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@jokerdino yeah, I did ns, and no DO NOT MUCK IT UP ;p
@Sathya ooh, shiny
hi, quick question. On debian, where can i find the Apache configuration files so I can change the DocumentRoot
er.. I should know this ;p
/etc/apache2 ?
probably a file called http.conf
though, there's an alternate way to change it, possibly using virtualhosts
@KevinDuke Here's quick overview of Apache2 configuration files on Debian: control-escape.com/web/configuring-apache2-debian.html
thank you
@iglvzx: eheh, i was just looking at that
probably off the same google search ;p
@JourneymanGeek lol
I'm trying to point a website to /var/www/somedir. I added it to /etc/apache2/conf.d/virtual.conf and it works. Hopefully it's the right way
@Boris_yo yah
@Boris_yo fiber.google.com/plans/residential You have to pay 300$ for 7yrs of free internet !!
@OliverSalzburg Google simply dominates the map, SU is still small ...
@KevinDuke Is there any specific reason you are using Apache, there are better alternatives ..
For 120 a month though for tv and gigabit internet that's not bad deal
Internet is supoosed to be cheaper than that imo
Too bad about the limited area
@HackToHell I just always used apache and am familiar with it. What do you suggest i switch to? lighttp?
@Bob That apk still does not work :/
@KevinDuke lighttpd or nginx
@HackToHell apk?
oops that's andriod, it's ahk
if you wouldn't mind, could you tell me what's wrong with apache or link to an article explaining
@HackToHell What was the program again?
@Bob auto hot key
thanks @hacktohell, I'll be researching those
> Lighttpd is used by a number of high-traffic websites, among them Meebo and YouTube. Wikimedia runs Lighttpd servers as does SourceForge. Three of the most famous torrent listing websites, The Pirate Bay, Mininova and isoHunt, which have more than 1,000 hits per second, also use Lighttpd.
@HackToHell I mean the one you want to unhide
@Bob Everything, the world's fastest search engine voidtools.com
@HackToHell ok that's convincing enough, which would you recommend most out of those you listed? I'm leaning lighttp or ngnix but I'm obviously inexperienced
Well, there's your problem.
That program doesn't hide the main window, it closes it
@KevinDuke Choosing between lighttpd and nginx, depends upon the intended use, see wikivs.com/wiki/Lighttpd_vs_nginx
Most 'minimise to tray' programs just hide the window and show it again later. That one closes it and opens a new one?
wow so much good information
i'll bookmark all that, thanks again hacktohell
@HackToHell What's wrong with just opening it again?
It seems to detect the existing process and just open a new window (albeit with a UAC prompt)
So you can WinActivate if there's an existing window, and otherwise Run, and just ignore the tray icon altogether
@HackToHell I think I'll go with lighttp even though I'm on a vps because it is said to be much easier and I'm very much a beginner at all this. Also, seeing as it is more popular, it should have much more tutorials online
Have I shown this to you guys yet?
@iglvzx Thanks
This might sound like a silly request, but I actually like the simple music in the background of this video:
What is it?
Note that the website at the end of the video-- tfphotoworks.com --does not work.
I can't tell...
Soundhound doesn't work on it either
@KronoS lol
I just tried SoundHound and Shazam. Nope.
@KronoS I LOVE that and recommend it to anyone asking about unknown ports
@JourneymanGeek If you swap out the last word, that could apply to his last message (about SoundHound)
what? ;p
sonic840.deviantart.com/art/… this is the original tho
@nhinkle: While its seriously off topic - would the OP be able to see the comments on her question here?
@DragonLord That better?
@JourneymanGeek I hate that 10k limit that I just can't seem to make
The message was flagged because of an error in the link. It's been fixed. (Thanks, @voretaq7.)
NP :)
@KronoS: i can screenshot it ;p
@JourneymanGeek no use... I just need to get there...
but that means that I need to answer or ask questions
which I'm too busy cleaning up and prepping... for other things that I don't have time to do that
@KronoS: eh, I primarily answered questions till i hit 20K or so ;p
@JourneymanGeek Gah. I really hate those kind of posts because the OP will likely never return, so they won't see comments or answers.
@iglvzx Also, the OP asked to be contacted via email, but gave us no email address. Even less helpful. lol
whoa, longest answer in a while superuser.com/questions/454922/…
dude TLDR goes to the top
edit! ;p
and edit comment that its at my request
alright sure
@jou edited
@jokerdino APPROVED!
ok approved
@iglvzx thanks!!
@jokerdino: aww, you edited my brit spelling for synchronisation ;p
@JourneymanGeek i didn't like the red wiggle line o.O
I have both language dictionaries installed
i see
I personally refuse to use american spelling for such things tho
revert? :P
@DragonLord try with tunatic?
@JourneymanGeek no, but I sent her a mod message with the links
@iglvzx I sent her a mod message, which sends a copy to their email
Finally got the rest of my desk set up :)
@sidran32 I am not jealous
@JourneymanGeek Absolutely concur!
@sidran32 what @Paul said
(ps: would be good to talk about your experiences into a blog post) @sidran32
hey @TimPost :-)
'Allo @Sathya
I'm wishing I had better choices than the ones I have :)
maybe @JourneymanGeek can help
@sidran32: all 3d? ;p
help with what?
@Sathya I just want to put a semi decent Dev machine together. I'll be using Kubuntu, hopefully I get 3 displays rocking.
@sidran32: wee bit of envy, but then again, getting the main part of my kickass system next month ;p
@TimPost: no places to buy parts where you are?
I'll be stepping out, back later. Hope you get the help :)
The angst hits when deciding on the MB and Video .. I don't game, I don't do much other than use a lightweight IDE and surf mostly text. @JourneymanGeek I'm pretty much limited to these guys
I just want core i5 or better with 4GB, 3 displays and room enough for a few 500GB SATA drives
@TimPost: .. contre? LGA 775?
they are joking, right?
Yeah, my ... options are limited. I'm just trying to see what I can get together from what they have
@JourneymanGeek Right now, I'm using an ATOM with 1GB , so anything would be a marked improvement
@TimPost: what i see is horrifying ;p
I know. And they're one of the better suppliers. People here tend not to buy very expensive computers.
How would the local dell dealer stack up?
least for the basics?
There is no local dell dealer
Just a few shops 'dell endorsed'
headesks I am suddenly grateful for having a local computer mall or two
I can buy from newegg, but I'm going to be taken to the cleaners in duties
@TimPost: thats a thing
here, all we end up paying is GST if its over 300 sgd
can't compare pricewise but they do seem to have h77 boards listed
I was thinking about getting a couple of these , that should set me for three displays that don't do any GPU intensive stuff.
assuming you can use both the onboard and a additional video card you'd be set
@jokerdino: any idea if you can use dissimlar video cards in ubuntu? ;p
Yeah, I just have to find a MB that does that, Asus is known for shutting off the O/B unconditionally when a display adapter is in the PCI buss
(annoying as hell!)
most of the new ones don't
If I can get 3x 1600x900 displays going I'd be a very happy programmer.
I can't help with price comparisons but villman.com/Product-Detail/IntelDesktopBoard_dh77eb this might work
Ah, activity!
Its intel, so its likely not to have very much wierdness to it
it won't be the hottest mobo either tho
@Paul @Sathya @JourneymanGeek Thanks :) I do love it. And to my delight, I can run Deus Ex: Human Revolution (that game) full blast, with no AA, and it's smooth at 40-60 FPS reported by FRAPS :)
but its a 77 so i think you can play with ssd caching ;p
@sidran32: sweet ;p
Figure 1000 pesos to be about $20, give or take. So yeah, 80 - 100 bucks for the mobo is what I had in mind.
Well, i do singapore dollars ;p
and i'm SLIGHTLY out of touch with hardware prices
@Sathya Experience pertaining to what? It's basically the same machine as I wrote about in the blog already, with 3 brand spankin new 3D, tiny bezel, 1080p displays. :)
@sidran32: well, setting up and running multi monitor stuff i guess ;p
/me might be documenting his actual build for SU blog ;p
I was hoping to put this off until we go to SG or HK at the end of the year, but this netbook is making the typical 'I'm going to totally die on you very soon' noises
@JourneymanGeek I suppose. It wasn't terribly difficult. But I suppose I don't have to do a three-parter blog post every time. :)
nope ;p
Basically just got the deskspace, plugged them in, set up eyefinity and my standard 3 desktop presets, and then configured bezel correction for eyefinity mode.
wait, bezel correction?
/me has gotta play with multi monitors sooner or later
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+3 => Eyefinity, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1 => Normal 3 extended desktops.
though, a trio of catleaps is implausible ;p
@JourneymanGeek Ya. So the bezels are more like windowpanes instead of what you typically get, with the mouse cursor jumping from the edge of one screen to the edge of the next, basically.
@sidran32: note my new profile superuser.com/users/10165/journeyman-geek
Entirely satya's fault ;p
I have to see just how low profile that low profile video card is, I may be able to get three of them in there.
@TimPost: you may not need to
as long as you're willing to futz around with converters
or different sorts of outputs
@JourneymanGeek Rep cap? :O You mean if I +1 your answers, nothing happens?
@sidran32: the part about the small dog ;p
Thanks @JourneymanGeek That board may just do the trick. Was a little overwhelmed. Yeah, I can use one VGA, one DVI no problem, my monitors have one of each
@JourneymanGeek Oh. Ya, that too. Not sure how to respond. ;)
@sidran32: oh, It does happen ;p
@JourneymanGeek I never have seen such a thing :P
Oh, you're familiar with who the small dog is ;p
I am :)
@JourneymanGeek don't know. good luck with that ;p
/me needs to decide what to do with the dell soon
@jokerdino: something i need to play with then
@JourneymanGeek let me know how it goes then
since i'll likely keep a old small monitor as a spare workspace/thing so i can use quicksync ;p
first, new computer and video card ;p
ETA 3-5 months ;p
heh ;p
I SO wish i had a raise now, amusingly
since until the embargo on computer stuff got lifted, it was the opposite ;p
@sidran32 also, nice desk ;p
is pondering hacking mine again
@JourneymanGeek Thanks :) It's an Ikea Galant with the extension, by the way :P
It's the only way I'd be willing to do three monitors. You really need lots of room to fit them on your desk.
I have a little 21 incher, my monster case, and my little laptop, and the desk feels full
@JourneymanGeek I'm posting stuff on Reddit now. I've been waiting for the chance to show this setup off. :) reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/xbvlx/…
@Sathya: superuser.com/questions/451221/… looks like i went with your question for the first bounty hunt ;p
@sidran32: just wait till i get my junk monitor array of d00m working
Hehe :)
I will be!
3 refurbed benq 14 inchers.... ;p
lol, I remember when 15" monitors were standard issue. :P
none of this newfangled widescreen nonsense ;p
mmhm :P
@sidran32 What is the difference between Eyefinity and 3 extended desktops - both use all three to display a portion right?
Though 4:3 is only tolerable in multi-monitor setups, IMO.
@Paul Correct, though Eyefinity means all three displays are treated as one very large display, where extended desktops have them treated as 3 separate monitors.
@sidran32: the idea is that i'll plug it into my mainboard's VGA slot, or use it as a second screen for a laptop
This way, when I game, I use Eyefinity to get a 5760x1080 resolution. Using extended desktops, the game cannot use two of the monitors at all due to how graphics cards are architected, and how Windows communicates with the drivers.
/me has no idea how to fir all this crap into my desk ;p
@JourneymanGeek Ah, I used to do stuff like that in college.
Electronics repair is my computer build surrogate ;p
cheaper and harder ;p
and well
still a Full time student. Breaks are good times to mess with crap ;p
Yup :P
It's late and I need to actually sleep. Night all!@
Night :P
@sidran32 Aaah of course, one huge screen - are there many games that support that massive aspect ratio?
@JourneymanGeek you around?
@KronoS yup
Q: Is there is a limit of how much "quoting" a linked reference I can have in an answer?

KronoSThis was actually prompted while I was editing an answer that was link only, but there have been times that I myself have found a useful site with detailed instructions. Most times, when I'm referencing another site, I summarize or copy the details (when they're small) and fully credit the site....

A: How to use mail or sendmail on Snow Leopard

XiongI highly recommend this tutorial: http://slashusr.wordpress.com/2012/02/14/enabling-postfix-for-outbound-relay-via-gmail-on-os-x-lion-11/

I came across this answer during review....
wondering what your thoughts are...
I'd give it the standard 'stale links' comment
i think the question itself is horrible and unlikely to be answered tho
actually no
reading the link, it has nothing to do with the answer ;p
@JourneymanGeek so wait you're saying that the answer isn't valid?
well, yup
the question seems to be on how to script e mail sending with bash
the answer linked seems to talk about setting up g mail as a mail relay
@KronoS Kill it. "This tutorial" is not an answer. :P
the answer does seem to be in there SOMEWHERE
see, this is why link only answers are crap
@JourneymanGeek agreed...
@iglvzx: I'm for killing the question ;p
@JourneymanGeek That's what I've been saying, man! ;)
not just the answer ;p
@KronoS The link in your comment is too flattering. They only have 3 rep, they are not a high rep user. :P
firstly, its old. (sadly if it had been better written...)
The top answer is very unsure of itself. :(
@JourneymanGeek Oo, good choice for a bounty: superuser.com/questions/451221/…
lol, it's kind of funny that studiohack closed the original as the duplicate. But quality-wise, the new one is much better.
@iglvzx which comment?
Welcome to Super User! I suggest you add more detail to this question so that it can be more useful to future users. — KronoS 5 mins ago
I'm just being silly, though
@iglvzx ok I was making sure. it's an auto comment I set up... I was scared I used the high rep one:
> As a highly valued Super User, I suggest you revisit this answer and add more detail.
Oh. lol. That would've been funny/bad
@iglvzx ya you had me scared for a moment there
@iglvzx oh, it was the only one suggested for the monthly bounty hunt ;p
is hoping to do this every month
Ah, sorry @Paul! Yes, most modern games (since eyefinity came out a couple years ago) support this. Games don't often have hard-coded resolution options anymore, like they used to.
2 hours later…
God this answer looks horrible:
Q: How to stream my media via vlc using udp streaming method?

SenI would like to know how to stream my media via vlc using udp streaming method?

Even though the question has gotten a reasonable amount of views
@HackToHell But it is common internet of 5Mbps/1Mbps - not GoogleFiber, but at least it costs only $3.57 per month on 7 year term and after it is free. But I am sure internet will develop to such heights that 5/1 will be like surfing on 56.6Kbps modem...
@Boris_yo 300$ for kick ass fast internet? Where can I sign up? :P
@IvoFlipse Gah! Must edit!
Holy crap, did he really need the whole page?
I'm trying to rework the formatting, but I don't know if it's worth just cutting out half of the answer superuser.com/a/221515/19943
this needs screenshots
@IvoFlipse slightly better?
@Mokubai painful
painful to see such a massive edit on a careless answer
At least it's not such an eyesore...
You have to have a minimum of 200 rep to be able to come into chat don't you?
Ah, faq says 20
But didn't the comments say he copy pasted too much?
Looks great though
Problem it it's all vaguely relevant so it's either a link only answer or the whole page :(
Without writing your own tutorial on it
Having to stop the music because I'm updating the IDE... thanks Apple...
@DanielBeck: o0 What do they have to do with each other?
@JourneymanGeek iTunes does general device management (iPhone etc.), and the IDE supports deployment, testing, debugging etc. using these devices. Therefore I need to close iTunes to update the development support components for iDevices.
Cool huh?
Which is great when I'm just listening to a podcast, and want to write an OS X application.
good day
@Sathya hi
@DanielBeck hey. You should add your election stats to your profile bio :D
@IvoFlipse At least $70 on a monthly basis unless you want also Google TV or something. $300 is a one time fee for 5 UP/1 DOWN speed internet.
@Boris_yo 5 mbps? Still not bad for such a low fee
@Sathya Great idea... I'm on the /election and /about pages though, that should be enough...
But I think even 70$ isn't so much for kickass internet
@IvoFlipse Yes, but wait until Internet develops more and it will be like 56.6Kbps, unless they raise this speed which of course will happen.
Hello guys! Pictures from my trip!
Only 10 since it is free account with 10 pictures upload limit per week.
Where was that?
You could just use Picasa/Google+ Photo's

@Boris_yo That already happened to 56.6kbps
@IvoFlipse Limit of 700MB
Right, Estland or something
@IvoFlipse Yes
Eesti Land is my motherland! (and fatherland too if you will...)
Hehe, you guys have kick ass internet :)
Who? Only Kansas ATM.
@Boris_yo looks great.
@Sathya I will fill 10 more this week.
you went to Finland?
I'm getting fibre Soonâ„¢
@Sathya Estland
or Estonia, whatever spelling they prefer :P
@IvoFlipse Fiber is good for health also. Food with fibre is more substantial/nourishing.
@IvoFlipse Estland is old timers' saying.
Haven't been in Rusland yet though...
And Usland too...
@Boris_yo Post more. I've seen those yesterday :)
I'd love to visit St. Petersburg, but I wonder how well we'd be able to navigate around, with not being able to read any signs and whatnot
@OliverSalzburg Once weekly limit will be lifted I will.
@Boris_yo Ah. Cool
@Boris_yo why not upload to Picasa?
@IvoFlipse Use Maps (-) Android app or Google Maps with offline area cached?
Close to their limit of ~700MB - 750MB
@Boris_yo Which doesn't really help me read signs at train stations :P
This is me catching Wi-Fi inconveniently:
Though yes, Google maps would at least help me find places
If I know where they are a priori
@Boris_yo Is he waring a wifi extender on his neck?
@IvoFlipse Yes sir, WiFiSky on my shoulder for better connection.
You should wrap yourself in tinfoil to get a better reception :P
@Boris_yo :D
@IvoFlipse Use Google Goggles
@IvoFlipse Hehe.. Like this?
Well Goggles needs a data connection
But throughout trip, I felt I was working. Took over +1000 shots 0_0
I felt like GEEK in photography:
Lol, I'll be taking a ton of pics next month in Canada
aiming to fill up our 16 Gb again
@IvoFlipse Then use my photography powers. They are over +9000.
Hehe, perhaps I should get a 32 Gb card, because they're getting so cheap
@IvoFlipse Or, multiple cards?
@IvoFlipse But photos get more space demanding.
Well 16 + 32 should be enough :P
@IvoFlipse Get over 6 class card for HD video shooting if you intend to shoot videos.
@Boris_yo I have 200 Gb Google Drive space specifically for my pics
@IvoFlipse +64 should be enough for next years.
Our camera only does photo's
I wonder how well eye-fi would work
@IvoFlipse Google drive free account? Does it have portfolio feature?
@IvoFlipse My Ear-Fi works nice.
No that's paid obviously
portfolio feature?
To show off your pics?
Probably doesn't get much better than this: plus.google.com/photos/105237212888595777019/albums/…
@IvoFlipse Enhanced shots
"Google Cloud Storage offers a free trial quota until December 31, 2012"

Does that mean 5GB free storage until 31/12/12 ?
No, it means if you sign up now, you'll get 5gb for free. After that they might change it
Which means they want you to sign up ASAP
@JourneymanGeek cool.
@Boris_yo That's about the Android version though, right?
wow, there's a new limited write API? api.stackexchange.com/docs/write

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