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I don't think our system-rec procedure is well-defined enough to really produce good answers consistently. And I think we couldn't define one that wouldn't force most questions in the category to be closed.
@AlexP it's better than when I first got here, but I agree. The question and answer standards that we've developed help, but you still get crappy answers with no backup, and questions that don't give sufficient requirements
in theory if you give sufficient requirements, and answers give appropriate backup, you can meet the criteria from 'good subjective, bad subjective', but ultimately I still believe you fail 'Q&A is hard, let's go shopping'
(and now one moment, while I find the links for those, because that's SE code)
Robert Cartaino on September 29, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

Jeff Atwood on November 23, 2010

Over the last 2.5 years, we’ve identified a few problematic classes of questions that tend to get asked on our sites. Many of these are documented in our standard set of close reasons: exact duplicate, off-topic, subjective and argumentative, not a real question, and too localized.

However, as we launched the great Super User experiment, a new, previously unknown class of problematic questions emerged — the shopping recommendation.

That is, on Super User we began encountering questions like: …

I feel like GS/BS needs a pithier re-write that gets to the point.
If we're going to be linking it around so much, maybe it should be integrated into the help?
@BESW yeah, it's a long blog post to get the "give us something to test against dammit" criteria
@BESW I think that's a sign we're linking it around too much.
The Q&A is Hard thing is based on Too Localised which was ended as a close reason. Present discussions on Meta.SO have brought up the idea of "Obsolete" as a close reason. But whilst DDR2 RAM is no longer the best RAM to shop for, Call of Cthulhu is still a great horror game (or whatever).
I find that blog post problematic.
@JonathanHobbs He's not even online!
I think of that every time I use the word here.
@JonathanHobbs Yeah, but we do have questions that get obsoleted. Rarely, but we do.
@JonathanHobbs yeah, I realize that blog post get's thrown around a lot, and misused. We need a better "why we don't do rec questions" post to use to explain it.
I find it especially problematic applied to system-recommendation questions. We do get people to be very specific. That may make it not useful to other people but that's no longer a valid close reason. But the answers don't necessarily go out of date.
ultimately the idea is that "it's useful only to the OP, and only in the moment that he's asking"
@BESW Oh yeah definitely. Just that system recommendation questions don't necessarily go obsolete like shopping advice does.
which I guess in theory rec questions could be useful to others, if only for a list of games that meet arbitrary criteria, but when we make people narrow the criteria to make a question answerable, we limit it's usefulness to others...which is odd, but it's kind of true
The thing that also bothers me about that blog post is he then goes on to say it's ok to ask "Q: What’s the best low light point-and-shoot camera?"
"A: Canon S90 and Lumix LX3."
@JonathanHobbs Yeah, that seemed like a blind spot or something.
............ what's the difference between this and the shopping thing other than you're not using the words shopping and you're being specific?
so asking for a product recommendation is okay, if you're specific about your requirements. Asking how to identify the sort of product you need is more useful, but then may later go obsolete anyway as camera technology changes.
So, according to that blog post: the problem with shopping recommendations is (a) you need to be very specific, and (b) they go obsolete. But if you're specific, they're ok, even if they'll go obsolete.
@JonathanHobbs Yah, it's a weird conclusion.
It's a conclusion that cancels out half the original problem. It is un-logicked in what can only be described as a puff of un-smoke.
I'm reminded of the garbage bag effect in Brick.
@JonathanHobbs Jeff reaches odd conclusions sometimes.
What's that?
@waxeagle I haven't read many of his blog posts to find out. But, yeah, that blog post is problematic. :( According to its recommendations, our sys-rec questions are fine: any sys-rec question either has the level of detail required to answer the question or is closed (possibly temporarily whilst detail is extracted from the asker).
@JonathanHobbs good point. Though that post has somehow been used to ban basically all shopping requests around the network, that's not actually what it says...that leads me to wonder if there is a better one out there
@JonathanHobbs They wanted an effect where a black shadow came up a stream of water and engulfed the camera. They had a teeensie budget.
So they dropped a garbage bag on the camera and pulled it off so it floated down the stream, then ran the film backwards.
@waxeagle Maybe it just bans them because on SO, nobody will take the time to do what we do.
As requested:
A: Has [system-recommendation] grown too big for its britches?

Alex PBurn it down! When I first found this site, one of the reasons I didn't participate was that it seemed like a lot of the questions were forum-like (Stack Exchange format is like the worst forum ever, for several reasons). The situation has improved dramatically, which is why now sys-rec is a pro...

@BESW That sounds like it was either spectacular or awful.
@JonathanHobbs It was very WTF, but it fit the film.
Brick is a hard-nosed film noir murder mystery, with a freelance detective whose dead girlfriend is bringing in lots of pressure and making people do stupid things because they're panicking.
And it's set in a modern-day high school, with nearly all the characters as students.
The genres mesh surprisingly well.
I highly recommend it; it's the first film by the guy who did Looper and Brothers Bloom. He's got a talent for that kind of convoluted storytelling.
I was saying something but then I forgot...
@AlexP I think you were about to show us your juggling skills
o o
...I don't know what that was.
Oh, yeah, here it is: Magic questions on B&CG. Sometimes they are "card recommendations," basically. Out of a pool of 12000+ things. What saves them is when the answers discuss why you make certain choices, and the individual cards are just expert examples of "the best one of this kind of thing," for people who don't have deep knowledge of the pool of options available.
This works because there's an objective task, and then both "how you determine whether something fits" and "what that thing is" are in the answer.
Heads up, I'm inviting someone over to talk about DFRPG.
Do we want me to take him into a separate room?
@BESW I'd show mine but the wife doesn't have them up on FB...
I'm fine with them coming in here
And... I forgot again. Sys-rec is not like that, somehow. Nevermind.
@BESW no reason not to bring them in here
I am sleeping soon anyway but wouldn't mind even if I wasn't going to
@AlexP no, it's not. the pool is much bigger, the requirements can be equally defined, but the rationale given will never be as objective
@waxeagle Yeah, that's where I was going, I think. The detailed criteria are so subjective that they kinda have to be in the question rather than the answer. Or they are nowhere and you get a bunch of answers that don't answer the question.
And this isn't as broken on a forum because really what you want is a running dialogue where someone says "How do I play X?" and then people's suggestions are a spring-board to really tease out what they like and don't like.
@AlexP yep. Forums do this reasonably well what they don't do well is Q&A and that's our game.
And you'll come in and make a spiel for "Mouse Guard is the best Lord of the Rings game because here are the narrative elements of Lord of the Rings that really pop!"
There is a reason that Jeff's next big project after leaving SE is a forum reboot
@AlexP ....hey.
(how successful he is with that is TBD, but Jeff's been pretty successful in everything he's done)
@BESW It's a good answer. ;)
So, while we're having this conversation, some poor sod got their "is DFRPG what I hope it is?" question closed, and they immediately deleted it.
sad when the truest answer is deleted: rpg.stackexchange.com/a/434/1084
It's not helpful or in the spirit of the question though.
@waxeagle I don't have the privilege to view deleted answers. You tease!
@BESW not at all. Just because it's true, doesn't meant it's right or good
> As many as there are groups playing it. Every group has house rules and things the players and DM skip over.
@waxeagle I'm with BESW on this.
@waxeagle For forums, I think one of the biggest factors is this:
@AlexP granted, it's not a good or helpful or even right answer, it's just true.
At least I got to drop an inviting comment before it vanished.
I moderated a forum that didn't really have strong guidelines for "Some things you say are awful and we won't let you say them here, even if they aren't actually trolling &c. in their own right."
It was terrible.
@AlexP ew. We've got pretty wide latitude for dealing with that here. Thanks to a general "be nice" clause in the help center
There was a dude who had a really polite, experience-based (working some kind of job that involves catching creeps, like hotel security or some such) argument that... homosexual men were pedophiles. You can imagine what happened when he'd actually make that argument in threads. But dude never acted in a hostile way and wasn't trolling. So their rules just didn't handle that.
@AlexP heh, that's one of the stock SE questions for mod elections actually.
> How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of valuable answers, but tends to generate a large number of arguments/flags from comments?
@waxeagle Can moderators remove individual user privileges? (That's not necessarily step 1 in how to fix this, of course.)
@AlexP no, it's all or nothing. We've got some post level options, but they aren't very granular.
@waxeagle Community is more important than answers; bad community loses good answers. Talk with the guy and make that clear; maybe he doesn't get it. If he doesn't try to improve within a reasonable period of time, with accompaniment, he's gone.
I think RPGnet gets forum stuff right, with the exception that you still really can't talk about some games on there because trainwreck.
basically, your tools at the user level are: private chat, moderator message (w/ or w/o suspension).
Leveraging suspensions to get across that you're serious is an intermediate step on the road to the banhammer.
at the post level you've got some more options: closure, delete comments, lock posts (locks comments, answers, and edits), post notices, votes, binding spam/offensive flags (rep penalties attached).
(This is assuming that the level of flags/arguments actually is disrupting the community.)
There's not much of a "backstage" for mods on SE, is there? (Private discussion area &c.)
@AlexP I know there's a mod chat.
Anyway, forums: if the rules say "be as awful as you want, just don't start fights," there will be a lot of awful posters making awful posts.
(and starting fights, because Internet)
@BESW yep, I like the private chat options for this (though the setup is a bit clunky right now) and I've had decent success with it.
@JohnCraven [wave]
If WhiteWolfDM signs into chat, somebody ping me in case I miss it.
@BESW is his question/answer nuked?
He self-deleted.
25 mins ago, by BESW
So, while we're having this conversation, some poor sod got their "is DFRPG what I hope it is?" question closed, and they immediately deleted it.
@BESW k. If you feel the need lemmie know and I can superping him, but it looks like he should have seen your comment to come to chat
I hope so! It's a conversation I want to have.
If you think it'd be the friendly and encouraging thing to do, feel free to superping.
@whitewolfdm I know you've not popped into chat before, but there are some users who'd love to chat with you about your recent DFRPG question and try to help you sort through things.
hey, it worked!
well, he has a chat account now :)
WhiteWolfDM is one of my 345 sock puppets, why do you ask?
(just kidding!!!)
@JohnCraven nah, the tools are better than that, if you had that many socks you'd be busted and suspended for the max already :P
I like FATE and I like the world around DFRPG, so there's that...
Reading through the book, I think I see your point now @BESW about it not being the best reference material there is (although in fairness FATE is made to be pretty simple and the book is a fun enough read that the DM can at least read it through and therefore be a de facto expert)
...this CRT is heating up my room.
then get a flat screen, for the love of Mike!!!
I work on a laptop most of the time, but my laptop is dying. The only other computer I have available is an Asus EeeBox PC that was hooked up to the TV, so it didn't have its own monitor.
My father recently replaced his old CRT monitor --he never replaces anything unless it's both broken AND he finally admits he can't fix it, but I finally managed to sell him on a flat monitor for virtue of space and heat. So I dug up the CRT and dragged it and the EeeBox into my room.
Turns out I can't do my InD work on the EeeBox, but I'm using it for everything else so as to avoid taxing Ms. Havisham II.
So, I have a question I want to ask that I'm not sure fits the format. So I will say it in chat and maybe y'all can help me make sure it does?
So, I have a good sense of how to do general historical research for a game. But this is based on topics that are already sorta "visible" to someone with a Western upbringing and education. E.g. I already have a bunch of expectations about knights that are with me when I research knights.
But I'm stumped on how to do historical research (again, specifically to get game-useful bits) on cultures that I don't already have a baseline set of information about. Like the Cumans, a steppe people from the 11th century. They have a Wikipedia, page, sure. Which I have read. But what resources I can find right now are references to academic books.
"How do I get a grade-school primer on something historical that's not part of my culture's general educational background and media, so I can use it in play," basically?
High-quality Google searches.
Which are more of an art than a science, I'm afraid.
Often TV Tropes will have a page of actual information about that kind of thing, but you've got a particularly obscure topic there.
@AlexP do you have access to jstor by any chance?
The point is: is that a workable core of a question or not?
If you wanted the ancient South American nations, TV Tropes would be all over that.
@waxeagle I can probably sneak it through a friend.
@AlexP No.
One moment, let me see if I can track down the meta post...
@AlexP The other option is to track down someone who's written a decent history book and get it from your local library (they can probably get it for you through ILL)
Q: Are campaign research questions on topic?

C. RossI was looking at What should I read/watch for information about the 1930s United States?, and I was wondering, is this really appropriate to the site. It can be answered. It requires some expertise (but not much). It isn't directly related to RPGs. It could easily be as valid for writing, etc....

Q: Are campaign research questions on topic, part two?

wax eagleThere is a category of questions on this site that seriously pollutes our scope. Taking these questions to their logical maximum (which I see us continually approaching) everything under the sun has become on topic. This category is campaign research. Appending historical-settings, campaign-de...

original title: Is everything on topic?
In summary:
This is a case where the RPG context is largely irrelephant, so you should take it to the SE that the meat of the question actually pertains to.
Off-hand, the only thing I remember about the Cumans was from a book about the Mongols I read a couple months ago...
history.se has some goodpeoples on it, I agree. Some of the questions are a bit dodgy, and they prefer if you ask pointed questions instead of "where can I find out more about Group X" (they'll say "wikipedia" and probably close the topic)
He's asking for "a grade-school primer on something historical that's not part of my culture's background/media," and giving the context that it's for a casual recreation scenario, I think that'd be sufficiently specific. Examples of the kind of thing he's looking for that Wiki doesn't provide would be even better!
@BESW I can do all that.
...that's a lot of Nazi on the front page questions.
Also, Wikipedia has some BS: "Hungarian King Ladislaus I of Hungary (left) embracing a Cuman warrior (right)." Except he is totes like strangling that dude and also Cumans breath fire?
ok, new Gmail inbox is a huge win.
@waxeagle Yes. I am sad that my phone doesn't have that views thing on its Gmail app yet.
@AlexP people all over breath fire
Okay, everyone, I'm off to work! Thanks for helping.
@AlexP ttfn
@AlexP Be sure to link it back here when you ask!
@AlexP me neither, Andriod 4+ only :(
flips off LG
I'm just saying, I post there a pretty good amount, and while I personally don't mind that sort of question, the community may not like it. OTOH, there's not a lot of harm in posting it, getting feedback on at least how to improve the question, and then getting it "right"
@waxeagle What did Gareth ever do to you?!
@BESW not him. LG corp. I actually like a ton of their stuff (they were the primary appliance manufacturer in Ecuador), but they've kept my phone on Gingerbread for far to long.
Alex P: The Hungarians befriended the Cumans in the lead-up to the first big pitched battle with the Mongols, only to blame them for the invasion and go off and kill a whole bunch of them
(and of course, the Hungarians got their asses handed to them by a relatively small group of Mongols)
Because history is nothing if not a cure for the ego.
("Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!")
(And +1.5 Internets to anyone who recognized the reference but didn't think of Watchmen first.)
@RavenDreamer Hi.
@BESW H'lo
Hey, folks, perhaps you could help me out. I really like 4e's concept of "Dungeon Delves", i.e., 3-5 encounters in quick succession without having to worry about "plot" or "roleplaying" getting in the way of the tactical combat.
Are there any rpg / tabletop / d20 games that focus on the combat rather than anything else?
@BESW Ozymandius. 12th grade English, woo!
@RavenDreamer +1.5 Internets for you!
yeah @RavenDreamer, there is a whole genre of them
Redeemable for a sense of accomplishment, or one virtual cookie.
they're called war games
@JohnCraven When I think war games, I think warhammer 40k etc. with armies. I'm specifically looking for "each player has one character". Does the "war game" genre include that kind of individual character play?
I was being flippant but that's actually a good question
What about 4e makes it not work for you? That'd help provide useful answers.
@RavenDreamer doesn't 4e fill that niche already?
@waxeagle I win.
(@BESW jinx?)
@BESW I typed it, backspaced it and typed it again...
[face/palm] After converting two chapters of glottas to apostrophes, I realize that a) they've been autoformatting and are now useless, and b) there's an easier way to do this that would prevent the autoformatting.
@BESW we've gotta get you a proper text editor. like VI
@BESW I don't like the way 4e handles a lot of things. I'm basically wondering if there's a genre that already exists for what I'm looking for.
@RavenDreamer 4e is in that genre, so we're asking specifically what you don't like about 4e, in order to suggest other games in the genre that you would enjoy.
@BESW Character Progression (inc. math issues + ability score dependencies, inadequacy of hybrids / multi-classing to fill certain character archetypes)
Daily Powers are a big "no-no" in my book too
Those are things you'd want to include in your question.
Basically trying to avoid the 5-minute workday syndrome.
ooh ooh this is where I mention fourthcore team deathmatch...
except that's probably not what you're looking for at all
Is that when you do PvP in 4th edition with 1st level PCs from core sources?
I think the "dungeon delve" is a continuation of a style of play people have used DnD for for a while, but if you want to keep the roleplaying elements in there, I'm honestly not aware of anything that's done that, exactly
@waxeagle coughSUBLIME TEXTcough
@waxeagle It's a matter of getting Word files from my clients and then making them behave in InDesign.
there are tactical-level wargames, and probably some out there which allow for individual characterizations (although they tend to err on the side of fairness, whereas RPGs err on the side of detail), but if you're looking for a tactical wargame (no plot, not a lot of RPing), I'm not aware of much outside of computer games, and even there you're really ignoring the flavor
@JohnCraven "I can't think of any" is a perfectly acceptable answer.
@AlexP how do you mean, 'whether a broken char is a functional one'?
Definitely worth the question, I think.
@LitheOhm Keep reading, I asked him to clarify.
@trogdor Meepo kicks ass.
I am
@LitheOhm "Meepo" is also one of the names listed for 4e kobolds. We had a kobold ranger who... made enemies useless.
He traded "doing any damage at all" for at-will slow/immobilize/prone/can't teleport; either one attack into each of nine squares, or two attacks at one target.
@BESW Mine?
@RavenDreamer Yes.
@BESW Me, me!
@AlexP Literary high-five!
I see broken characters as the ones who make anything pointless. Combat or otherwise. Same as mechanics
Diplomacy means much less than the RAW states, at my table
Ah. I first encountered the name in a 3.5 published adventure
lol. I really like the 'swords swords swords' verb.
@LitheOhm Apparently it's a LoL character or something?
Reminds me of 8-bit theater
@waxeagle Vim. It's Improved!
League of Legends.
@RavenDreamer something like that, though core isn't required
My players enjoyed it, but I never played.
@AlexP yeah, I've never actually used VI, only VIM
@BESW It's DotA, not LoL, if you're feeling pedantic (I am).
but if you're gonna go full grognard, you've gotta go full grognard
@RavenDreamer "Core" in "Fourthcore" is from "hardcore," not "core materials."
@RavenDreamer PEDANT FIGHT.
But the principle is, make PCs fight each other?
@waxeagle Enh, Vi is like Chainmail.
@RavenDreamer So you want almost, like, a dungeon board game?
Why is it "puh-DAN-tic" but "PEE-dunt".
@AlexP yes, I think that is an accurate summary.
@RavenDreamer There are a couple of D&D-inspired ones. I think Wrath of Ashardlon is one.
Also a couple of others.
One sec...
@RavenDreamer Pedant, pedantic
The "ped" syllable is pronounced the same, and the accent is kept at the second-to-last syllable.
Not 'round these parts! Haha. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that southern US pronounces something funny.
@RavenDreamer Best I can think of is to look at BGG, start with something like Descent, and then go category-hopping from there.
There are at least 10 distinct games like this, with different mechanics and looks. I remember a Final-Fantasy-ish one came out recently.
Here we go. Roleplaying board games (like roleplaying video games).
@AlexP that'd be like Arkham horror, the D&D games and such?
(and would that make clue the first one?)
Do these kinds of games have GMs / DMs?
(Never played)
I don't think you keep your Cluedo character from one game to the next
@RavenDreamer Varies. Some will likely have a GM player, some will use the procedural rules as a GM.
@waxeagle Yes.
I mean, I guess you CAN play Colonel Mustard in two straight games but it's not like he has an Intuition rating that you level up
@JohnCraven sure, they're just one offs every time :)
if you're concerned about the idea of any one player turning into the DM, you can just rotate every session
An example that isn't quite what you're looking for (it's more abstract rather than a tactical game), but might help explain something... Knizia's Lord of the Rings game.
The players are the hobbits, who trade off the ring (which is a bad-stuff magnet) and play various abilities to try to advance to Mount Doom and survive challenges along the way.
There's a stress track thingy that kills you.
The adversity comes from drawing random events.
and it's Reinar Kinizia!
BUT! There's a "Sauron" expansion which instead makes the bad stuff into another human player, kinda like a GM, except he's just there to screw you and has a hand he's playing from rather than just arbitrarily.
I'd expect a few of the games you look at will have a "random dungeon or craft your own" mechanic like this.
I remember one that had cards which were actually tiles you used to create the dungeon.
Descent (linked above) and Mage Knight seem well-reviewed. Take a look and see if those have features you like.
that one zombie game does that @BESW
although it doesn't have any game-to-game development elements
oooo, Mice and Mystics!
which is especially good if your party are 10 years old
@JohnCraven ....Ursula Vernon needs to do art for that, whatever it is.
I've heard good things about Mage Knight as well
Some miniatures games also kinda trend towards "being your guy." E.g. Malifaux armies are super-small and have clear leaders. So it's like playing an RPG character plus some summons/henchmen. (In a one-on-one battle, of course.)
@JohnCraven Air Mouse
IIRC it's also easy to play Warmachine/Hordes in this style as well, at low point values.
I'd get a board game, though. Cheaper and less work.
@BESW the actual game art isn't too bad: boardgamegeek.com/image/1312072/mice-and-mystics
@AlexP I think I'm the only one still in that chat.
I am going to dream about apostrophes for years after this job.
How's the Grimm mod?
@BESW Good call. Added a note on meta itself.
Now link it here.
Hey chat people, I'd like to go ahead and get this rolling:
A: How are ticker feeds for chat selected?

Alex PIt's been suggested in the comments that I propose a process. Here is a process. It is intentionally kinda informal. We make a meta thread for it like the community ads. People vote stuff up or down depending on whether they would like to see it in the chat feed. Moderators use these ratings a...

Which is to say, to create a meta thread that lets you suggest and vote up/down things you want to see in the chat feeds. Any objections?
I'm cool with it; if it's not something the community wants, it'll just fade away.
While we're poking chat utility, by the way, having an actual link to the main rpg.se page in the chat description is something that would seem good.
And by "go ahead" I mean "do it later, when I'm not busy/lazy." So that'll be like in the next several days sometime. ;)
@BESW it's in the bottom right corner
@waxeagle I suppose that's sufficient.
I think I could do with more timestamps on the chat.
@Metool there's a jQuery addon for that
@Metool SE chat userscripts. Moment
Q: SE Chat Modifications -- Keyboard navigation and commands for chat

Tim Stone Screenshot Use /command shortcuts to perform common chat tasks: See message history inline: Easily preview replied-to messages: And much, much more... About Legends tell of a prolific Meta Stack Overflow chatter who despised using their mouse above all things. In an effort to keep t...

Ah, yes. Scripts are pretty cool.
if you're a chrome or firefox user these are for you. (firefox requires greasemonkey)
Firefox, pah.
Some of the more enterprising RPG chatters have developed a "user is typing" script (only works for others with the script) and a fudge dice script.
@RavenDreamer Meepo is a dragonkeeper Kobold from the Sunless Citadel, thee first 3.0 official adventure. He then got some cameos in some example adventures and got referenced in DotA, where most characters had names taken from elsewhere (e.g. Lina is Rina Inverse from Slayers). So the hero with the WC3 Kobold model was called Meepo.
@RavenDreamer I've heard that Southern US accent (the one they use in Texas to be precise) is the most faithful to Shakespeare's English.
@Metool open your settings, you've got to drag it into extensions
you can't just install it
Drag into extensions, you say?
@Metool yep
drag and drop yes
@Metool When you clicked on it to install, it probably downloaded to your desktop or somewhere similar.
@BESW you can actually drag and drop the "hey I downloaded this, keep or discard" bar
Find that file on your computer, open Chrome's extensions tab, and drag the file to the extensions tab.
@waxeagle Ah, when I did it, the sneaky thing managed to download without giving me that bar.
That isn't working.
@Metool ok, describe your steps exactly?
Place the .user.js file in an easily accessible folder.Open that folder in another window. Un-fullscreen the Extensions window, drag from Finder to Chrome.
Alternately, now that Chrome isn't fullscreen and it starts displaying the downloads bar, drag from downloads bar to Extensions.
@Metool did you refresh this page?
It's more that it's telling me it won't accept the thing.
... All my hate, Google.
All my hate.
So I got it installed, but only after I figured out exactly the kind of stupid restrictions there are on files Chrome can read.
You had to add something to the extension, right?
It turns out, I can't pull it from list view.
I have to use that tiley layout.
[stands and claps]
If it's any comfort, I've spent the last five hours wrestling with convincing InDesign not to auto-format typewriter apostrophes.
@BESW dr. House style?
Q: RPG General Chat: vote for your feeds!

Alex PChat? Feeds? SE sites have associated chat rooms. This site's main one is RPG General Chat. Check it out! SE chat supports feeds, which shows up as little pop-ups from time to time. Since really we want the chat (like every site feature) to be useful to the users, it makes sense to have the us...

@C.Ross When you get the chance, can you un-featured the previous discussion and featured this one?
Is there a better place to chat about ponies?
@Metool Technically, scifi chat is the appropriate place for generic MLP talk.
The first influx of pony questions was met with incredulity, but the consensus is that it's on topic for the site.
I say "technically" because the chat is usually rather dead, and the site itself is lackluster and prone to infighting.
Not like us!
[shifty eyes]
We just inbicker.
@BESW How so?
@Metool Science fiction and fantasy.
There were attempts to argue that it wasn't appropriate for the site's target demographic, but the reasonable response to that is "So stop asking about Transformers," and the opposition generally turned into subdued eyerolling.
This amuses me too much.
@BESW I missed that (and found it now searching for something else...) I need to talk to you about that later.
Later is good. Sleep is now.
I kinda want to go ask a question about literary SF there, just to see what the answers are like. But I can't think of one so meh.
Q: RPG General Chat: vote for your feeds!

Alex PChat? Feeds? SE sites have associated chat rooms. This site's main one is RPG General Chat. Check it out! SE chat supports feeds, which shows up as little pop-ups from time to time. Since really we want the chat (like every site feature) to be useful to the users, it makes sense to have the us...

@waxeagle Hee!
isn't it great? I hope my sons are as clever
yay chat feeds
@LitheOhm hooray!
@C.Ross :D
This is when I wish someone could give me child
@BESW it's actually DoTA
but LoL is a relatively similar game to DoTA
@BESW Isn't that just "a quest narrative"?
Q: Invisible fonts in Firefox

starwedSomething about the site's CSS/etc is causing lots of text to not render in recent (nightly) versions of Firefox. Most conspicuously the main site's list of questions. The meta site is ok, and other stackexchange sites I've checked also have no problems. It also works in Chrome. This might we...

I'm looking for a system which uses incremental dice
For instance, you advance from rolling a d4 to d6 to ... to d12 to d12+d4, etc.
It's a specific system I remember reading about somewhere, but I don't recall exactly what it was. Any ideas?
@EmrakultheAeonsTorn Looks like you're looking for Ironclaw, says my more prolific gamer acquaintance from another place.
[5:43pm] Ether_Echoes: That's exactly how it worked [5:43pm] Ether_Echoes: actually a pretty decent system. Not my favorite, but still
Interesting. Thank you! And also, thank your friend :P
I'm going to look into this.
@TheOracle hmmm
@EmrakultheAeonsTorn If it had a sci-fi or X-Files setting, it might be Alternity. Something TSR played around with right before they died as a company.
Looks like someone hates feeds.

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