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Q: Memory management and speed for Fast GCD

Mohsen AfshinLet's say that we have some $300\,\text{K}$ digits (arbitrary function) and want to trial factor with $100{,}000{,}000$ first prime numbers. PRP = {}; Func[Q_] := 77^Q + 2; Do[If[TimeConstrained[PrimeQ[Func[i]], 1, True], AppendTo[PRP, i]], {i, 160000, 161000}] PRP: ($64$ numbers out of $10...

Why are you taking the product since you are dealing with prime numbers? GCD[Func[i],Pr] will be equal to 1 if and only if GCD[Func[i],everyprime] result will be equal to 1 for every prime of those 20000000. In this way you will save a lot of Memory but maybe will be slower...
@tchronis, if p be a factor of n, then GCD[p,n] != 1
Yes that is true. I am talking about the theorem: Gcd(a,p1*p2*p3* if and only if gcd(a,pi)==1 for all i from 1 to n where pi are distinct primes.
@tchronis, I know that. The same operation using Divisible or GCD by all primes is 10 times slower (230 seconds)
Maybe you can split the product in let's say 4 sets and with a loop check them all. In that case you will use 1/4 of the memory and become less slower...
Your modification runs faster but you are not exploiting all kernels of your machine with ParallelDo or ParallelTable.
@thchronis, You're correct, actually I if written with Reap and Sow and some parallelizing it would become great
Using Reap and Sow seems to me tricky in Parallel Processes. I am thinking about taking smaller prime clusters... it is interesting though. Also I am searching mma's manual about sharing variables in parallel processes...
I saw also your other post about GCD's efficiency and I think this would be interesting to try to improve... Maybe implement a parallel version of GCD.
Yep, if it is possible to unleash all resources while removing the numbers as soon as possible, it would become a fast GCD
I think i got it: I parallelized the calculation of a certain cluster and then i remove from the list the ones that lead to GCD>1
I am testing but i think there is a 2x improvement...
Also a further improvement can be applied on evaluating for primes from a certain length and on....
I will write a new answer with the latest code...
Thank you
You are welcome
1 hour later…
Unfortunately dropping easy cases leaves behind small work for only one kernel that delays the parallelization. I Added my improvements. Use gcd not gcd2. I will at last add a Folding process to improve automation.
Thanks, I'll test it
1 hour later…
I have calibrated the algorithm and it is much faster. I am using the new gcd function and using a repetitive process very efficiently. I will post my result tomorrow. A certain calculation about the maximum memory you want to use is necessary.
The rule is : Try to use as much memory as possible... Now I am calculating for prp and 1000000 primes in only 30sec and with constant growth.
Calculating 1M primes product takes 30 sec?
No Calculating GCD for all prp and 1M primes takes 30 sec.
64 numbers in prp
For small number of primes (under 20M) use fold[i_] :=
AbsoluteTiming[{res = gcd[res, i*1000000, i*4, (i - 1)*4 + 1],
And then run :
res = prp; Scan[Print[{#, fold[#]}] &, Range @@ {1, 20}]
To calculate for 20M
You initial gcd for me:
In[37]:= AbsoluteTiming[gcd[PRP, 1000000, 4]]

Out[37]= {73.328659, {1, 1, 1002109, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1445419, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 14474231, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1227181, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10287491, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1604461, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 22337354293870268089, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}
And the gcd2
71 seconds
using parallelization
The above code isn't complete, ha?
What do you mean : "
The above code isn't complete, ha?"
fold[i_] :=
AbsoluteTiming[{res = gcd[res, i*1000000, i*4, (i - 1)*4 + 1],
WHere products calculaation?
It has to be followed by res = prp; Scan[Print[{#, fold[#]}] &, Range @@ {1, 20}]
and gcd is the latest version. See my post at the end.
There is a lot of new code so finally i will post a new answer with my final code.
thank you
You are welcome.

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