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@Ariane If you look at the message I was replying to...
I still don't really get it. o.o
Not gonna explain, are you?
In a good mood today?
Steam is down... first time I've ever seen that
and just when I really, really need Steam to be UP
Good occasion! YOu'll be able to tell me what Steam is for!
... somequixotic?
@somequixotic: you need more certainty man. QUIXOTIC ALL THE THINGS!
@JourneymanGeek I'm feeling about 81.76% quixotic right now.
@Ariane for? you mean, what purpose it serves?
@Ariane when it's up, it's an online game store
So you buy games there?
buy them, download them, manage them, update them, social network with friends who play games, etc
threw together a set up similar to mine for a friend, but using haswell parts, and a core i5.... costs a fair bit more than I think mine cost
wow jman. someone upgrading to haswell already o_O
Mmmh. If you want to buy a game, then probably, the game's website itself sells it.
designing a system, then getting her to tweak it
PCPartPicker part list: pcpartpicker.com/p/17Tq3
Price breakdown by merchant: pcpartpicker.com/p/17Tq3/by_merchant
Benchmarks: pcpartpicker.com/p/17Tq3/benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor  ($224.98 @ Outlet PC)
Motherboard: Asus Z87-C ATX  LGA1150 Motherboard  ($138.98 @ Outlet PC)
Memory: Kingston Blu Red Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($119.74 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 660 2GB Video Card  ($188.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Corsair 500R White ATX Mid Tower Case  ($89.99 @ NCIX US)
@Ariane yeah but usually they only either sell the game by giving you a box, which I dont' want to wait to ship, or they say "buy it on steam"
Lol, really? Well, then, play something else.
Or steal it. Your choice. :p
why would I play something else when I can just buy it on steam?
plus, it's so much more effort to set up my account details on a ton of different websites instead of just setting it up once on Steam and forgetting about it
Because Steam is down.
and I don't steal, by principle
yeah but this is the first time it's been down since I started using it like 5 years ago, so I can forgive a momentary outage... and I don't need to purchase a game right now; I actually want to use it to download updates and such
already have the games I want installed, just need updates
Steam's website seems t obe working, though. If your client is down perhaps something can be done from there
i can log in to the website OK, but the client says I have 0 games, which is lol-wrong
also look if the games themselves have a launcher that allows for updates directly from the game's maker. Dragon Nest for example has both. I think.
the only game on steam i have that has its own separate launcher is Star Trek Online
Well, be patient. Or try adding some steam onto your computer. Results not guaranteed.
the game I want to play is updating
@somequixotic: works for me
ok.. once I get my new hard drive, my laptop hard drive is probably NOT staying in my case
its making more noise than all 3 of my fans ;p
What kind of sound does a hard drive make?
gggggggggh ggggggggggggggggggggh gggggh
How about you, say, restart you computer?
Or start working on your game addiction. o.o
@Ariane: kinda like a fan
the drive is having issues
Hmmm... What is it then that makes a high pitched sound when it starts, and then the noise keeps getting higher until it's ultrasound?
I normally wouldn't go with sound, I'd go using SMART
this is what I favour when investigating a disk I suspect has something wrong
Oh, but me, there's nothing wrong. Most computers make this sound when they boot. Pshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and the sound keeps getting higher until you can't hear it. Except mine does it sometimes, out of the blue, too. I thought it was maybe the hard drive, since my computer mianly runs from the SSD, and the hard drive isn't used all the time.
whine of the VRMs heating up?
mine don't usually make sound
voltage regulator modules
Come on, it's the classic sound of a computer being turned on. o.o
oh. i think it's the HDD spinning up
if you ever install an external hard drive and listen to it close as it starts up you hear the same
I've been using decent cases lately
Then it's that!
I knew it.
Then! Is there a way to stop my computer from freezing when it suddenly realizes it needs something from the hard drive, and then the hard drive starts?
get a hard drive that dose't sock
that's called, prevent the hard drive from powering down
My hard drive is actually a pretty good one. It's a Caviar Black.
actually it can be dangerous if your hard drive is frequently powering down, because most hard disks are only rated for several thousand spin-ups
there was a bug in Ubuntu a couple years ago where the disk would spin down after about 5 seconds of idle, and would power back up when you requested I/O from it, and it would kill brand new hard drives in about a month
people thought Ubuntu was slow or their hardware was bad. it was neither. Ubuntu was just telling the HDD to go to sleep for being idle for 5 seconds
spin-up, read a bit of data, spin down
Then what do I do?
@Ariane go into advanced power options and change "Turn off hard disk after"
Ehm, I can't seem to find this window. Is there a button in the Power options control panel item that i'm missing?
dunno what windows ver you're running but this is a VERY common thing, it's existed since Windows XP
you must just not be looking in the right place
I'm on Windows 8 like you
How did you get this window?
@Ariane power options, adjust plan settings, change advanced power settings
it's like 3 clicks off from the desktop
It's set to 20 minutes. Should I set it to 9999999?
Is that going to have any bad effects?
your hard drive consumes more power when it's spun-up and running compared to when it's off (it consumes no power when it's off), so if you care about battery life, it could matter... as far as the disk's survivability / longevity, it will actually last longer if it stays spun up all the time, even if you leave it on 24/7
HDD spin-up / spin-down is like starting a car -- it's the riskiest thing it can do, and wears on the parts more than anything else
once it's running it can stay like that for an extremely long time with no ill effects
Okay. Also this is a desktop PC, so.
yeah so power doesn't really matter
Since you've solved this problem so easily, I have another one for you!
My computer refuses to sleep or have its display turned off. The display turns off and then most of the time it'll come back within seconds / a few minutes. I've never seen sleep last more than a minute.
first, I'll say, sleep problems are the #1 thing that's wrong with computers... I figure probably 1 in 2 computers has problems correctly going into / out of standby
I have computers that I own and have spent countless hours trying to troubleshoot sleep to no avail
but like one time I managed to fix it and I have no idea how
And weirdly, my old computer with Vista never had a problem. xD
sleep problems come from 3 main sources: hardware incompatibility; driver misconfiguration / outdatedness; and the BIOS
hardware incompatibility, means, some device connected to your PC doesn't properly support sleep and you just have to live with this
driver misconfiguration happens sometimes when you tell something to be "Always On" (like USB controller)
outdatedness just means you need to update the drivers
and the BIOS itself can have configuration settings that can positively or negatively impact the ability to sleep correctly
it is extremely hardware-specific though
Really? I thought it was a program on my computer that did some sort of periodic action that woke the computer up.
programs running as an administrator can wake up the computer, I think, but I haven't ever had a problem related to a program
and here's why I'm so sure of it
a clean install of Windows with no custom programs does not have a periodic wakeup program of any kind
so if you install Windows clean, suspend to RAM (standby/sleep - same thing), and it wakes up, it's not a program
I've done that and it wakes up (or never even goes to sleep in the first place) so in my case it was hardware or drivers or BIOS
Some BIOSes have an option for the sleep level (I believe it was S1 or S3). You may need to change it.
Sounds like a big pain to change.
I wish you could access BIOS options from Windows. Don't feel like restarting.
bob has a good point
as for hard drive spinning up or down, I really fear for my laptop HDD
it's got this motion sensing thing that shuts off the hard drive with a little movement
which is really really sensitive
spin up/down count is horribly high
.................This is weird.
I have a pimple under my tongue.
probably a cold sore
happens a fair bit
What's a cold sore?
a cold sore is from the herpes virus -- many (most?!) people have it in their mouth, usually picked up from using public utilities.... maybe that one time you washed your hands without soap then touched your hand to your lips after using a public bathroom
I said under my tongue, not on my lips. Never heard of a cold sore elsewhere.
it's really, really common to have it in the mouth so don't be embarrassed... it CAN spread from your mouth to other more unpleasant places, but it has to be deliberately done, it won't automatically spread to other parts of the body
or just cut yourself in the mouth
I've had a pimply thing happen cause of a chip accident
Also, I've had pimples in the cheeks before, and they were real pimples because I could burst them, so maybe it is a pimple. Though since it's in a really squishy place I can't hope of doing that. I tried. o.o
A chip accident. xD
it could also be one of these
A mouth ulcer (also termed an oral ulcer, or a mucosal ulcer) is an ulcer that occurs on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. More plainly, a mouth ulcer is a sore or open lesion in the mouth. Mouth ulcers are very common, occurring in association with many diseases and by many different mechanisms, but usually there is no serious underlying cause. The two most common causes of oral ulceration are local trauma (e.g. rubbing from a sharp edge on a filling) and aphthous stomatitis ("canker sores"), a condition characterized by recurrent formation of oral ulcers for largely unknown reason...
or one of these
I thought ulcers were the result of a seriously aggravated cavity.
Wow. We really do talk about everything in here.
We do. Explosive oatmeal, ulcers, and sometimes even computers.
quixotic level: 63.4%
What is quixotic, and congratulations on leaving a bad country.
oh. I'll be back in like 6 days after my vacation :)
Sucks then. :p
quixotic, you know? part of my name? I used to be allquixotic
now I'm just some quixotic
But to understand what your level of quixoticness means, you need to explain what "quixotic" is.
(; ), fully titled The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha (), is a novel by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. It follows the adventures of Alonso Quijano, an hidalgo who reads so many chivalric novels that he decides to set out to revive chivalry, under the name Don Quixote. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who often employs a unique, earthly wit in dealing with Don Quixote's rhetorical orations on antiquated knighthood. Don Quixote is met by the world as it is, initiating such themes as intertextuality, realism, metatheatre, and literary representation. ...
I thought it was Don Quijote.
it's spelled both ways depending on who you ask and in what language
i don't know when one is used vs the other
Okay. Well I read the novel in Spanish (which painfully taught me how crappy my Spanish was), so I dunno what other languages are like.
some guy is pulling apart a computer nearby
...why is he taking that many screws out? o.O
laptop or desktop?
and what's he trying to do?
I heard them talking about the HDD
apparently he's going to reimage it to figure out if the HDD has a problem... something like that o.O
so, 3 to remove the HDD, up to 5 for the case, up to 3 for the PSU....
assuming its a shitty case and you need to open up the whole hard drive
I counted more than 10 'spins' of that electric screwdriver :\
ah, corporate environments.. where it's 'better' to just reimage and replace than try to diagnose properly :P
..that's enough screws to take the whole damn thing apart, including the MB
oh, maybe he's putting it back together
sounds about right on a smaller crappy case
Hi! I have root access to a VM in cloud
how do I make it publish its public DNS/ip instead of private one
@Ketan: you'd need to talk to your VM host about that
you mean the admin?
@JourneymanGeek I have access to its iptables and such .. Also the EC2 web console shows both its private and public DNS
somehow the external machines sees its private dns and fail to connect
wait, private DNS?
meaning .. the one that is visible only within a network
10.*.*.* ... (I am not a network expert)
you're confusing DNS and IP address
yeah .. I am using them interchangeably ..
let's say IP
the machine has an external IP: 54.*.*.* and an internal: 10.*.*.*
what happens when you connect directly to the 54.*.*.* ip address?
but somehow the external machines which want to call back to this for a network program
I can connect to it
I also tested ports with nc
I could connect both ways to and from .. since I have explicitly made some ports open
but the programs try to go to the 10.x range?
thats wierd
And complains to check firewalls
which programs?
you might need to define a specific interface
I smell magic smoke.
3 hours later…
It's so quiet in here.
I can almost hear echoes.
its not echos
its grues
lo, eh
how canadian ;p
I know, eh?
How many random passwords can you remember? I already have about 8 different random passwords for websites, phone, PC and I think it could be a pain to have another one for Wifi.
define random password
Some made of numbers and characters?
as in something that isn't a bunch of words? just stuff like j9fj923fkposajkpofd321?
Including caps locks.
I have about 5-6
I could use combinations to get more obviously :P
the moment you have too many passwords, consider having a password manager
Also, you don't really need to remember the WiFi password.
Actually, you could write it down.
Or read it off the router config page.
The WiFi password is one of those that needs to be long and/or complex to prevent brute force attacks, but safe enough to write down within your own home.
And you'll probably set devices to remember it anyway.
I think letting the devices remember it would be a better idea as I can always read it off the router page if forgotten or to change it.
My current password which I use and remember is 10 characters long which contains numbers and characters. How long should it be?
my longest password is 16 characters, contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters :P
My current one is >25 characters :P
(but only upper/lower, no numbers/special)
Q: Password Strength Calculator

cpxI'd like to know how much time does a password cracker would take to break my password that has setup on .rar archive. For Example- If my password has a length of 13 characters which has: 4 Letters (Lowercase + Uppercase) 9 Digits Can you calculate its strength i.e how much time would it tak...

I remember asking it here about 2 years ago :P
by combining I can get a password (that I'll still remember) to 26 chars
containing special chars, numbers and upper/lower case
"Brute Force Attack will take up to 2230808147575758 years" with 150 computers working at 5mil passwords / second :F
mine's up to about 13 chars
My current password is synonym to this: RWT742763BX (I only changed the numbers and letters not their positions)
If I add lower case letter to this one then it is 100% strong according to this passwordmeter.com
my 16 char long was 100% :b
100% very strong, apparently
@Joan: I don't know. Either I made it up, or I heard someone else say it and thought "wow, I should totally steal that, and then forget all about who I stole it from." — Eric Lippert Mar 24 '11 at 20:04
I'm totally stealing that quote, then forgetting who I stole it from.
@Leathe Those don't really account for the faster GPU farms, FPGAs, etc..
Right, very strong* :P
@cpx % has no meaning in password strength
there is no cap to the strength of a password. well, there are theoretical caps and things like max characters allowed, but a well-designed system vould have a far longer password than would be practical to type in five minutes.
Sometimes it's the complexity of numbers, case, characters and not the length of password which matters.
all passwords can be cracked, eventually
@cpx Length makes the most difference.
The idea is to balance between human friendliness, and difficulty of cracking
Think about it. The number of possible combinations is <possibilities per character> to the power of <number of characters>
Exponentials get big very quickly
of course, there's ways to shorten it
rainbow tables, dictionary attacks etc
One might even say you get an exponential increase in complexity.
I'm not sure, but quite confident in that the passwords I use don't exists in rainbow tables :b
@JourneymanGeek Both can be beaten by crazily long passwords :P
Also, rainbow tables die to long unique salts.
@Bob: oh, in theory
@Bob: if all else fails, BRUTE FORCE ;p
And dictionary attacks die on truly random passwords.
For example: This password "ASF43D75GD5FSDEF" scored 85% and this "ASF43D75Gd" 92% on passwordmeter.com
It's shorter and it has a lower case letter.
@JourneymanGeek Yea, it's pretty viable nowadays.
@cpx Then that site is broken.
The first has 36^16 possibilities, the second 62^10. The first has 10^7 more possibilities.
Also, most people running brute force searches will assume special and/or lowercase characters before longer passwords.
It's computationally cheaper and more passwords are short, so they'll manage to break more.
@JourneymanGeek if all else fails, KEYLOGGERS! ;P
on every computer!
@Leathe With the US gov going down the path of the USSR, that's not out of the realm of possibility...
err. I mean
A: Why are the bottom half of my images gray?

Guesthomeland security, this been viewed more than 3,000 times. what you doing?

Huh? O_o
all the more relevant
Military just called me up and said today's fitness test was cancelled and if I bothered to turn up, this counts as regular mandatory fitness training. Guess since I am on my way, might as well
Yay for unhealthy levels of smog
Q: How do I assign a keyboard shortcut to recorded macro in Sublime Text

SathyaI have a bunch of macros which I have recorded and saved in Sublime Text 2. I'm trying to assign keyboard shortcuts to each of those, but I'm kind of lost as to how to go about doing this, I had a look at Sublime Text 2 - Assign a keyboard shortcut to a tool but that explains how to set Key ...

yay for random downvotes!
@Hennes What job and which position?
@somequixotic Isn't this classified nano flying objects project illuminati that finance?
@JourneymanGeek Well go there because not only does it count as training, they also pay you for doing nothing.
@Hennes Heh okay I will say it here. What if poop comes out in diarrhea form? How do you clean that?
And it is an hour either way so might as well
@Leathe Let's see if this works.
@Leathe Hmm.
@Sathya Someone doesn't like self answers...
yay :-D
:9957100 :-O
does it auto edit?
nope. :P
oh.. that because it jumps over 100 to 116. sense
wait.. are these replies global?
:9957085 test
@JourneymanGeek lessloss.com/…
the cable is $1800?
and that's if it's 1.5m
If you are computer enthusiast, have natural love for building and disassembling PC for troubleshooting and locating problems, how would you sell yourself in the job interview (provided you don't have any certifications)?
@Leathe Audiophiles. Don't ask.
Also, most of the crap on that page is physically inaccurate.
@Boris_yo Kinda depends on what job you're interviewing for.
But 'natural love for troubleshooting' doesn't for that many jobs :\
@Bob PC technician in computer shop building new PCs and also repairing problems.
@HackToHell I don't get it...
@Boris_yo Sounds fun :P
@Bob Why not? Troubleshooting is the hardest part of repairing PCs, no?
the reflection on the pole ... there is a face there
@Bob Sounds fun? That being said from employer's perspective?
no, sounds like a fun job
@Boris_yo this is one of the cases where it might help, depending on the employer
@Bob Yeah I would love that job. No need to deal with customers and being stressed out. Instead you work alone or at least with couple other like-minded technicians, no stress, in quiet place...
@HackToHell Looks like fan.
@Boris_yo Really? I'm pretty sure computer repairs involve a lot of customer communication.
@HackToHell O.O
@Bob I thought customer comes, fills all details in form and then you work according to it. At least that is what I did before passing my laptop to HP certified computer lab. Never hear from them until laptop was ready.
Maybe the larger groups.
@Bob Like computer repair sweat-shops :) ?
Anamorphosis is a distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to use special devices or occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image. The word "anamorphosis" is derived from the Greek prefix ana-, meaning back or again, and the word morphe, meaning shape or form. Types of projection There are two main types of anamorphosis: perspective (oblique) and mirror (catoptric). Examples of perspectival anamorphosis date to the early Renaissance (fifteenth century). Examples of mirror anamorphosis were first created in the late Renaissance (sixteenth century). With m...
Pretty sure the text in that picture is BS ;P
How do you find this position? careers.checkpoint.com/careers/… @OliverSalzburg
Do you think technical support engineer's work constitutes of communication with clients?
@Boris_yo So that is only a training to become a support engineer?
@Boris_yo Well, the people who answer the phone at the Microsoft Support hotline are technical support engineers
So, yes, they are communicating with clients
@OliverSalzburg You think it is stressful position?
@Boris_yo I guess it depends where you would actually be working in support and the kinds of people you have to take care of
But, generally, the people who call support have an issue and they are frustrated with it and they will blame YOU!
@OliverSalzburg That's stressful.
@Boris_yo Well, it can also be fun, I guess
@OliverSalzburg Only for people who can remain calm and think rationally at the time of stress and those who can also multi-task.

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