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@Bob: windows 8 answers within the period, average rep I'd guess?
@JourneymanGeek which period?
of the contest? ;p
I actually don't know what counts :P
questions/answers posted after the start?
or votes acquired after the start?
actually, the API only exposes post times, not vote times, so bleh
can't get that anyway
but do votes on previously existing posts count?
votes acquired after the start might work I guess
/me didn't really think this through ;p
hopefully I'll have this done by tomorrow
...wait, why the heck am I fiddling with django?
I managed to work out the right answer to the question I got downvoted on yesterday :)
Q: Permanently remove/disable Touch Keyboard in Windows 8 taskbar?

SidI have Windows 8 (final, MSDN) on my Macbook Pro Retina. Windows 8's ongoing, continuous tantrum of insisting that it's on a tablet device is causing it to always have a touch keyboard 'icon' on the taskbar. The 'icon' is actually a toolbar and I can temporarily disable it by right clicking th...

I probably could have posted a new answer, but that felt like cheating ;p
Q: Portable Wikipedia without having to buy a smart phone

Sridhar RatnakumarI read books, but do not carry my laptop everywhere. This makes it hard to find definitions of words refer new concepts in Wikipedia/encyclopedia For (1), I can probably buy an electronic dictionary. But what can be done for (2)? I prefer not to buy an iPhone or any other mobile phone for ...

I can't believe that is still open :O
device is still around
really cheap too
VTCed ;p
Q: WWAHost.exe using same port as Apache

Peter O.I have installed XAMPP 1.8.1. on my Windows 8 64bit machine. I'm now facing a problem with ports. This is what I got from XAMPP Control Panel: 11:52:43 AM [Apache] Problem detected! 11:52:43 AM [Apache] Port 80 in use by "c:\windows\syswow64\wwahost.exe"! 11:52:43 AM [Apache] Apac...

thats a bit of an unintended concequence. MS made it harder to run a web server on a desktop windows OS
@JourneymanGeek You sure it was unintended? :P
@Bob: hmm, maybe. It only breaks connections to localhost I'd guess though
since else they just broke IIS
I swear Windows 8 got less in-house testing than MS Bob/WinME :\
Considering the number of quirks so far
I'm starting to wonder if their devs stopped giving a crap after too many 'arty' types kept messing with things ;p
"You want Metro? Go make it yourself!"
"Here, we'll assign our newest intern to the project."
It does feel a little slapped together
dumping aero annoys me somewhat
(I mean there's a reghack, but I liked aero)
@Bob Given the huge amounts of early public beta participation, that's not really surprising, is it?
I am getting several downvotes since the contest began :/
@OliverSalzburg: well there's some wierd bits we're finding
windows 7 backup? Almost no documentation for storage pools?
@HackToHell Quite biased, don't even think they did several runs (they at least not mention so, which means they probably just did 1 run).
and.. ars technica has a full write up on storage spaces
superuser.com/a/494635/10165 I didn't realise you could 'embed' an image in a keyboard tag
@JourneymanGeek a lots of dupe :P
ya, lots of new users I guess
@JourneymanGeek I come over the problem of .net installation. So its good to ask and post for the future reference.
@JourneymanGeek what should be title? I'm struggling with that :/
If you know there's a question, ask the question, then distill that into the title.
@JourneymanGeek How to install .NET Framework 3.0/3.5 standalone installer on Windows 8?
howz about that
"How can I install... " works better
@JourneymanGeek hmmm
make it sound like a question, not the start of instructions, even when it is
the bug was updation delay :P
Q: How can I completely hide all questions with a certain tag?

RichardNow that Windows 8 is out, my questions feed is overrun with Windows 8 questions. At this moment in time, 31 out of the 50 questions on the main page are about Windows 8. I've got no experience with Windows 8 and I don't have that much of an intention to run it any time soon - so I cannot answer...

now that this is a moot point, and never answered...
delete or close?
Q: What happens if insufficient people reach a certain challenge level in the Windows 8 Challenge

Journeyman GeekI doubt it'll happen, but hypothetically, how would Stack Exchange deal with it if no one reaches a specific challenge level, or if there's fewer people at a challenge level than there are prizes? What about the same for tiles?

@JourneymanGeek Yes :D
Q: How to enable .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 without downloading it?

DiogoSince I installed Windows 8 Preview on my personal computer, during the installation of some programs and drivers(Windows 7 ones) started to pop me a message warning that .Net Framework 3.5 was needed: I could use "Install this feature", start to download some dependencies(300MB) and that's it...

already asked by diogo :P
A: How to add the Windows defender(MS essential) in Windows explorer right click menu to scan a particular drive/folder on demand?

avirkOk after digging it some more I able to add it in the drives and folders right click menu but there is still I need to add it with all file types as well but no success yet. here are the keys which will let you add it in the right click menu Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_C...

Finally I have MS essential in right click menu every where :P
@Ivo glad it helped somewhat/maybe :P
@OliverSalzburg ping :P
@HackToHell are you success to install win 8?
@HackToHell tried with other tool or not?
I did that using that tool the first time
@HackToHell any error message when you installing it?
@HackToHell link to question please?
Q: Windows 8 install fails

HackToHellI have the windows 8 release preview 32 bit iso and it fails to install when booted out of a flash drive, it copies the files and the boot loader installs but the install hangs when I boot into Windows 8 the first time, it simply keeps on spinning forever. I did a vhd install of Windows 8 develo...

@bob your clone !
Hmm, need 3 more Q/A to get to the next level sigh
Before judge my question is wrong just read the story line first.

So here is the story behind my question....

One of friend seen the Windows 8 on my laptop and requested me to install it on his PC, I agreed and installed it on his system in dual boot with Windows 7. I told him that I've only trial version its not the full activated version as its only 30 days Windows 8 Enterprise version. He agreed and said to me that he just want to check the new features of Windows 8.

After installing Windows 8 for two days he didn't boot in Windows 7, but when he did he got the message that his Window
@Bob is that right to ask on SU or not?
however I'm very surprised after that Oo
I don't know :\
@Bob should I go ahead?
:\ I dunno? :P
Worst case, you catch a couple of downvotes and it gets closed
@avirk: considering it involves piracy, better not to
I think Win 8 botloader bypasses Win 7 bootloader
Windows Loader depends on Win 7 boot loader for key injection
@HackToHell: why're you using the RP?
@JourneymanGeek Ok if I only ask How they are preventing it then?
rofl... Just sent a SMS containing (6) and forgot that's a smiley, hope the other end won't receive it like that because that'l be amusing... :D
and using the regular tag on a rp question?
@JourneymanGeek I downloaded 8 iso
It too does not work
@HackToHell: hm, wierd, maybe try the alternate method with imagex?
and you may want to edit your question to reflect you're using the RTM Iso
i lost my patience, might vbox it
@JourneymanGeek edited
And WIn8 ads are out on Adsense
@HackToHell lol
there were a couple on YouTube the other day
Whoaa i won the tile for link refer :D
This just in.
hacktohell never heard of M$ Bob.
@Bob ping test
did you get the ping at AU
@HackToHell ?
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 3 mins ago, by Eliah Kagan
Microsoft Bob was a Microsoft software product, released in March 1995, although widely publicized prior to that date under the codename "Utopia", which provided a new, non-technical interface to desktop computing operations. It was one of Microsoft's more visible product failures. Microsoft's Steve Ballmer mentioned Bob as an example of a situation where "we decided that we have not succeeded and let's stop". Origins Microsoft Bob was designed for Windows 95 and Windows NT, and intended to be a user-friendly interface for Microsoft Windows, supplanting the Program Manager. The project ...
Good evening/morning. Do any of you know a Windows file extension in which HTML code contained in the file is presented to the user embedded inside a lightweight application (probably using IE)? I remembered it as .htx or something, but that didn't work..
xht is XHTML (short for xhtml). mht has embedded images/content, a kind of archive file, short for mhtml
There's also svg (vector image) and htm/html (well, HTML)
nothing else IE sets itself as the default for, at least on Win8
Yeah, I know. It might have been a one-time feature from long long ago. But I'm VERY sure it has existed ;)
From around the time when Microsoft Comic Chat existed
and probably Microsoft Bob too
ocx, activex control?
Nope. I'm pretty sure it had a x and an h inside. And it required the IE ocx for rendering web pages.
You could for example write <marquee>Happy Birthday!</marquee>, save it as this executable file, and it would work externally to the browser.
If you're familiar with the Secure Download Manager (works with .sdx files), it behaves similarly, but where .sdx files contain URLs, the original one contained pure HTML.
Well well, it's a thing of the past anyway..
urgh, secure download manager
used it once to download Win7
There's no security as far as I can see. The links in the .sdx files are perfectly available in the browser, if you append a small version-id or something.
That's all the Secure Download Manager seems to do.
could you be thinking of chm (the help file format, 'compiled html') by any chance?
Nope, nothing like that either.. I'm considering opening a question for it, but it really isn't that important either ;)
successor to chm
might have been
@allquixotic Hows the cyclone ?
@HackToHell it's been postponed ;P
@Bob I'll fire up XP and take a look in the registry for traces..
@HenningKlevjer As the successor to chm, it is likely a type recognised by default in 7...
or not :P
Yeah, .hxs didn't work as I expected in Win7. I don't think it's correct.
head back to Bangalore
my vacation is over :(
@Bob Found it! It's .hta!!!
@Sathya D:
@HackToHell it's slow. like a train being ~12 hours late
Hm.. that's odd... how the heck did I just get an upvote on a closed question?
now it's looking like Monday/Tuesday, not Sunday/Monday
I need to figure out the secret to getting a lot of upvotes on one post :P
Based on @JourneymanGeek, part of it is MOAR SCREENSHOTS
And stop using a M$ Bob gravatar :P That thing annoys people.
...that's actually a good point, at least for those who recognise it :P
great, now I need to find a new gravatar
@Bob nope, moar screenshots doesn't do it. superuser.com/questions/464000/…
also, this post has no screenshots, just me talking like a professor: superuser.com/questions/464315/…
I attribute it to (1) luck, and (2) having your question posted on some popular site with a lot of hits
the latter... if only I actually used such a site! :P
pay Michael Larabel $100 to post your answers on his phoronix.com site
he'd do it
I thought you were on reddit.
@jokerdino I can't think of anything that would be worth posting, too :P
You would at least get the 50 referral tile covered if you shared something worthwhile :P
Problem is finding something worthwhile to share :P
and an appropriate place to share it, too
anyways, how's my new gravatar? :P
@Bob @JourneymanGeek would like it
stupid floofy dogs... ugh... we need more cats in here
considering I grabbed it from the front page of /r/aww, it's surprising it's not a cat
@Bob new avatar :P
A: What is the Charms Bar?

avirkThe Charm Bar extremely new feature in Windows 8, you can access it through anywhere no matter if you are in desktop UI or Modern UI. You will see two boxes on the screen. A small box just above the taskbar on the left. It displays the current date and time along with the battery and connectivit...

What do you guys think about the guys asking lots and lots of semi-obvious windows-8 questions to win?
@HenningKlevjer lame
heay guys why I'm not getting upvotes for that while other answer is shorter than mine :/
@jokerdino Seems too easy..
Answer it or ignore it.
@HenningKlevjer i think the contest is seriously degrading the quality of SU and I can't wait until it's over.
They might as well answer it themselves, right? Or doesn't that give points?
the questions are stupid; they're diverting attention away from other non-win8 questions, many of which are going unanswered; and they're generating arguments about who has the best answer and stuff because people want to get progress in the contest
Q: How to make sure nothing is shared from Windows 8?

BobbOne of much praised features as I read in Windows 8 is sharing. I do not use any social networking and I don't want to share (however I use SkyDrive to keep some of my files accessible from different PCs but the folders all are private). I went to the Charms - Settings - Change PC Settings - Sh...

Anyway, how do I turn on my computer again?
Answered that question with a lack of Windows 8 knowledge. Old methods FTW... :D
The reason windows-7 is just below windows-8 is probably because the questions are mostly revived windows-7 questions..
I tried to explain to my dad how the Modern UI IE10 is different from the one on the desktop, and failed
he ended up saying "I don't see the point of all that extra stuff" and learned how to get out of the start screen / modern UI and never looked back
also put a shortcut to the control panel on his desktop
@TomWijsman have you checked the screen shot I posted of user script bug?
he uses it like windows 7
@allquixotic get him start8 or something
@avirk Ah, right, 2 messages I still need to check on chat.
I fail to find a reason to update to 8.
@Paul Huh, UK is Farnell, I've ordered from RS and I thought you did too, but only slightly longer than a week sounds good.
@avirk: You just have the extension running twice, lol...
damn, I need to find a python webhost now
(It can't move the related messages up twice, hence the second one has an empty right side)
Sweet. I am now a paying Google customer. Hopefully this opens up new support channels :P
@OliverSalzburg hm? paying in what way?
@Bob For space.
ah. drive?
@Bob Yeah, also includes Gmail and Picasa
But I bought it for Drive
If SU had a Google contest I'd ask "how much is it?" and get a t-shirt.
@HenningKlevjer I think Win8 solved some driver problems -- it did for me at least... the underlying kernel and low level stuff did change a bit
I'm not a Win8 fanatic by any means, but I support the evolution of the underlying platform to eradicate annoying bugs
Which flag should I use to suggest a question should be moved to another Stack Exchange site?
@Aphex5 off topic, belongs on another site and there should be a list. Alternatively, you can leave a message to mods
@Bob Oops, flagged off topic but it didn't give me a list, won't let me unflag :(
you could add a comment pointing it out
@allquixotic Fair point. But the advertised benefits, IMO "it's beautiful-er" and "things you don't need are abstracted away", doesn't cut it.
@HenningKlevjer I agree... and I'm not actively using it
And it's horrible without a touch screen.
for sure
@HenningKlevjer works quite well if you stick to the desktop
don't catch me saying good things about Windows 8. I'm a Linux guy.
MUI still is rather awkward with a mouse, especially in some (poorly designed?) apps
but then, that was always going to be an issue: the whole thing is too damn touch-centric
@Bob Seems it's Win's intention that as many apps as possible are paid-for Metro UI apps.
or Modern UI, was it?
@Bob Good call
the latter
but I just call it MUI now
@HenningKlevjer yep. guess why they lowered the OS price? D:<
I give it three months before someone cracks the Windows Store/most popular apps
probably less
also in three months: I move back to Win7, until whenever 8's successor arrives
Slightly off topic: Did you know that the picture-based password and the PIN simply unlocks the actual password of the user, instead of using the data from the picture-logon or PIN to authenticate. Really sucks security-wise. arstechnica.com/security/2012/10/experts-windows-8-features-make-account-passwords-easier-to-steal/
"The key that unlocks the password, however, is easily extracted by users who have administrative control of the computer, allowing them to recover the plaintext passwords of any accounts that use the alternative login features."
if someone has administrative control, they could install a keylogger anyway
Right. Still it's bad practice by Microsoft.
Well, gotta go.
ahh i missed the (removed) comments
Heh, cool, his user profile has cse.iitb.ac.in/~pratnala looks very Metro-ish.
Why do you ask who if you have his name? :D
don't know his @ handle
but not surprising
@allquixotic: Actually, apps should suspend.
And I really believe they actually do by default. So there must be something up here...
you mean a bug? oh ... well, I guess so... :( I like to attribute to malice, even though that stupid quote says never attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence
@allquixotic: Yeah, mobile devices (WP7 thus too) are very focused on the suspended state of an application where it first saves the state and when you come back load it again.
Or at least let it not act unless you explicitly make a background task.
Windows 8 does something similar.
Feels like the GPU might continue to compute things on its own, weird...
A: How to enable glassy Aero theme in Windows 8?

avirkHowever MS removed the feature of Aero in Windows 8 but you can still enable it by tweak in Windows 8 RTM. Before we proceed Note: Please create a restore point or a backup of registry in any kind of buggy situation. Press the Win+R and type regedit now navigate to the following ke...

@JourneymanGeek Fixed the tag editor finally: github.com/oliversalzburg/superuser-dark-theme/commit/…
Also hopefully got the editor width right now ;D
I have never seen that :D
That must have been really close :D
There's only 1 entry for the blog O_o is anybody working on anything?
@r.tanner.f Last time I checked there were 2
there's a few now
could've sworn I checked this morning and saw one O_o
I need to stop doing things before coffee
gravatar changed
>_> i think
anybody here?
how much power does a PC use?
100 W ?
50 W?
200 W?
@WilliamHilsum: Is it normal for teh laptop adaptor to get heated when using it to supply AC power? I am using laptop without a battery. Heat up but not to melting point.
@EinsteinsGrandson it depends on a lot of things
@EinsteinsGrandson number of peripherals, size of screen, form factor (laptop or desktop), number and size of GPUs, power management capabilities, currentness (how new it is), etc
some desktops can use up to 1500 W (I've seen power supplies rated that high) with 8 hard drives and 4 GPUs... some small laptops/netbooks can get by with 10 W
and newer systems tend to decrease their power usage when the system is idle, so it's not constantly consuming that much power
even a big bulky desktop with big GPUs can reduce its power consumption down to laptop levels when nothing is going on, but it can consume more than a kilowatt when under load
I'm getting a 800f020b error from windows update on win8 for an atheros bluetooth bootrom driver update... doesn't even "try" to install...
@FasihKhatib It will generate some heat. The amount differs depending on the adapter itself, and how much power is being drawn (for instance, it will remain pretty cool when it's just charging a laptop on standby, but will potentially get pretty warm if you're using it to supply power to a laptop while you're playing a game.
@EinsteinsGrandson My computer is relatively powerful, and I've gotten it to draw up to 600W under load. Though I haven't measured it in about a year.
Many won't even reach half that, though.
@sidran32 hi sidran :)
@allquixotic hi allquixotic :P
i'm sitting in my living room with my laptop watching my dad try to get things running on windows 8... he's a "utilities" freak (he doesn't know about them but he wants to own all the little tweak/cleanup tools in the world) so I'm trying to see which of CCleaner, PCtools, etc. is compatible with
and he was wondering about Windows 8's file recovery and had a windows update that was failing
i'm running ubuntu 12.10 :D
I don't know about Windows 8's file recovery. Nor what's compatible with Windows 8. I usually get CCleaner (use it on Windows 7), and since most things are still in the same place in the filesystem, I'm sure it'd work fine in Windows 8, for the most part,.
i think my dad just likes to watch progress bars
I used to love watching Windows 98's defragger utility :P
pctools says it's compatible with win8
I was a weird kid
@sidran32 me too, i still get a kick out of watching defraggers, but i think they're mostly snakeoil now
especially with SSDs where fragments impose very little overhead because "seeks" don't really happen
the disk isn't all turning
@allquixotic It depends. ext3 doesn't need it. Windows has it run on a schedule so you mostly don't need to manually run it anyway.
Well, defragging an SSD I think actually slows things down. Or at least lessens the life of the drive with no benefit to it.
i mean desktop PC
@sidran32 right
a monitor is 17 LCD
@EinsteinsGrandson does it have integrated graphics or a GPU?
i need to check it
@EinsteinsGrandson I meant desktop PC. Most will probably run around 200W, I think, unless you have an uber gaming rig like mine, which can draw up to 600W :P
You can use something like this to find out how much you're drawing.
2006... compaq... ancient.... probably low power
@sidran32 my desktop runs at <100W when idle and >800w when gaming :P
becoming more common to see large deltas between idle and full load
@EinsteinsGrandson That computer has a 175W power supply. So it probably uses at most about 70% of that.
for power savings when idle
what is idle?
i mean browsing internet
watching movies
Idle means on but you're not doing anything on it.
@allquixotic Mine idles about 200~ish W (last I checked) (I need to find my Kill A Watt)
I gotta go, see ya!
so it's 70% of 175 W or 100% of 175 W ?
when browsing the web
@EinsteinsGrandson since your computer is so old, it probably gets about the same power usage all the time
only real new computers have figured out how to reduce power usage when idle
you probably run at about 125 - 150 W all the time
how about 17 LCD monitor?
30W ?
see what it's rated, should be printed on the unit
@FasihKhatib using to supply AC? I am not really too sure... I work with loads of different ones, some get very hot
I would sniff it (not being weird here), if you are not picking up any burning smells, and it doesn't get any hotter, it sounds like it would just be working within normal operating range
How would I got about reinstalling Windows XP Media Center Edition on an HP Pavilion that I got 2nd hand, without recovery media?
I don't have the original hard drive either - but it now has a blank one in there
I do have a product key for the XP install, but I'm not sure how I would go about installing XP?
@sidran32, @WilliamHilsum any ideas?
off topic: wtf is their angle with Question H on this ballot? elections.state.md.us/elections/2012/…
they trying to get a month off or some shit?
@studiohack Upgrade it to Windows 8 :P
@WilliamHilsum I'd go with upgrading and delete your message
but chat is broken in IE10 :S
Meeh screw slower :P
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i'm excited a hurricane is coming right up the bay :O
12 hours until the full force of it starts to bear down on us
we're already starting to see elevated winds
@WilliamHilsum I'm headed out to ride my dirtbike for a few hours - I will be on later

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