man with no cross in his blood" (meaning he's pure European), but he's totally disdainful of Western civilization.
He says that the worst thing which ever happened to man was the ability to write, because you can lie on the page when you can't lie to a guy's face.
The cutest story about Diogenes is that Alexander met him once, on his tour of conquest. And he said, "If I were to be anyone but Alexander, I would wish to be Diogenes." And Diogenes replied, "If I weren't Diogenes, I would also wish to be Diogenes."
So basically he was a massive troll.
So this sounds like some nice questing material. First, 139377 brown rocks to collect (skip that if desired), then kill Ug-Thak, Lord of Wolves, then pilfer the lost staff of Mount Schuler, then obtain the head of the Destroyer of Worlds.
And then, dance.
@BESW This is soooo every Robert E. Howard story.
@AlexP Except that Hawkeye deconstructed the trope long before it ever was a trope.
He hangs out with his Indian friends and thinks of himself as their equal in skill because they don't have the heart to tell him that he's only good at sneaking and tracking in comparison to other stupid white guys.
He gets into bizarre arguments about science and philosophy, in which the Indians are regularly shown to know more than he does but he never notices.
He shuns Western society but relies on Western technology (he's famous for his accuracy with a rifle) to survive and make a name for himself.
James Fenimore Cooper wasn't the greatest wordsmith ever, but he had a keen sense of cultural irony and sympathy for the plight of the colonized, long before it was something most people were even aware of.
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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