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Truck.... you can use it for both purposes.... But can't do that with F1 racing car
Bye all. I'm going here: avp.stackexchange.com
@EinsteinsGrandson on an x86 Windows 8 Pro tablet, you can run 32-bit windows apps back to XP
if the tablet has an ARM CPU and runs "Windows RT" then you can't
Thank you allquixotic
basically if you see "WinRT" or "Windows RT", it can only run new Modern UI / Metro apps, not the .EXE based apps that run on your windows desktop today
HP - TouchPad Tablet with 16GB Memory
99.99 bucks
10 inch display
I will read A4 PDFs perfectly right?
@BGM Hey I've been thinking about volunteering some of my time doing remote support. Let me know if you have a need and would be interested.
on a 10 inch display
webOS 3.0 ... is this OS dead already?
that's what this HP tablet runs
or HP still believe webOS will prevail? ;o)))))))
Probably I will be able to run Android or some Linux on it right?
jailbreak it and record a new OS into it
In case I don't like webOS
@EinsteinsGrandson webOS is kind of a minority, yes -- it's nowhere near as developed/popular as Android, GNU/Linux, or Windows
you will be able to do "less stuff" (relatively speaking) on webOS, because it is less popular and has fewer developers making apps for it
when developer has to decide what platforms to support, they are more likely to support Android, Windows, even GNU/Linux over webOS
BTW, why do they release new Android every 6 months?
How about releasing new version every 2 years?
or 4 years?
@EinsteinsGrandson to keep ecosystem rapidly advancing and provide latest and greatest features with a fast release cycle
Because that's weaksauce
the latest trend in consumer-oriented software engineering is to release frequently... look at Firefox, Chrome builds
Windows even wants to start doing yearly releases!
Not to mention this whole DevOps business...
I buy an Android phone and Android tablet.... and will have to upgrade to new version every 6 months or more often....
people are sick of waiting half a decade for a software update
Or maybe they just want to sell more Windows licenses, more smartphones, more tablets etc...
@EinsteinsGrandson you don't have to upgrade, you can keep using the same old, and you can only update if the manufacturer provides an update; furthermore, the update process is extremely easy and you don't lose data
even if an application you use suddenly decides to require a newer version of Android, you just won't receive the update, but you can keep on using your old version of the app forever, until your device dies
same as if you were running Windows 95 and some app starts to require Windows XP to run
it doesn't delete the old app or anything
When I do it, most probably my device will not be secure anymore....
Hello guys! Does anyone know why Apple does not support Flash ? Is it because it is CPU-intensive ?
When I don't upgrade to a new version of Android
@LittleChild it's more of a political question than a technical one
@LittleChild Mac's do, iDevices's don't. Mainly because they are big supporters of HTML5
And hate Adobe.
they want people to use their APIs on their native platform, not run some technology that can be supported on multiple platforms
google "walled garden"
oh.. I thought it was because Flash is CPU intensive. Play a Flash game for 20 mins and your CPU temp goes up like ... like..... I dont have a good comparison
@allquixotic No, they want people to use HTML5.
@slhck of course I don't mind, thanks. I thought -exec could deal with any file name but, as you correctly pointed out, I should have used '{}'. That's what I get for being too quick to answer :).
last I heard, they were like "meh, ok, whatever" regarding HTML5 -- sure, they champion it in a limited sense, but only because they want people to experience the poor integration of web apps so that they'll then request a native port to the iOS app store
They don't offer any API's that does what flash does.
@LittleChild More likely that they're worried it will cut in to their iTunes profits. :P
If you can run Flash you can find all those seedy websites that serve up free TV shows, movies; music using Flash.
HTML5 is a fallback sort of thing in my interpretation of Apple's view. they are OK with people using it, but only because some people actually do care about cross platform and aren't going to use their native APIs. but if Apple had their way, every app for every device would be written in Objective-C and target their APIs that only run on Mac or iOS
You can also play Flash games, again cutting in to their profits.
oh ok! General observation: CPU temp goes up when you use Flash plugin.
@LittleChild That's because Flash is awful. ^_^
@LittleChild CPU temp also goes up when you watch video in HTML5.. your point?
@r.tanner.f thank you, it is awful.
@allquixotic Seriously? Where are you coming from? Did you not notice that the whole Apple website runs on HTML5?
watching video / running intensive scripts / blah blah = CPU and/or GPU temperature goes up and energy usage increases. welcome to multimedia
@allquixotic yeah. :)
@terdon No worries, we're all here to learn :)
Talking about YouTube, I want help with finding something. Hang on!
@Diago sure it does, but that's because plenty of people visit the Apple website on non-Apple devices. it's pragmatism. but can I buy a song in iTunes and listen to it in my browser using only HTML5?
can I buy a book on their book store and read it in my browser on Linux fully supporting HTML5 with no native plugin?
Does anyone know which show this is ??
I mean this specific one ? Big Gay Following ?
I remember someone here posted link to a different video of this show
This is the UK Version. All I found on YouTube was the Aussie version
Mass Luminosity announces giveaway winner today. a $2000 desktop
I hope I win, fingers and toes all crossed :D
and... I am not the winner
tha'ts hillarious
The first one was the best!
Are you threatening me?
What do you need 2600 USD PC for?
I would sell it, buy the cheapest PC for 300 bucks and use 2300 for a trip around the world
Wow. The question is, how do I accomplish what I described above which in my opinion was clear enought to get started. If you needed an example with dummy data, I could have provided it. As for writing VBA to do this, I would spend hours and hours trying to figure that out, what could take an expert 10 mins to do. I could then analyze what is in the code and begin to teach myself through that process. As for what you provide or do not provide. I am simply asking for help so if you don't want to help then don't. No need to get up in arms about my post. — user191933 1 min ago
people always get offended when i lay down the law. -_-
@EinsteinsGrandson to brag
In India, China, US, Latin America, the Carribean, central & eastern Europe, Maghreb the traveling is not that expensive
I don't even... what?
Maghreb ? Which country is that ?
Haha, to brag
or continent *
I freaking hate these people that throw down answer "requirements" like we're McDonald's or something.
Maghreb = Algeria, Tunis, Morrocco, Libya, Egypt
If you want specific stuff like that done, hire somebody.
Does anyone have an i3 processor here ? first gen ?
r.tanner what are you talking about?
Q: Excel 2010 - Wish to create macro to update master workbook with subsequent monthly report data

user191933I receive a report every month with basically statistic for a problem report system we have. It is 17 columns of data and a typical month with be approx 150 rows of data. The 'key' or unique identifier for the data is the first column call FID. My spreadsheet has a master workbook and then a wo...

This fellow.
Who thinks he's ordering a VBA solution for his spreadsheet at McSoftware's.
@allquixotic User doesn't have enough rep to chat though.
@allquixotic what is supposed to be the idle temp for i3 processor ?
Mine is 55C on a laptop and 60C when I do stuff on it.
The most important thing : IT people and non-IT people speak 2 different languages
using different thinking processes
@r.tanner.f lol
Once you understand it, it will help you
@slhck yeah, chicken and the egg problem, i wish there were no rep restriction on chat... :/
@allquixotic I don't o_o
There are people in the world who believe that whole internet is Facebook
That would be madness.
@LittleChild that sounds fine :) 60 C isn't that hot for a modern IC
@allquixotic Yeah… I guess we've been there already :P
Someone beta test my BatteryBeeper please
@slhck yeah i've already discussed my opinion on more liberal chat channels with people before, and i feel like newbies should almost come to chat right off the bat, ask their question full of XY and McSoftware shopping questions, and then we can help them formulate an actual question
Or that you can get flu when your PC has virus in it
from your PC
@allquixotic After all it's your fault if you want to chat with a help vampire, not theirs :)
Anyway, afk
maybe RA is the wrong place but there should be a chat room that's globally 0 rep requirement like "Newbies" or something, where people who really don't understand the site's policies etc can come and learn... 99% of the things we'll redirect them to a section of the FAQ or /about, but that 1% is conceptual things that no amount of webpaging will resolve
@slhck yeah, but through chatting with them I try to convert them from being a help vampire to something a little less blood-sucking
I was talking to a guy last time and he asked me if I can program something like Facebook for him for 500 bucks
in 1 month
@allquixotic there is no rep restriction for chat, fwiw
@EinsteinsGrandson what did you say? sure thing, and then write some hacky ripoff?
FB for $500?
@Sathya you can't chat if you have <20 rep right?
Actually I said OK.... started to work on the project but he stopped paying me, so the project was stopped
We haven't talk anymore
available to room owners/mods
non-IT people just don't have a clue what computers are about
@Sathya okay, so what I need to do is create and regularly lurk in a noob room with explicit write access for those cases where I'm feeling in the mood to re-educate a help vampire
@EinsteinsGrandson true that!
and even some freshmen dont
and then link to that room from closed questions like that
I had a few kids who didnt know how to browse a website
They'd open Google, type the web address , search and click the first link
@Sathya, I tried inviting a new user to chat today, created a new room and sent him an invite. He could not post there. What did I miss?
the problem is, they need to have chat accounts first
@Sathya What do you mean?
Which can be a good thing and bad thing .... Good thing when you tell the client you worked on it 16 hours for 2 weeks and you didn't and bad thing when he tells you he thought he was really going to get Facebook for 500 bucks
@Sathya 99% of the time they won't already have a chat account, and if they do, it'll have 1 rep
and once joined in he accounts must be added to the ACL manually
So back to the noobs room
@StackExchange o.o
you're a saint @Sathya :)
@Sathya, sorry I still don't understand, is there a way I can create a chat room and allow a user with <20 rep to post there?
@terdon I am not answering the question you just asked directly, but I think I now have the privilege to get <20 rep users into RA and let them chat
so let me know if you need that
@terdon chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/new create a new room
I'm usually around 9am-5pm EST (approximately) on weekdays... while at work :P (you can tell I work hard)
@allquixotic thanks, I'll keep that in mind
and I have absolutely no opinion on how hard you work :)
allquixotic, what is your job?
I tend to work in bursts... long periods of doing little to nothing, then blow through work that'd take someone else 16 hours to do, in about an hour and a half
sorry was on call with my fiancee
The traffic stats for SE have always made me laugh: quantcast.com/p-c1rF4kxgLUzNc#
Everyone is here during work horus :P
@EinsteinsGrandson software tester / security tester / automation tool developer.
had to dodge several "what are you doing" when I went silent trying to figure out things here :P XD
for a bank?
@EinsteinsGrandson No
that's all I'll say
@Sathya Ahh, the lies begin. ;P
@Sathya so, if I create the room as public and invite the user he can post there? I thought that's what I did...
if you really have to know, i think @TomWijsman knows where I work and probably @r.tanner.f
It's little bit crazy that they let you work 1 hour or 2 hours a day instead of 8
@EinsteinsGrandson well, if I have to get something done by a certain day, I will stay as late as I need in the evening to get it done and still charge the same number of hours
so I take the time I need to accomplish my work by the deadline, what else matters?
@allquixotic @terdon In my experience, there's really, really, zero point in doing so (and I've become jaded of that ). but anyway since you folks are interested
@Sathya I can understand that you are jaded, because mods are so (ab)used already, but I like to think that some people can be taught to be good citizens of SE
@allquixotic @terdon create a room. Which has been done, I guess. Invite the user to the room. Once the person enters, head over to the rooms/access tab
I might only get 1 in 10 people I "work on" to really go from help vampire to responsible querant and/or answerer, but that's worth it imho
use the "add a user"
Aaaah, there is a "room's access tab" :)
to the required ACL (ie,Explicit read/write access)
Thanks, I thought that was essentially what happened when I invited the user.
@terdon that must be done manualy, if the user doesnt have the rep
@Sathya fantastic little guide -- is this written up somewhere on meta or a wiki or something?
@allquixotic looks like I won't be needing your generous offer and you can now devote yourself full time to your mysterious job ;)
that'll override the rep requirement
A: Allow inviting people with rep < 20 to private chat?

nhinkleThis can be done if you are the owner of the room. A current owner or a moderator can make any user the owner of a chat room. The person who creates the room is automatically the owner. It takes 100 reputation points to create a chat room. In order to add a <20 rep user to chat, here is what...

@Sathya for some reason, I tried those exact steps before with a new user (@jtbadn, a RL friend) and was unable to get them chat access until they had 20 global rep and associated their chat account (which they, stupidly, created under a separate account instead of logging in with their SU account)
maybe it was a one-off thing
i almost want to do a test and create a separate session with separate cookies in my browser and make a new account and see if it actually works
@allquixotic maybe I'm mistaken.. balpha says the 20-rep waiver is for mods only
@allquixotic you can try that.
i need to understand this so I can be confident of how it works instead of standing there like a dummy with a noob trying to get help from me
let me know if you need anything
thanks @Sathya, you're a great help
/me returns from shopping with pizza (pizza vegetales, extra meat, cheese and lots of hot peppers on them).
@Hennes sign me up, except for the meat ;p
@EinsteinsGrandson baen.com (electronics books, including a lot of free downloads in several formats, including HTML)
@allquixotic cheers
@Hennes What was your choice of beer?
right-o, I'm off to sleep
Bosteels Brewery is a beer brewery in Buggenhout, Belgium. The brewery was founded in 1791 and is still owned and operated by the same family, now its seventh generation. They brew three beers: Tripel Karmeliet, DeuS, and Pauwel Kwak. Tripel Karmeliet Tripel Karmeliet is brewed using three types of grain: wheat, oats and barley. DeuS DeuS, or Brut des Flandres, is a Bière de Champagne with 11.5% ABV served in 75cl bottles. During the brewing process, it is fermented over a month with two yeasts, re-fermented near Épernay in Champagne, France, and then bottled, after which it is left i...
...welp. She got back to me and mentioned that the device was making ticking sounds. There's also no local places who can handle it, and all other places checked cost thousands. We've given the drive up for lost~
Well, since you have given up: now you can open it
If for nothing else then to see how the insides look IRL
@Hennes mmmm... wonder if I can find some of that here
You're UK, right?
1h from UK time, so close
When visitng the UK I usually drink Guinness, stouts or ales
(or tea)
I am not vegetarian, though I tend to eat or buy a lot of vegetarian stuff
Sometimes I add meat
It is surprising how of the quality of vegetarian or kosher food is over normal stuff
As if they paid attention to what they made :)
@Hennes Rather than smashing together random animal parts and cooking it?
I try not to think about the meat I eat...
US has really bad food right?
comparing to Europe
Never been to Europe, but I'd be willing to bet that's a fair statement.
documentary film Food, Inc. is about it
Our standards are... low. Ever hear of hot dogs? :P
I mean lot of chemicals in the food
Which lead to cancer and other diseases
Yes, that's what I meant as well. It's all very sanitary, just... questionable content.
@EinsteinsGrandson Depends on what you are used to. Compared to Europe it seems to have:
1) Really weak coffee (not bad, just watery)
2) Sweet food. Just about any recipe has a 'and then add a slash of corn sypup to taste)
3) Large meals. (I think we have more but smaller meals)
It is dangerous to generalise though. The US is big
i mean going to Walmart and cooking from ingredients from Walmart
or eating at Mc, KFC, Wendy's etc
I can't say I've ever put corn syrup in my food xD
but yes, we have a sweet tooth
As for meat. I am fine with people eating meat. Though I prefer if they visiting a farm and a butcher and actually are required to stay while an animal is turned to meat
What do you mean Hennes?
And the state I'm from brews some serious coffee.
@Hennes if you go to a grocery store and buy pre-made stuff, almost everything has one or more of: MSG, trans-fat, or high fructose corn syrup. you have to create your own foods from raw ingredients (vegetables, seasonings, etc) to get good healthy food
you can find really poisinous food in some countries of Europe..
People should know how animals are treated (e.g. 10 chickens per m^2 for 8 weeks). If they still want to eat meat after that: fine. Same with cows and pigs
but in Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Spain... the food is really clean
not so chemical than in other countries of Europe
Well, yes. But I assume almost everybody cooks. (though I have a few friedns who visit mcDonalds 3 times per week. Yuk!)
I tried their food. White pastry like stuff. No taste, no structure. Clammy. And that was just the bread
The reason why those animals are treated like that is probably the cost
Give me a sturdy brown bun. With seeds. And some barely cooked ground beer, some rocket as greenery.... tastes just fine
And in Asian countries the meat is so expensive ... that they eat bugs
Aye to cost.
They don't have enough meat for 4 billion people that live in China
sorry, in Asia
which is why I tend to select 'bio' or 'free range' products
but bio is more expensive right?
some people just can't afford it
I can'r really afford it either. But is is a matter of principles
but it's true that some just spend money on stupid things instead of healthy food
@EinsteinsGrandson like tablets and smartphones and games? :D
which you maybe don't need
2.5 years old phone here. 3 years old desktop, 5 year old laptop
no iphones etc. I generic MP3 player for Eur 15
but I thought about cars... clothes.... etc...
24 year old car
It's a question of priorities for sure
24 year old? It's BMW, VW, Mercedes or Audi?
or Toyota?
wv golf 2
1 hour later…
Oh, duplicate posts now show [duplicate] instead of [closed]?
@slhck is that a silent change by the SE team?
@allquixotic Most of their changes are silent :)
But that means they've changed the DB scheme… earlier a post would only have the state "closed" or "migrated", but not "duplicate"
wheeee my network is borked
@r.tanner.f cool story bro
if it were borked you wouldn't be here :P
I actually tethered off my phone the other day because we were down lol
the comms room is getting out of hand. wow.
@r.tanner.f glad I missed it
hello hello
@ZeroStack How goes?
@r.tanner.f meh I am having one of those days where all of my attempts at something sooooo simple yet I am failing constantly. - Hence why I end up here lol. How are you?
Breaking all the things. =S
Yeah I think I might have screwed up our Citrix farm somehow.
lol ekkkkk
In my defense, we're supposed to be able to lose a couple of servers and things should keep steaming right along. :P But since they're so tight on memory if two go down the rest slowly follow.
*logs off and goes home
So this may be painfully simple compared to what you are dealing with and yet windows doesnt like me.... All i am trying to do is change the desktop background of my current user via a .VBS, restart, and go ! ... No luck
all of my attempts have been directed just towards the registry key of wallPaper under HKCU
It seems soooo simple.
and yet I just suck at life lol
from what i found, you cannot use RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters
and you have to use a .bmp file
Lol ya I just tried changing it to a random .png on my desktop. No luck.
lol ugh /hatelife
Maybe it needs to be copied to AppData?
to a transcoded.bmp? yeah Thats the only thing I havent tried.
transcodedWallpaper *
@ZeroStack Wait. Mine's JPG...
Version of Windows?
from what I read, regardless of what you set as the background - windows converts your file type to .bmp
and sets the file location to that transcodedwallpaper
so you may see a .jpg there, but its actually a pointer to the converted file in .bmp form
FROM what I read.
I'll go look
Im sitting on windows 7 enterprise
i havent tried just overwriting that transcodedfile though lol....
When I push my location manually to that reg location (HKCU\control panel\desktop
Yeah, I'm looking at a .jpg in that folder.
it reflects the change, but no change after restart.... But when I do the old fashioned right click on the desktop and apply a change, it will push that picture to the appData location
@ZeroStack how does it reflect the change?
manual ? or the old fashioned way?
"it reflects the change, but no change after restart" I'm confused there
sorry - let me reword.
Oh, hey, I was able to just overwrite the TranscodedWallpaper.jpg =D
When i do the background change via a script to alter the HKCU\control panel\desktop\wallpaer key ( from the appData.......location) to my new location, it makes the correct change to the registry, but the background doesnt change
^ even after restart
@r.tanner.f ....go on?
Seems you could just overwrite that TranscodedWallpaper.jpg. After logging out and back in it changed for me.
(testing sorry lol)
ah lol
Any luck?
O_o Now I'm confused
one second.
trying something else
sooo broken lol
So i just over write that file, the TranscodedWallpaper.jpg
log out, log back in, and I just get a black background ( not as desired)
that happened to me when I tried to use a .gif
that was renamed to .jpg
is it an actual .jpg?
^ thats a no lol
oh god. I wonder if thats my issue for why it wouldnt change at all for my .bmp
probably ^_^
user image
I really wanted this to be my desktop :(
pity they don't allow animated gifs ;p
I literally wasted an 8 hour work day on this. Ugh Im dumb lol.
Had to try =D
I'm going to try it with an ACTUAL jpg
^ means it worked
Glad it's working. =D
initially I saved the file as a .png ( why? no reason at all ).... Read about the .bmp issue so I just changed the file extension... Didnt work... I came on here, and you helped me ( thank you mucho btw) renamed it to a .jpg...didnt work... then with that last suggestion I opened it up in paint and saved over the file as a .JPG
Boom - it worked.
Thanks again. ( + some rep [its the least i can do ])
Thanks =D
no thank you
I kind of want to cry myself to sleep tonight because of this lol
lol what was it for anyway?
Well I'm going home from work --- @r.tanner.f have a wonderful rest of your day. Im sure ill be back in chat tomorrow to hang while I code.
@r.tanner.f An automated project I am working on. lol
@ZeroStack Have a good (better?) evening.
@r.tanner.f lol thanks.

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