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@TomWijsman: New technology obviously. They beam videos back in time.
Also, just noticed Google sites have a different scrollbar (except for Google Search etc...)
But yeah, surely unfinished technology, looked extremely horrible...
ya, they seem to, even on chrome
youtube looks normal to me but I am using feather
They usually put a new lay-out on a small part of people to see their response, seems I was part of the selection. :(
Luckily I know how to switch; go imagine a computer illiterate getting switched, that would be just horrible...
XD. A recruiter from there e mailed me yesterday. I'll make sure to remember to point this out in an interview, if i get that far.
That's the closest I could find, my iteration of that layout was even worse. :(
And, more white background than that. :D
And subscribe links where subscribed buttons that upon hovering said unsubscribe while I am not subscribed in the first place.
And like, the music link and so on in the left hand side is gone.
and mine looks totally different
and is supposed to be experimental
Well, feather is only for the watch pages, to have the new HTML5 thing. I sometimes have it enabled and sometimes have it disabled, I don't like how I can't get it on the highest quality automatically so I usually disable it again.
Well, you should have something like this.
Which is the layout everyone is on now.
Didn't know they were actually doing a new lay-out again.
Might be building somethnig towards G+
@JourneymanGeek: Yeah, that's the same as mine.
The above screenshot is just the logged out version.
And I have "Show uploads only" ticked, as I subscribe to way too much things.
and yay for lindsey.
Didn't know about her new channel, thanks @JourneymanGeek. :D
I don't use channels much ;p
Hmm, new channel is more centric on her instead of clips / music; although tour videos might be nice though.
@JourneymanGeek Be glad, if I put it on everything it's 233 videos a day.
But well, I put it on highlight so it's picks like one video per channel which cuts it down a lot.
Impressive flow chart. xD
people have too much free time XD
Now we need to make one for SU.
                                  __N__\  Proceed to the Ask Question page.
                                 /     /
--> Do you want to go shopping?
                                       /  GO SHOPPING!
@TomWijsman Can we put that in the FAQ?
@r.tanner.f for that use Meta :)
Lohan arrested in NY, she like's getting arrested I suppose...
Haven't seen those for a long time.
Wooo, I can vote... uk.mtvema.com/vote
A: Should I run Chkdsk at all?

avirkYes you can run chkdsk /f to fix the errors on entire drive and there are very small chances to lost your data, for that case you can backup your data. For backup you can use external HDD or DVD's. Also you have to run defragment utility provided by the Windows which will help you increase the...

Best song... We are young. rhymes xD
No clue what to vote for here... >_<
Oh come on, they put Taylor at the bottom each time, not fair. :D
Q: What program to use for drawing algorithm flowcharts?

user1656971I need to draw algorithm flowcharts. I already used a program "Dia" and it's not bad, but is there something better?

@TomWijsman that's for you :P
ascii flow FTW
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek a bit too much but i think he can take it.
1 hour later…
Yep, checked it out.
Some people annoyed me talking about how cool this webcomic was.
I mean, this is the first time they ever heard of XKCD in their life and started acting cool. /rage
I've kinda given up on seeing the whole thing :P
I saw the right and the left.
Too lazy with up and down.
My attempt at a script to download every image just stopped a while in for no particular reason :S
And I don't blame you for giving up either :P
I think the server is jammed :P try torrenting.
@jokerdino Nah, that replies with a 503
Got a couple of that in the logs. It stopped sometime overnight, way longer than it would take to just give up on a request...
The script is still running, just not doing anything :P
I don't understand this downvote:
A: Ctrl+Alt+T doesn't open a Terminal in Cinnamon 1.6

jokerdinoThe default keyboard shortcut to open a terminal in Ubuntu is actually Ctrl+Alt+T. The shortcut you are trying doesn't have any assigned function by default.

@jokerdino Neither do I. But now would be a good time to update your answer and get some upvotes :P
I don't use Cinnamon :(
But I know the answer though :P
I feel tempted to link to my AU answer.
Is there some sort of program that can give me the X and Y of were my cursor is at?
which OS?
@jokerdino Windows XP
Sorry, not sure about that.
I am a Ubuntu guy.
@Bob Updated. Hopefully, it works now :P
What about Ubuntu programs?
Q: How to show mouse pointer location using a mouse click?

user6019I want to record my screen, and clearly show what is being clicked. You can configure the mouse to show the location when CTRL key is clicked. I want exactly that kind of behaviour, but only when the left mouse button is clicked instead of CTRL key. Is there a way to configure this?

Q: Utilities for finding x/y screen coordinates

slothbearI have an application that needs the user to enter the x and y location of a couple of items on the screen. [Yes, this is crap and I'll replace it, but for now...] On Mac OS X, I'm using Snapz Pro X. When I choose to take a snap of a selection, the interface displays the mouse cursor location. ...

A couple of answers there are for Windows.
And, also:
Q: Program for getting the cursor's x,y coordinates?

Click UpvoteIs there a program which lets you easily get the x,y coordinates for your cursor? Basically, I move my cursor to somewhere on my screen, it shows me the x,y coordinates and has an option to copy them to the clipboard or export them somehow. I can already do this if I take a screenshot and open ...

Yay upvotes.
I predict this is going to be viral, have lots of votes and be QotW: superuser.com/questions/477358/why-did-dialup-modems-make-noise
Protect it
Ah, so you started prophesying now?
Thank you so much - this has fixed things for me - much apprcieated — user1684570 2 mins ago
I am starting to hate this already.
Accept the answer darnit :P
Thanks :P
SO is giving us all a hard time I guess!
Yep :(
2 hours later…
@jokerdino It was because you used Ctrl-Shift-T instead of Ctrl+Shift+T
@OliverSalzburg WHAT
j/k ;)
Seems like whoever downvoted reversed it anyway, doesn't it?
Yeah, the OP downvoted because of some mistake on his part. :P
Then reversed it after I updated the answer.
Q: Does a cable / adaptor for my needs exist? (photos)

EvanI recently bought a UPS, however, the only outlets take this sort of connector: But, the other end of the tables is like this (right): The thing is, I really need to connect it to a power bar, so I need a cable that has one end like in the first photo, and the second end like this (right si...

This question drives me nuts
So many possible communication errors
I mean, get a picture of the damn UPS, how about that? :D
The German Wikipedia page on those plugs is great
Lots of fun names!
So, it's an IEC-60320 C13/C14
Qwek Qwek i'm a duck
how ya?
good thanks, you?
just sitting around after mucking my exams. hehe
@jokerdino mucking = good or bad?
sorta bad
no time to finish the paper. bah
my managers away at a software show today so i'm trying to get as uptodate as possible and get some SU questions answered :)
@jokerdino bad isn't good :(
rock on ;)
@HaydnWVN lol it's okay. i still have more exams to catch up on.
i answered a couple on SO and one in SU today :P
@jokerdino I hated school, i've always found it hard to learn things the classroom way, but give me anything practical and i love to learn...
I think I am one of those.
i've got a thirst for knowlege now (i'm 32) that i never had back in my teens...
it's never too late :P
Lol tell me about it! I started my MCSE 2 years ago and i'm finding it as hard as school was (didn't think i would) so i'm nowhere near done
oh wow.
all the best for MCSE
really don't have the time for it, it's gonna be a complete waste of money if i don't get it finished before 3 years are up :(
what ya do in weekends?
parteh? :D
I know @JourneymanGeek will parteh all day long before getting married :P
used to, but now it's just DIY and family stuff... Have a girlfriend, just got a dog and our own house so...
and @sathya got married? :D
Yup it's catching lol
@HaydnWVN oh yeah, you told us about it a while ago.
@jokerdino Most likely a common disease amongst the super users ;D
"amongst" is not a word?
@OliverSalzburg lol why disease?
@OliverSalzburg It is a British word. Not 'merican
@jokerdino Ah
@jokerdino In Germany, if you're not able to learn the "normal" way, you're declared sick
@OliverSalzburg wut
You have to be a productive member of society. We can't have you learning your own way!
what sort of a system is that?
@jokerdino School system :D
man, i wish i can burn all this education system
Isn't it like that in your country as well? Like, you don't behave in class, you must have ADD
So you get some pill to calm you down, so you can behave and learn
yeah :|
I just didn't go, that made it a lot easier :D
wait, so you had ADD? xD
@jokerdino I don't know, but who hasn't?
true that.
i have some short moments of ADD once in a while.
@jokerdino naw. more like set up a small lab ;p
@HaydnWVN: that is an adorable little critter
@JourneymanGeek lol, i forgot you are a forensics guy
@jokerdino: hardware guy, mainly
why not both?
@JourneymanGeek Yup, chewing something he should be in that pic...
I like forensics. Its fun, but its like that hottie you 'sight' adikufy
Hardware is the girl you've had a crush on since forever
While you might have a fling, you know what you want deep down inside ;p
@JourneymanGeek I am starring it so others don't get what you are talking about :P
mmmMMmmmm... Hardware :D
How's this for p0rn : youtu.be/FY1XB0rrYes (SFW)
@HaydnWVN what the.. lol
That's the sort of things i fantasise about :P
@HaydnWVN Wasn't that posted on SF?
Just curious - is there anyone we know on chat who works for google?
A: I've inherited a rat's nest of cabling. What now?

ewwhitePlease call a cabling contractor in to spend a day or two onsite to "dress" your cables. I used to spend time dealing with this type of work on my own, but realize that cabling contractors are faster and more organized. A good cabling contractor is better at this than you are! They will have ...

Found it! :D
@JourneymanGeek Not to my knowledge
@JourneymanGeek dont know. jon skeet.
Unfortunately, I'm a mere mortal. XD
I know we have one person from amazon
Ah, that's the mass edit guy
He works for Amazon?
Ah, that.
Ya, in china
@OliverSalzburg yeah
Oh, I see
He once mentioned in chat
So... we all get discounts by proxy?
Part of me is OH MY GOD (in the excited sort of way). The other is going OH MY GOD (in the fear sort of way)
what happened after that?
@jokerdino: it was yesterday, I replied and am waiting on it. I'm just confused to how they found me, and what specific skills they'd be interested in ;p
they are looking for a dog. a dog that has a specific set of skills. skills.. that make lives a nightmare for the rest of us
bah, can't remember properly and can't deliver obviously
@jokerdino lol great quote
@HaydnWVN oh, someone knows what i am talking about.
does a happy dance.
anyway, i am out for dinner. talk to you later :)
'I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for downtime, I can tell you I don't have patience. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you reconnect the cable now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will disenvowel you. '
Starred. :D
Journeyman delivers yet again.
Remove all the vowels
Is that like taking all the vowels out of peoples sentences? :D
yes that lol
OK I ought to go already. Thanks for the fun.
disenvowel instead of DOS? :P
I donno, it felt right ;p
@JourneymanGeek Hahaha that's excellent :D
That was the third thing I thought of
bah, someone asked a question about resetting a apps' config and now wants to know how to fix a seg fault. :|
Does anyone have any experience with 8 Gb RAM sticks?
hm, someone might have mass upvoted me.
wants to smack whoever did it over the head
Doesn't look that terrible.
Just 5 upvotes.
and another 2
Its just not 'proper'
@IvoFlipse Why?
I mean, what's special about 8GB ones?
Nothing, except that they are slightly more expensive than the same memory in 4 Gb versions
@IvoFlipse: prolly cause they're less common
I currently have 8, but would rather have 16
But I thought, if I got 2 * 8, that leaves room for buying 2 more in the future
whereas buying 4 * 4 would mean I'd need to replace all of them (or half at least)
@IvoFlipse The 8GB ones are more expensive because those are harder to produce I assume.
Getting the density and stuff
But I probably won't have to worry about the quality?
I mean, I'm not going to overclock it or do anything fancy anyway
Its the same basic chips, tho different controller I'd guess
Its only 7 euro's more for the 2*8, so I guess I'll go with that then
I can only recommend going for the full 32 right now though
Why? :P
It would be another 100 euro
If you want to get 16 more in a year, maybe you'll have a hard time finding compatible one
God knows what will happen to the price in the coming half year
@OliverSalzburg: I've not really found it an issue
@OliverSalzburg Do they need to be all the same? I though it would scale to the lowest common denominator
Unless everyone switched to DDR4
They will
I once got an identical set of RAM to the one I already had, but whenever I put both in my machine I got mad freezes and memtest86 would go crazy
and you want pairs (or triads) to match.
They were just not that identical
They were from different production sets and, thus, incompatible
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I'd need to check which pairs go together on the motherboard, though the coloring is supposed to make that clear I think
@OliverSalzburg: i've often just matched random ram and not had issues
@JourneymanGeek So did I, until this one time where it was a major issue :P
I'm going to upgrade the rest of my computer when Haswell becomes available
But that probably won't be until April, so I think the price might come down even further by then
Intel support told me that you simply can't expect sticks from different production sets to work together.
I keep putting off my build
I finally should have enough money this month, but school means I don't have the time to buy parts
@OliverSalzburg I think I'll take the risk though, I'm already doubling my RAM which should be enough for now
@IvoFlipse I used to have 8 and have 16 now. I used to think your exact thoughts last year ;D
@OliverSalzburg Hehe, what eats up 16 Gb?
@IvoFlipse Chrome
I mean I work with large data sets that can always use more memory
@OliverSalzburg: In an ideal world, I'd just have two systems and pass down incompatible parts from one to another ;p
Hehe, thats the reason I want 16 now
Chrome + Visual Studio + Aptana + PHPStorm + VirtualBox
The thing is, I also want a bigger SSD to install Windows 8, but a 256 drive costs about 180 euro
Then I want to replace my smaller HDDs with 2 * 2Tb (or 3? :P) to have some extra storage and not worry any more
lol or wait a while and get a 4tb?
And I need a secondary GPU to power my third screen (stupid Nvidia)
@JourneymanGeek You never win the waiting game in IT :P
Good morning
I was eyeing a GTX660ti, but not sure whether I want to pay 280 euro...
Morning :)
@unNaturhal Hi
@OliverSalzburg: I just tend to plan for a 5 year cycle
Could someone help me with a trouble?
The guy that broke the Grub.
and ends up stretching it to 7
Hi @OliverSalzburg
@JourneymanGeek That sounds long
The alternative is just getting a cheap ass GPU to power my third monitor and wait until the prices of Kepler GPUs drop
@jokerdino lol
@unNaturhal We'll try :)
@OliverSalzburg: My c2ds still work fine ;p
@OliverSalzburg I was planning on using virtual machines more seriously after upgrading...
@IvoFlipse Just remember that a VM is not like a normal process. Because that slipped my mind when I was planning my memory plans ;P
@OliverSalzburg What do you mean?
I was happily assigning memory all around for a couple of Windows servers and quickly was out.
Like, if you run a VM with 4GB of memory, the 4GB is reserved and not usable by the host.
@OliverSalzburg Ah, well I would only use one VM at a time I think
At least with my VirtualBox setup
Yeah, perhaps 32 doesn't sound so bad after all :P
It surprised me, even though it shouldn't have :P

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