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2 hours later…
@TomWijsman hi! Are you there/
@TomWijsman do you use android phone?
No, WP7.
@TomWijsman ah!
BTW I'm looking for a calender which should notify me through an alert.
@TomWijsman how can i run a .js file for a browser to prevent action of a key?
@avirk Don't think you really can, those are event listeners.
Unless you find some way to empty the event listeners list.
@TomWijsman I'm searching how can I run userscripts to run on Chrome.
@avirk Yeah, it brings more support for userscripts.
Some work natively on Google Chrome itself, others don't.
And well, latest Chrome came with protective features making it harder to install them, which makes Tampermonkey yet another reason to use to ease installing userscripts.
@TomWijsman let see what happen :)
are you talking about that? :P
chrome supports tabstack. Does any one know from which version?
2 hours later…
@avirk about:flags
@Sathya yeah! But I want to know from which version they provide this feature?
it's been there since few months
go figure out the version based on a 2-week release cycle for dev
@Sathya hmmmm nice idea
Aug 2 at 11:43, by Sathya
@HaydnWVN the newest dev builds have a rolling-window type of tabs
this was the earliest mention I had done
well I guess I have no excuse to not do my homework now
@KronoS don't slack and get crackin' on these asap
@Sathya :( yes master
Difference between Iphone-4 & Iphone-5.
@avirk I get my iPhone 5 tomorrow
breakfast time
and that image is too small
@KronoS IDK why IMGUR do it to me.
I'll upload it directly.
@Sathya you can change it in a link ;)
@KronoS now it is clear I think ;)
@KronoS so always be alert :P
Ug... I'm so close to 10k it isn't even funny
but no time to answer questions or ask them
@KronoS no time? Busy to write blogs?
@avirk I barely have time to do that
Can only handle one every two weeks now
speaking of which I need to do the QoTW...
but I'm also doing that apptivate.ms contest
and I have tons of interviews... and the GRE to take... and... ya
@KronoS I never heard about that?
you should vote me up... bump me up into 2nd place :P
@KronoS sure I'll
@KronoS Thumbs up :)
@avirk thank you
@KronoS is there a way for the host machine and the VM to share a clipboard?
@soandos what do you mean? like with the windows 8 app and the simulator?
or an actual VM? that runs say... Ubuntu or Win XP, etc,.
(Hyper V, based on your posts (which are very helpful btw))
kronos on September 17, 2012

This weeks question of the week come from these two questions:

Windows 8 Hyper-V – how to give VM internet access?

How do I install and use Window Virtual PC in Windows 8?

One of them asked by Graham Clark, and the other is a self post by myself.  This prompted me to do a more formal review of Microsoft’s Hyper-V for Windows 8.

Hyper-V for Windows 8 is really called Client Hyper-V.  It’s similar in many aspects to the Microsoft Server’s Hyper-V (2008 and the upcoming 2012).  What’s different about Client Hyper-V is that it was customized to fit the portable environments, such as laptops, that developer’s find themselves in.  What does Hyper-V do? …

did you look at that?
> You can use Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) to connect to the VM! While this may not sound that exciting, especially given the fact that VM Connect, a solution that also connects to the VM, comes with Hyper-V there are some added functionality that comes with using RDC. For example, you can span across multiple monitors, full multimedia experience, multipoint touch-enabled interfacing, etc,.
Yes, did I miss something about the clipboard?
Ah, got it
oh wait.. ha ha!
Additionally, I seem to be having issues with my virtual switch
I didn't put it in there lol
I believe you can with the RDC connection
lemme get the source
Where it is created and ubuntu can't see the connection for some reason
got it
Nope, I had spaces in my source/destination and forgot to encapsulate them in quotes! — Michael 26 mins ago
and that's why we say post the exact command. — Sathya 16 secs ago
@Sathya lol
@soandos What kind of switch did you create?
from my wireless NIC
though task manager now says that I am using ethernet...
well that may be it :P
I am not plugged in...
also make sure that "Enable virtual LAN identification for management operating system" isn't checked
Its not
well that's new
lol, nice comment
@KronoS thats not the problem
lol actually I didn't post the correct image :P
@soandos ok just making sure cuz I had it checked and couldn't figure it out for a couple of hours :P
@KronoS I take it back. Ubuntu can see a connection, but can't connect
@Sathya ya saw those earlier... it's pretty slick
If only we had more posts to use these cool features on...
this is what I see:
I see two Unity desktops
And ideas on why it can't connect?
Since when people started using Ubuntu? lol
I need a linux machine for class :)
@soandos disable networking and enable it back again
@soandos ah poor you
Hmmm... why does it have that second wired connection?
@jokerdino no change
@KronoS no idea
i'll check the google
@soandos try detaching the switch and attaching it again
have you checked it again another vm?
@KronoS only have one VM as of now
oh got it
I see a bunch of dupes on AU regarding 12.04
I have three lol
and even after I disconnect the switch, still have the greyed out wireless
@KronoS, do I need to add a network adapter in settings?
Q: xkcd-style graphs

Amatya I received an email to which I wanted to respond with a xkcd-style graph, but I couldn't manage it. Everything I drew looked perfect, and I don't have enough command over Plot Legends to have these pieces of text floating around. Any tips on how one can create xkcd-style graphs? Where things lo...

this is awesome
Q: xkcd-style graphs in meta

R. Martinho FernandesAfter seeing how to make xkcd style graphs in Mathematica, LaTeX, R, Matlab, and now looking for one in Python, I thought that this is too much. I am now eagerly awaiting for "xkcd style graphs in C++", "xkcd style graphs in C#", "xkcd style graphs in Haskell", and eventually, who knows, "xkcd s...

but this is going too far
@soandos yes ^^ click on file--> settings
p.s. I love snaggit
So I had that, and then added another one. Ubuntu can definetly see it, just can't seem to connect successfully
Oh, my
/me nearly fell off his chair laughing
@KronoS other ideas?
@soandos no not right now tbh... sorry
What is integration services required?
@soandos are you on 12.10?
@jokerdino nope, but I can create a 12.10 install shortly
no no not necessary
i thought you were referring to the web apps integration script
ah, no
windows 8 hyper V client
yeah, that's what google tells me
@KronoS I guess someone figured it was an easy way to get rep
and badges
@JourneymanGeek well now I know what to do with my 128 mb flash drive I have :P
@KronoS you still have 128 mb Oo
@avirk actually it was given to me at a career fair... I thought I scored big (since the last flash drive I got was a 16gb) but was extremely disappointed
@KronoS I always want a 128 mb flash drive but my bad I never get that as they were disappear from market and 1Gb-2Gb overcome :(
@avirk why would you want one?
@KronoS sounds crazy but for a collection :P
@avirk O.o hey whatever floats your boat
@KronoS :D
still nothing :)
Q: Windows 3 Animated Background/Desktop/Wallpaper

SynetechIn the summer of 1995, I visited some family in Los Angeles. My uncle had a computer with Windows 3 (or some version thereof since Windows 95 had not been released yet). In Windows 3, there was no desktop or wallpaper like in later versions; instead you could set it to a simple pattern (still po...

I'm not sure what does he actually wants?
@KronoS did you have to manually install the integration tools?
I do believe you do
@JourneymanGeek thats for me?
@soandos Uh... no. I'm not sure TBH.
but i think those are for Windows products only
I could be wrong though
There is a linux integration thing
I can get it to crash late in the process
ya the integration disk if for windows only
Old article but download is still valid, and it kinda runs
what version of ubuntu are you running?
installing 12.10 now, seeing if it makes a difference
good luck
It shouldn't... I'm running 12.04
i am on 12.10 and you could discover many bugs.
@jokerdino perhaps one of those bugs will fix my problem...
Heh, you sound too optimistic
@KronoS how can I add a legacy network adapter?
nvm, I'm an idiot...
@soandos See I'm just using my ethernet connection
I haven't tried it on the wireless nic card yet
got it
have you tried connecting your ethernet and testing that?
Nope :P
hoping this legacy thing works
if not, will try that
@soandos k keep me posted. I'm curious if you figure it out
It's so true
too bad too many people now know that they should secure their network
I used to get free wifi for a long time
linksys haha
@jokerdino how can I check what is causing a device not ready error in ubuntu?
start it in a terminal
what do you mean?
oops. i thought you were talking about an application
what device is not ready?
network adapter
A 5th standard child wrote letter to Bill Gates

Sir, I have some questions for you.

1: Keyboards letters are not in sequence? When the right version will be launch?

2: Windows has START button but has not STOP button?

3: We use MS-Word when will we use MR-word?

4: There is no ANYKEY named in keyboard then why computer ask to press ANYKEY?

5: Your name is GATES so why you build Windows?
i find unanswered question for that.
i think you might want to install network-manager
Q: Wired Connection: Device Not Ready/Cable Unplugged

JanithI used to have Windows XP in my PC but it was getting slow, So I completely formatted my Computer (Except for the Partition with my files) and Installed Ubuntu 12.04. (I'm typing this on another PC) When I start up my PC, on the top right corner, it says "Not Connected" I have an Ethernet Adapte...

try sudo killall -9 NetworkManager
Hey @KronoS, could you add a few screenshots or at least mockups to your apptivate.ms submission at some point? I'm bullying everyone else to do it, since it's really a requirement.
@balpha I will as soon as I get them :P I'm planning on making some headway on the project this weekend
cool, thanks
@balpha np. I understand
speaking of which is there a meta for that site @balpha?
Just use meta.so. Or ping me if you see me :) I'm the dev for that site.
oh cool. If it's a quick question I'll ping ya... otherwise I'll post on meta.SO.
As a quick question, are dupe apps ok to be submitted?
you mean like the two cups games? or like the two stack exchange apps?
ya exactly
which of the two?
the cups games were an accidental double submission (I deleted one)
the two SE apps
sure, that's absolutely okay
competition is healthy :)
I agree, and I'm fine with it. Just making sure. I thought I read it somewhere.
Finaly question and then I'll leave you alone:
of course it's different if someone just copies another app pixel-by-pixel
Is my app icon in agreeance with SE's guidelines on trademarks?
I didn't realize they were there when I posted it, and after reading the guidelines I'm concerned I might be infringing on them
Your original one was too close for comfort. I brought the topic up in our internal chat room, I think someone was going to contact you and the other guy (I assumed that was why you changed yours). I'm not sure about the new one, I'm no lawyer after all. But the worst thing that can happen is that someone asks you to change it. Don't expect letters from lawyers :)
I am afraid I disabled @soandos' network :|
@jokerdino still here
ubuntu is not though :(
Thank goodness.
@balpha ok that makes sense. I won't sweat it for now and if there's trouble then I'll change it
@jokerdino it no longer says not ready
But can you connect?
Not though the GUI
how can I try via terminal?
start network-manager in a terminal or something
unknown job
oops. i guess it runs as a service
you might want to ask on our general room.
got it
scroll up on the terminal @soandos..
1 min please
then take a capture of that
please :)
@balpha ooo diff on that.
Bienvenido a Super User! SE es una comunidad basada en Inglés y se considera una buena práctica para enviar preguntas y respuestas en Inglés. Por favor, use Google Translate para traducir las preguntas o respuestas antes de publicar aquí. Gracias. — msPeachy 1 min ago
The original post was German :P
yay mspeachy.
I see people are following what I used to do :P
Except a bit wrong.
That sounds spanish.
also, she was praising SU mods for their swift flag handling.
@jokerdino she flagged something?
I guess she switched to SU for reviewing.
with @slhck around I don't have to do anything
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 4 hours ago, by msPeachy
SU reviewers and mods are quite fast, no items to review on my end
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 4 hours ago, by msPeachy
mine within minutes, I just flagged 2 now
when in doubt, POST IN majority CAPS
@jokerdino how can I apply this to ubuntu?
i guess they already landed in the kernel by now
It seems to be saying that I need an old (even by those standards) kernel
etch is uber old
@Luke That was German telling them that we only speak English :p
@slhck ahhh. I need to learn more languages...
@Luke In case of doubt just paste to Google Translate, it'll figure out the language :)
@slhck Weird thing is... I don't know spanish but can nearly read that from only knowing a few spanish words lol
i do the same with french and dutch (know more of these) but german is always a complete unknown lol
I just know the French taught in Canadian English schools... So basically, hi how are you...
Bienvenido a Super User = 'thank you/welcome super user', comunidad = 'communicate', en Inglés = 'in english', Por favor = Por favor = 'please', traducir = 'translate', publicar= 'public', Gracias = thankyou'... So loosly translated "Welcome to Super User, communication is in English, it is considered best practice to ask your question in English. Please use Google Translate for translation and you will gain more answers from the public. Thankyou."
Now lets see how close i was... :P
not far
Welcome to Super User! SE is a community based on English and is considered good practice to post questions and answers in English. Please use Google Translate to translate the questions and answers before posting here. Thank you.
Does anyone know if all wirelss NICs for laptops are interchangable?
@soandos They are not
Depends on the port type?
@soandos The laptop will have a list of compatibles
not just the port type
@HaydnWVN where can I find the list?
@soandos: yes and no
you need to get the right socket (mini pci-e vs mini pci). Some laptops also will only work with specific cards with specific firmware
iirc used to be IBM and HP. I've successfully stuffed an IBM mini pci card into a random compaq tho
How can I check if it will work beforehand?
There's no hard and fast test, google it and see if someone else has done a swap
but chances are better than not that it'll work
assuming same port type?
which is easy to check
Any way to check the port type via software?
yup, let me see if hardware manager would do it
nvm, I can just look up the part
Is there a way I can stuff any of newegg.com/Product/… into a laptop?
didn't think so
I am just PCI Express though, not mini
for a desktop?
you won't have PCI-E slots on a laptop, space issues. You will have a pci-e internal interface with a mini pci-e slot
Am I totally misreading this?
physical interface vs electrical interface ;p
the electrical and signal interface is pci-e
and the physical?
on a laptop, the physical interface will be mini pci-e
got it
but you can convert a mini pci-e card into a pci-e 1x card with a simple physical adaptor
so basically, either on of those formats is fine?
with a laptop, due to physical contraints, you want to go with mini pci-e
is good though?
I just seem to have the least supported, most buggy adapter out there
better than mine ;p
and intel has pretty good support on both windows and linux
it does not work with campus WPA2
MS Hyper V
half a dozen other times it refuses to work
the driver fails more on version 7 then on version 3
its time to kill it
I swear by intel, more than i swear at it
Aethros's site is impossible to finds as I recall
but the primary site for drivers is in czech
Can any one tell me how can I find Exact windows title for AHK
what version of windows?
@soandos Windows 7
@soandos BTW I,m looking for the title of the app :D
task manager
like #ifWinActive settitlematchmode chrome
@JourneymanGeek just ordered the part
(and a new HD since mine seems to be having some issues)
mini pci-e? ;p
Any ideas on what to do with my old one?
Should be pretty easy, once you get access to it
(DX might have it cheaper, but you get the idea)
@OliverSalzburg are you there? I need little help regarding AHK?
@avirk I don't know much AHK, but I can try :)
I'm palning to answer a bounty question and have idea but can't implement it ;)
I want to prevent backspace key to redirect previous page but it should be work normal in Omnibox and textarea.
But IDK what keywords should be use for textarea and OmniBox in AHK.
:6381197 you removed that?
@avirk: Back now; but sorry, I can only help with AutoIt. xD
Also, suddenly a ton of rain... Summer is definitely over now. :(
@avirk No idea really
@JourneymanGeek Well, I sent it back already, dunno – if you want, sure
But I don't know if it "comes back" if I reopen automatically
Worth a try, for science? ;p
we're experimenting on the poor migrations, gotta love that
What else are they good for? ;p
@JourneymanGeek: Do it! :D
Really, the comments are sad...
Hmm, the post is locked though.
Also, I'm ready for when you reopen the question, insert evil laugh...
Q: Transfer file from a linux machine to a windows machine

HarpalIm on my windows machome at home and i've ssh'ed into my linux machine at work via PuTTY. I need to transfer 4 text files from the linux machine to my windows machine. Does anybody know the process to transfer the files over?

(I found that dupe by going to a dupe that was not a dupe and seeing on that dupe that there was yet another dupe that appears to be a dupe of the original question.)
@TomWijsman:I'm sure there's more.
superuser.com/search?q=user%3A10165+cyberduck Just taking the chance to spread the word on one of my favourite applications
@JourneymanGeek Thanks for the ralink recommendation -- it worked!
Yay ^^
Glad to be of help @JohnBaber
@JourneymanGeek Hello.

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