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Moffat's a fanboy who spent decades thinking about the kinds of stories he'd want to write for the show, so the first season or two are awesome (some of the best episodes from Nine and Ten are Moffat's, too)... but then he ran out of steam. He's using the less good ideas, and repeating himself.
CROWDED [in a fired theatre]
Davies made the fandom's transition a bit too harsh by removing both the companion and the doctor. There was no link from one season to the next.
@Emrakul Mmm. Nine's season was the perfect introduction to the series, and his transition to Ten was handled gloriously.
Ten's retirement feels like a massive "EFF YOU" to the new cast and crew.
They kept Rose. That gave it what it needed.
@Emrakul More than that; Nine regenerated with a smile, a joke, and a reassurance that it'd still be him after the light show.
Ten's finale is two hours of the Doctor whinging about dying and making melodramatic announcements that Eleven would be "a different man."
Ten certainly didn't take it in stride, this is true.
"I don't want to go," indeed.
I actually think that was Davies' projection.
They revisited every companion, wrung out every self-congratulatory "we did awesome" they possibly could, and did everything they could to make sure the fans of Ten would be prejudiced against Eleven.
I at least liked Eleven's first major thing he did.
Er... spoilers.
Spoiler blocks in chat?
We generally aren't too concerned about spoilers here.
Alright, good to know.
(And I'm pretty sure spoiler block code doesn't work.)
If the content is new, we'll be more careful.
Fair enough. So yeah. Crash the TARDIS, @Metool? :P
... Oh, wait. Was that what that was? Huh. I meant the thing with the giant sky eyeballs.
pick up a stripper?
@Emrakul or is he referring to the fishsticks and custard bit...
@Emrakul or is he referring to the fishsticks and custard bit...
... Doubleposts, woo!
@Metool effin internet #firstworldproblem
The Atraxi were interesting.
"It is protected" would've been cooler if it'd had any followup.
Like, spending more time on Earth, protecting it.
This is one of Moffat's problems; he's great at emotional authenticity, but weak on logical reasoning, in his scripts.
11 did that too much
I wonder if anyone has ever played a roleplaying game while under hypnosis.
he bluffed people to death on at least 2 or 3 occasions
This isn't inherently problematic; the issue comes when, like Moffat, you don't seem to recognize your strengths and weaknesses.
Moffat keeps trying to explain his emotional stories.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager sounds like a recipe for disaster
@William That's actually incredibly dangerous.
@BESW I'm not sure I agree... how do you mean?
@Emrakul Well, the Ponds' farewell.
@William Hypnosis leaves the mind in a highly impressionable state. Asking someone to play a character for an extended period of time under hypnosis has a high chance to actually make them believe they are that character, even once out of hypnosis.
It was emotionally gut-wrenching, but made no sense and the more they tried to explain it, the less sense it made.
If he'd left it at the emotional level and just waved his hands vigorously at the logic, it would've been a stronger episode.
That made absolutely no sense, yeah. "I feel like leaving now. G'bye."
Leaving it at that.
I hate that episode
@Emrakul I could see that being a problem.
All of River Song's arc falls under this, too: an interesting and potentially-compelling emotional setup, which collapses under the weight of being explained to death.
Have you ever played an RPG hypnotized... on weeeeeeeeeeeeed?
@JohnCraven Dude. Did you ever like, really look at a d12?
@JohnCraven Some of my players find it easier to roleplay after having a few beers to help them relax
well, substance abuse + DnD is not uncommon
there's a reason why Crown Royal bags serve as dice bags so often in the community
@JohnCraven Really? I just got mine from my grandfather.
@William Also, bear in mind that when someone is hypnotized, they're not entirely aware of their surroundings. The mind fills in details as requested; that's why hypnotism shows are so effective. The only way to get someone to play a character is to tell them they're that character, but the way neural networks train would cause that to stick for an extended period of time.
It's not a true Crown Royal bag unless you drank your way through it
I ban everything stronger than caffeine from my games; early on in my gaming experience I learnt that it's too hard to say "Yes, he can spike his coffee with booze but you can't bring your beers, because he knows when to stop and you don't." (My religious beliefs are also a factor, but I'm pretty sure my policies wouldn't change if I didn't have them.)
sometimes I feel as though DnD should have PED banes for if you AREN'T high on weed, because being the only sober guy in a weed game sucks ass
I wonder how hard it will be to find a group that doesn't want to drink constantly in college.
my problem with alcohol during DnD, frankly, is that it makes me too sleepy
@Emrakul Not a problem.
@BESW, I'd ban it if it got distracting. But as it it, it's pretty harmless.
I hope so... that's not the impression I've gotten so far from tours, but maybe...
The geeks don't show up at tours. :P
You'll find that many people, even if they enjoy drinking a bit too much, will respect (and possibly envy) your choice to limit it.
One reason I ran D&D during college was that while my friends were mostly moderate with their intoxicants, their friends weren't. D&D provided a social outlet that neatly weeded out (no pun intended) the people whose idea of "fun" I didn't want to be around.
That would be nice. I hope so, and I'll take your word for it.
Yeah, I see that currently, actually, though not with intoxication per se.
As the GM and host (and a fairly dominant social personality), I was able to create an atmosphere where people didn't feel pressured to behave in various ways that were prevalent in other social circles.
Actually, I think finding players isn't going to be a challenge. Finding likeminded players is harder.
I often meet new players, but rarely find players that fit into my group.
In senior year I managed to get an absentee roommate (seriously, he was there for under 6 hours out of two semesters), and set up my dorm as an open house for hanging out without pressures. People left their video game consoles there and so forth.
That's exactly what I'm aiming for, to be honest. And I suppose there's a level of respect gathered around good friends.
That's actually lovely and I'm kind of jealous. I'll have my chances, though...
Ultimately, the social aspect of RPGs is primal to me: learning how to create an atmosphere of mutual respect, support, and cooperation is one of the reasons I run games.
It's very helpful as a microcosm for learning that can be applied to my service in the arena of community-building.
@Emrakul Yeah, I tried doing it when I had roommates, but with lesser success.
(Though when I had my own private room with a shared common room in earlier years, my roommates were pretty sure I was a depraved omnisexual because I had friends coming and going at all hours of the day and night.)
I'd say "I concur" but for the fact that I would become a parrot.
@Emrakul [SQUAAAWK] "Hermocrates! A friend of Socrates!"
(+2 Internets for anyone who recognizes that.)
Jarvis that's really obscure.
@Emrakul Probably my second-favorite video game ever.
What's your favorite, then? :P
Riven: The Sequel to Myst.
YES. I love Myst.
All four games.
Myst itself was a bit clunky --understandable, they'd basically invented a new medium.
Yeah. Riven was really the pinnacle of the series.
And the later games generally lost something; Myst III's puzzles were almost all basically arcade games plonked into a lovely setting, and URU was... well, it was an over-the-shoulder platformer.
I actually didn't mind III and IV that much.
Riven, however, showcased the two things that the Myst franchise really needed to be about: environments where the puzzles rise naturally from the context and the story, and a story that is fundamentally about a seriously dysfunctional family.
@JohnCraven ahem the substances had it coming... (sorry that's probably in poor taste)
Well, that story needed Myst to be there to back it up.
It makes more sense if you've read the Myst Reader, but the context really did need to be there.
(The near-transparent-yet-intuitive interface was a plus, and the fact that they never tried to overreach the capabilities of their technology means it's surprisingly not outdated-looking even now.)
@waxeagle yes, it probably is, but [snerk] anyway.
@Emrakul I rather disagree! Riven was my first exposure to the Myst franchise.
Interesting! I'm curious how you took the Riven intro, then, given the context.
As a kid who had already established himself as a voracious Reader Of Everything, in medias res was nothing new to me.
I'm rewatching it, and I suppose it has less context than I remember.
The diaries explained everything.
Not the Fall of D'ni.
Puzzling out what had happened was part of the game for me.
Though that's in the Reader.
The Fall of D'ni was irrelephant to the plot; it was sufficient that it had fallen.
I'm actually kind of jealous you played Riven first, now that I think about it.
The only piece of information you'd be missing is how you got to talk to Atrus in the first place.
Aye, it was clear that I'd gotten lost, found Atrus in trouble, and helped him.
And despite all the diaries, the game did an amazing job of showing rather than telling.
I'm kind of sad that they didn't tie the history of D'ni into Riven as much as they could have.
This is true.
The Whark counting game, for example.
I loved that.
I still have the D'ni numbers memorized.
It's actually a fairly convenient system.
They are stuck in my brain forever.
@Emrakul Until you hit 25, at least.
Going from base 5 to base 25 is... weird.
Especially if you have genkouyoushi lying around
And little touches, like if you pay attention you'll find that Gehn has been distilling and smoking frogs.
So when he lights up during his monologue --right about the point where he's telling you how nice and misunderstand he is now-- you're sitting there thinking "You're smoking frogs, dude."
Ahaha indeed!
(And! If you go back to that lab a second time, his pipe is missing. Little details that make the world dynamic and alive despite being mostly just scrolling wallpapers.)
Wow. I just decided to find the translations for the inscriptions on the walls of the rotation pentagonal room.
I... used to know them.
They're descriptions of the stained-glass images, right?
Nope. They're praises to Gehn.
Oooh, nice.
You've seen the Riven easter eggs, right?
"The Books: Our lord Gehn has blessed us by [he is] giving [to] us the procedure to make the Books. We thank our master for the privilege of (we are) [us] manufacturing the Books he uses.

Our master: Our lord Gehn has blessed us with his presence. We dedicate our existence to our master Gehn the creator and the protector of our world. Praise Gehn, the maker of worlds!

The ink: Our lord Gehn has blessed us by (he is) giving (to) us the formula to make the Ink. We thank our master for the privilege of (we are) [us] manufacturing the Ink he uses."
Wow, chat formatting is just not working for me today, is it.
I haven't, actually!
Some time after the game was released, a mysterious website published rhyming quatrains which, put together, told the sequence to unlock the easter eggs.
Huh. The first I think is referring to the pond on the "second" island
After clicking on each of the items in the game indicated by the rhymes, in order, you were then challenged to.... go find the easter eggs, which were each unlocked by clicking on an un-hinted-at item/location in the game.
@Emrakul Nope! It's the lab, with creatures floating in formaldehyde, and a globe of water on a bunsen burner.
That sounds like a fun way to spend a week. [no sarcasm intended]
The "small, orange, and unbroken" is an egg in a chest of drawers.
[click] Nope. [click] Nope. [click click] Nope. ...[click] nnnnnnope.
@Emrakul Even prior to the release of the hints, people had noticed that there were places in the game where you could click and the cursor would vanish, but nothing would happen.
But if you examined the code, clicking there would trigger... something...
I'd noticed those, but I had thought it was just a tile rendering error.
After the hints, they started examining the clickspots more carefully: all of the unlocking spots were among them, but not all the clickspots were unlocking spots.
Whoever wrote that into the game is an awesome person.
The easter eggs are things like Christmas lights in the big hologram hall on the first island, an old Silly Putty commercial in the secret camera viewer, and Gehn singing opera.
I've really --- AHAHAHAHA
Other less hidden easter eggs include the faces of programmers' children hidden in the shadows, and a graphics guy who signed his name four pixels high (which is also a clickspot for unlocking the major easter eggs).
Huh. Where was that?
On the left-hand stone pillar for the tram leaving the first island, visible as you come out of the hologram temple.
(I may have the positioning wrong... let me check.)
First island, magtram, yes.
Now, I must go.
See you around!
Whoa, that's interesting.
We shall talk later!
So what's going on now?
Trying to decide whether to write code or words. You?
Reading Magic cards on Gatherer to decide what cool artifacts to include in my campaign
....that is actually an amazing idea. Why have I never heard of this?
@Metool Take a look at Panoptic Mirror. That would be a fun one to play with.
Oh god that would be OP.
Type: NOT creature. Type: AND artifact. Rarity: "Mythic Rare".
@Metool That's why it's banned in everything.
But you have to admit, it'd be fun. ;]
So I think I have something.
Any time you spend a spell slot, put a counter on this item. You have fast healing equal to the number of counters on this item. Counters disappear at the end of each [Scene].
How are you defining scene?
Pitch-shifting music gives it a totally different feeling, and now I'm really sad.
The game defines [Scene] as an adventuring day.
Hmm. What are you designing the magic/spell slots to do?
And yeah. This song is normally fairly lively, but now it's just depressing.
The spell slots act normally for spells. (The system only has spontaneous casting.)
Also, you should definitely bring Emrakul into this game if you're looking for artifacts ;]
Okay. Better question: What system is it?
Legend System.
And I've revised the item since.
Alright, I'm not actually sure how Legend typically works?
How are you distributing counters?
It's kind of like 3.5 edition.
So I've heard, but there are some key differences which make it confusing to talk about.
Also, everyone plays a different D&D.
What exactly are you asking here?
I'm not sure. I'm confused as to what the significance of your decision is:
26 mins ago, by Metool
Any time you spend a spell slot, put a counter on this item. You have fast healing equal to the number of counters on this item. Counters disappear at the end of each [Scene].
@Emrakul The weird corollary to that is that everyone hates a different D&D, too.
By "everyone" I mean the people who do hate it at all.
Interesting corollary. I assume we've both read the same page?
Basically, I want to reward spellcasters with lifegain for using their resources.
@Emrakul Yes.
@Metool My word of caution about that would be balance, which I'm sure you're already aware of, but still.
I'm asking in the development chatroom, this is basically just a glance at what's happening elsewhere.
Mostly it sounds like the thing to watch out for is stacking all the useful abilities you get onto the same triggers. It makes it very desirable to min/max just doing that thing over and over again.
E.g. if my spells heal me as a freebie it's kinda desirable to invest all my resources into jacking up my spell power in some way.
Because, hey, more healz!
Or, use some spells on nothing at the beginning of the day to gain fast healing ability.
Alright, as I said, I've revised it.
Enh, I see no problem with magic healing you up a bit in a general sense.
At the beginning of each [Scene], this item's Limiter value becomes 10. At the end of each [Encounter], increase this item's Limiter value by 20. Whenever you use a spell slot, place an arcane counter on this item. You have [Fast healing] equal to the number of arcane counters on this item, up to its Limiter value. Arcane counters disappear at the end of each [Scene].
It's an interesting reverse from magic being enervating, in some sense.
I also don't know if this is something your party is concerned about, but it's possible you may need to consider this: What is the in-character explanation for this mysterious ability to spontaneously heal after casting?
That sounds kinda complicated. How many items to players have in this game? Like 1-2 or more like D&D's normal number?
It's an artifact.
@Metool "Artifact" in the D&D sense of an uber-powerful relic?
If you're not too worried about "balance," then I say straight-up make it a Blackrazor or a Staff of the Magi or an equivalent. Big showy crazy thing!
Perhaps the most critical question is: What existing issue are you addressing by doing this?
"It's just for fun" is also a valid answer, if that's the mood your party has.
@Emrakul My player wants loot.
...hard to argue with that
@AlexP Pretty much, yeah.
(Gods, this song is so much sadder pitch-shifted down.) (Pirates, by Caravan Palace, btw)
@Metool What's the purpose of the Limiter? To keep it from charging up too fast?
@AlexP To keep it from becoming too overpowered, methinks?
That's quite the artifact. You may want to run that by your other players to make sure everyone's okay bringing this into the game.
So, Scene vs. Encounter?
It's a solo campaign
and stop guessing at things
What is a Scene, if it seems to emcompass multiple Encounters?
@AlexP Pretty much, yes. There's a pair of feats in core that let you spend spell slots to gain spell points to spend on other things. If you start the [Scene] with Fast Healing 48, that's bad, and if you spend spell slots to gain 680 spell points (which gave 1 fast healing per spell point in a previous revision) that's also bad.
And is fast-healing like a "per round" thing?
It is a per-round thing.
@AlexP A [Scene] is an adventuring day.
Ah ok.
It's like the periods between 4E's Extended Rests.
So, let's say I'm your player. We do an encounter and I have fast healing 10 by the end of it.
And I am still 60 hp down from my max.
Will you let me heal that up "between encounters" or is the fast healing only valid, like, in combat?
You're expected to heal fully between encounters anyway, with the availability of such abilities as Incantation. One moment.
Incantation SLA: At will, as a standard action, you may either heal an ally or deal damage to an opponent within 100 ft + 10 ft per level. You heal HP or deal damage equal to 2d4 plus your Key Offensive Modifier. This amount increases by 1d4 for each character level beyond 1st.
But yes, fast healing is always active.
Hmm, so my main concern with an item like this would be turtling, then.
If I can get, say, 40 hp healing per round, it seems like at that point I just have to make sure I take less than 40 damage per round and I can nickel-and-dime the encounter to death with non-expendable resources.
I'd strongly suggest running this by the other players in the party.
There is only one player in the party.
@Emrakul He already said it's a solo game, IIRC.
Oh right whoops.
Sorry about that. Maybe put an upper cap on the regen rate?
Well, one-on-one game. I think nowadays people playing Mythic GM Emulator have coopted "solo" to mean "one person total" rather than "one plus GM"
@Emrakul That's in there also? The "Limiter."
@Emrakul That's the purpose of the Limiter value.
No, I mean an absolute upper cap.
As in, your regen rate can never go above 20, regardless of the number of encounters.
Or some such, so that it doesn't grow out of its place.
What's the idea of the Limiter thing going up each encounter? Like in a fluff sense?
It shuts down entirely when the user is calm for at least one hour, and takes a while to work back up to full capacity.
Also, what's the problem it's solving in play? (Not in the sense of there's a problem at the table, in the sense of, say, fire-immunity spells are a solution to the problem of dragon fire.)
Like, what's the big difference for the mage with vs. without this item?
Mostly a matter of survivability for a major NPC and, after that, a PC who might not have healing capability.
So partially it's that a solo PC takes a lot of whacks and you want to give him more stamina?
Yeah, pretty much.
I was originally going to suggest not fast healing, but I think the fast healing actually makes sense here, then.
(I was thinking it might be fun to make it lump-sum heals that trigger off each individual spell cast. Basically to force you to keep casting. Probably with the size of the heal based on the power of the spell cast in some way.)
I'd rather have an ability that functions while the PC is between 1 and their Constitution score in negative HP.
I'm visualizing it like this, almost:
Your PC is surprised by something. Like, say, a bunch of monsters get the drop on him.
Being a wizard (right?), he tends to take a beating when his defenses aren't up.
Since there's no party, it would be nice to let him then put his defenses up to stem the tide of damage and then heal a bit while he's dealing with the opponents.
Something like that?
I mean, you can accomplish all of that with a straight-up fast healing item. So the scaling and all that other stuff is mostly to make it quirky and special, right?
(That is not a bad goal.)
Personally I don't like the keeping track of encounters thing with the Limiter.
It's mostly an abstraction.
I'd rather keep track of something awesome like how many monsters I killed today.
Hah, that'd be nice.
But I'm concerned this might not see play under the right faction, as they're using a Paladin under the house of Spellcasting Race Supremacy.
Yeah, killed creatures leans strongly towards evil.
@Metool I don't understand what this means, sorry.
There are six factions, and I'm trying to create artifacts for each.
Oh ok.
And you think the lone PC will end up with all of them eventually? Some of them?
@Emrakul Paladins aren't alignment-restricted in Legend.
Maybe. I'm considering running six stories, each with different characters and focuses.
ah ok
@Metool That's very useful.
In your place I'd be tempted to take the basic power-up mechanic you have and change the Limiter to something simple that doesn't require extra tracking. You could make it a feature of the character so that it will grow over time.
Like the amount of arcane energy it can pour back into you is limited by your own mage level * some number.
(I just really try super-hard to avoid things that require counting two different things, as a matter of "This feels like a lot of bookkeeping." I know that's super subjective.)
Alright, that's a consideration.
I think the big balance-type issues really have to do with tweaking the numbers, since as you said the limitless font of between-encounter healing is already accessible within the game reasonably.
And you'll need people who really know Legend to tell you what the numbers specifically will do.
I have those people elsewhere, and I presented the finished product.
Oh ok.
Dungopoly: the bookkeeping game that's sure to stink!
As you've written it, I feel like it creates an incentive to get into extra encounters to grow the healing cap number. I don't know whether that's actually a concern or not.
But I do think it's a nice solution to some "solo PC" issues. Including the "combat is a bit more deadly just by virtue of the fact that when you go down you don't have anyone to drag your ass to safety."
Considering that a creature will only have 48 spell slots...
@Magician Evening!
And there are three to five [Encounters] in the average [Scene]...
@Metool ::whimper::. Only 48 spell slots to keep track of. 3.PF?
So isn't the Limiter only really good for the first encounter of a day, basically?
@Magician Legend System.
I would strongly recommend a fixed cap.
48 is a lot. After much experimentation, I've concluded that the number I can actually keep track of is more like... 5?
These slots are more like spell points, though, right?
Nope. Seven spell levels.
Let me pull up a chart.
Ah ok. A bit like D&D sorcerers?
I think I've reached the point in my RPG life where "let me pull up a chart" makes me break out in hives.
@BESW Unless its critical damage charts from 40k, those are hilarious.
"Your left leg explodes, doing 5 damage to all within 10 feet of you."
This is before bonus spells.
@BESW What were those Fate skill check labels again...? Let me pull up a chart...
@AlexP Exactly like D&D sorcerers, yes, with the spontaneous casting.
@Emrakul [gains consequence Swollen Up Like A Balloon]
@Magician Sounds like you should then roll on the crit chart to see what your leg explosion does when it damages other stuff.
Leg explosion chain reaction?
Also, are they just assuming everyone has mechano-legs?
Could actually happen. You roll on crit damage table when someone's health goes negative, and there are different tables for different hit locations and different weapon types
All of this and the book still doesn't tell you what the hell headtubes are for. Priorities, man.
And no, that was high damage from energy weapon, I think. So the explosion would be of bone shrapnel and the like.
@BESW ...you have a comic for everything, eh.
@AlexP Futurama taught me that headtubes are for dead presidents.
he does useually
@BESW That statement is full of hot air.
not just presidents
and not just people who are dead either
I compel that you're very offended by this statement, given the fact that your head is now Swollen Up Like A Balloon!
@BESW No, that's a head jar.
It wouldn't fit yours, though.
If you think I was exaggerating, I wasn't:
Image not found
click through ;)
I don't think you are exaggerating. I played Necromunda.
4 hit locations, 4 damage types = 16 tables of fun and disfigurement!
So, quick chat brain-pick before I sleep. My character just got some, like, burned-in magical markings, due to some crappy theurgy. Long story, they are totes cool, &c., &c. Buuuuuut... the previous activity she was engaged in was trying to kinda con this one dude. But now it's going to be really weird showing up to their next meeting with a funny symbol on her forehead (and lots of other in places that clothes can hide).
I'm not sure what to do, really, other than "take up headwear."
I want to punch the person who originated the term &c.
@Metool Why?
Etc. is cool, but &c. looks out of place.
Et cetera?
& => and <= et
But & is literally "et."
It's more about aesthetics.
Like, originally it is the Latin "et" glued together.
Well, "etc." is already cheating.
Compare to "et al."
Anyway my use of logograms, although it is both sexy and distinctive, is not really the focal point of my question.
Convince whoever observes it that they're hallucinating?
Take up wearing a hood? Or get a new haircut with a fringe?
At set ra.
Anyway if there was a different squished-together symbol for "et" that wasn't an ampersand but was easily written/displayed on modern computers, sure I would use it. But "etc." feels like too many letters to express the concept that it is expressing.
@Magician Hmm, new haircut is a workable idea.
"And so on and so forth" takes even longer. In Russian it's "и так далее", shortened to "и т.д." So no, I don't think "etc." is too bad :P
Really "&c." is about being old-school.
(I find the evolution of the ampersand p. cool)
And, I just found a really strange glitch in chat.
i.imgur.com/txBFtPk.png (quick screenshot)
(copy image URL)
Just @|a makes that show up
@{}||JonathanHobbs Did this ping you?
@JonathanHobbs Pong.
Okay, good night.
Night, AlexP.
Or not.
Good beforemorning.
Any bug is a bug worth noting: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/192033/…
@Emrakul Only this one did.
Weird. That's actually kind of funny.
@|Emrakul Ping?
No ping.
Well at least that part works.
So chat's not entirely broken, it just behaves in a very silly way.
Hey anyone plays runescape?
You may be looking for Arqade, for computer games.
oh ok. I thought it said rpg so i thought it meant computer games
That link should take you to the computer games part of StackExchange.
oh ok thanks

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