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@AlexP Oh, I know. But I was being sarcastic.
Ventriloquism literally means "to speak with your innards"
It comes from latin
@Zachiel Sorry. ;)
2 hours later…
Tweets to Campaign By presents the coolest job ever.
Get busy and write to the Moon Editor on how big the moon looks to you. IL1912
4 hours later…
@Magician Sounds like they just sort of gave up on the DDN playtesting.
"Eh, we aren't getting anything done and they're starting to catch on. Let's quit while we're ahead."
4 hours later…
@AlexP no problem. It's always hard to tell intentions on the Internet
1 hour later…
Thanks for the edit, @AlexP.
Goodmorning everyone.
Q: What would a PC need to be able to eat live animals raw?

CobaltOk, so I mentioned in another question an idea for a character known for "(eating) small animals live and fresh with all the dignity and etiquette of a nobleman eating a sandwich"; would a character need any certain feats, stats, or skills to be able to do that? I know there were feats referenced...

All I can think of is a Fort save vs disease. And maybe Will save vs upchucking.
But the upchucking wouldn't be RAW.
(Also, I'm trying to assume it's not just a really bad pun.)
"Like a sandwich" kinda implies eating the bones?
@AlexP I really want to retitle that to "How can I eat Rabbit Carpaccio"
Huh. It's always interesting to see what random old answers suddenly get upvoted.
@kryan any chance those technical issues could be resolved? its a lot easier to stay interested/involved using all of those virutal tools that you've said are verboten
@BESW I had a couple of random downvotes the other day with no reason given...
morning everyone
I keep thinking that comment of mine shouldn't have 4 stars. Oh well it should have 0.
@Zachiel I have the power to remove them
To be true, I don't think most of the stars are relephant. I mean, they're not Likes or +1s.
I totally think of comment stars as likes
They're "I think this is gonna be intersting for future readers, let's try to keep them few and apart", isn't it?
If thats the intent I've never seen it function as such since I joined RPG.SE last year
(but again there's no limit that I know of about stars you can give par day...)
@Zachiel actually
it is limited, but that limit only very rarely comes up
Also, even if you think a discussion is relevant, you can only star a single comment line, not a section at once, so youre essentially saying this comment is very interesting, but without context (they could go and look at the logs of course...)
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, if you want to make a discussion available to come back to, save it as a coversation
(they should go. It's like bookmarks to me)
the function in this room and most others is as likes, or room highlights.
if something major comes up that needs to stay on the board we can pin it
@waxeagle ok, so both are ok?
@Zachiel yes
I guess @BESW will get a lot more stars from me then. What happens when he gets to 1000 stars, again?
@jadarnel27 Hi!
Hello, @BESW.
@waxeagle LitheOhm linked this meta thread in my question that you bountied.
@jadarnel27 What's up?
Oh, you know . Just livin' the dream. You?
Being envious of you, now.
Haha, excellent =P
@BESW yeah that makes no sense really. Yes there is a TV show, but this is very much "is there a canonical "this is where the idea came from" source"
yes there is a tv/fantasy source that's relevant, but it's not the question's topic
mythology should probably be in the slash list I just included too
Maybe I have a double standard here, but I'm far more willing to treat "What's the basis of this old D&D thing?" as on-topic than "What's the basis of this thing from another game?" On account of how old D&D in particular is so genre-defining for RPGs.
@AlexP part of that is 1 clearish universe definitions, and 2. answerability
@waxeagle Enh, a lot of the non-D&D questions would probably be easier to answer. Because you don't have to know the 1970s fantasy/s.f. and pop culture landscapes to do it right.
@AlexP possibly true, but there is likely less ink spilled in publications/interviews/other media
And he's not voting to close, so....
I have no idea why he's linked it.
... Ask him? :P
I did leave a comment expressing puzzlement.
@jadarnel27 I am also envious of you, with your dream-living.
Most people are.
You, too, can live the dream, though. Don't sell yourself short.
All you have to do is type that to people on the Internet. They won't know the difference.
@jadarnel27 You've changed my life.
Now I'm living the dream, too!
That's awesome! Keep up the good work.
Unrelated, I stumbled upon this while blog-hopping and find it kinda cool: a man-sized city built around a giant ruler's keep.
@JoshuaAslanSmith I agree, but then I'm more technically inclined and not afraid of figuring out what's wrong; I have no problems on my end. My fellow players seem rather the opposite of interested in figuring it out. Sadly. Ultimately, the game is playable as-is, I was just looking for, well, "easy" ideas for improving it.
@kryan gotcha, people in general are disinclined to change, specifically electronic changes, in my experience working in IT. shame, roll20 is such a poweful and easy to use tool.
Are there digital tools you folks use (or are aware of) for making "nice" maps of towns / cities? Or other large areas?
When playing D&D, that is.
(I don't know if I need to specify that in here, considering the room I'm in)
@KRyan what's the problem with roll20?
@jadarnel27 If you're reasonably handy with GIMP/Phothoshop, this blog has a lot of information.
this question:
Q: Improving combat when playing on IRC

KRyanA group I play with via IRC seems to have a serious problem keeping combat interesting: the medium inherently slows things down, descriptions of attacks and defenses don’t have the same excitement value without people shouting and playing up the events of the fight, and then people tend to just s...

@Zachiel its not so much roll20 as his fellow players lacking a desire to use digital tools in general and citing technical difficulties as the reason
@alexp sorry for that missent message
There was a time when I could have said I was reasonably handy with GIMP, @AlexP. It would have been a lie then, as it would be now. But I was more amenable to lying then. So I could have said it.
Sorry for the ramble - that actually looks really helpful. Thank you!
Excellent stuff. The level of detail there is a bit beyond what I had in mind, but it looks like the concepts scale well.
Yeah. You can do a lot with a little bit. Like the advice about making roads jaggier in poorer/more-populated areas.
All the people in the group I'm playing with are pretty new to tabletop RPGs. We're playing our 4th session tonight, and I was just thinking that we (the players) spend too much time asking "lay of the land" type questions, when it seems reasonable that our characters would have basic maps of where we're traveling.
@AlexP that's a cool touch of realism (regarding the roads).
@jadarnel27 Don't be afraid to just scrawl messy ugly maps. It's realistic!
This is literally just "here's a big thing here and a big thing here and some roads and there are houses around but I won't bother to draw them." :)
Haha, I suppose that's true!
Most maps (especially those carried by adventurers) would probably have been pretty low quality.
Well, also, there's more of a tendency for maps to just have "what matters." Like a map that really just emphasizes roads and cities, because you don't especially need accurate representation of how the cities are laid out geographically as much as you need to know what road goes where (think about, like, a subway map).
@jadarnel27 you're joking right? Adventurers are the most rich beings in all earth. Especially if they've already looted a dragon's nest. :P
@Zachiel Haha, right! Perhaps I should have said "level 2 adventurers" =)
I could see an argument for "D&D-ish worlds have better maps than the real world" if, like, you need a geographically-accurate map for teleportation or something.
Good morning, folks of RPG general chat.
@Metool Did your Pony game get going already?
Nope. Been too busy finishing up the house.
@Metool You are doing a My Little Pony game? I have to admit that system looks pretty good.
@JamesJ.ReganIV Depends on which system you're talking about.
I am talking about the one linked from that recent Hello Kitty question.
I'm running Legend, with this setting I found online, Equestria Divided.
Ahh...well, that's another fun system. I just started a campaign for that and the first session was a lot of fun. Its refreshing to be able to have 4 separate (and difficult) fights in one session.
Oh, dang. Nice.
Yea...I have 2 players and ran them against just a bunch of mooks (since I was playing without any pre-prep) and they both seemed to have fun.
@JamesJ.ReganIV Can you link me to that, by the by?
No problem. Its not official but it seems like a good system from the quick read I did.
Are you doing this for your kids?
For my ex.
Oh, okay, so a "kid-friendly" system isn't as important. Although Legend is simple enough that I'm sure it would work.
I wouldn't introduce young children to Equestria Divided.
Its dark? From the single image I looked at from the link you sent it seemed that way.
Tonight, before I head to bed, I introduce you to sterculia foetida, aka bastard poon tree, hazel sterculia, or wild almond tree:
(om nom nom)
Good morning, @KRyan!
@JonathanHobbs That's not an almond tree, that's a piranha plant.
@Metool good afternoon, Helmet
I have no idea if I'm allowed to use that nickname or if that's just Exe's
You should ask.
@Metool ask you or ask her?
btw @KRyan, thanks again for all the help you gave me on that Optimizing a smart fighter question a few months ago. I was able to convince my DM to allow me to take Warblade, so that's what I went with.
2 hours later…
@besw I didn't vote to close as "off-topic," I just linked the pertinent meta question.
If my vamp question was closed as off-topic, which it wasn't, then your question follows suit. According to the meta, both of our questions border on off-topic
@JamesJ.ReganIV Glad to hear you got Warblade; it really was far-and-away the best choice available to you. Has Tome of Battle impressed your group? It's a really well-done book, I don't have any hesitation calling it the best-designed book in 3.5
Yea, I took the White Raven manuever "Lead the Charge" or something (the one that gives +10 to damage) and the group has renamed it "Charge as Fuck" :)
@JamesJ.ReganIV note that you give that bonus to all your allies. White Raven is a really awesome discipline; with a martial party it can be the most powerful one in the book.
Our other melee classes are taking a well, completely broken, custom prestige class and so that will help me keep up.
Oh then not lead the charge...the strike not the stance.
@JamesJ.ReganIV ah, ok.
White Raven's got a number of those
@Kryan Yea, he is focusing on White Raven and he's going to get Leadership and have lots of followers that will actually be formidable with those White Raven stuff.
@JamesJ.ReganIV that'll be interesting to see
curious what's so broken about this PrC, though
because honestly, it is hard to break martial 3.5 characters
sites.google.com/site/ontheedgeoffate/desert-dervish---pc (It stacks both Ranger and Scout levels for everything about them that matters. And in addition it gives most of the bonuses from Dervish and Tempest)
Its effectively a gestalt.
it's a gestalt of a series of very-weak classes, though
also, you can stack ranger and scout without homebrew; just take the Swift Hunter feat
and oh god it requires Spring Attack
it does give a lot; it's fairly decent
way better than most of the crap martial PrCs, I'll give you
but it's definitely not overpowered
and your warblade can keep up with this ;)
That's good to know. And yea, that's the idea. The maneuvers plus my minions will be able to continue to contribute.
Leadership is way more powerful than... this entire prestige class.
also, the wording on the ranger and scout increase is kind of poor
technically if you have neither class (which is possible since the class doesn't require anything they give), you don't have to choose and get both benefits, since 0+X=X
clearly not the intent but still
ahh...hadn't considered that. yea, and since its not meant for public comsumption and designed for literally exactly 2 characters (a scout and a ranger) its not a huge deal.
fair enough
I'd probably do something like Scout 1/Mystic Ranger 1/Cleric 1/Barbarian 1/Swordsage 1 for entry. That gets you a ton of stuff before you head into this
depends on the requirements of Swift Hunter though...
yeah, Swift Hunter requires Scout 3, hmm...
Does Swift Hunter require Scout 3 or something related to Skirmish? Because if you choose to increase scout first, you'll get increases to skirmish and then can take Swift hunter on a later level.
@JamesJ.ReganIV it requires Skirmish 1d6/+1, which yes, you can do that but it's awkward cuz you'll qualify at level 7 (Scout 1 + PrC 2), but not get to take a feat until 9th.
also, that picture is begging for Desert Wind maneuvers
Yea...Believe me, I know. I suggested that she add maneuvers to the class, but she didn't want to deal with them.
Hombrew 3.5 prestige class?
I saw your earlier link
but thanks
with a cursory look, it doesn't look broken to me, nor does it look underpowered
but I know 4E better than 3.5
and I am biased against 3.5 casters
@mxyzplk I don't understand your comment on the Binder+Metabreath answer. Of course CustServ and the FAQ are at least as valid as anyone else's opinion, but opinions aren't what was asked for, rules were. Note the tag on the question. MACN incorrectly identifies CustServ and the FAQ as RAW, which they are not. He even preludes the quotes with "here's some raw."
I'm really looking forward to having 10k rep so I can see all the deleted posts on questions like "What's the difference between these two D&D editions?" >.>
2 hours later…
@AlexP What you really want to see is the Gnomes In Space question.
Sorry I vanished suddenly last night, by the way. We had a sudden and very intense brown-out.
@LitheOhm I did notice that, which is one reason I was confused by the contextless link. Thanks for clearing it up.

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