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@Metool ... tremorsense functions in the air?
I guess that makes sense if you consider vibrations through the air, too, but wow.
It's a fact of Legend that it's not ground-linked anymore.
Because past level 9 any creature can have flight with a feat
Wow okay.
Yes indeed.
You're aware of movement, and can sense still creatures by a swift-action perception check.
A bit more complicated than that, but in essence, that is [Tremorsense].
I see, okay. :)
What is Legend a mod of precisely?
I am presuming 3.5e!
3.5 yes
It's not that hard to pick up from 3.5, and hopefully even simpler from 4E. Already, duration types from 4E carry over. You've got [Encounter] abilities and [Scene] abilities, the latter of which correspond to dailies.
(but then there's the whole movement thing...)
@Metool (is it 1-2-1 along diagonals, or 1-1-1?)
1-2-1-2, yeah.
@Metool Okay, excellent. Then you don't have to worry about circular squares or so on.
Ah, abstraction of movement across 2d planes
2 hours later…
@Metool @Problematic did you see this thing?
@Metool I find it really weird that a [Scene] does not refer to, like, a scene as I understand the term.
Yeah, it's an adventuring day.
Confusing indeed.
brb, testing borderlands 2
1 hour later…
I just got crit by a wall of text in a system I'm unfamiliar with. It is, again, a 1-rep new-today user necroing a ten-month-old thread.
@waxeagle Protect the thread, maybe?
@ people who know nWoD can this guy get some help whittling down the chatter?
@BESW "Again"? What's the first thread?
@AlexP We had another 1-rep user necroing an old thread yesterday.
Not that it's wrong to do so, but usually a 1-rep user hasn't been around long enough to be familiar with the site so that they do it in a way that's worthwhile.
ESPECIALLY when it's that thread.
@BESW That sometimes happens. I don't think it's too bad. For one, at this stage in the site's development, it tends to lead to noticing old posts that aren't quite as well-tuned according to our improved standards.
Yeah, but... that's often bad.
Well, those answers pop up on Google sometimes.
It's embarrassing if they're bad topics.
Because while it'd be theoretically nice to go back and update all the old stuff to the new standards, that would result in deleting a lot of old questions, and editing others into unrecognizability.
Well, protect only makes sense if multiple people are rushing to a question.
Mainly when something has popped up in that little "around SE" box.
I suggested it to wax because of this from last night:
15 hours ago, by wax eagle
that way it won't get bumped by a 1 rep user again...that's not to say higher rep users won't necro it, but it's got several very good answers already (at least where very good is defined as long)
15 hours ago, by wax eagle
I pretty much do it whenever a 1 rep user necros an old thread. If you're going to necro spend some time here and figure out what we're about. It's not that I want to discourage it, but I want to make sure people know what they're doing before bring up old stuff
Fair enough.
Hey that's my old question
That answer was very wordy and only about a paragraph of it was actually terribly relevant
Yeah, I read that with an eye for "What is this about?" and all the examples seemed to go nowhere.
So my impression is that the examples don't really relate to the question directly.
Somebody gonna give him a comment to that effect, or let him wallow in no-vote-land?
Not sure what to say that isn't essentially "get to the point"
Tell him what was useful and why the other bits aren't relephant?
"3/10, not enough elephants, would not read again."
@Magician So, add a section on The Elephant Man as another archetypical horror type? Okay!
Elephant graveyard, vengeful abused circus elephant ghost, elephant paints the portrait of Dorian Grey...
Infantile elephants, elephantile infants...
I thoroughly enjoyed that tragedy.
1 hour later…
Also, @BESW, I'm glad I'm not the only one that follows the tragedy series!
@AlexP Thank you so much again. I have confused the hell out of the PCs, and in doing so, they were arguing about the morality of the situation. It was perfect.
But confused in a good way.
As in, "Why would the Taiden have cleared the guards from their posts while the Cult docked a ship?" confused.
We didn't finish the material, and I realized I overshot it by about twice, but we felt no pressure to accelerate further.
Character creation was a bit bumpy, but was good for them. They're breaking free of the one-sided mentality of D&D, and this was reflected in the Fate economy.
They spent more points as the game went on. I think I like this system.
They ended the session arguing in-character about a moral grey area.
And they want to continue. From a one-shot.
A session summary posted somewhere (maybe on the largely-Fate-oriented Discourse board that @Problematic hosts?) would be cool.
1 hour later…
@Emrakul Woohoo! \o/ Congratulations!
@BESW go for it
@waxeagle Is this an answer?
It's just a link.
It is nothing but a link.
@JonathanHobbs not to me.
@BESW this specifically
@JonathanHobbs heh, I can vote to delete that one :)
I flagged a different one as Not An Answer, since its solution about optimizing a monk was to put levels into not-Monk
I would not flag that if it was like: "Well, be a monk until this point, then specialise in this other class which contributes to your monkiness." But it is just: "I put levels into a class other than Monk."
I commented with the appropriate links and requirements, and flagged it.
@BESW KRyan has asked the one I just mentioned to elaborate on what it has to do with Monkiness, and there was no subsequent edit
@JonathanHobbs None expected; these are ancient history and nobody's coming back to them.
But due diligence must be maintained.
On an entirely different note, my T-shirt and stickers arrived today!
Thassa lotta stickers.
@BESW Woo! \o/ What stickers for what
The rep reward t-shirt and stickers?
I got one of those for gamedev.SE once!
The shirt is v. thin but looks good.
@BESW I have a suspicion that is not a bad thing in your circumstances
I've put on some pounds, actually... oh, you meant my tropical circumstances.
Yes those
Sorry, I'm busy listening to "Who'll Stop the Rain?" but singing "They’ll Wash Your Brain!"
At the same time?
Every day for years, a handful of dedicated fans of Garrity's work have between them managed to provide at least one filk for each of the strips she produces daily.
But mostly it's Eddurd. Some of them are absolutely brilliant, like the slash fic lyrics to Carmen's "Habanera."
2 hours later…
@Emrakul Hurray!
@BESW nice. Did they include the pen and sharpie too? Love their pens
GM'd my first game in a while last night, used FAE (with a dash of core here and there)
went quite well I think
Hurray! Good gaming all around!
good job!
FATE is awesome, but it's so rules light that I'd be almost afraid to spring it on a core of seasoned gamers
@C.Ross What kind of setting are you using for your FAE game?
In fact, I imagine the hardcore Pathfinder crowd would react to it the way that Internet cat reacts to the strawberry
@JohnCraven That's hardly unique to Fate, though.
heh, true
The hardcore Pathfinder crowd exists because it couldn't handle the relative simplicity of 4E
Well, also because 4e didn't align with how they used to play 3e.
At least for some of them.
3 vs 4 was a pretty big departure, even bigger than 2 vs 3, that's true
I mean, BW is pretty crunchy on some levels. D&D3-always-and-forever players are still going to balk at it massively.
I think the key thing of D&D3, more so than how it handles in combat, is the character-building.
but yeah, folks went from a system where you could min-max the shit out of your characters and, if you were in a group that did that, you kind of had to, whereas in 4E it's almost impossible to make a build that doesn't work
I think it's also the ability to plan out and daydream about your character's future.
Really? It was my experience that people who whined about the 'character building' aspects that were missing in 4E were really whining about the fact that they could no longer make SUPER DEATH MONSTER OF DOOM
That's like half the appeal of PrCs.
@JohnCraven Well, it depends on which people are complaining. But, yeah the daydreamy crowd is more likely to frame their complaints as "roleplaying," I think.
I know I always liked to take an evolutionary approach to my characters, not really building on what I could eventually get with the right perks and so on but on what my character had just done a lot or I could justify "needing" immediately
I ended up with characters who were interesting to me but did, relative to everyone else, exactly shit all in combat
If the way you used 3e was in a kind of ad-hoc way (as suggested by the "Deep-Immersion Storytelling" thing in the DMG), then 4e is a bad fit for you. It's much harder to use it that way.
@JohnCraven That's why I like systems that tie advancement to what you've actually done.
honestly, I'm not altogether sure I agree with that, although I do agree with the sentiment that players do seem to feel bound to the rules when there are rules there
Is 3.5 a middle ground between 3 and 4 or is it kindof standalone?
3.5 is basically 3 with more stuff in it
Ah. I stared D&D at 3.5 so I don't know much about the other editions.
@Aaron It's an update for 3. A few years after 3, they folded a bunch of errata into it, redesigned a few classes, &c. Like software versions.
I put a lot of story-related fluffy stuff into 4E when I DMed it... what I tended to do was remark that for the most part the character sheets were a combat tool by and large and that outside of combat the roleplaying was the way to go
I heard the Monk class was never fixed.
@JohnCraven I think it's harder to "half-ass" a fight in D&D4, for instance.
neither was Clericc @Aaron
I thought the cleric was a good class. I have not used it though so don't know.
I have heard Monks are terrible.
ok, that's true @AlexP and fights can drag on FOREVER, especially if your players aren't familiar with the mechanics and/or haven't done stuff like print out their characters from DDI
@Aaron I think the bigger difference between 3 and 3.5 was the Ranger. The D&D3 ranger still followed 2e's pattern of being "a fighter with some stuff."
Cleric is a GREAT class in 3.5
@Aaron D&D3.x/PF Clerics are powerful. Ditto druids.
it's grossly overpowered, that's its problem
basically they're fighters who can cast spells
I loave the druid class.
there's that small thing of "you can't use sharp weapons" but there are plenty of blunt weapons to use if you're so inclined, and then the spells themselves, while buffy in nature rather than killy, are still damn useful
@JohnCraven Not in 3.
I like the Dragon Shaman class.
You just only know simple weapons.
isn't the mace still a simple weapon?
@JohnCraven It is. But you can use a stabby weapon if you wish.
ok, right
it's not like mages and rogues who are seriously limited in which weapons they can choose
I stab you with my stabby stick. IN THE NAME OF PELOR.
the game also doesn't scale particularly well
The way I'd summarize it is that a fighter is getting to use a longsword with 19-20 crits and +2 from Weapon Specialization, while the cleric swings a mace but casts a spell that gives him damage, reach, ....
that sort of got fixed in Pathfinder but not really, especially after around level 12 to 14
I have only played the druid and monk classes. The current game I am in I am a monk. I am planing on prestigeing into the red avenger.
@JohnCraven Ever heard of E6?
the baseball terms that means "the shortstop committed an error"?
It's a D&D3 hack. You only level up to 6. Beyond that, XP just goes into mini-levels that give you an occasional stat boost or feat or something.
Basically it's based on the idea that level 6 is the game's "sweet spot" and it tends to go off the rails much higher than that.
And it's also, conveniently, stopping you at the level before your abilities really become super-powerful in a super-heroic or wuxia kind of way.
ah, ok
I remember we had a DM who was really bad about letting us have powers that were a little too much.
He let me have a god sealed in my character and if I rolled a twenty depending on what I was doing I would get a massive boost. At a low level I cast lightning bolt and rolled 4 bolts and a twenty for hit. Wound up doing like 200 damage. He said I just vaporized the foe.
All the other characters were similarly OP. The game ended quickly.
yeah, power is one of those things that seems like it should be awesome but which gets kind of boring after a while
Yea. I ran into the same problem when I was doing text role plays. I had a character who was slightly OP. Not as bad as some but OP non the less. So I humanized him by taking his powers and his goal is now to slay the being who stole his powers.
that's a tough issue
a lot of the time players really, really dislike it when you take things away from them
This was my character in a written rp that I was referring to. But I know what you mean.
well, yeah, if you're on board with it, just about anything goes
According to my auto correct Chocobo is not a word but Chocoholic is...
... What. I thought I blocked the feed.
@AlexP a modern day urban America + no power "super heroes"
@JohnCraven my seasoned gamers like it surprisingly well, sometimes we pine for Fate Core instead of FAE though ...
@AlexP D&D 3e druids (core only at least) are pretty useless.
@Zachiel What universe did you drop out of? Druid's T1 for a really good reason.
@Lord_Gareth 3.0e
@Zachiel yeah, not my experience ... full divine spell casting anyone?
@Zachiel Full nine level casting that'd be enough to make them T1 all on its own, plus they own a free Fighter that replaces itself, plus shapeshifting. What'choo smoking?
Yes, but shitty spells except for fire seeds (and harm, but the cleric gets that way earlier), he morphs into animals that are way weaker of anything the wizard could polymorph him into and loses spells while doing so.
and 3e didn't level up animal companions
The barbarian is dealing way more damage than the druid. - 3.0, core manuals and FR Campaign Setting only.
@Zachiel Battlefield control and summons are where Druid's power is at, and he's very good at both of those. The blasting is just icing.
Druids make a good leader class.
Aren't summons already weak at the level you get them? I remember playing a 3.5 druid and summoning some rashemi air elementals... they couldn't hit a level 10 NPC
(then, the random unicorn comes up...)
@Zachiel Druids can summon spellcasters to back them up. Don't feel like healing? Summon a Unicorn. Want to cast Earthquake three levels ahead of time? Summon. Nymphs are essentially equal-level druids. More importantly, summons and Wild Shapes offer the Druid options.
It all depends on how creatively you can think and how well you know your monsters.
There are feats you can take that power up summoned monsters as well.
Maybe I did summon the wrong things. I'll take a look at the 3.0 summons
Every spellcasting class in D&D3, everybody! How powerful is it? Directly proportional to your ability to go through every inch of the spell chapter (and Monster Manual, in this case) with a fine-tooth comb. :/
Actually always the Monster Manual, since you have to figure out what saves / resistances / checks to target.
@AlexP Don't neglect the Feat chapter. Nothing quite like shuffling every spell you have memorized at the drop of a damn hat.
@AlexP Also, you can use Knowledge skills to learn this without having to read the Manual.
3.0 unicorn had shitty spells
I can also summon a pipeless satyr or grig/nixie/pixie
So does 3.5 unicorn. You summon them to be lazy
@Lord_Gareth I meant you have to know what abilities to target when you're preparing or learning spells.
Otto's irresistible dance comes with summon nature's ally IX
I found this one book that listed a bunch of awesome domains. My favorite was the summon domain. There was a few others I thought were good as well. A metal domain, crafting domain a lot of awesome domains.
@AlexP Ah, yeah. Frankly I've found that it's hard to go wrong if you load out on Int/Wis/Cha damage.
And I can't find where the fey are.
@Zachiel They're all over the MM.
Has anyone ever played a construct before?
@Lord_Gareth Oh, yowch, I had forgotten about that. It's crazy how many more ways to even attack the enemy you can have just by being a caster.
@Lord_Gareth I can remember Nixie, Dixie and Trixie (ok, Nixie, Grig and Pixie) being under some label
@Zachiel Sprite
@Zachiel "Fey" is a creature type. They're ordered alphabetically like all other monsters. Only Animals and Templates generally get their own grouping.
@Lord_Gareth emphasis on generally
@C.Ross ty
It worries me that I know that ...
I haven't played 3 or 3.5 in years ...
In Italian, sprite and fey have been both translated the same way
Despite a better word for fey existing
hahahahahaha, the pixie has polymorph self...
@Emrakul welcome
but has only 1 HD
@Zachiel Still enough to get it a disguise
It lasts 8 rounds
You can do a lot with eight rounds of looking like a mouse.
not during combat
and that adventure is a goddamn dungeon crawl
Actually being a mouse during combat would allow you to do a lot.
Size bonuses to AC! Shelter in another creature's square!
Move into position to ambush the enemy. If you have the wild casting feat you can cast spells while in mouse form
Climb a tree and pelt them from above.
Hide in a small hole if the foe is too strong.
the enemy is just gonna ignore him and hit the druid. Or the wizard when possible.
tanks are not a thing in 3.x
@Zachiel They do that to the Fighter and Barbarian too.
A I thought you were referring to a druid's wild shape.
Well, if they can't reach the wizard they'd better try to hit one of the others. The Cleric has high AC but less HP, the barbarian has low AC but lots of HP, the druid is a mix. And hitting the poor dire bear feels like shooting on the red cross.
So I usually try to Harm the barbarian (and the party usually tries to cast labyrinth on clerics)
I grapple the cleric or cast touch spells on him
It has becaome somewhat harder since he uses body of stone to buff himself and everybody has SR25
Is there a final fantasy SO?
@AlexP a Scene ends when you take at least 2 hours of rest, which should be made possible every 3-4 encounters, IIRC. Not really a day but same concept as Daily powers.
1 hour later…
So how are you all today?
Slightly bored.
busy. Had a ton of errands. Was succesful in all but one of them (so far)
and because my 15mo old decided to come down with a fever yesterday afternoon I had both my kids tagging along today
little brat is fine, just decided he and his big bro needed some daddy time I guess.
I wish I could close customer support tickets the way we put things on hold here on SE. Pester the customer with notes on refining the question then coming back. :|
"The thing is broken" VOTE TO CLOSE
"I didn't read the manual that I was given so I don't know what is wrong. Thus you must have done something wrong so you have to fix it." Almost every support issue I get.
This week, it's a lot of "Why do I need a license key in order to talk to you?"
We are a pay-for service, so we kinda have to verify you /paid/ for support....
2 hours later…
Tweets to Campaign By presents an interstate chase.
Virgil Earp, city marshal of Colton, Cal., was here yesterday looking for train robbers. AZ1887
@BESW He's the one who was actually the city marshal in Tombstone.
It's just that Virgil was later maimed and Morgan Earp was killed, while Wyatt Earp continued the vendetta and generally had a more colorful life than Virgil. So he became the hero in the big account of it that caught everyone's imaginations.
Now I have Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon stuck in my head again.
....that's another one that YouTube doesn't really like. Huh.
They've got the comedy companion bit, but I can't track down the actual segue sets.
Ha! And now it is a conversation about Doctor Who, suddenly!
Everything goes back to Doctor Who because Doctor Who has been everywhere
More Borderlands!
Except, vexingly, the modern Doctor Who episodes seem to fastidiously avoid the middle ages.
They've done Roman Britain and Shakespeare times.
any good candidates for permanent emanation?
@LitheOhm AMF?
@AlexP Old Who spent more time on other planets that mimicked the middle ages, I think.
@BESW That's like Old Trek. "This planet got stuck in the Roman Empire part of its development!"
@LitheOhm My librarian had silence as a permanent emanation.
@Metool This makes me wonder...if we had a Who.SE would everything suddenly be on topic there? ;)
@AlexP I did. Problem is, can't search for "emanation centered on you" so easily.
Also excluded is arcane sight, because it's only an emanation via it's description
plus, emanation "centered on you" is different than an emanation "centered on a creature or point in space"
would silence qualify? If cast with me as the center?
@AlexP Good call, on AMF
@BESW I was really looking at silence, though. Effective versus power words and automatically succeed at moving silently.
For a gish character, but I could give them automatic silent spell easily enough too
It's great for keeping people from yelling for help, too.
but does it qualify for the feat?
Either way, it's not in-class for this sorc/wiz char
[shrug] The group I was in at the time wasn't particularly picky about that kind of thing.
Antimagic field certainly does.
Cool, thank you both.
Actually, if I recall correctly, I had my librarian design a custom-made modular version of silence.
I called it librarian's aura. It could be modulated from "absolute silence" to "nothing above a whisper," and it had a mage hand effect built in.
That way he could reach high shelves, and read more books at once than he had hands.
There's a zone of silence
Bard thing, though.
At epic levels it's pretty trivial to craft a non-epic spell to your precise needs.
Oh, dude.
That feat doesn't specify non-epic.
Go go gadget crown of vermin.
@BESW Hahahahaha.
I have no idea how that resolves with the spell's intended end conditions.
I think epic spells aren't spells.
That's certainly the easiest way to understand the rules for them, most times.
The ELH certainly thinks they are, though.
Since it describes reverse engineering spell seeds from non-epic spells.
That is a thing you could do, yes. If you don't want to set the ELH on fire and forget it forever.
Which may be a better option. Just sayin'.
Fair enough.
So should a homebrewer include their content in a discussion of the game system?
Depends on the discussion?
This popped entirely out of left field. Nowhere in the thread was homebrew a concern.
Bad link.
Shouldn't be.
Isn't. Take it.
Unless you mean it's not got enough width.
I'm getting an internal server error.
Yeah, that's a site issue.
Lots of people are getting 500 errors.
Keep trying.
(The poster's made X Scion stuff of questionable quality.)
I can read it, but I have no understanding of your concern.
I probably don't know enough about Legend to be able to tell what you're talking about.
Mostly it's just a discussion of core content. And he appears to have misposted. And I'm making far bigger a deal of this than I should.
I don't actually see any homebrew in what you linked. Possibly because I wouldn't know Legend homebrew unless it was clearly labelled; remember, I don't know anything about Legend at all.
No, he's talking about his Item Scion stuff.
I don't know what "Item Scion" means.
Yeah, it's the name of the subsystem. I'm going to go do something else.
Your offering appeases me; that's some awesome costuming. Rarity approves.
(Although, I think RD would force-feed the model a hamburger and get her on a moderate workout program.)

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