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@BESW go figure right?
Well that was a dream.
Did you also have the dream about the swamp where everything was in black and white except the Dalmatian snake?
(I'm not sure how you can tell a Dalmatian snake is in color, but it was!)
No, this was a dream where I was one of a pair of Ice Climber-style fighters.
My dreams have been getting interesting lately. Maybe it's because I'm waking up naturally now.
I am very unsure how that works
I had one just before I got up 30 minutes or so ago, I was riding the bike I had before I moved to this new house, and when I went down the hill I useually took it on it retroactively fell apart
@Emrakul My mother and I trade off; one of us will have strange, vivid dreams for a month or two while the other doesn't, and then we switch.
It even worked when we were on opposite sides of the world for a few years.
so I got off of it, (without falling down or anything) and found each broken peice on the way back home
That's actually very surprising.
I wonder why...
Given that she swears up and down that I can hear her thoughts...
(I think she's just muttering under her breath and doesn't realize it, but she's sure she's not.)
@trogdor That's a Whedon-level dream right there.
how so?
We should add Restless to the TV I Need To Show You list.
Whedon is very good at writing a particular kind of dream logic.
I do admit though, it was really weird,.... AFTER I woke up
before that I never seem to catch on
dream me is pretty dumb
or maybe just doesn't care
either way, I am intimately familiar with the fact that dream logic is just a completely different animal
there were also kids I don't know who were riding their bikes first, but as soon as I got on mine they stopped existing
not in itself too strange for a dream
at least for me
Anybody know of a point-build system that's fairly simplistic? Balance wouldn't be a terribly huge concern here. All I can think of are Wild Talents or Tri-Stat
I had a flag declined for a statement which was outright lying to a user, and now I'm confused and slightly disappointed.
Which flag?
I flagged this comment. It was declined without a reason.
The question OP is posting spam everywhere asking for the question to be deleted. Someone posted this to get them to stop, even though it's not true.
And it's just... flat out incorrect.
That gives me a sad.
A moderator declined my flag. And I held these people in high ethics.
Far as I can tell, they banned him for the terrible crime of... being annoying.
Moderators are overworked, underpaid, flawed humans like the rest of us. I'd be inclined to give them a lot of the benefit of the doubt.
holy cow that sounds like a bad situation in general
@BESW are you secretly a mod somewhere?
To be fair, he seems to be really annoying
But... we elect moderators because we hold them to high ethical standards.
I find it very, very hard to believe that a dude got the BANE for a whole year for just asking for a post to be deleted (which you don't do anyway)
It is the responsibility of moderators to uphold those standards
That's not what I'm talking about. The guy deserves to be banned; he's been a pain for a couple weeks, and has been spamming a bunch of sites.
@Emrakul Aye, and so I'm inclined to think it's more likely there's something you're not aware of, than that moderators are misbehaving on that scale.
I'd like to think so, but that comment is a lie.
(Even if it's just "the moderator who looked at your flag didn't get the breadth of the situation.")
OK, it looks like he's pestering one of the mods constantly, which I can imagine is annoying
He's also been swearing at them, and has been spamming about 7 sites with requests to have this deleted.
does SE ban IPs?
I imagine it has to at some point
Yes, SE will eventually IP ban.
The problem is, I still hold moderators to the highest of ethical standards, even if they're overworked and tired.
Because that's what their job is, and if they need help with it, then elect more moderators.
^ this, yes, pretty much.
I've yet to see really and truly egregious mod behavior from this site
There have been a couple overall. None from RPG.SE that I've seen, but I haven't been here long.
The mods on this site actually seem to be ok. I haven't been banned yet for suggesting fallout 3 might not be godawful.
I don't even really see why he wants it banned. It's not that bad of a question. Granted, it's kind of in the wrong forum (I consider myself a full-on skeptic but it's tough to wade into economic arguments, even if both sides of this argument seem to be held by saltwater guys) but it's not deletably horrible.
There is a mod here who has taken on the role of The Abrasive One, because somebody's got to be the Firm Hand, but (despite various accusations) I've never seen him overstep the bounds of modhood.
It's actually a respectable Skeptics question.
Ah, is this the mod that draws the ire of certain others?
This is the mod named BESW
Man, that guy...
Oh, yeah. He's a right hardnose.
We should really make a serious effort at deposing him.
He definitely hasn't contributed anything of worth to the site. Not at all, no.
But really, @Emrakul, your comment responses to that lie are not clear; they're elided and generally insulting, without explaining what it is that has you offended. If your flag was anything like that, a mod is likely right to ignore it--especially in the context of a flame war like that one.
There may also be the issue that the mod felt it was important to keep the comment alive as a visible record of events regardless of its truth value, and that the problem should be addressed in some other fashion than burying the lie.
@BESW Fair enough; that comment should have been more open.
Also, the troll already responded to him, so I guess you'd lose the point of that response (unless it also got deleted)
Mods go rogue sometimes, but more often they have context or experience that we don't.
"It is too late to undo this operation."
Though I only left one comment after the lie; the other comment was a redirection to chat
(Someone else starred 9m ago by John Craven)
Yes, and your one comment didn't even indicate which citizen you were accusing of amorality!
I defer to the judgement of moderators from that context, but I don't see additional context, to be honest.
Is there a point-buy system for Anima for Characteristics? (Completely off topic)
Yeah, I admit, it's poorly worded and not descriptive.
The biggest problem I'm having with joining writers.SE now is... I want to get back on my novel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad
Luckily, I unexpectedly got at least 2 days and perhaps all of next week off, so there is that
I guess I'll just let the issue drop... bleh.
Usually I can laugh these things off.
@Emrakul [patpat]
I sympathize, I really do. I'm just not sure that wildly accusing mods of unethical behavior is an appropriate or proportionate response.
Especially if you're doing it in a venue where they aren't around to defend themselves.
If you're honest concerned about it, there are Proper Channels for lodging complaints, and they will be taken seriously.
Meh. I got the sense that dude was just venting. No big deal.
I don't particularly agree that this was like some outrageous and egregious display of mod abuse either, but the relative impermanence of chatrooms are kind of the place for that sort of thing.
@JohnCraven SE chat is logged and Google-botted. It's about as permanent as the Internet gets.
Yes, but your mom.
And accusations easily become common "knowledge" which will influence community attitudes.
I've seen it in scifi.se, where mods have to regularly defend their actions because the community increasingly assumes that any mod action it dislikes must be the result of personal fiat rather than moderators responding to flags.
How long has RPG SE been around again?
Couple years?
How long do you think it will take until serious dramastorms?
To some degree, I'm surprised that these non-programmer SE sites don't get more contentious, since in many cases mod decisions are all out there in the open.
@shatterspike1 In SE? We've had some fairly serious drama get kicked around. There are fascinating meta logs.
I've been in much less transparent forums and it does seem to me that if the moderation is fair, you actually get more whinging when it's relatively more transparent than when it's less so
@BESW pushing 3 I think
To a certain extent, a modicum whinging is a sign of a community that feels like it has room to be heard without being suppressed; that's healthy.
But there's no need for us as individual citizens to feel like we need to be part of it just for its own sake.
On an entirely different note, I am getting a vague sense of foreboding re: Peter Capaldi.
Historically, actors who were big fans of the show before being cast as the Doctor do not make the best Doctors.
Is it that they don't put their own spin on the character?
I'd say he looks kind of old for the part but I guess that's more of a statement on the last 3 Dr. Whos than on the overall history of the show
granted that it's decidedly less outright corny and low-budget now
@JohnCraven He's as old as the first actor to play the Doctor was when he started the role.
yeah, he looks roughly the same age as the 3rd Doctor too
(But looks a lot younger; Hartnell had health problems which meant he looked fifteen or twenty years older.)
(I just watched a marathon of "this was Dr. Who #X" documentaries on the BBC yesterday) (well, 3 of them)
@shatterspike1 Yeah, I think they've got so much riding on being The Doctor They Want To See In The Show that they let it override The Doctor The Show Needs.
@JohnCraven Over the last month I've given @trogdor a crash course in Old Who.
It was at a bar and I admit I was kind of getting into them but one of the owners came by and was like "HEY U DOAN MINE IF I PLAY SOME SHITTY MUSIC ON THE JUKEBOX INSTEAD DO YOU????" and I was too ashamed of my nerdiness to answer too affirmatively.
@JohnCraven Aw.
I would like to see an older, sillier Dr. Who myself. We've had too many brooding, serious ones recently.
Aye. I'm hoping (wihtout hope) that the 50th Anniversary will reinstate Gallifrey.
With the Time Lords being gone, the Doctor has to take over their role. With them around, he can be their counterpoint.
@mxyzplk Hi!
I question the decision to throw the Time Lords under the bus
cause the Doctor is much better character when they are around to show you how he is different from them
It was interesting, and Nine made it work, but they've milked it for all it's worth now and it's getting repetitive and tiresome.
I did enjoy 9,... but I am wondering if that was just because I started my Dr Who watching with him
I suppose that's true.
Wrong audience, wrong time, right message. I need to work on that.
9 was... Tennant?
Or was he 10?
he was 10
Tennant was 10, Eccleston was 9
it's easy to remember cause ten is in his name LOL
thank you thank you my bad jokes are here all week,.. nope thats forever
I didn't like 10 so much
Ten was alright
I feel I need to do some like week-long excursion wherein I watch all of the new series
Eccleston would have been better had he been given more time.
it feels like something I would have found amazing when I was a kid, but for some reason I didn't get into it then
Nine had a great actor, but the writing was up and down, more often down.
what you said
I don't know much about Davies' history as a writer, but that could have been because he was getting back in the motions.
Ten had similar writing problems, but the actor wasn't as strong, so the writing lets him down more: Tennant had trouble keeping the characterization consistent, and he's the least "alien" of the Doctors... which is probably why people new to the show like him, but it doesn't work for me.
as for 10,.... Tennant himself gets some of the blame for why I didn't like that run, but the rest goes to basically everything else
@Emrakul Unfortunately, Ten's run doesn't get any better. If anything, it gets increasingly self-indulgent and un-self-aware.
the Tennant series is the one where the show seems to be taking itself too seriously
Hm. I don't normally hear that of Davies.
which is why I really liked 11
Eleven's actor is great at being An Old And Tired Alien, but not given much opportunity to do so.
the further I got into 10's run, the more I regretted seeing that particular episode.
Dr. Who actors need to realize that when they yell I'm just going to laugh at them, so they ought to at least make the yelling legitimately funny

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