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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

Perhaps, those were the early days. But under the current FAQ this feels quite off-topic, so removed the tags and VtCed.
Windows Mobile seems to be out of luck on SE... much like Symbian.. :(
@HaydnWVN 'nearly finished'. Also... blonde
@Bob: one reason I wish devices.se survived
@HaydnWVN WHY?!?!
@Bob why every comment end with a question mark?
I find it interesting that they have decided not to provide support simply because it is discontinued - quite different from SU (Windows 3.1 questions, anyone?) :P
@JourneymanGeek When was that?
ya, that
Electronic Gadgetsgadgets.stackexchange.com

Q&A site for consumer electronics gadget, gizmo, and doohickey enthusiasts

Closed after 63 days in beta.

@Bob: eh, symbian is still around
@JourneymanGeek I meant Windows Phone on Windows Mobile
Nokia still keeps S30 for their low end phones - the ashas
oh, that, ya
@jokerdino Closed due to lack of interest? It's spent less time in beta and has higher stats than Windows Phone :P
@Bob I think that was because most questions were about obscured devices, etc
hence, they were barely answered.
@jokerdino: I think the main matric there is users with rep.
like my damned SE Yari ;p
the one where maps won't work cause its an obsolete version of google maps
yeah :P
@jokerdino Better answer ratio too
Well, just check what Joel had to say about closing the beta.
@jokerdino Where?
Somewhere in blog.stackoverflow.com
My internet too slow to search now.
And I am too sleepy as well.
/me inserts coffee into jokerdino
I want to sleep.
goes zzz
cya tomorrow
Night @jokerdino
@jokerdino nn
ping 10k- and ♦-users Cleanup in aisle D wanted
@Nifle Delete voted most except for one.
Don't ask me which though, but that one felt not delete worthy from a first sight...
@TomWijsman I don't mind. If I wanted my votes to be (nearly) final I'd nominate me as ♦. One of the best reasons not to be a ♦, is that being wrong isn't that big a deal.
hometime, cya o/
Anybody want to do the QOTW this week?
@Nifle done
@Sathya :-)
@Nifle just a few more upvotes and I'm there helping ya guys...
@Nifle Who knows it's not even one of your votes... :)
@Nifle that's not always true... people still single you out.
I had a guy email me for a close vote since I was the first to vote
I find it strangely satisfying to find old bad questions and delete them. I usually search with "closed:1 answers:0" and add [some strange tag]
The only questions I never vote to delete are those closed as dupes.
@Nifle I tend to search for site:superuser.com "closed as not a real question" -site:meta.superuser.com on Google and clean those up
@KronoS Is there a good way to find all eligible questions?
@Nifle Typically I've been doing the Meta Question where people can add suggestions
but I've been super busy. I'm hoping that after this week I'll have a job offer and won't be going to tons of interview which in turn will allow me to focus a little more time on this.
@KronoS I suspect we miss some gems that way. Not many people visit meta.
@Nifle ya... but we do feature it on the side
so there's been a bit more traffic, but still you're right
I work with UI-people, they claim people don't read sidebars. And judging by how I treat the sidebar I'm inclined to agree.
I was hoping for some sort of magic search ir perhaps a query on the stack-dump
But do concentrate on getting a job, interviewing for jobs is exhausting. QOTW isn't your responsibility until you get paid for doing it.
@KronoS - You have seen this I presume blog.stackoverflow.com/2012/10/…
@Nifle yes I have. And no there's no magical search or query that isolates these question.
@KronoS - I just created and mad a tag wiki for [qotq]
for [qotw] on meta
I now see that this was totally unnessesary as a [question-of-the-week] tag existed
lol I was about to inform you of that :P
strangly i created qotw because no tag was suggested when I was writing a question
the has been mainly used for that blog entry and nothing else.
question-of-the-week does not appear as a suggested tag unless you write 'question', and I think I gave up at questio :-)
oh I see what you mean... we should create a synonym
@Nifle the week tab is what I use to check - but yeah, it;s easy to lose gems
Man this is starting to get to be really fun
@KronoS nice
What's really amazing is that my app idea is 2 vote behind from the top one
didn't think this was that interesting to everyone
@KronoS - Vote where?
@Nifle apptivate - apptivate.ms/apps
@KronoS stack app on a stack exchange site - 'nuff said :P
will be off to sleep. Have a good one, all
Whoa, did Microsoft use Stackexchange to make their app store?
... Nevermind, read the site further
@KronoS I know it's an early WIP, but you might want to lay more focus on the question title and metadata than the user's avatar. If you let the title take the space where the top of the avatar is you can safely let it wrap around to additional lines so you don't have to shorten it; then you can put the user name, tags and date to the right of the less big avatar.
As for the naming, Metro is indeed a bit problematic as that name got cut. Only thing I could suggest is "Modern SE".
@KronoS: And now, you are tie with the first app. So, shared #1 right there! :D
@WilliamHilsum: Do you have any experience with Group Policy Objects?
Here's an opinion question for y'all. Which do you prefer for a NAS setup? Buying a dedicated appliance such as Drobo, or building up an old box to be a freeNAS box? Pros? Cons?
Depends on skill level and what features you want
The drobo is all set up and ready to go with what 95% of the people need
Having your own NAS gives you greater control though
Mostly im thinking from a cost perspective. A drobo FS starts at 800 bucks, plus drives...
but IDK if im sacrificing anything by trying to save money.
How comfortable are you tinkering with software to get it working?
Your time is money too
Completely comfortable. Its for personal media storage anyway so I don't mind investing time if i can get more storage space for my $$
Anyone here built a freeNAS before? anything I should be looking for in a machine?
I haven't used FreeNAS, but I've used WHS 2003 and WHS2011... I currently just use Windows 7 Ultimate for my server/storage box
Thats the other thing i was thinking about doing. Setting up a win8 box and using StorageSpaces. but IDK how well that handles data integrity in case of drive failure.
Depends on how you set it up
I would recommend getting the WD Red drives though, if you're worried about integrity... Actually, for ANY NAS application I recommend them
Red? I didnt even though they had a red series. Just black blue and green.
Just released 1-2 months ago
They have the efficiency of a green drive, but the error-checking stuff for a RAID Edition drive, telling you immediately if the blocks can't be read
They have a good readup
wow. very nice.
and not too much more than blacks of the same size
Actually, in my store, they're between Green and Blue's for price
209 vs 149 for 3tb drives.
which store?
It's a local shop in Canada
ah okay. alas, im in utah and the best we got is newegg.com
@Luke Spindle speed is "IntelliPower"? :\
yeah its variable speed depending on its read queue
itll slow down or even stop when idle
$190 for a Red 3TB from us, in CAD currency
And $165 for a Green
... That's after our markup
>.< lucky canucks.
Would you like to buy one or two or twenty from us? Lol
you ship?
Don't know how much it would be to the states... We ship locally within our province for $15, unless it's super heavy
lol maybe. still working on the money though.
5 3tb reds will run me 1100 bucks just that.
Had a customer buy 8 of them, put them into a Mediasonic 8-bay USB3 RAID enclosure with RAID 5+0
Yeah, but now that im looking at part prices, I may just get myself a bigger box for my HTPC and stick em in there.
then I wont have to worry about network streaming anyway.
That mediasonic... does it support dynamic array growth? if, for example, I started with 5, then put 3 more in later, would it expand the array like a drobo does?
No, it needs to re-initialize the drives
damn. too bad.
Guess that's why drobo gets away with charging so much eh?
Could be...
That was a software RAID though with the drobo, IIRC
Mediasonic does it "with a controller". Quality wise, I don't know if it's hardware or software RAID, but feels like Software
from my personal experiences, its almost always software RAID these days. Cheaper to produce.
unless you go for a decicated RAID controller cards ala Intel or IBM
hey guys
anybody here_
What is the difference between BUNDLE and EXE
I'm trying to download and install vmWare Player
BUNDLE is for non-windows systems
get EXe if you're on windows.
OK thank you so much
no worries. Its what we're here for :-)
@TomWijsman You're right this is a WIP, but I absolutely love feedback. Thank for the suggestion, and please keep adding more feedback as I move along
@TomWijsman I used to be an expert... but, I haven't done it in over a year... Ask and I will see if I can help!
@WilliamHilsum Resolved it by now, we basically disabled most of the GPO's and just enabled one that would be executed on the clients and set that to have all its settings at "not configured".
The goal was to reset the group policy settings to their defaults because a previous administrator messed up. :D
@WilliamHilsum "I used to be an expert, but then I took an arrow to the knee" :P
Still, was pretty complex / awkward for the first few (= over 9000, or at least an hour) minutes
@TomWijsman wow... group policy can be one of the most annoying thing to diagnose - especially in busy environments
@Luke hehe, it is just one of those things that you need to use almost every day or you start to forget things
@WilliamHilsum Got the hang of how to do most of the stuff there now.
I can still imagine that if you would have a lot of GPO's that it can be a pain to figure out which setting applies.
Although the wizards are for that, they give the final result. :D
^^^ i hate that. oh, and make sure that you take care when you remove them
Yet, figuring out which GPO it came from if you have too much GPO's is probably the pain then...
once i removed a GP and all its members got moved to a GP that blocked login access. took 750 users out of commission. OOPS!
@JaredTritsch: We're actually talking about two persons with both a computer and a laptop, and they also have a server. They bought the server from us but let someone else configure it, and now ask us to fix it (we usually do their computer maintenance).
Other guy set some standard GPO stuff like "force companyweb as front page, keep firewall enabled, ..."
ahh okay. no worries then.
And we're working in a remote way we can't do anything administrative on the clients, which is quite a pain... :D
Once you do something administrative or click some administrative window you get locked out.
ahh yeah thats UAC. it does that.
but with GPOs you can make changes, then just reboot the client to apply....
Guessed so, and there's probably no easy way to instruct the user to get rid of that. But we managed to get through that.
Start-> type "UAC"->enter->Slider to bottom->apply->yes. done.
not too hard to walk through on win7....
@JaredTritsch: Yeah, now that I know how to do the GPO stuff that works well enough to.
Remote solution reconnects upon reboot, so could indeed disable UAC through the group policy.
And yeah, that's also an option, though we weren't sure if that actually took away the integrity stuff disallowing us from controlling the window.
hahaha yeah that would work.
while youre in there, force RDP active.
Because it's basically a non-admin process trying to deal with an admin process.
@JaredTritsch We didn't have a direct RDP to the server.
yup. but once UAC is off it wont hitch it up.
So it was like us --> client --> server >_<
youre using Logmein's stuff?
yeah. UAC off, reboot
should be fine.
the problem actually stems from teh visual settings, not admin rights
How so?
Logmein cant handle that dimming effect that it does when the popup happens
so it locks up
Not sure if that's the case, because if we instruct the user to do something in the administrative window we still can't interact with that window; if he clicks in an user notepad window or so we can again intereact with notepad / desktop.
thats odd
the UAC prompt is supposed to lock out anything except itself.
thats kind of the point...
@JaredTritsch: It has to do with the process privileges.
hm. idk
LMI is started as an user and thus is an user process, so it can't talk to admin processes.
i also know that if you have logmein install as a service itll fix it too
@JourneymanGeek OH GOD WHY
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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