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@Dan: not really, flagging or getting people with closevotes to VTM is really the only way
@MDTGuy: could always get a xeon ;p
Anyone got experience setting up VPN on Server 2012? I keep getting an error about connecting to something reserved for routers only
anybody know how to solve this?
I have a jar package full of source files in Java
the problem is that all the files are in some strange encoding
it is supposed to be UTF-8
but when i open the package in NetBeans, I see something like chinese characters
and NetBeans says :
File cannot be safely opened with encoding windows 1252. Do you want to continue opening it?
when i try to open any of the source files
have you tried opening it in other editors?
(notepad++, sublime tex)
i did
notepad++ works
so what options do i have?
just creating new project in netbeans
and then ctrl+c , ctrl+v of all the source files?
that's one option
what is the other?
is this a problem of Netbeans 7 only?
or you could maybe convert the format to something else (ASCII, UTF-16) with notepad++
i'm not sure
Netbeans 6 didn't have it?
not sure, been a while since i've been in netbeans
so Notepad++ will convert all those crazy chracters like á ä.... into a ?
it did for me when i had a similar prob
what do you mean?
your mileage may vary
meaning it might not work out for you like it did me
yeah. hope that helps
now i have all the source files without non- English characters
now i should create jar packages from all those source files right?
or what?
Do Cisco routers usually have protecting from brute forcing? I have an M350 or something at my house, but I put DDWRT on it, and I can't remember
by cisco, do you mean consumer linksys routers?
Well, I meant like a business access point I guess
Looks interesting, going to try it - lifehacker.com/5978098/…
However, wouldn't your internet speeds be limited by the speed of the computers it's passing through?
I don't think Hamachi established a direct link between A and B, but I could be wrong
I thought it only used their servers to broker the connection
then its peer to peer
Could be, I'll have to look that up
Well, accourding to softonic it's P2P, so I guess you's right
what's wrong if NetBeans says:
ewww. netbeans
Eclipse FTW lol
public class UFOTest extends junit.framework.TestCase
package junit.framework does not exist
this is telling you that class UFOTest is extending TestCase from the junit.framework package
Humble bundle added more games o0
do I have to import junit.framework?
if the package does not exist, it means it can't find it... likely not in your library includes
I have JDK 1.7
you should be able to right click on the Jar file for that library (package) and set it to be included in the build path
It's not in there?
@EinsteinsGrandson that's olllld
Junit would be some 3rd party package/library
JDK 1.7 is not old HackToHell
what do you mean?
he doesn't know what he's talking about Einsteins
whoopsie ;p version number mashup
we'll let it slide this time HackToHell ;-P
java numberings are werid... thanks to sun
1.7 == 7
anyways, einsteins -- this means Junit package/library is not in your build path, or its in the build path but not imported to your class (so your class can't see it)
at the top of your class, you should do something like
import junit.framework.*;
see if it still has a compilation problem
just starting out in java?
its a great language to learn
Junit.jar is in JDK1.7 or not?
not that i know of
so i have to download it?
i'd grab the jar from there -- create a folder in your netbeans called "lib" then copy it to there -- then you should be able to right click the jar file, and there should be some option somewhere to "add to build path"
Netbeans automatically sets up JUnit, but it is on the test classpath only. You are probably creating these test classes in your main source tree? That is not going to work, Netbeans has a separate area in your project structure to put unit tests.
i work in eclipse so it may be slightly different for netbeans
lets back up -- what are you trying to accomplish?
simply compile a file?
i have the whole project
and there a testing class
in it
which i want to run
to test if the project works as it should
is doing what it should be doing..
i had all those source files - all of them .java....
created empty NetBeans project
and copied all the source files into directory : src
is there a structure to the source files (as in their package folders)...
for example... if i were to have some project in a package com.mytest.package
my directory structure would be
in the project direcotry there are only 2 directories
and 2 files
actually... this link looks like it might help you reimport the entire thing as new project with existing source
its a guide for setting up some other project, but should be mostly the same...
this will let netbeans do the work for you and create all the imports for the classpath ,etc
Junit is not in JDK?
not that i know of
Junit is a library for testing
3rd party library
do i have to download it and add to my project: Add required libraries ?
depends if its already included in your project (somewhere in some directory) or not... but from what you posted above, it does not sound like it's there
as in the guide you sent me link for?
that's junit's project homepage - you could download the jar from there
i will do it
if your project has it as a dependency (sounds like it does) then ya you'll want to download it first and have netbeans import that in as well
basically on that guide, it looks like hwere it talks about adding the jclec4-bas jar file you'll just swap that to the junit jar file
hamcrest-core.jar also?
Plain-old JAR

Download the following JARs and put them on your test classpath:
if that is needed by ur prject then yes
i am not sure, but i will add it also ...
looks to be fore hamcrest but i could be wrong
never heard of that library before
don't worry Einsteins -- once you figure out how to get things going in netbeans/eclipse, its must smoother sailing from there
3 hours later…
Q: Can I tell from "netstat" if someone is snooping my computer?

WIFI WIFE WONDERSI have many questions. However, to begin in the easiest and shortest manner. I am trying to figure out why when I type cmd prompt netstat -a I get a plethora of IP addresses and links that I am almost certain are not right or correct. Or maybe my IT/computer networking hubby snooping. I have ab...

anybody here?
1 hour later…
phantom I think
yes,it's F4 phantom
they have those unique cranked wings ^^
Anyone awake know how to turn on nginx logs..? lol
I tried editing nginx.conf and adding access_log on; then resetting, but it didn't work
I take that back, I was trying to open a directory as a text file.. sorry
should I be worried that an LED on my computer's front panel is flickering?
how the heck does it even flicker?
(this should be constantly illuminated, and the matching one on the other side on the same circuit, in parallel, is fine)
what is the LED supposed to do? ;p
be an annoyingly bright blue light
I mean, what's the purpose of the LED? ;p
my desktop is currently covered in things with blue lights ._.
keyboard, external sound card, USB hub/mouse bungee.... Prolly should set the mouse to match.
@JourneymanGeek illumination
it lights up when my computer turns on
that's... about it.
(though the desktop has white LEDs, and the motherboard and speakers have green ones...)
power indicator LED then ;p
@JourneymanGeek not really, that's on the switch itself
this is one of four additional LEDs :P
If it dosen't do anything, why worry? ;p
well, the flickering is annoying :P
and I'm wondering just how it's happening
if it's a short, or has the potential to short, then that's bad..
likewise if the PSU has a failing (3.3V?) rail
you'd want to start by working out how those lights are powered? ;p
wire going into the mess inside the computer
I thought only sata used 3.3 V for some reason
most things were 5 or 12V
Should be a set of jumpers on your mobo that go to the wires
what case?
@ekaj: >_> if they are fan-wire powered I might have an answer ;p
splits off from a red and black of one of the 4-pin peripheral molex connectors
apparently +5V and ground
@JourneymanGeek hey, that was a random guess - I know green LEDs like ~2.4V :P
but there's three other LEDs in parallel that are fine
just one flickering
so just one dying :\
but I didn't even know LEDs could flicker like that (given a steady power supply)
that molex connector is on the same line coming out of hte PSU as two SATA HDDs and a small fan in the front (also on 5V)
now I'm going to put my computer back together :P
@Bob vaguely informed guess in my case. Read up on power back when I was going to use what I had lying around for my current desktop
@JourneymanGeek I guess it could be the fan, but... the other LEDs on the same line are fine :P
One psu lacked molex, the other sata
could be a bad connection
the LEDs are in parallel so if the power voltage was low it would act the same way
pretty consistent flickering
like, pulse on off on off
if I had to guess, maybe 5 times a second
thats odd
so fairly fast
not the kind of flicker from flourescent lights
I have never seen a LED do this on its own
@ChrisW: you might be wondering what is going on. Do not be alarmed. You're just being subject to the wrath of the Daily WTF community: thedailywtf.com/Comments/…Pierre Lebeaupin yesterday
that guy just copped 51 downvotes
and the other guy just took 179 upvotes
> Feel free to +1/Share if you enjoy!
How nice to give your permission! :D
I hate it when people do that ;p
@OliverSalzburg where was that? :P
oh, in that case I guess its ok ;p
I thought it was on SU ;p
@JourneymanGeek Oh, would have deleted right away ;D
@JourneymanGeek same
or downvoted into oblivion
@Sathya's birthday is coming up
I'm gonna give him an upvote as a present
Wow, 33 upvotes on Olivers killall answer
What the...
A: Killing all instance of a specific program from the command line

Oliver SalzburgIn GNU/Linux, BSD, OS X, and other Unix-likes killall program In Windows taskkill /IM program.exe

How did that happen?
7 upvotes before I finished my answer (ok, some delay due to googling and verifying that it was Slowaris where killall kills all
So it started quite rapidly.
is that your highest voted answer? ;p
ahh, recent
my bad
Do oild poill for question if cat so ?
I don't think cat works like that >_>
First question was how do I concatenate two files.
Now, a dozen edits later, it is about words per file
@JourneymanGeek That sounded very condescending :D
As much as a chat message can sound anyway ;D
I also edit my stuff after I spot typos our wanted to clarify, but it helps to think of a question, formulate it and only then hit post
@OliverSalzburg: in the "I'm sure you have more higher voted answers"
blah, net is REALLY slow today
pathping is really cool tho
Ice Age was super realistic !
@JourneymanGeek What's pathping? I was thinking about mtr when you said that :P
...which is also very cool
@OliverSalzburg: @Bob mentioned it, its like a cross between ping and tracert
So is mtr :D
linux? ;p
I was gonna ask about that at some point ;p
E: Unable to locate package pathping
its on windows
Its a bit slow tho
there we are :)
that's cooler than pathping ;p
Is the only way to create a CrashPlan account through their application?
Man, I really don't know why I still use this piece of crap
I had problems with it too
I'm trying to get this thing installed on a system for weeks now
not bothered to reinstall it for now :/
mine just stopped backing up ;p
First, it wouldn't work due to folder redirection being set up
So I tore that whole thing down just to install CrashPlan
Now it won't let me register an account because they don't use the proxy that is configured for the system
And I can't create an account on their website...
And they have first-class non-support as well
don't most computer companies?
"Have you tried rebooting?" "OK, have you tried reinstalling?"
(my current favourite mouse maker not withstanding)
"Have you tried turning it off and on?"
I don't believe this... seems like I can't even log in with another account O__O
erroring, or just doing SFA?
Tries for 2 minutes, then tells me there's a "network error"
The funny thing is, they do support proxies, but you can only configure them once the application is running
Makes sense, right?
suuuuuureeeeee it does
(and now, I'm actually being contracending, not to you tho ;p)
grab a phone and use that for setup?
It's a remote system
at this point, a lead pipe (do they even make lead pipe) sounds like a good idea ;p
@JourneymanGeek your computer is named Athena :D
Do you read Percy Jackson and stuff ?
Man, I bet RS components put a red flag on my account after this order
@HackToHell: no, I read cryptonomicon
I ordered 2 RaspPis and 1 roll of tape to get just a few cents over the amount where they offer free shipping
After that, I ended up getting a greek/roman goddess naming scheme
Then I selected "send as quickly as possible"
Causing them to send 3 packages
I used to have a juno, I currently have an artemis, and a nyx
Raspis are sent from the UK anyway
other stuff is sent locally
I was quite sure raspi shipping was seperate tho
artemis sucks, who likes a band of immortal huntresses :P
Pretty sure they have a stock in Germany from where they dispatched my parcels
@OliverSalzburg: could you help me test my qtbitorrent build? ;p
@HackToHell: it used to be alice
@JourneymanGeek Gladly! It really doesn't work right for me
Thinking about ditching it again
@JourneymanGeek lol
@OliverSalzburg: will upload it when I get home ;p
it compiles for me, not tested it downloading yet
can't get my HDD working
I get I/O errors on like every 10th torrent
oh, not on windows
Even if I retry the download 100 times, it will always fail
Load it into µTorrent, works on the first run
its for the raspi, I have the version without the GUI setup ;p
At first I thought someone is poisoning my torrents :D
@JourneymanGeek Oh, cool
But what do you guys torrent ? :P
So, yeah, I received a parcel, with 1 roll of 3m duct tape. The shipping was, most likely, more expensive than the tape
And another parcel with 1 Pi Model A in it
And I'm expecting another Model B to arrive shortly :D
Both the tape and the Pi are Made in China
@HackToHell: linux distros, duh!
Pi comes from the UK though
Who is making any money off of this stuff?
@OliverSalzburg: wierd, most of the PI production moved to UK
china has its own PI version
@JourneymanGeek Oh, you're right!
@OliverSalzburg: does that matter? ;p
(the version 2/512mb is UK made. If you have a RED pcb or a version 1, its chinese. V1 sucks in comparison since you can't power it off the same active hub you plug into it)
@JourneymanGeek Yeah. If you can get a roll of duct tape shipped to your front door for 3eur and the tape was originally made in China...
I think it's relevant :D
I mean "Who is making money off this stuff"
WRT the pi
its a great cheap platform, and since its a success, there's various cheap systems of similar nature
I was only referring to my specific order of items ;D
3 packages? I can see 2 (one with 2 pies, one with the tape).
Maybe I should have invested in SD cards instead of that stupid duct tape
But three is mindnumbing.
@Hennes Only the model A was available, model B is delayed
Re SD cards: Get one suitable for an OS. (E.g. read up on IOps vs thoughput on SD cards, which differs a damn lot)
E.g. www.tomshardware.co.uk › Performance Charts › External Storage
@Hennes Last time I looked into one of those horrible "What's the best SD card of a Pi" threads somewhere on the net :P
I got a suitabel SD card a long time ago.
No Pi yet though
Some Kingston card seemed to be highly recommended
I got this Pi to be a MP3 player basically, so, yeah
It's not really for experimenting
It's a drop-in audio playback device :D
Fair enough. High power using audio player though
But very flexible
The flexibility is the important bit
And in the environments where we plan to use this, the power consumption of a Pi will be undetectable
Alternative suggestions are always welcome, of course :) But now I already have the Pi... and I wouldn't want to waste any Pi :P
Oh G-d. Sometimes I feel so dumb when reading physics.stackexchange. Most of that time/space stuff is way above me. And then someone posts something 1st grade like this: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/56741/…

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