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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

@HackToHell Already read that from start to end, that's not what the article is about. :)
@Hennes @studiohack: actually, there was someone claiming it was due to PWM being used to dim LEDs.
basically turning LEDs on and off really fast to change the apparent brightness
A: Is an LED monitor better for eyes than an LCD monitor?

Vasya ZynThis site should answer your question: http://vasyafromukraine.webs.com/ In short, you are not allergic to fluorescent light, but to its flicker. Some fluorescent light doesn't have subconsciously perceivable flicker, but it's rare. There are also two kinds of LEDs - the ones that flicker and the...

Q: Question title that doesn't describe the problem

Adam Davis Pre Edit 4: Pointing out that thread's popularity is a direct result of programming community interest in said subject, and that someone likely stands to become rich and/or famous by solving the problem none of the answers, save my own, came even close to resolving. Long salutation desc...

1 hour later…
So who wants to help me with a hunt ?
this looks so cool
@HackToHell what're you hunting for?
Web Quiz :P
@nhinkle Similar to Wikipedia, Can You Find it
Also I found some other clues
<div id="content"> <!-- Chck Spot: Google can do anything-->
<div id="can_u_think"
It's not wolfhram alpha
wiki...something maybe?
I am trying to figure it out ;)
hmm, I got newsnet set up
@JourneymanGeek Yay, it's knol !!! Thanks
Now what's this <_> ?
its a post mark
A postmark is a postal marking made on a letter, package, postcard or the like indicating the date and time that the item was delivered into the care of the postal service. Modern postmarks are often applied simultaneously with the cancellation or killer that marks the postage stamp(s) as having been used (though in some circumstances there may be a postmark without a killer, and sometimes the postmark and killer form a continuous design), and the two terms are often used interchangeably, if incorrectly. Postmarks may be applied by hand or by machines, using methods such as rollers or ink...
god. kids these days
no, it's not
I tried that !
immegration stamp?
The answer is the name of a country ...
could be a passport stamp
Uruguay , officially the Oriental Republic of Uruguay,{{cite web |url= http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/620116/Uruguay |title=Uruguay |accessdate
Wth, that's the answer, i expected something more complex
occam's razor man
What game of ActiVision is this ?
lol are you playing a trivia game?
Now all I get is this no
I need to decrypt this :/
@JourneymanGeek You are the guy who studied forensics halp !
I need context
I'm a forensics dude. Not a bloody psycic.
It's a cypher
He is playing a trivia to kill his time and thought he can waste your time too :D
@jokerdino for a GPU
The prize is a GPU
@JourneymanGeek I can't get any more clues :/
you b******
I don't need clues
I need context
The-e-er's none
It's a geeky competition conducted by CS guys
track fedex package
tried that
and a hex conversion
@jokerdino googled huh ?
lol the only other result is this chat log
@JourneymanGeek Can you remove messages from this room ?
er no
you'd need to get a mod to do it
called a mod ;)
it might be a phone pad number to letter conversion tho
have fun
eh that's not a bad idea
try the dictionary mode
I can't remember those any more
Its only been a month or so.. ><
:'( Phone thingy does not work
maybe unjumble those words?
err i mean letters
It looks too random .. and I can't frame any word with it
what're you guys trying to solve now?
its not a hex conversion
Clue from the mod is May be anythg related to world!
@HackToHell what're you playing? is it some game or something?
He is playing for the GPU.
@nhinkle It's a game
ok, what game?
Question: is anybody using Windows 8 as their primary OS right now?
Trivia geeky game
I need to decrypt that number jumbo
@HackToHell What is the number?
let's try this then :P
yay ;)
reminds me, I need to install python sometime
time for a nap. Bye ._.
@Bob i've been playing around with Django recently. It's fun.
@HackToHell linky link?
@nhinkle I've never tried anything web related (in py), that's on my todo list :P
@nhinkle closed one, available only by invite.
invite us! everyone loves a challenge
It's kinda like a local competition
@Bob it's amazing how much of it just makes itself.
You guys will finish it before anybody else
@HackToHell oh alright :P
WA isn't leading me anything useful
Hello everyone
what's a super user?
thats an odd question to ask ;p
@HackToHell Can't be a phone number, can it?
@LukeAllen in the literal sense or the "what is the sort of person who frequents this website"?
Phone numbers are 10 digits long
@nhinkle I guess both? I was thinking it was someone who is an all-around computer user for most of their life
that's one way to put it
ok great then I'll fit right in
in the literal sense, a super user is a particular user account on a system that has full, unfettered access to do anything
i.e. the root account in unix and linux OSes, the SYSTEM account in Windows, etc.
in our sense... it's people who like computers :D
ah :)
what kind of stuff can you ask here
faq is a good starting place. basically anything about computer software and hardware, as long as it's a reasonable question
(some things like programming and web applications are off topic though, since there's other sites for that)
@HackToHell IMEI? (grasping at straws here :P)
@HackToHell what's the number again?
@Bob but it says decrypt
besides IMEI is supposed to be 14 digits
I am tearing my brains out !!! aarrrggghhh !!
@HackToHell 14 + 1 for checksum
hmm. does anything happen when you sort it or reverse it?
Does anyone know of any software, or keywords to find such software, related to turning a flowchart (like this: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/LampFlowchart.svg) into a user interface that prompts one question at a time or with drop down menus/checkboxes to intelligently navigate through long, detailed flow charts (which simply represent processes of navigating knowledge)
@nhinkle two of every digit (1-9), missing both 4s and one 6
Already tried that too :/
@Bob i was thinking it might be sortable into some significant value, like the Fibonacci sequence or Pi or something... but that doesn't seem to be the case
@nhinkle: first things I looked at
@LukeAllen not really sure. never seen one myself. maybe some sort of interface builder? flowchart maker thingy?
@nhinkle all the flowchart softwares do is let you build flowcharts (like SmartDraw).
@nhinkle when you have a lot of knowledge to organize, you need a way to display it through filters like checkboxes or drop down menus and only display relevant knowledge
flowcharts that loop back on itself are really hard to read
understood. i get what you're going for, afraid i'm not sure what to look for though
my ideas so far are: Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Wolfram Mathematica
they all have their problems though and for such a simple problem (all you are really doing is filtering information) I would think there's a more intuitive way
you could do this in any programming language too but again, complicated if you don't know the language
sup guys
is there a program that i can enter in my tasks that i need to do. Then i can mark which i finished and i shows my progress in a progress bar
k guys, this isn't the "please recommend software for me room". casual recommendations are fine, but we aren't personal google
@nhinkle We might have brought that on ourselves by recommending chat as a place to ask for software :P
@nhinkle my first time here, and i searched google before coming here. Nothing with a progrss bar
@Mohamed Ahmed divide the number of tasks you have completed by the total number of tasks
@LukeAllen I was looking for software.. i know maths :)
sorry for jumping - you're right that chat is the best place for it right now
@JourneymanGeek Great links....Thank you. The word is gamified. New stuff
@LukeAllen: not sure about yours. I COULD have sworn there's something suitable i vaguely remember...
maybe some hypercard clone?
OH yesh..
@LukeAllen: prezi.com
@JourneymanGeek Thank you for the links, prezi is too simplified but using hypercard keyword in google I think I found a solution, if not there were many more possibilities down the line on google (realsoftware.com)
@nhinkle: this is why I was slightly annoyed at first that software rec was off topic ;p
@JourneymanGeek they're allowed in the context of "i'm trying to achieve x", if the best way to achieve x is by a specific program
@nhinkle: hmm, both those might have worked in that context? ;p
if written well and previously researched, sure, why not
(in this case tho, both of them just needed a shove in the right direction.)
just answered a question for the first time in a while. fun!
I've been averaging 10 rep all week ;p
i get a lot of "interest" rep
upvotes on random old answers i'd forgotten about
that's about it these days
i'm too busy with school and blogs and doing secret moderator things
(sadly, I think I got more SF rep than SU rep this week. ;p)
I've spent most of my weekend messing with growl ;p
(and I've decided for now at least, its a hugely unreliable way to send a message)
SF ? What's that ?
@HackToHell Server Fault
A: Multiple external monitors attached to a laptop require Thunderbolt?

aliasgar No, multiple monitors don't require ThunderBolt or any kind of Apple solution. Attach one of the monitors to the HDMI out. And get a Diamond DisplayLink USB graphics Adapter, or some kind of USB solution similar to this will do the job for you. This should help you hook up 3 including the screen...

its the number of ramdac buffers on the video cards I think ;p
i think it's more a case of GPU specifications, motherboard circuitry, and how much the manufacturer hates you/cares about drivers
but you could be right
well, its one of those things anyway
@JourneymanGeek found the context, it's based on Divide and conquer algorithm
And I still do not get it
That's just a technique I do not get it <_<
hey journeyman can I ask for your help again
@LukeAllen: If I know the answer, sure ;p
I actually just made an official question about it because it's hard to describe, stackoverflow.com/questions/12337575/…
@JourneymanGeek above
oh, thats out of my scope
/me just has a decent memory for random shit he's come across
ever played with yahoo pipes?
@JourneymanGeek Yes
not you, @LukeAllen ;p
I prefer the route involving the least risk when it comes to handling BIOSes. When I boot from USB flashdrive with only MS-DOS, no extended memory manager or any RAMDISKs, CD-Drives and start the E6420A05.exe update, it gathers information and when progress bar gets full, the update interrupts and kicks me back to MS-DOS with no warnings whatsoever. I first thought this is how it should be, but when rebooted my laptop, the BIOS version was same - A04.
I don't want to risk here or spoil something. Should I do it in W7 safe mode?
@Boris_yo: quite honestly, as long as your don't have a power outage while you're doing it, you should be safe doing it in normal windows
@JourneymanGeek Maybe Safe-Mode? No worries about power outage - UPS + laptop battery = over 9000!
Or through another Windows account where no programs are loaded? Or even Guest account?
Hmm, PWM LEDs is something I had not thought about
@Hennes Are you good in electicity? @JourneymanGeek
No. I just know the basics.
@Hennes Do you have coffee maker?
Not anymore
I had one, used it once per year
and I had (and still have) limited shelf space
@Hennes You mean coffee is bad for health?
No, I make coffee with a electric kettle and a coffee can
Just boil water for tea. Make tea. Eat breakfast, poor some water in a filter with coffee while eating
@Hennes Okay I have question about grounding pin in coffee maker's plug. What happens if it is abcent?
Nothing (as in, nothing wrong should happen)
I think an average coffee maker just has a heating coil.
And that does not need ground.
Earthquake, lightining may transfer extreme charge and:

Coffee maker will malfunction/burn
You may get electrically shocked
If you have a complex once with build in coffee grinder, embedded computer etc then it is different
Earthquackes/ Those still exist? :)
Not where I live :)
@Hennes How is life there?
Not near any fault lines
Boring life over here. I should get a job again.
A sabatical year was nice
But should not keep extending that
@Hennes You need job to not be bored?
No, but I am getting bored and my bank account is getting lower.
A job would solve both.
Well, for a while at least.
Depending on the job
@Hennes If it is job you love it would also make you happier and you won't feel you are working.
@Boris_yo: grounding does nothing unless the thing in question has a metal case
also, most people just flash bioses. Its not hugely dangerous ;p
@JourneymanGeek Oh everywhere I read people say it is the most dangerous thing you can do to your PC.
Flashing BIOS?
Well, yes and no.
If you flash and the power get interrupted you can brick the PC
Obfix: do not interrupt the power :)
These days a lot of desktops seem to come with two BIOS chips.
Or 1 BIOS sets
Intel started it with a minimal backup BIOS, just capable of booting from floppy and reflashing the main BIOS. That was years ago, when you still used jumpers on the motherboard
If you have a laptop with a decent battery (which is not empty) and a know good windows install (e.g. I just images corp image and no internet connected) then I see no reason not to use a flash drive to copy the Dell BIOS update to the desktop and to run it from there.
From the desktop so nobody unplugs the USB pendrive during the update
I did that with dozens of Dell lattitude D620, D630, E6400, E6410 and a single E6500. (The 6500 is mine. Admin laptop)
Oops. Something I posted to reddit is now on the front page... with a typo... that is also an unintentional pun.
@nhinkle Nick?
@jokerdino guess :P
We might not have subscribed to the same subreddits though.
it's on the unfiltered home. i checked from incognito not logged in
Surely /u/nhinkle is not you?
nope, that was taken when i signed up for my account
although funny, i do subscribe to /r/bicycling (which most of his posts are to)
Found it
will add you to /r/friends to stalk more.
pedal vs peddle?
No one pointed out yet? lol
a couple people did in comments
got link? ;p
@JourneymanGeek redd.it/zl5fq
Now I think I wouldn't get myself a Kindle.
Ok, anyway, got to go.
@Hennes @JourneymanGeek Good windows install? I don't know if my install is good, I mean what how should I interpret "good install"?
@Boris_yo: it isn't a dodgy install that crashes if you look at it funny
If it crashes a lot, or has unexplained hangs then I do not update the BIOS
And I unplug the network cable.
If I would do it as a private person I would check if all background updates have run (e.g. windows update, java update, ...) so that those to not interrupt.
geez it's late. 'night folks
At work I would plug in a caddy with a known clean drive (and the BIOS update already at the dekstop). Update. THen move that drive to the next laptop.
Aye. 11:32 AM :)
Small disclaimer: I do think I am overly carefull when updating.
For most people 'it just works' if they download the file and just run it
most of my systems are at the age where fi they die, I shrug and replace them ;p
Also, for corp setting I wanted the same BIOS on all laptops. nicly consistent
@Hennes Special purpose HDD for BIOS updates? That's something new. What lvl are you and how much experience points you need to lvl up? I suppose you earn experience in a corporate environment?
At previous work we had 10 sets of computers. 5 years worth with one model of desktop and 1 model of laptop per year. Replace after 5 years.
Keep corp images for all 5 models.
Which means I had clean images around. And spare drives in case something breaks and needs quick fixing.
Using one of these was just easy.
@Hennes I like this kind of job.
@Hennes What do you think about updating BIOS from Safe-Mode environment? Is it more/less risky?
I think it is more risky
Weird as that may sound
Because people assume the average dumb joe user, and test that case
And the average user does not know what safe mode is
So I think it gets tested less.
@Hennes Quite logical and opposite of what I think. However less drivers are involved in Safe-Mode but it is less explored than Normal-Mode when it comes to BIOS updating.
@Hennes My laptop does not come with dual BIOS I think, but additional read-only BIOS is advantage which can anytime reset to original BIOS with external activation.
@JourneymanGeek Don't cuss in Russian.
/me can't seem to find a decent, free tool to push notifications to an android phone
Don't make me break out the wikipedia article on Mat
@JourneymanGeek Which mat?
Mat (; ) is the term for strong obscene profanity in Russian and some other Slavic language communities. Use of mat is censored in the media and use of mat in public constitutes a form of disorderly conduct, punishable under article 20.1.1 of the Offences Code of Russia, although it is only enforced episodically, in particular due to vagueness of the legal definition. Despite the public ban, mat is used by Russians of all ages and in all social groups, with particular fervor in male-dominated military and the structurally similar social strata. Etymology It is commonly believed that t...
@JourneymanGeek Yes. Do you know how to disable keyboard temporarily? I need to clean it now.
lol. turn off the system?
lock the screen?
ehm. unplug it?
Assuming it is USB
@Hennes Disassembling the laptop?
Ah, point.
In that case: what he say.
@JourneymanGeek Screen while locked, keyboard still responds.
Lock screen
@Hennes But then keyboard types in "Password" field.
Screen responses are not bad (unless your password is qwerty :)
@Hennes No I don't have touch screen.
Anyone else here still using PS/2 keyboards?
What are these? ^
F2 and F3?
/me grins
@Hennes What do they do? What is their function?
No idea. Usually I would just go 'look at the manual'.
But right now I really do not know.
And as far as I know different manufacturers use different symbols.
@Hennes I did not find this in manual.
How do you like my close-up shot of chameleon made with HTC Desire S?
@Hennes: not any more
might have a spare with the systems we kept from the old office
I still got this ancient model M (serial number from 1991) which won't die
I am using it atm
I want one of the unicomp ones when i get a job
just cause ;p
I need to clean it monthly (I got a cat)
/me uses a blackwidow ultimate at the moment
@Boris_yo Lock and unlock, I would think.
@TomWijsman Yes, but not for keyboard because it only does lock and unlock sound and that's it. Maybe specific keyboard driver need to be downloaded...
@Boris_yo Of course it does not lock keyboard, it's a "media function" for a reason. :)
@TomWijsman Not a media function.
1 hour later…
Q: I cant boot my windows 7

DhirajWhen I start my laptop.The error comes 'NO bootable Devices' press F1 to retry,F2 for setup ,and F3 for Scan. When I put win7 CD.Same problem happens.my lappy cant read the DISK also. All is happened bcoz of Ubuntu 12.04

@Boris_yo You just said it affects sound, how is it not a media function then? :S
Those are typically called media keys, as they perform a media function.
> carefully measuring the power draw of every component on his board
@TomWijsman You got it wrong. It just produces sounds from MB's speaker.
@OliverSalzburg hey there gecky
and hey there dino
I'm gonna restructure my office today :D Hopefully, when I'm done, I'll be able to see my screens from the couch!
That will surely increase productivity...
@HackToHell did you get that number?
What I love about restructuring that involves my desk is that I get to disconnect everything and reconnect everything nicely ordered :D
@OliverSalzburg: a good chunk of things on my desk are screwed down
including my table lamp and LED bar switches
@Bob nope, waiting for clues
@JourneymanGeek Risk of earthquake ? :D
naw, just easier cable management
they're fixed to the side of the table, with a glow in the dark sticker so I can find them in the dark
Hey guys i found a website called lazymeter.com
Does anyone know another website or program the does the same thing?
@Boris_yo I don't have it wrong, that's how the scan codes are specified.
@JourneymanGeek ...is that because you often wake up and find the urge to fiddle with your cables in the middle of the night, or you're just nocturnal? :P
attn folks
waiting ..........
Hearty congratulations to @slhck who got married few days ago. Best wishes dude & wish you a very happy married life!
Nice, good luck @slhck
Congrats, @slhck!
Congratulations @slhck!
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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