my idea would be. button 1 does tell you in ingamechat "quickbuy item is bottle". if you press button 1 again it will say in chat "quickbuy item is boots" and so on.
button 2 would be the buybutton for the according item
would that be better ? to know where the buyscript is
i need some time to make it work since i am at home for the holidays. my laptop does not have all my dota scripts i made on my desktop pc^^ so i need to make it from scratch atm
well. if we sum it up: either we buy items step by step with a button and show it on the sticky too so the user sees it. or we just drag items of our desire to the icon and rightclick it when we need it
there is 1 advantage and disadvantage in the script
advantage, it goes on and on by itself
disadvantage. it is fixed
if you have quite a fixed itemlist for some heroes then it would be better i guess?
I myself thought of something that could be nice : Having a key to cycle through hero shop list : Press 1 => pudge list => press 1 => invoker list and then with the other script buy the item one by one
To cycle through different names/settings/scripts etc you need to follow the following pattern (At the end there is the full code if you want to skip the details):
Step 1: Set a starting point
alias cycler "useName1"
Now if we trigger cycler -> useName1 will be executed.
cycler and useName1 ...
my dreams just got crushed by valve. i hoped to use the sticky function with the lists. this would remove the need for x and y coordinates in the shopping menu and just set sticky item to tpscroll for example and after that i would buy sticky