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Is anyone aware of any small (like cellphone screen sized) LCD (or similar) displays? HDMI-in would be the only requirement
Want to use it with the Pi
Humm, this guy was using s-video kickstarter.com/projects/1952418207/…
Or whatever that plug system is called
$23.70 with free shipping to Germany...
hey guys who live in USA
there is some kind of punishment in the US
Community service punishment
When somebody has to do it for let's say 200 hours
as a punishment
What if that person is a manager who is working 14 hours a day 7 days a week
so he doesn't have time to do that service
Yeah we have community service punishments
Basically the answer is find time or enjoy some jail/fine
@EinsteinsGrandson Then he doesn't have to do it. If you're rich, important or otherwise a busy member of society, you don't have to do the punishments
But they don't tell the common people, so that there won't be a riot because of it
@OliverSalzburg Essentially, yeah, I imagine if it's light enough for community service and you're rich you could just say "Yo judge, I ain't got tha time. How much I gotta pay?"
It's all a big conspiracy
but what does the law say?
@Tanner The judge will understand, he's busy and important as well ;D
you can pay a fine instead of doing the service?
that doesn't make sense
It's not so much about hard law at that point.
If you did something that isn't worthy of jail time, but is worthy of punishment, it gets sticky.
i heard about many celebrities who had to do 150 hours of service etc...
Usually there's fines and whatnot, but a judge can say "Do community service sucker."
It's really at the judge's discretion.
i am calling my good friend - lawyer from NY City
At which point, you (or your lawyer, assuming you're rich) could say "That doesn't work, can we just pay a massive fine and get out of it?"
There ya go. I just know how it works from a laymen's point of view. ;)
Gragh I went to traffic court once for an incomplete stop at a stop sign. Guy before me totaled somebody's car by failing to yield. I get sent to traffic safety school; he got his deferred because he's a doctor's kid that helped pay for the judge's campaign... Good stuff.
@Tanner our county executive here in AA Co., MD., committed several crimes and is not even going to serve jail time
That guy? Looks like he's going after all if so.
no i think they are letting him off, aren't they?
oh nvm
breaking news / update :P
Yeah haha
Prosecutors had not recommended jail time, citing the 70-year-old Republican's age and health. He has back and urinary problems. Sweeney, however, said a message needed to be sent that misconduct in office carries serious consequences to deter politicians from abusing power after recurring cases in Maryland.
Looks like the judge gave Leopold all his nope.
so he's going to spend 30 days in an actual jail (but probably pampered, made comfortable, given clothes and TV and probably internet), 30 days of essentially house arrest, and then community service, whatever that means
for asking a staff aide to empty his catheter
I heard a story about a homeless guy who stole a $100 VCR and got life in prison and was still serving his sentence at 74
and probably in much worse living conditions than Leopold will get
Is it true that Absinthe is not available for purchase by the general public in the US?
@OliverSalzburg Correct. :( Not real absinthe anyway.
@Tanner My girlfriend is visiting the US and people want her to bring absinthe
@OliverSalzburg Oh god yes. Where is she going? :P
But "our" absinthe isn't the original stuff either. Meaning you won't be tripping balls
It doesn't really make you trip does it?
@Tanner San Francisco
@Tanner Not todays stuff
You'd have to drink a couple bottles
...thujone content regulations, which specify that finished food and beverages that contain Artemisia species must be thujone free.[108] In this context, the TTB considers a product to be thujone-free if the thujone content is less than 10 ppm (equal to 10 mg/kg).
@OliverSalzburg it's also illegal in France, and I learned that from Broken Sword II (the game)
in the game you put a couple drops of real, actual absinthe into an art critic's wine and he falls over and crashes into a display case of Mayan pottery and creates a distraction for you
German Wikipedia tells me that the same levels (10mg/kg) are legal in EU and the US
In the US since 2007 to my understanding
Ah, so yours is about the same?
I was talking to someone in Canada (where apparently Absinthe is legal) who was having some, and they had this tiny little silver spoon they used to take it, and they got really funny then passed out
This could be a problem:
The word "absinthe" can neither be the brand name nor stand alone on the label, and
The packaging cannot "project images of hallucinogenic, psychotropic or mind-altering effects."
Absinthe imported in violation of these regulations is subject to seizure at the discretion of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.[112][113]
@Tanner Seems like it
Land of the free. ^_^
US Customs would probably prevent you from importing a bottle of water because it might carry infectious diseases
@Tanner "the free" = the ruling class
The bottle she got says "Absinthe" right on the front label :D
It's actually Pernod with Absinthe...
Reminds me of this:
Sep 10 '12 at 20:13, by Luke
If I encrypt my data, I need to turn over my passwords or I'm arrested. If they "misplace" my expensive i-something or tablet, too bad so sad. If I drive through the border, they can strip my car down to find whatever they accuse me of hiding, then I have to put it back together myself, even if they don't find anything incriminating
my favorite alcoholic drink of the moment is Moscato wine
I've actually been sucking down martinis lately...
@Tanner didn't Customs or Homeland Security steal somebody's boat recently with no justification? they just hopped on board and were like, I'm homeland security and I'm seizing this boat?
@allquixotic Didn't hear about it but it wouldn't surprise me.
Homeland Security is why I have hard time voting Republican...
@Tanner you mean you would be able to vote republican if homeland security didn't exist? you silly guy. that's only the tip of the iceberg.
@allquixotic It's the last straw for me.
There's a lot of other stuff, but... seriously?
lately, it's been the democrats wanting control over our internets, and the republicans wanting control over our physical realm (meatspace)
so we're damned if we do, damned if we don't
Used to be Republicans wanted to keep our guns, freedom (well, sort of), etc
now the republicans are feeding on the fear tactics after that shooting at that school
I'm frickin' sick of every school shooting becoming a huge tactic for both sides.
the democrats are too, but both parties are doing this nice "cooperation" and "bipartisanism" on working together to collaboratively draft and pass legislation to further erode rights
whenever the subject at hand is taking away rights from the public, both parties are on board, at least enough to reach majority
Yup. :|
that's one area where this stupid red/blue divide doesn't stop them from agreeing
but when they have to agree about paying for essential government services and preventing the fed from shutting down, they can't possibly ever agree
Is the sequestration going to affect your work at all?
it may affect some people i work with but not me
what the... is this some kind of scam? actualtests.com
@Tanner one way to tell if it's a scam is to consider how you found the website
Eh, searching for information on IBM i 7.1 administration certification, which there is precious little of...
I wager that that site can actually provide real test PDFs, but I have no doubt that the site is "illegitimate" in the sense that they are copying copyrighted content without permission in the very least
"is this a scam" is a different question than "is this company operating legally"
a company can give you what you paid for without operating legally, and vice versa
I would surmise that that company will give you what you paid for, but that they are not operating legally
...do I really strike you as the type of person to be concerned with the legal implications of whether or not they have real tests? ;)
Wow... Huh...
@Tanner you should be
/shrug I might pay for it once I'm ready to take a few certifications.
you wouldn't!!
Ahhh, brb have to reboot :P
/me slaps you to the ceiling and back down like on Looney Toons
DON'T do that... learn the material and pass it through your own knowledge
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm going to learn it.
Certifications are useless if I don't have the knowledge/experience to back it up, it would be just a meaningless piece of paper that would allow me to land a job way over my head.
However I might not mind taking a real "practice" test before shelling out a couple grand for cert tests...
the $150 would likely be worth the investment to make sure I'm ready to pass it.
oh -- if you just use it to take practice tests, that's one thing, but if your goal is to memorize the answers by rote, that's bad
Eff that.
although I'm pretty sure that ALL certifications have some sort of practice test already available as part of the learning process
Many do, yes.
getting your hands on an actual certifiable test that was used in an actual exam would only ensure that they aren't pulling any punches in the practice test, which, if they are, you can probably find that info online before even bothering with the certification
for instance you might be able to read that XYZ company-that-does-certification is an idiot because they give easy peasy practice tests then hammer you on the real test to make you fail and pay to take it again and again
if you find that info then maybe looking at a real exam could be worthwhile
but don't assume from the outset that they're doing it that way, because a reasonable agency whose whole purpose is to certify people would probably not be that much of a scumbag
you know what would be cool?
make the training classes cost money (they already do, heh, but raise their prices or whatever to compensate if needed), but make the actual process of taking the exam free, as in $0
No kidding.
Some places do vouchers for tests after a training class.
step 1: pay the company/agency to take the class
step 2: sign up to take the exam and provide some proof (online account, etc) that "I took the class so I'm eligible to take the exam"
step 3: allow the student to re-take the exam as many times as they need to pass the class, for $0 per exam attempt
this dis-incentivizes the company/agency from making a profit on intentionally pulling punches on the practice test to make people fail
it also incentivizes making the training good, so that people will pass the test and stop coming in and taking up seats/paper/time
the student could of course retake the class if they want, but it wouldn't be mandatory
You have got to be shitting me.
United just told me I have to use Java 6.12 for their site.
One part of it anyway, with Internet Explorer, in compatibility mode.
Another part requires Chrome.
Same place that has the AS400 Java app @_@
I called to yell at them but the tech immediately conceded that it was messy.
@allquixotic do you have any certs?
I haven't taken any yet...
@Tanner I have the "I've written an open source project all on my own therefore I am an awesome cowboy coder" cert
it's my birthday, btw
@allquixotic haha that works xD
holy crap you've got 20 off that and kruug has 41 now?
@Tanner what can I say -- very generic questions are very popular on SU
A: Why is a 7zipped file larger than the raw file?

allquixoticIt comes down to a concept called entropy. See Wikipedia. The basic idea is that, if there existed a compression operation that could always make a file smaller, then logic dictates that said compression operation would be able to reduce any file to 0 bytes and still retain all the data. But thi...

@allquixotic Yeah, I wonder why questions like "I have a Roxmotoron Superslide 4000 GTX and it produces green lines on my Hypnovision Luxos. Why does this happen?" aren't more popular :\
so 7zip is ALWAYS larger than the original file?
@EinsteinsGrandson no, silly
or sum of files?
think of 7-zip like a refrigerator
it takes high entropy data (hot air) and makes it lower entropy (cold air)
but if you put very cold air into a refrigerator, it'll expand until it's no colder than the refrigerator can compress to
if you put very hot air into a refrigerator it will cool down (compress) until it's as cold as the refrigerator can freeze to, but it can only go down to a certain amount, it can't go on forever
otherwise, it could compress the air that it's already compressed and make it colder and colder until there's no energy in your refrigerator at all
which would probably create a quantum singularity or something ;p
this is bad example
the reason your refrigerator doesn't cool the air inside down to absolute zero is the same reason why 7-zip can't compress any file down to 1 or 0 bits and in fact will make some files larger
the files that get made larger by compression are like the "really cold air"
@EinsteinsGrandson What are you talking about, it's awesome! :D
no, it's quite similar, since the concept of entropy was first invented for thermodynamics and then adapted to information theory
actually i got it backwards earlier oops
because in compression, you have 100 kilograms and you shrink it into 50 kilograms
it takes low entropy data and makes it higher entropy
@EinsteinsGrandson You can't compress weight
@EinsteinsGrandson wtfno
low entropy = 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000‌​000000000000000000000000000000
high entropy = 0918230482fiwejfioarvksrv 09zsriv0cu198034c90r98 980smd909 8q394ufr9134fzsdlkvfzo0isrfg134
i can summarize the low entropy data as "X number of repeating zeroes"
how do you summarize that random gibberish though
Gah! I'm getting pulled into one of @EinsteinsGrandsons discussions again! O__O
the fridge will only make the item colder
but the weight will be the same
@OliverSalzburg Hey it beats barlop's shower conversation yesterday...
@Tanner I find showers fascinating
So I just had to install a four year old version of Java for a company's website to work. Think it's fair to email the two guys on the whois records?
you can shrink the temperature of the object to 0 Kelvin
@Tanner You'll be lucky to get a reply :P
but you can't shrink the size of the file to 0 bytes
@OliverSalzburg umm, those showers don't have any separation between the two, no privacy?
@allquixotic That's the fair booth I was spending my nights at during the previous week
Personally, I'd be more interested in their horizontal showers though! Having to stand while taking a shower is exhausting! :D
@EinsteinsGrandson yes, but you need a very powerful heat exchanger to do so... you know, if you had a compression codec with an infinite dictionary size, you could compress any file data into a size just long enough to pick the right item out of your dictionary table, so you could theoretically compress N bytes to log(N) assuming a balanced hash table
but it's not gonna be 0 bytes
right, but you're taking the analogy too literally -- the only thing I was comparing is that a refrigerator can only compress to a fixed amount of entropy; if the input air is colder than that, it will heat up; if it is hotter, it will cool down until it reaches that amount of entropy (temperature and entropy being roughly equated here for simplicity)
@EinsteinsGrandson There's actually a compression algorithm that compresses with LZMA first, then puts the whole data into the filename, leaving the file empty. So it's a 0 byte file
a compression codec is like that: it will make very "seemingly random" data larger, and very linear / predictable data smaller
So you can compress to 0 bytes obviously
@OliverSalzburg rofl that's a hack
and it just stores the data in the filesystem metadata
which i guess is okay for XFS or other large filesystems with huge metadata journals
but heaven forbid you type ls
it'll hang your system
Well, how would I know that? ;)
people need to stop upvoting my answer until tomorrow
i wonder what the OP is thinking
which answer
i will upvote also
NO! wait for 2 hours
I'll post it on Reddit real quick...
no no no
On all the reddits!
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
@allquixotic Probably what everybody in that situation is thinking "Why are these people putting so much effort into this??? O____o"
He doesn't know about the rep-4-gold thing
@OliverSalzburg rep-4-gold? rofl wut
I already said too much
@OliverSalzburg TELL ME MORE! choke
Fun discovery from a fellow mudder in Amsterdam:
The c preprocessor is hardcoded to replace ??/ with \, so a comment // WTF??/ above a line of code, actually comments out the following line as well
Now I want to post something to stackOverflow.
// if you remove this comment, the code will break. can you figure out why??/
Obviously followed by a line which will break the code
Do it!
...let me answer it ;D
Oh, what do I see here? Conspiracy for rep frauding? Hmmmm.....
A Higgs Boson walks into a church & the priest says: We don't allow your kind in here. Higgs Boson replies: But how can you have mass without me?
I love how this question has over 20K views, and the one it's a duplicate of has less then 7K views
@Luke Why don't people merge duplicates? I've seen it once or twice only since I joined
@RudáAlmeida We don't merge duplicates, only identical questions
Think of a duplicate as a pointer
We want people to find them
@OliverSalzburg What?! Duplicates aren't identical? Identical aren't duplicates? Being the same isn't being the same? I'm confused.
A duplicate is someone asking the same question, but with other words. An identical question is someone asking the same question, with the same words.
Oh, I SEO. I mean, I see.
People use different phrases to describe their problem. We want all of those people to find Super User when they type their question into a search engine
@RudáAlmeida Yeah, exactly!
good morning gentlemen!
And Ladies!
And Amobae of indefinate gender!
Greetings fellow chat partaker!
OMG! Samsung just released a new phone
The twitters are ringing off the hook
Finally got my feeds uploaded onto 'the old reader'
@JourneymanGeek Is that the favorite so far?
its going to take a while to get it working tho, there's about 3k people in the queue ahead of me
@OliverSalzburg: its that or feedblur, until I work out why tt-rss isn't working
@JourneymanGeek Any interesting problem with it?
it dosen't work? ;p
Well, is it interesting?
Q: Installing tt-rss : files arn't where they ought to be

Journeyman GeekI'm currently trying to install the tt-rss package (tiny tiny rss) on ubuntu 12.10 via ubuntu' s official packages. The installation process seems to have worked - but the files I need to run are on /usr/share/tt-rss rather than /var/www/ something. Its obviously not working for me - the database...

Or is it "I'll fix this later..."?
its "I have no clue what the fuck is wrong"
Let's see...
I don't have a tt-rss package in my repos
Oh, 12.10, jeeze
That's a different VM :D
its ONLY in 12.10
and it dosen't pull in mysql-client and mysql-server
which the automatic install needs
Upgrading now :P
Even my desktop VM is still on LTS
The future is on the web!
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