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poof :)
3 hours later…
Jup. Only way do deal with old inkjets.
well, only two ways:
1 Throw them out of the window
2 Spent half an afternoon downloading 'drivers', then deinstall 99% of those
Including the; your inkt might be low. Lets order at a 300x premium' software
don't own one of those, wasn't planning on picking one up either :P
500 MB 'drivers' were a lot in XP era
Usually took 5-10 hours of downloading ona bissiness line.
So it mostly camw down to 'learn IT people to never touch HP $anything'
I still hate my HP laptop because it is the same brand as HP printers.
Probablh not what they intended
uni had HP as their preferred supplier aeons ago I think
now we've joined the Dell Army
but to be fair, my current Dell is actually pretty well designed... My only minor annoyance is that the touch screen isn't flush with the sides of the frame, and of course the lack of a 2.5" slot for a 2nd drive... but the latter seems to be unavoidable these days unless you get a graphical workstation type slab
2nd drive slot missing is anoying.
granted, I am used to 4 drives in the laptop option
But I paid for that
Least they coiuld offer these days is 2xM2 and once SATA
Esp on business class
definitely a 2.5", M2 is just too limited in available size
I regularly have trouble with shitty internet (including 4G roaming, which just refused to work in Belgium last weekend), so I like lugging along music and movies on the laptop... now I have to fiddle with external HDDs - which also draw extra power while off grid, also found out that still a lot of trains are equipped with limited or no power sockets
3 hours later…
You can get portable hdds that power off usb tho
of course, that'll drain your laptop etc faster
Doesn't fix not having the drive inside the device, of course..
yeah, true... but it at least saves the hassle of juggling a portable HDD while traveling
they power down anyway, my trick was copying whatever I wanted to watch to the SSD
1 hour later…
Power sockets in trains or planes... now that is newflagled ;)
Or maybe I just do not use those much, and in ye days of yore, when we had to walk uphil both ways when going to school. Back then, trains simply did not have any
I know, I know... we've barely left steam trains behind us :P
@Hennes :D
too many Monty Python fans here :P
Monty Python??
yeah, but it wasn't Monty Python who originated the four yorkshiremen
from memory, I'm not sure the line's even in the skit?
was at last the 1948 show
and had marty feldman and tim booke-taylor with cleese and chapman
if I remember correctly
so I don't see the connection
When I was a lad, we had to walk five miles to school - uphill both ways - in snow that was hip-deep on the giant-men that hunted us along the way. And we were grateful for the opportunity!
unless the general complaint of "we 'ad it tougher than thee" Mandela Effect-ed it's way into T4Y
5 miles? You were lucky. We had to crawl 15 miles on our bellies across broken glass, just to get t' bus stop.
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:04 am

5 miles? You were lucky. We had to crawl 15 miles on our bellies across broken glass, just to get t' bus stop.

The bus stopped for you? I had to chase it down for a quarter of a mile carrying twenty pounds of books and a band instrument that increased its mass the faster I went in accordance the theory of Relativity and Mass Energy equivalence.
etc. etc
I'm reasonably sure that "we had to walk to school uphill both ways" predates a 2009 Ars forums thread :P
we're getting pretty tenuous here :D
@bertieb “They walked three miles to and from school, uphill both ways” was printed in Tallahasee (FL) Democrat on September 29, 1956.
I vaguely remember picking that up from /.
aye, also predates ALT1948S
yeah, was a meme / recurring gag on slashdot too
tho they had a fondness for monty python
so if that's what mig meant, I'm calling Mandela Effect
2 hours later…

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