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1:34 AM
If anyone was wondering This is the final tweet from the Super User Tweetbot. The bots are dead
8 hours later…
9:35 AM
Well, Twitter's dying, so probably a good time for them to skedaddle
and it's not like there's anything that stops the community running a similar bot
but it'd need something else to make it worthwhile, I imagine the numbers on 'em are pretty low
ah yea
10:05 AM
but they weren't really supported a while
2 hours later…
12:16 PM
hm. Maybe on masto :D
12:56 PM
same link?
that's the one I read anyway
maybe :D
I'm SLIGHTLY distracted.
7 hours later…
8:29 PM
@JourneymanGeek Mastodon supports bots, and they make it so it's much easier to tell if a user account is a bot or not.

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