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So my druid character apparently became super powerful.
There's a spell called Call Lightning, which is Ridicul-Os.
Pretty much, yeah.
Anyone know about the Bundle of Holding?
@Avner Good beforemorning!
'ello 'ello. Anything exciting happening today? Heated arguments? Mild disagreements?
We had one or the other!
We argued about the definition of the "accessibility" tag
Do we have it on RPG.SE?
And then discussed a mechanical modification for a game.
I think we do now? I'm not totally certain.
I see it now, yes. But no questions on it?
Hm. I'm not totally sure why that is.
Q: What should the scope of the [accessibility] tag be?

called2voyageToday I created the accessibility tag for our now-growing category of posts dealing with issues such as blind players, prone players, dyslexic players, autistic players, etc. I also tagged one post (How can I help my PCs remember clues that they found?) as accessibility as well. This is why I am...

I thought tags were generally created on-the-fly as needed, rather than being pre-built.
In this case, there was one question tagged with it, but the tag was removed.
@Emrakul I have heard of it, but not in time to get the previous one.
And as a result, a debate ensued about how we should define it.
@Metool ?
Bundle of Holding?
Oh, yes, sorry.
I'm curious what's typically in it.
I'm reading the meta post right now.
Ok. Read it. Still don't have a clear-cut opinion.
You can start reading our discussion here
It continues for a good couple hours, but covers a lot of the discussion.
... 11 mana, turn 3. What?
11 mana in pool, or available by turn 4?
GAH. Phone issues an Amber Alert. An alarm goes off that sounds like the world is ending.
...okay, that's actually serious enough to blare violent alarms in one million peoples' pockets for.
All is forgiven when lives are in danger.
11 mana available at turn 3
@Emrakul what happened?
How did they do it?
And, two children were abducted by a guy in a blue car who had just killed the mother (single) and eldest child in a burned-down home.
It's pretty serious. They issued the warning because the kids are in immediate life threat, but could very well still be alive. foxnews.com/us/2013/08/06/…
They apparently actually activated the TV emergency broadcast system, as well.
@Metool how did they do it/is it consistent?
This user is typing.
First turn - Forest (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=8338), Llanowar Elves (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=221892).
Second turn - Tap both for Priest of Titania (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=5823); play Gaea's Cradle (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=10422), tap for Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Discussion.aspx?multiverseid=15237).
Does that not interpret?
That last one interprets just fine :P
That's a pretty lucky ramp.
What's the deck style?
It's just TO at this point.
... G world enchantment... all creatures have haste... what?
(TO is theoretical optimization, apparently. I might be misusing the term)
That's not at all overpowered, no.
With that deck you'd probably get up to 8 or 9 with some consistency.
Could be a good elf deck.
It's just that haste is out of colour.
Get enough elves, though...
Hrm. 2/5 for 5, and 1G: Folk of the Pines gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
Not red deck winsy enough.
Looking for more creature ramp...
Would it be too late for Oracle of Mul Daya?
Please don't talk about red deck wins.
Hint hint, there's a magic the gathering room that has trouble staying alive
(Even a generic B&CG room!)

 Board and Card Games

General discussion for boardgames.stackexchange.com. Chat abou...
I'm not kicking you out, but maybe you could bring some life to them? c(:
Whoa. BGSE has a Go chat room.
Once SE chat gets XMPP/IRC support...
IRC, eh?
IIRC, it's status-deferred.
If I recall correctly, it's been deferred by the SE devs to a later point.
Low-priority for them, but it's on their list.
There is limited benefit and a lot of trouble in doing it
Limited benefit?
Something a lot of people don't recognise is that the IRC protocol, and other chat protocols, are not just a way to communicate but a definition and set of rules for how a chat is supposed to work
Ah, of course.
SE Chat has a lot of features that aren't compatible with IRC, and expects stuff like login information and a static username which IRC is less friendly with supporting. Likewise IRC has expectations and features SE Chat doesn't care about.
While they could communicate via IRC, it would take some hacking to get right.
Some serious hacking and user scripting.
A lot of people assume it's some kind of de-facto chat protocol it should be easy enough to support but it isn't really, and when people can just connect over the web clients (which have more features) quite often it's... not really worth it necessarily
Yeah pretty much what Emrakul said
I'd rather have these chats not taking up browser space, is the thing.
It could even be a direct drawback. People connect automatically in IRC; we'd quickly see rooms with 90+ people who just don't quit their IRC clients.
I would like to see a desktop app of some sort.
IRC/XMPP aside
A desktop app would definitely help and I would be much happier.
@Jonathan It appears our woes have been solved. I almost feel bad for wasting dev time.
I wouldn't call it a woe. :)
What? You have no idea how many thousands of people suffered from unintentionally striking the pipe key and then being generally confused!
Probably zero thousand
It's pretty close.
what happened by striking the |||||pipe?
one could see forever
you mean, no more death? XD
no more blindness?
well actually it's just that every name in the room would show up for a suggestion after you entered, say, @|a
@z suggests Zachiel, but @|z would make everyone show up.
@Metool Haste isn't out of color if you're using older cards like Priestess of Titania. But most elf decks don't need it because they use an alternative trick. I can explain in B&CG main or Magic chat if you'd like to know more.
1 hour later…
A silly question:
A silly answer:
Which is worse: coming up with fanciful names for basic character classes ("glaive" for warrior) or coming up with fanciful names for the GM ("Seneschal," "Hollyhock God")?
Why is either of these things bad to start with?
Because I can't call another player the Seneschal with a straight face?
I mean, I could see an argument that it confuses things, but it's not like "wizard" and "sorcerer" are meaningful distinctions either.
Because when your game has three character classes, why are they referring to one of them by the name of a weird-ass polearm?
@BESW Agreed.
"Glaive" says more to me than "fighter" does.
As in, "Aren't all our characters going to be fighting?" At least a Glaive indicates to me that he's a weapony guy.
I always thought glaive was a glove.
That said, I accidentally started playing music over the house speakers instead of my own bluetooth speakers.
@Metool <insert Princess Bride joke here>
@BESW That was lovely.
@Metool Was it All Ponies Must Be Perfect or something similar?
@BESW Well, that's because "fighter" is too far on the side of flavorless and non-specific. Like "magic-user."
@AlexP What are the other classes named?
@JonathanHobbs Umm, jack and nano, IIRC.
That is rogue and mage.
Oh. Those aren't class names. Those are triplets born at Woodstock and named by a guy under the bleachers.
Glaive, Jack and Nano.
The term Nano bothers me just because of the ways I see it used, but Glaive and Jack I don't mind one bit.
"Glaive, Jack, and Nano" would be a good name for a band.
Very importantly: the Fiction Rule of Thumb does not necessarily apply to RPGs.
They could be Frank Zappa's kids.
@JonathanHobbs Why not?
If anything, I feel that RPG names should be kept simpler than names in prose fiction.
after this
I can get behind those, I think.
@BESW Get behind what?
@BESW Oh, yeah, I agree. But then there's terms like psionics. I suppose they just get more leeway.
@AlexP @Metool's song choices.
Actually nevermind, it probably fully applies :I
It reeeeeeeeeeally depends on the feel of your game.
If you're going light, there is no reason whatsoever that you can't have characters named Princess Fluffycheeks Steelchaser
A lot of the time though when a game is more "serious" (as serious as RPGs can be, anyway), you get slightly more normalish names
And if you're going heavy, Killfuck Soulshitter.
@AlexP >.<
I kind of draw the line at "Bob", at least in medieval RPGs; show me a PC named "Bob" and I'll show you a player who is "mailing it in", so to speak
I think that's more horrible than Fluffycheeks
@JohnCraven Hey! I resemble that remark
has played a fighter named Bob for years
A person named Killfuck Soulshitter would have to have a nickname to really be able to do much in the real world
it seems like a good start for a player, at least
@JohnCraven K-man
@JohnCraven He is a cyborg assassin. So no he does not.
Anyway, that's nothing like what I was trying to get at.
@AlexP Ah, that helps things.
Hobbs is talking about made-up words, and I'm advocating using recognizable language.
haha if I played under a GM who did that (had a town called Bob) I would probably ask what all the major places are and take a tourist-style tour of the place, just to force him to improvise all of that shit
@JohnCraven Well, arguably the more medieval you get, the more "Bob" is acceptable. Not always Bob per se, but, you know, pretty regular names.
@BESW How made up? Like Eragon or Cthulu?
@JohnCraven Most everyone in that town is named Bob, and looks exactly like the GM, beard and all. Even the women.
Robert is acceptable for an English based medieval thing
I mean, "canonical names" is a thing.
I get the feeling nobody actually clicked on Hobbs's link which started this.
7 mins ago, by Jonathan Hobbs
Very importantly: the Fiction Rule of Thumb does not necessarily apply to RPGs.
although I usually try and get people to choose the French or Italian or Spanish versions of the names just in case they're actively trying to play the annoying guy at work
(just a note on the language guys, it's fine in moderate doses, but try not to use so much you attract flags or you'll have a flood of 10k users and mods from other sites in here and it won't be pretty.)
There were eras when the list of acceptable names was pretty short so people start just creating bizarre nicknames.
That's where the bajillionty nicknames for names like Robert or William come from.
well, that and people were known as much by their profession as anything else
Too many Roberts. So some are Rob and some are Bob.
Yeah, if you want to get "authentic," give people bynames. It's easy and fun!
if you want to make a character named John Smith, that's cool... so let's talk about what it was like to be raised a blacksmith, and why you are giving up that life (the pay is pretty damn good) to go adventuring
but yeah, calling yourself "Champion" is actually kind of an awesome move too in my book... okay, maybe your 'real' name is Bob but championing is in fact what you do
For an entirely different flavor.
in the end, I guess we tend not to spend too much time on names unless they're distracting
@JohnCraven Your village was burned down by a super-evil villain and you have been honed into the world's greatest warrior by gladiatorial fighting and walking around that wheel thing all day!
@AlexP Or, you're not a smith at all. Your family's craft is calligraphy, but the border guards couldn't pronounce your name and gave you a new one.
wow... so I think my work may have blocked Wikipedia
and not rpg.SE
@JohnCraven Are you in the UK by chance?
Also, wikipedia doesn't have a lot about rape and/or porns so I think the UK is safe anyway
No idea, then. I know in the UK sometimes people try go get Wikipedia described as pornographic content because it has, like, pictures of rock album covers.
@JohnCraven fabulous. my work for a long time had SO blocked but not SE
SO is actually relevant to my job, most of SE is not
@waxeagle That's just terrible.
I hope and pray you're not a developer, @waxeagle
@JohnCraven yes, yes I am
thankfully 1. google caches SO very nicely and 2. my job is pretty easy
Well I went away for a few minutes <_>
Sometimes I wonder how people think we actually do this job... like, do you want us to spend several weeks re-inventing some API which is probably already out there and has been tested or used?
Or do you want me to spend several hours trying to come up with creative solutions to what is likely a very common problem someone else in the community has already solved?
I do think a game should feel free to come up with words (and they will come up with a few for races, exotic items or things like Tenser's Floating Disk) but I think it should be sparing and where necessary. Finding a new word for no reason when a more common one is appropriate, you'd better have a good reason.
In the case of Glaive, Jack and Nano, I am fine on all counts, except that Nano is a measurement prefix.
@JonathanHobbs strangely related to what John Craven just said, just different context
Whenever a spell that has a duration targets you, if it is not a copy, you may project it. To project a spell, create a copy of that spell for each other ally within your Bastion Aura.
@JonathanHobbs Maybe he's a No Copyrights Were Infringed version of Antman?
and "Glaive" makes me want to say their name like Jerry Lewis
Nano's fine in a SF setting... to be honest my anachronism bells kind of go off in something like DnD
@JohnCraven I'm talking about sci-fi D&D in this context (Numenera)
@JonathanHobbs One issue is the Translation Convention; at what point do you expect the players to learn a new language as part of play?
Though in a sci-fi context, "jack" might be a bad class name if that term is used elsewhere.
For Numenara, just add the word "space" to all medieval things and you will be set
or the suffix "-3000"
@BESW I once had a super-terrible session based around the word "blockhouse."
It was a one-shot.
I generally prefer to use existing (often English) words, and if I must I'll pretend they're the translation of the Quenya or Hrissian or whatever.
We're walking through a ruined city.
The GM says we see a large blockhouse.
We investigate.
Hobgoblins attack us from the parapets!
Wait, what?
None of us knew "blockhouse" meant "fortress" and not some kind of, you know, house
Hrm. It's actually a one-story wooden fort with arrow holes, but okay.
@BESW: It depends on what feeling you're trying to convey
"Parapets" is going a bit far even with the medieval definition.
@JohnCraven Obviously.
I never said the GM was good at using words. ;)
the big advantage of using words that everybody knows is that you can circumvent a lot of potentially game-stopping description, but sure, if you want to give someone or some place a funky name, why not?
I ask the question rhetorically, meaning that the GM/group/game designer needs to ask it of their particular situation.
Then I clarified my standard answer to it.
Our compromise with names is that we try to use historical names but we don't bother using full names.
I just wouldnt' describe places as "ziggurats" unless I was pretty sure everyone knows what a ziggurat is becuase their players wouldn't be thinking in that language, necessarily
Like a real Byzantine Greek could have like 4-5 names since they stack family names a bit like people from Spain do. We just call them by their first names, though.
And never come up with the other names.
I'd also imagine that in a day to day setting nobody is calling that dude with 5 names all of those names at once
I like using obscure real words for place and people names, but the more important something is the more inclined I am to make it memorable by making it recognizable.
@JohnCraven Depends. How angry was he likely to make his mother?
I found a great generator.
@Aaron Hi.
haha that was exactly what I was thinking of when I typed that too
I just decided not to "go there"
@JohnCraven Your mention of that word caused me to become gripped with the terrible fear that I'd spent a year-long campaign pronouncing it wrong. Happily, I was saying it correctly.
A great generator of what?
@JohnCraven Questions in chat. Congratulations, you're number one.
Anyone want a link? It generates really good world maps with different contents unlike most I found which just have one big land mass.
It has different options for what kind of map as well.
I have a generator like that as well. It's called Civilization V. :D
I played the xbox version of that game. It was too easy I have heard the computer version is much better.
@JohnCraven I used the Casesar III map generator in my early D&D GM days.
@BESW how long have you been DMing?
@BESW there are worse ways to go. Civ5 even has a mod out there which generates more realistic map content. Just... don't allow your players to be like "I have found Mount Fuji!!! My happiness has been increased by 3!"
@Aaron Nine years? Ish? I can't remember if it was winter/spring 2004 or winter/spring 2005.
@JohnCraven If this is their approach to flavouring items I am going to go like this --> ;_;
I think I have 1 year at least under my belt. My text RPing experience has helped me greatly in making the games I do as well.
Where I draw the line is when PCs ask if the city they've encamped in has built a Granary yet.
@Aaron Go ahead and post the link. :)
@JonathanHobbs It is not. We were just harping about the fact that all of this transhuman technology has just ended up trickling down on the lesser species (humans) in the form of interdimensional demons and robot succubuses
@JonathanHobbs "Space-maid! Don't forget to empty the space-chamber pot into the space-gutter."
@BESW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@BESW I would totally do this while playing Rock of Tahamaat.
Except you should never refer to a single space-maid.
Actually, I think for proper effect it should be a laser chamber pot.
I now have Ziltoid the Omniscient's album in my head.
"Space-servants! Empty the space-chamber-pot into the space-gutter of ten thousand lamentations!"
@Aaron Thanks.
@Aaron Are you sure that's correct? I get an error: "Firefox can't find the server at topps.diku.dk." :(
One sec. I copied the url and pasted it into evernote. I am trying to find out what went wrong now.
Hrm. Perhaps the site is down. I hope not it was a really good generator.
@Aaron If you used it recently, maybe it's just down for now.
@jonathan I used it last week.
@Aaron Diku.dk apparently being a University domain, I suspect it's just a temporary outage.
@jonathanhobbs Ah. Thank you.
Or maybe the student who posted it took it down
@JohnCraven Well, diku.dk is actually down!
I am off to sleep, goodnight!
@JonathanHobbs Night.
Oooh. I'm 10 rep away from a expanded usercard on scifi.se.
So, back on the names thing. I'm pleased that Game of Thrones kinda has bynames, kinda. At least in the sense that a lot of people are known by silly-ish folk titles like "The Mountain."
In college I was well-known as "Guam," and slightly less well-known as "Trench coat boy."
I was very fond of a D&D 3.5 monk/paladin vow of nonviolence NPC who was widely known as The Bastard.
He was a bastard. Literally. Also he had some unfortunate "helped support a world-sweeping holy war" backstory.
I guess I'm kind of surprised at the implication using that some kind of byname isn't a common practice in RPGs of the appropriate settings.
I think it really varies by the media the group has consumed.
I mean, it's so easy it seems like cheating.
I don't actually like a lot of Game of Thrones (though I did binge on it), but overall I'm very happy it's around being one of the flagship fantasy things.
Unfortunately a lot of D&D tropes have been canonized for all time in video games already.
John Bywater, Gretta Eriksdottir, Alexander Portsman.
When Spugnoir becomes "Sponge", Lareth who lives in a herborist shop becomes "Herbs" and the players go out of their way to find slight resemblance to common names for every proper name I say, that's when I know I want a different rpg group
@Zachiel Heh. I have a player who likes to do that.
But he's good at making it funny and keeping it at the right level.
So they try to find a normal name to use for the more exotic names you use? Is that what you mean? @Zachiel
"And then, how could we call this Validor guy?"
Splug the tag-along goblin NPC was promptly re-Christened "Splat," and everyone agreed this was a very appropriate change.
Sometimes they're just having fun, sometimes it's a not-so-subtle hint that the GM is giving them too many things to keep track of.
@Aaron they don't go towards less exotic, they go towards funnier
They may be telling you that Lareth is just "the herbs guy" and they don't want to give him the narrative weight that goes with remembering a name.
They may be saying that Spugnoir is far too exotic a name for them to recall.
And it happens for minor NPCs whose names aren't important for the story. I guess the English fantasy names sound really funny to a non-English speaker already.
But then, having heard about your group in other contexts, I may be giving them too much credit.
but he's not "the herbs guy". He's "Herbs". Capital H.
@Zachiel That's what I mean; by naming him for his function in the game, they're putting him in his place.
and they do remember the original names pretty well (maybe -because of the Monikers-)
"Herbs" means "you're just the herbs guy, don't get any ideas about becoming important to the plot."
Sounds a bit like a defense mechanism against having to be too "in-character," maybe?
Except when the evil clerics go as far as resurrecting him and giving him the supreme sword of the cult champion, because he's the chosen one but they realized that after the PCs killed him.
@AlexP That's very much the case, I think, based on some other stories I've heard about the group.
I don't know, it has serously toned down since a player moved away
I'm glad to hear it.
Speaking of herbs. I have been thinking of launching a short horror survival zombie campaign. Somewhat like Resident evil. Just off the top of anyone's head do you know of any good resources for this? I want to use the herbs and everything. Characters would not level up and gain stats but they would have to train and such to increase the stats.
Not so glad, he was the only one that used to show up every time
@Aaron Off the top of my head, All Flesh Must Be Eaten.
Would it help to get rid of the first-person component of that?
Like, I usually do my roleplaying in third person and elide a lot of dialogue.
@Aaron On top of mine, there's a project for a game called "Escape!" but I don't know if it's being translated from Italian to English
@Aaron the right genre and tone, but no improvement of abilities and probably too light on the crunch if you're talking about skills at all is Dread
(I'm not very familiar with RE, but AFMBE has sections on how to turn it into several different kinds of zombie tropes.)
Just "She explains that they're in a hurry."
What are tropes exactly? Is it like types?
@Aaron plot concepts essentially
@AlexP I don't like that kind of narration very much, but I feel inadequate at doing any more than that
AFMBE even does the plant zombie thing Skin Horse recently depicted so well.
I've got a soft spot for spore zombies, I guess.
@BESW oh hey, NPR was talking about new video game with spore based zombies
inspired by an insect fungus. lemmie find it
Sadly, I'm not actually very fond of zombie stories/games at all.
But spore zombies hold a certain fascination, as do voodoo zombies.
Science zombies, meh.
Interesting idea.
I'd be more interested in a Swamp Thing/Poison Ivy/Cypress conceit, though.
@Zachiel I think the trick is to start with that kind of bird's-eye-view thing and then kick it into detail for the interesting stuff. "She explains that they're in a hurry. 'So either you'll help us now or I'll gut you and take what we need.'"
Not the only way to do it, mind you.
It's the format I like.
I compare it to how TV shows sometimes just jump-cut right into the middle of the interesting part of a conversation.
Good-quality prose fiction does it regularly.
I think in ten session of play I've said "hello" all of once.
It's a "zoom out, zoom in" focus trick to let us get through the boring bits without feeling like we missed anything.
@AlexP unless it's a major plot point formalities should be abstracted. get to the interesting bits of conversation :)
@waxeagle Exactly.
Once it was a major plot point.
I try to gauge how much the group I'm working with is interested in that.
I had one group that was perfectly content to spend two whole sessions wandering around a pirate bazaar chatting with the vendors.
@BESW The thing is, I can't do that myself. My brain melts.
They bought a dog for the lonely itinerant gnome salesman.
@AlexP [grin] I love random plotless improv, especially when I can tie it to characterization and worldbuilding.
The instant I as a GM (instead of I as the NPCs) have a "point" I need to get to, I start to freeze up.
I do think "talk to the shopkeeper for two hours" is a legit style.
Have I shared the wonder that is Jamsas in here yet?
@AlexP My next big group, I learned the hard way, would slaughter each other if not given something else to kill each session.
@Metool Don't think so, but I'll have to see it in the morning. Beeeeed. Sleeeeeep. [thunk]
Good morning!
(Just for irony's sake)
@BESW Man, I really wish all RPGs came with some kind of "flagging" mechanism.
"This is what I want to do now."
Players have a tendency to forget that they can just say that. And instead look around at the tools they have and just try to force it clunkily.
I'm certainly not immune.
What is going on with these Candy Crush questions on Arqade?
@Emrakul whacha mean?
I only see one terribad recent one
Go back through recent questions
There are a lot more
Oh. The others must have been deleted? There used to be four, if I recall...
@Emrakul probably scrubbed. mods are pretty good about cleaning up crap like that
@johnW Your DM is severely wrecking the class balance in 4e if he's giving you double the dailies of every other class.
hello everyone
Hello, @JoshuaAslanSmith
@JoshuaAslanSmith /wave
Who's JohnW?
guy asking questions on the site
yes, dont know if he has the rep and whatnot to come in chat
but It didn't seem right to put that on the question when his main question was about burst attacks targeting squares rather than creatures
@JoshuaAslanSmith he does, but he hasn't been here yet so he won't get your ping
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah...I was going to comment about that but it wasn't appropriate for the question
maybe a general comment inviting him to chat would be appropriate
@JoshuaAslanSmith always ok
I just dont understand people unbalancing 4e like that
I have been trying to compile a list of metals both real and fantasy metals (Mithril etc.) I have googled it a lot but I have not found a good source.
all metals? thats a tall order considering the ridiculous amount of steel alloys in production or that have been research, not to mention others
I have found a Wikipedia but does anyone have other sources they know of?
Not all but a large list.
wikipedia is good for sources, ie the footnotes at the bottom of the page can direct you to real, reputable sites sometimes
are you simply looking for elemental metals (iron, aluminum, gold, silver, etc.) or alloys as well?
Anything that can be found in raw form.

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