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anyone mind critiquing one of my edits?
Q: Seeking free Windows video player program which leaves no tracks

Sam FoxI need a way to play the common video formats without remembering the file names of files I have viewed in a recent files list, so that no one can know what has been watched. This is for privacy reasons. I'm running windows. Ideally I'd want something that never writes an MRU, rather than clearin...

changed it from a "ahem ahem I need a program question to 'I have this problem, I have these requirements'
@JourneymanGeek Yes, a crazillion times better
@JourneymanGeek Edited it some more
He should simply use VLC Portable and put it on the same device where he stores the juicy videos
I was just posting that as an answer
Then, simply open the files from within the program, and not through Explorer, then nothing is written to the recent files
Breakthrough just found an interesting command line option lol
@OliverSalzburg: can I add that to my answer? ;p
@JourneymanGeek Of course
Everything is up for grabs on chat :D
lol, still polite to ask ;p
@JourneymanGeek BTW, I also confirmed that by searching the registry after I opened the video
I sorta forgot that happens
but I have no spicy stuff on my PCs ;p
"on my PCs"

What about off of them? ;)
If I had any spicy stuff, thats exactly where I'd store them
I know this is random, but I was just browsing the VLC site, and went to the Ubuntu download page (even though I'm on my W7 machine now).
And there's a damn button you click that says "install me" or something.
Now that, sir, is convenience.
But... you're on Windows 7 and it didn't do anything, right?
Lol of course, I miss having apt
Will have a look
This seems quite interesting I must say
cocolatey is awesome
I need to learn to use it tho
I especially like the Windows equivalent of curl http://xyz | sh
2 hours later…
ahh time to break out cuetools
2 hours later…
Looks like 64-bit Java 7u9 running in "server" mode outperforms Python on this workload: frequent, low-bandwidth network I/O, frequent CPU "trickle", heavy memory usage, and very I/O heavy (pushing huge buffers of data into and out of OpenCL)
I'm comparing the Mhash/sec for Phoenix 2.0 (based on 32-bit Python) and DiabloMiner (based on 64-bit Java/LWJGL), and the latter gives about 10% better performance
it rejects about one in every 400 blocks it runs
@allquixotic Hashing on a cpu or gpu?
@Paul hashing on a Radeon HD7970 GPU
I actually tried extremely hard to get the Intel OpenCL GPU drivers to recognize so I could hash on my Intel Ivy Bridge CPU at the same time, but for some reason the driver refuses to report the GPU as an OpenCL device, even though I'm using it as the primary display head
I even went poking around in the Khronos OpenCL ICD source code, and was able to definitely determine that the reason why the Intel OpenCL driver doesn't work is that it doesn't report the GPU as a supported device
it's not a kernel problem, though: the Intel graphics drivers are loaded into the kernel and they work for WDDM, Direct3D and OpenGL
it sucks that my on-processor GPU (execution units) are being wasted because of a software problem, but based on benchmarks from people who've gotten it working before, the Intel HD4000 graphics processor can only push OpenCL at about 10% the throughput of the Radeon HD7970
@allquixotic Wow, that isn't much better than a CPU
What are you getting out of the 7970?
and I actually get much lower throughput if I run OpenCL on the CPU cores -- something about making the CPU busy creates a bottleneck that prevents data being sent back and forth at full speed to the PCI-e discrete card
@Paul 550 MHash/sec on stock speeds
I think the reason the performance tanks with the CPU doing computation is that it floods the system RAM with reads and writes and thereby increases latency for the memory accesses that the hardware-accelerated code is running
@allquixotic Yeah. I have a 7950 (I think) and get around 500mhs
if the CPU could run at about 40% of capacity, using only 2 or 3 cores, it'd probably be okay
and at very low scheduling priority
The halving is any day now
@Paul what do you mean?
oh, right
the halving of value of bitcoins
The current rewards for an entire block is 50BTC, and in the next few days 25BTC
I only have like 0.18 BTC anyway
No one seems to know what effect it will have on actual BTC value, we'll have to see
I'm really excited about the prospect of using the Intel Xeon Phi as a hasher, although I don't know what its power demands would be, nor its price
I have a hashing ASIC on order
Intel is releasing an SDK that targets the Xeon Phi with an OpenCL implementation
is this for actual bitcoins, or heating?
I imagine that the Xeon Phi is going to be less efficient than an AMD GPU in bitcoins per watt
just because it's x86 based
@JourneymanGeek Heh. With one you get the other
@JourneymanGeek both for me, at least during the winter
I won't say no to the bitcoins but I'd say the primary purpose is still heating
if the bitcoins can offset a fraction of the cost of the electricity, then it's good
I doubt an electric radiator heater would be more efficient in BTUs per watt
the most cost-effective BTU per US Dollar heating mechanism I have available to me is natural gas central heating, but I have to deal with family members whose bodies tell them that they're hot, when the room is 65 Fahrenheit...
anyway, night
3 hours later…
looks like there's a way to crack & sideload win 8 store apps
@Sathya not surprised at all
ahh MDL, how would I learn about the steamy underbelly of the interwebs without you?
plus the other thing that guy was doing (stackoverflow.com/questions/12570659/…)
@Bob wow
@Bob yeah, it was bound to happen
hmm, SSD is in hong kong
so close yet so far ;p
@JourneymanGeek Correct continent \o/
I can't work out what timezones they are using in the tracking page
yes ;p
same timezone as SG
and probably 1-2 hops away
@JourneymanGeek UTC+9000
I mean local or zulu
@Bob 9000 or 90:00... Please tell me they're a year in the future :D
Interesting point or am i getting confused: image programs there's a big difference between bipmap and vector
yet something like PDF can contain BOTH types within the same file
(using layers?)
or just different files in a container
Palindromic rep!
@slhck First SU breakdown?
@slhck lol
That guy really should see a doctor
Maybe a plastic surgeon even
or must be like.. 10
@JourneymanGeek Bwhahaha DENIED
@HaydnWVN: I got proof, good enough ;p
@JourneymanGeek Yeah but you can have a page with both 'image' types (ie a vector logo, text in the body and seemingly bitmap images within the body)?
same way you could on a web page?
Good point lol
'problem' I have is a PDF i'm trying to add a logo to... Anything i convert it with seems to be very lossy :/
It's A3 and i'm gonna blow it upto A2, but everything i've converted it with so far would barely be good enough for A4 lol :/
@JourneymanGeek They failed to complete the .gif... They need to pour water in, seal the lid and give it a shake
@slhck hm?
@Bob: for his big nose
never mind, I scrolled up
@JourneymanGeek The mystery continues... Anything i open the PDF with (mainly GIMP/Word) seems to convert it lossy, if i open the PDF it's not... If i convert the PDF to word (at www.pdftoword.com) it retains the quality (only slightly lossy) but has OCR'd the text and changed the font... (and i've no idea what the original was)
Summary... I HATE PDF's!
PDF should have been meant only for printers.
Silent night
has anyone here ever used shipito?
@HaydnWVN try imagemagick?
@Bob: nope. My brother has used comgateway for ages
(as do I, now ;p)
is there a pricing list for comgateway?
never mind, found it
$30 for a 250g item :\
My SSD weights 500g, cost me 12.00ish before discounts
I got a 10 dollar discount from my bank, so I'm spending 2 dollars in shipping ;p
It is explorer.exe!
Oh, I got you now! :D
Don't know if this is the place to ask, but does anyone here know about a good looking full screen RSS ticker that would look good on a big screen on a wall? And go through items in the feed on its own in a nice way?
Oh I'm so going to find the cause of this sound now...
@Svish I wrote several, but I can't give them out :D
actually not a bad place to ask
@OliverSalzburg: is it a scratchy sound?
Q: How do I turn off the click sound when closing a tab in chrome?

nosEvery time I close a tab in Chrome, it makes a click sound. How do I turn off that sound? I reported that issue back in Oct 2010. The problem doesn't appear on all clients and the reason is still unclear. Common attempts at solving the issue include simply turning off the sound in Windows. But ...

It's been following me for years...
THAT one
I can already taste the victory :D
its your moby dick ;p
It seems to be related to jumplists
mhash: 588.7/553.5 | accept: 3087 | reject: 7 | hw error: 0
The jumplist of Chrome has a "Recently closed" section
Which is updated when you close the tab
And somehow that causes Explorer to emit the sound
But it's a temporary issue that can be resolved by closing all Explorer windows
Which is somewhat confusing
@OliverSalzburg: do mods have a 'better' search thing?
So there's an underlying detail that's still missing
@JourneymanGeek I usually use Google
superuser.com/questions/245390/how-does-bittorrent-work the URL on Sarath's answer seems fishy cause of the link but I can't seem to place where I have seen it before
The only hit on "slashroot" :D
specifically the slashroot.in domain
Q: How to install Ganglia on CentOS 5.4 64 bit?

ZviIn my case it's running on EC2 Compute Cluster HVM instance, so it should use TCP instead of UDP.

yipeekayaee ...
basically every post the guy posts links back to slashroot.in
@OliverSalzburg Aww, howcome?
@Svish They were for customers who paid us to write them :D
Guys, how long should writing a partition table take?
@JourneymanGeek Sarath is spamming in ask ubuntu now
flag em and tag em? ;p
I've flagged him on SF and SU
A: What is a torrent and how do I use it?

sarathtorrent is a kind of peer to peer network sharing. Although there are legal complications involved in torrent, it the highly used protocol in the internet. Bram cohen initially designed it and later on adopted by many. it works in the same way as peer to peer network. But job of keeping track o...

@OliverSalzburg Ah... could you maybe write another one for non-paying customers? (A) What did you use to write them anyways? Maybe I could do it myself... just not sure how to attack it. Know web stuff, but not good at animation and 3d stuff and making things look pretty :p
@JourneymanGeek you flagged all 5?
naw one each in SU and SF
and then?
he didn't associate his accounts. smart guy
@Svish I used ActionScript3 back then
worked through everything I could find and flagged
would be nice is SF had a mod room so I could tell them why ;p
cheem word
he copied quite a bit. but most of it exists in the revisions anyway
@JourneymanGeek where did that come from?
wait, it's a real word O_O
from that document
I missed that document, linky again ?
your link
ah, so it's not related to that deleted message of jou
I copy pasted part of it for context
but you don't have the rights.
I have the right to torrent !
@JourneymanGeek Now you've started something O__O
@OliverSalzburg: eheh. Technically you did ;p
@OliverSalzburg :P
i only flagged 3 or so
All I had was a vague as hell suspecion ;p
damn, the flagged got declined on AU
because it is not spam to mod
first flag declined in a long time :'(
@jokerdino The mod should really double-check that
> declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention
well, nothing much to do
Q: Spam Flag declined.. exactly what *is* the line?

Journeyman GeekI flagged this question, and questions by this user on SU, SF, UL and here - he has had a clear pattern of similar posts with minimal content, linking back to the site. This sort of breaks the self promotion rule and seems flaggable to me. I only worked this out cause I remember seeing the domai...

bit too harsh?
I'm still in the process of finding all his accounts :D
if it looks like spam, smells like spam, appears like spam, then it is spam.
obviously its not spammy enough
@OliverSalzburg you just need to search for url:"*slashroot.in*" in all the networks
maybe it looks like green eggs
lol if he had more posts, then it would look like obvious spam
hm you forgot to link the post
@jokerdino I assumed he has several accounts. Which he did. But it might have been unintentional.
And there were other accounts with similar names. I falsely assumed they're all connected
I didn't remember the name ;p
I remembered the website
.in is kinda sell of
i would go ahead and say a large chunk of spam comes from india
Also that question on AU was created for rep gain with a poor excuse about AU users not wanting to leave the site to other SE sites?
@JourneymanGeek initiate the BAN HAMMER
@HaydnWVN: wiped out the guy on two sites. trying to convince a mod on another to do the sane.
hm, i see a close vote on that q
Might be me ;)
you have 3k rep on AU O_o
ooooh not me, i just flagged :P
and i think only the answer not the q
I have under a K there
it looks like a close vote
trying to get myself to 3K on SF
and i am trying to get to 2k on SU
I only tend to use SU with a smattering of bits on SF
prefer SU as you get more answers and more coverage
SF for me seems very hit and miss about coverage and answers
SF is better for the really specialised stuff
especially if you know who knows what amongst the regulars
My stuff tends to be too specialised :(
Have several questions open over there with under 100 views, no answers
there's your problem
questions are horrible for rep ;p
gotta go for answers, man ;p
SBS2011 isn't exactly what i'd call specialised ;)
Lol i don't have time for answers much anymore
If it were +1 rep for each comment replied to in chat i'd be away
or even +5 for each person helped in chat lol
the sorry state
BTW, I am curious what sort of IT stuff a nursery do.
my guess would be the website and the online shopping database, et al
Hey ya'll. I'm wondering if it would be suitable to post a question here on SU that is regarding a problem I'm experiencing when wireframing in Visio. When I resize the width of a shape the height is automatically changed too. Does it sound like it could be on topic..?
@jokerdino We grow plants/trees/shrubs etc... Some in pots (from 1 litre to over 500 litres in size), some are field grown and sold 'bareroot' or 'rootball'. Others we buy in from Holland/Italy/Spain. We cater for 400+ Garden Centres over the UK and Ireland and thousands of landscapers, local councils etc. Of course there's a large computer system that does some of the work for us...
interesting stuff.
@jokerdino Website is outsourced and no online 'shopping' as we don't deal with the 'end user', mostly wholesale...
@HaydnWVN: If I can post one answer a day, I'll be there ;p
@jokerdino Yeah basically I have a site here (main office) with 25 users in an office with various other offices around the site with ~10 other users... Then there are 5 external sites with another ~20 users who all connect into our servers
and then you guys play doodle
@jokerdino Lol well i'm 'IT Support and Stock Control'
lol you got a nice ring to that
Its a "reusable erasable analgue notice creation system"
So if the IT systems are working and i'm all uptodate with stock control i'm 'free' (better termed as 'less busy' as there's always things to do!) :P
@jokerdino The company I work for is mostly in charge of the stock, sales, payroll and accouting for the whole thing... There are 6 'sister' companies who really deal with the day to day 'outside' stuff (growing and looking after the plants). Overall there's ~300-400 people, even though there's only ~50 PC's (with 5 servers) :)
i see how it works now.
i thought it was just nursery :P with the way you guys roll, it is clear
The IT budget here isn't huge, which I actually prefer, as it means we fix and reuse equipment rather than throwing perfectly good stuff away...
@jokerdino I was surprised how much stuff they did here too - when i started ;)
selling tiny little plants in pots to a garden centre, then the next thing is transporting some huge 400L 6 metre tall tree on a lorry to a ceremonial tree planting for something
Most of the trees for the London 2012 Olympics and site came from us :)
(well about 75%)
awesome :)
that's quite a huge deal
We're about the 3rd biggest nursery in the UK, but we stock and supply a wider range of things than any of the others... They tend to specialise more
3rd in the whole of the country is much bigger than what I expected. You should probably get back to work on that note.
@jokerdino It's lunchtime ;)
... For 1 more minute :P
Nice try ;)
I'll admit I LOL'd when I saw my inbox which said "@OliverSalzburg has sent a Moderator message to USB cables"
hey @OliverSalzburg - I'm migrating the avahi question
@Sathya From the meta post a minute ago?
@OliverSalzburg yeah, Comms Room said it's okay
If so, awesome. Otherwise, I have no clue what question you mean :D
in The Comms Room, 1 min ago, by MDMarra
@Sathya But I'd say it's probably on topic
Someone should ask a question on how to safely use DeadDrops: deaddrops.com
@IvoFlipse O_O
uh, what are those? (before i click)
oh my god. its an online glory hole
@allquixotic: usb stick motared into a wall
hm, that would work fine.
you can quickly collect all of the known viruses
a usb stick built into a wall. what?
it's like a letter box i suppose
so you just connect a USB Host (or use an OTG cable with your phone) and download or upload files
seems very susceptible to, er, being broken off
whee, Bank of America has raised a hold on my debit card for irregular debit card activity. Was expecting that tho
lol what sorta irregular activity?
@JourneymanGeek @Sathya has become addicted to a game that incurs a microtransaction for every 15 minutes you play? :P
"why is this company charging 3 cents every 15 minutes..."
woops :P
@allquixotic Nexus 4 order placed :D /cc @JourneymanGeek
do want, minus the lack of LTE, poor battery life and no microSD or microHDMI
no LTE here
poor battery life, I'm used to it :P
microSD - never used them on my phones
so yeah
I'm all good
you'd think they could replace the GSM baseband with an LTE baseband and ship basically the same product
ahh ;p
There's already a LTE chip in it actually
I have 96GB of storage (total) on my Razr Maxx HD... 64GB microSD and 32GB internal NAND flash. with the way that Android game apps are quickly becoming humongous, to the point of being a significant fraction of the size of desktop games, plus my music collection, I really need it
I use my BoA for my game purchases those are all with ~ $40
and suddenly a $384 purchase :P
16GB would definitely not cut it for me. I think I could possibly get away with a phone that has 64GB of internal storage and no microSD, or 16GB+ internal with microSD
tripped the fraud protection
My phone has 1 built in, and 32 on an SD card ;p
it's just frustrating that manufacturers always skimp on something, so there's no end-all be-all phone... even if the price point were $1200 USD, I would do it, for something that's slightly more future-proof and well-rounded and less likely to hit limitations
Razr Maxx HD's limitation is that it shipped a processor that was obsolete on the phone's release day, and phones a year older have twice as much RAM
Nexus 4's limitations, well, I've said them
Galaxy S3's limitations are basically that it's a slightly older version of the Nexus 4 with all of the same limitations
just can't win
and most high end phones don't have microsd
except the Razr / Razr HD and Note lines
it's even rarer to see a phone with microHDMI, which is a bit surprising; unless they come out with something like WiDi on phones, which would let you wirelessly connect your phone to a display (not sure how reliable it is though, haven't ever tested it)
random discovery on Spotify: wonder if @nhinkle would be interested in the song "Staring Through Leonard Nimoy's Eyes" by Komrad
Q: Is it right to VTC for a Windows-8 tag question to dupe with Windows-8-preview tag?

avirkI have just seen Disable charm bar Touchpad shortcut with windows-8 which is somehow similar to How to disable Windows 8 charm? with windwos-8-preview. So now I'm confused little bit for VTC to it for a dupe? I need your opinion on this.

Technically, any question tagged is about a separate product than , since anything could have changed between the preview and the final release -- However, the correct thing to do is probably to edit the original question, re-evaluate the correct answer for the final release of Windows 8, and remove the -preview tag and add the tag.
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