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Most of the flags I used to gather were from 10 AM UTC till the afternoon, and now I'm in the US, so everything's cleared already :)
@HackToHell Nice :)
I have 30 flags on SU.
Illegal double flagging on spam answers FTW.
@jokerdino Flag as spam, flag as NAA? :P
@DanielBeck: Go upvote if you want...
A: New Feature: Community Review Tasks - Now in Beta

Tom WijsmanCurrent behavior: Reproduction: Run out of delete votes. Try to delete yet another post. Get the above error, trying to delete from the question page itself and note I ran out of votes. Expected bahavior: Replacing "Delete" by "Recommend to Delete" when I ran out of close votes.

Added a 4 mentioning I have to press "Not Sure" due to the bug.
do you guys see my edits or what?
@TomWijsman Done.
@jokerdino: Yeah, saw them now. Typed 11 to approve them... :D
But well, the delete / close vote limit is a show stopper. Dunno whether I should be continuing to click Not Sure, but on the other hand other people still get to see it though.
Gravatar shows the proper image for all other sizes expect the one used by SU
Oh wait, it has changed after changed the image again !!
yay :)
superuser.com/questions/318507/… what do you usually do with this? edit the answer or what?
for link only answers?
Depends, Its fair game to 'snipe' the answer in most of SE
or you can fix it
Back in the days I left comments to ask to explain their commands. But now I no longer bother with they should know "man" anyway on my mind and just approve...
Oh wait, joker linked to the wrong answer. I leave an auto comment explaining to expand...
Oh, i leave out anything i don't get for other people to approve ;p
A: Ubuntu SSH issue

shrikantUbuntu Worst try centos.!

Can't delete! Yhelp...
@TomWijsman Reminds me of a German idiom about having the choice between plague and cholera.
either of them is fine. PEBKAC
and ugh. I miss having closevotes ;p
@Shiki gief!
there goes my last vote for the day
sorry for editing then?
Apparently thats borked haha.
@Sathya: Yeah, it recalculates every 10 minutes or so.
Actually, click it, it's a nasty bug...
Don't mind the placement of the SU links, I'm using a script that places the logo and links in the right side bar, if there's none, this happens. :D
"Activity on super user: Medium (but higher than stack exchange)"
That line made little sense to me :P
I think I have done more than that person? O_o
I wonder if he means stack overflow
30 flags and 30 edits and one meta answer xD
... not even a day of work ... :D
@SimonSheehan hate you
@jokerdino bahaha. No seriously, that's good work though, keep it up, you seem like a good guy :)
Oh, I know what I should have done about my 4000+ nomination post characters problem... ANIMATED GIF! xD
@SimonSheehan teehehe, i am a good guy. Ask @Sathya
> I don't think your name, age, gender, profession are relevant. You claim your activity is medium, honestly I haven't seen any activity that I recognize. I don't see a single comment which reflects "polite in words" and there's no record of you flagging or voting to close, ever. Add to that, you have voted a grand total of 9 times. Not sure what made you highlight those. Definitely not mod material.
@Sathya Well said, without being rude or anything.
Oh my, I just found a very huge bug...
kill it with ipad.
that was so not me O_O
Totally did not happen
what happened?
Can't disclose.
@TomWijsman is there an extension that you put together for the <kbd></kbd> tags?
@KronoS: Oliver's version can do that.
Haven't merged it in yet.
Grrr... how do I donwload these stupid things...
kk, i will edit the rest tmrw
enough mild flooding the front page
@TomWijsman thanks
@KronoS On GitHub you can view the file and then click "raw"
@TomWijsman oh ok...
@TomWijsman oh thats cool
It works quite well too
@KronoS @nhinkle You're gonna love that :P
A: How can I "throttle" an application so that it doesn't use 100% CPU?

KimberlyIt only has the problem when you play certain songs? What have you been playing? You've been playing Nickelback, haven't you? Linux HATES Nickelback. Stop listening to Nickelback and all your problems will be solved. ;)

Morning all!
Nickelback works fine on my Linux. — Tom Wijsman 49 secs ago
@slhck oh my... how funny.
@Luke mornin
here's a nice new! help section
not ?, just !
@RebeccaChernoff I hear it's your doing ;)
@RebeccaChernoff FTFY ;p
@Sathya depends, do you like it? if so, yes, you can shower me with your praise.
if you don't...find someone else to blame. (:
@RebeccaChernoff if you were in Ask Ubuntu chatroom, the /blame would automatically rain on me. // @jokerdino
Guys, why do all the flags that I marked as "invalid flag"(I do not agree with the existing flags on this answer, they are incorrect and should be ignored.) on 10k rep moderator tools keep it status as "disputed"???? None of these one was marked as helpul for me...
@Diogo I believe you marking it as an invalid flag, while someone else marks it as helpful, means it couldn't be decided upon. So it's disputed.
So then the users flag isn't helpful, or declined... basically counts as nothing.
@SimonSheehan hmmm but it is on all of them... I already marked 70 flags as invalid.... any of them got helpful
@Diogo If you mark the flag as invalid, then it isn't a helpful flag
@SimonSheehan hmmm sure, so they will always keep in disputed?
@Diogo As far as I know yes. However, probably should get a more definitive answer from an actual 10k user..
@Diogo dispute: disagreement.
you disagree that the flag is helpful, hence disputed.
your vote isn't binding, hence it doesn't count as an invalid.
also 70 invalid flags...quite a few. Wonder what the statistic is for invalid flags..
@Sathya sure, so it is the default status, it will always just as it is?
@Diogo could you rephrase? I didn't understand what you're asking
that's how it shows to us.
@Sathya I mean, the status of my "invalid flag" flags, it just started from disputed status(just after I create the flag) and will keep as disputed for ever... I mean, on normal flags they go from nothing to helpfull, disputed or invalid...
@Diogo someone else flags -> you say invalid -> Mod selects no further action -> his flag becomes disputed
you flag -> someone else says invalid -> Mod selects no further action -> your flag becomes disputed
@Sathya understand..... it was just a useless doubt, thank you
@Sathya It shows up as disputed for both users, distinguishable only by the message.
you flag -> Mod says invalid -> invalid flag
maybe I was just confusing what the "disputed" term means...
@DanielBeck I see.
I'm off see ya folks. have a good day/evening/night
@Sathya "invalid flag" for the disputing user, and whatever message was entered for the flag for the disputed user
@Sathya Good night
@Sathya good afternoon :D
@Diogo hehe that too ;)
Anyone got a login at ubuntuforums.org?
I believe I do
yes I do
"You last visited: October 3rd, 2011 at 08:37 PM "
@Mokubai What do you need it for?
I want to fix this but I really don't want yet another login...
I've already flagged it, but don't mind getting a downflag if it's actually worthwhile
@Mokubai Soo... I shouldn't vote for deletion?
It isn't worth it. He just linked to a thread with a similar question, not an exactly answer
I think it should be deleted.
Oh, okay then
Delete away
Thanks @SimonSheehan
no problem :)
could someone help to reopen this?? superuser.com/questions/448093/…
Saved me from having to think up and potentially remember yet another password
edited by owner and makes sense now...
@Diogo Hardly edited to make more sense really..
It's already been answered, does it need reopening?
^ I agree with that.
I don't think it needs reopening - it has a definitive answer, that won't change.
I mean it can still get up and downvotes on the answers so it's not like you're loosing out
hmm sure...
Well, it got reopened anyway :)
actually, I just don't think a question that meet "opened" requirements to stay closed...
thanks :D
Oh, found a small bug with my 1-4 script, if you type a number in a comment it still interpretes that. Will try to include a check for that text box to not be present later today... :/
Fixed version here: gist.github.com/raw/3105302/… (Remove previous version first, meh, gist isn't actually really handy to provide userscripts through)
@Luke , LMFAO!!!! thank you thank you, that is excellent... never seen that site before, but that post is sumptuous!
@Luke is it not okay to star that?
Anyone know if the fact that the users shown on the /review page next to a category are supposed to be the recently active users, or the users that have reviewed the most?
I would assume recently active, if you hover over their faces you get a last active and it appears vaguely chronological
@Mokubai, I know that that is what is is, but it seems like a strange choice
why? it makes sense to see who's there at the time, not have it "competition scoreboard" style...
@Mokubai, just don't recall seeing it anywhere else on SE in that style
That's because it's new ^_^
@Mokubai, I mean everywhere else it is competition style
   Sub Test()
      With ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
         ' Create custom property "LDate" linked to defined name "**mydate**"
         .Add Name:="LDate", linkToContent:=True, _
           Type:=offPropertyTypeDate, linkSource:="mydate"

         ' Create custom property "LResponse" linked to
         ' defined name "**mydate**"
         .Add Name:="LResponse", linkToContent:=True, _
           Type:=offPropertyTypeString, linkSource:="response"
      End With

      ' Display Properties dialog box to link custom values
ha ha even microsoft's help uses copy paste and has errors
Oh dang... I guess bold doesn't work when using the code feature
@slhck it's not rude to post a 'similar' (i.e. suggest a different piece of software than you did) answer to a question is it?
@NOTjustuser4304 link?
@NOTjustuser4304 If it's a valid alternative and potentially has a feature that the other one lacks that may benefit the OP then I'd post it, if it's just a clone then I wouldn't
A: Tips for approaching a hanging computer?

thezachperson31Approach hanging computers with caution; you never know when it might fall down.

Can't delete, again...
I think we need a Vote to Delete room now! :D
@TomWijsman We have one ;)
Oh wait, it's in the room title.
@TomWijsman that should be closed as a dupe
A: Is there a way to "force" an app in OS X to have a menu bar icon?

NOTjust -- user4304I have used in the past XMenu (freeware) by devonTechnologies: http://www.devontechnologies.com/products/freeware.html scroll down to the bottom left. I'm not sure if 'aLaunch' is limited to only one menu or not. XMenu can have an unlimited number of menubar menus.

@NOTjustuser4304 that's a valid answer, but I would clean it up a bit. Use @slhck's as a template.
@Mokubai right, makes sense, the app I suggested I believe has a feature advantage over the other one.
as far as your question goes, feel free to add answers to questions that are already answered. You could have a different approach that appeals to others
Thanks KronoS. so like, include a screenshot and collapse the link maybe? slhck reformatted my first Q here on SU, and did a brilliant job I hadn't been on anything.SE for a while, so I forgot how to use some of the formatting. But it's coming back.
@NOTjustuser4304 Star away!
@NOTjustuser4304 yes I would do just that. and welcome back :)
so did we ever figure out what disputed means for the flags?
It means that a 10k+ user flagged it as invalid
@soandos Ah... but a mod did not? So how is it handled?
@KronoS With a mouse, usually :P JK
@KronoS, it depends. If enough people flag it as invalid, I think it becomes declined, but not sure about that. It does stay in the queue though, so a mod can come by and make a decision
@soandos ok that's what I figured, but was curious
@Luke, I wonder if it still works
@soandos No cluse
Last one for a while...
@Luke looks really nice and soft, ergonomic. I'd love that, how organic.
@Luke Well, I lol'ed....
I sometimes get bored at work... Sure, I work on 7 computers at a time, but when I got 3 hard drives imaging, 3 others doing updates, and one virus scanning? Gets boring on slow days
@Luke bahaha seen that image a lot lately
@NOTjustuser4304 No of course it's not rude at all.
@slhck, what is the policy with answers that the OP says don't work?
(and are low quality to boot)
@soandos typicall we keep them, unless they're not an answer, or spam, etc,.
even if they're terrible.
@soandos if they're low quality, then they usually are a comment or just link rot
@soandos Yeah, no forced deletion for those really. Unless they're utter crap.
@slhck glad to hear it since I'm grateful to you, my Sensei of Formatting. is 'my Sensei' redundant btw?
KronoS is also my Sensei. -->migrating to English.SE from chat.SE/SU.
@NOTjustuser4304 Sensei.. never heard that one, thanks :P
Someone fancy some iptables fun?
Q: Route one network client to VPN server via a Linux gateway server

wowpatrickI have a Ubuntu server (Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS) acting as a gateway to my home network. I set up a VPN connection with the linux-pptp client and now have it as an interface on my home server. ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol inet addr:xx.x.xxx.xxx P-t-P: Mask:255.25...

God I hate configuring servers ... -.-
Just finished configuring mine. I can imagine how much people hate me now for that downtime.. =D
Oh, wow...
@TomWijsman I love how he defames other candidates.
@TomWijsman can I cast a negative vote?
@NOTjustuser4304 Please try and see if your vote is already in place at the primary, then report that as a bug. :)
Well.. left a comment, let's see if we get a serious response.
@jokerdino: As it appears not harmful, I'll disclose it and we can roll back in case someone gets around it anyway. Here's the bug:
Aaand it's gone. Too bad. I really hoped he was taking something seriously this time.
> This post is locked and cannot be edited.
As primary hits, just checking through the histories of each candidate post should suffice.
@TomWijsman O.o what do you mean?
If someone does manage to get around what stops the above screenshot from being impossible.
@TomWijsman Huh, don't get what you mean
See my above two screenshots, you can get to the second screenshot but you can't actually edit the post.
@TomWijsman Oh. Now I see.
But normally, locks happen "before" you are able to get to that second screenshot.
/me's been reviewing so much he wanted to give some nomination proper formatting...
Or imagine a suggested edit showing up in the review queue for a nomination post. :D
@TomWijsman Why did you withdraw your nomination?
(BTW... Sorry for linking you)
@TomWijsman no offense.
2 days ago, by Tom Wijsman
@HackToHell: I'm grasping too high, which makes me only bump into negative comments and what not. It's not that I can't withstand and ignore them, but the lack of any positive feedback that's hurting. I don't want to be in a team where there's no support. Perhaps it's bad timing or who knows what, but I have to accept the position I'm in and will not nominate anymore in the future unless that's requested from me...
@TomWijsman Ah. I see.
Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.
[emphasis mine]
@slhck Maybe next year. :P
Basically, getting misconceptions clear on Meta's been a pain. The moment you stand too much behind something that you've thought / known to be right is acted different upon...
...or getting people upset by trying to help them, which was a misconception on the other side. Sometimes indirect communication is a pain.
4,500 rep... Nice even number!
@slhck the "3Tb"->"3TB" correction is hilarious here: superuser.com/posts/438795/revisions
// Only apply to full lower-case. Otherwise mb is converted to Mb.
.replace(/([0-9]) ?(k|m|g|t)(i)?b\b/g, function(match,$1,$2,$3,$4) { return $1 + ' ' + $2.toUpperCase() + (($3)?$3:'') + 'B'; } )
// When already upper-case, just make sure the spacing is correct.
.replace(/([0-9])(K|M|G|T)(i)?B\b/g, function(match,$1,$2,$3,$4) { return $1 + ' ' + $2 + (($3)?$3:'') + 'B'; } )
@slhck I don't think 3 terabits is as impressive as 3 terabytes for a modern HTPC
@TomWijsman oh, it was hilarious because a terabit is a lot less than a terabyte. <br> where does that script live btw?
An email address identifies an email box to which email messages are delivered. An example format of an email address is [email protected] which is read as lewis at example dot net. Many earlier email systems used different address formats. Overview The transmission of email over the Internet normally uses the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), defined in Internet standards RFC 5321 and RFC 5322, and extensions like RFC 6531. Mailboxes themselves are most often accessed using the Post Office Protocol (POP) or the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). The general format of an email ...
"()<>[]:,;@\\\"!#$%&'*+-/=?^_{}| ~ ? ^_`{}|~.a"@example.org` is a valid e-mail...
And because there's a ` in there it messed up the code formatting as well. :D
Hi, I have a problem here but don't know how to turn it into a question good enough for the main site - maybe you can help formulating it?
Basically, I would like to learn programming for android (have some previous experience programming Java and other languages)
and now I want to read the official developer guide offline on my Sony reader.
First I found a question here how to turn a website into an ebook
Q: Make an eBook out of a Website

CC.Suppose that I find a interesting Website (having around 50 pages) Suppose that I want to read it offline on my ebook device How can i do it ? I can download the website through HTTrack and then What tool to use to "pack" all downloaded pages into ONE ebook with a table of content ?

But Sigil won't run on my computer
Q: How do I install Sigil on Fedora 17?

rumtschoI want to use Sigil, which isn't in the official repositories. First I added a repository called home_xwaver and installed it from there, but it started throwing errors, unable to save a book. I found a blog post telling me to change some libraries, but I couldn't find the installation location o...

so I installed another software called eCubs, which seems to do similar things, but has less functionality
I/O error : No such file or directory
Sounds like some dependency is missing.
The problem is that the Android guide has a very broad navigation column which I want to remove from the pages
and eCubs doesn't seem to be able to do that
and I found the code for the navigation, it is rather complicated, full of divs nested in divs, and repeated - but in a slightly different way, depending on where we are in the nav tree - on each page
now I could remove it manually, but that's 250 pages or so
I thought of trying a shell script, but I found SO questions warning against trying to write a regex which recognizes nested divs
Oh wait, it's a separate line.
I/O error : No such file or directory
/usr/share/mime/application/xhtml+xml.xml:1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
Is there something extra at the end of /usr/share/mime/application/xhtml+xml.xml?
and I haven't done Web development, my knowledge about these languages is so basic that I think that learning enough to write a simple parser as proposed in the SO question will take me at least half a day, if not a whole one
And yeah, QT is quite big, so running versions side by side is going to be though...
@TomWijsman I get different errors from those in the blog, so I can't tell.
@rumtscho Yeah, regexp isn't good for HTML / XML.
So, my questions is, what is my best option to remove these divs?
Some XML transformation tool, like XSLT.
but not sure how to make this front-page presentable. It is half a programming question anyway, and if I state it that way, it depends on my knowledge of tools, and I can't list my knowledge in the relevant technologies beforehand because I don't know which ones are relevant.
@TomWijsman so, the simplest way is for me to learn a new programming language?
Well no, you shouldn't need to do that, it should work out of the box if you can get it work with an older version of Qt somehow.
The last time I have touched an XML document programmatically is at least 6 years ago.
Like, compiling the older version of Qt (do not install it though) and moving it into the Sigil folder (don't ask me how though).
@TomWijsman I'm not even sure Sigil can remove these things.
I don't even know where my Sigil folder is
I looked everywhere and didn't find it
and I lost patience with a system-wide "find" command after 90 minutes
GNU locate
updatedb && locate sigil (Could be Sigil)
Updatedb takes a moment but then after that you have an index that you can locate stuff with quite fast.
That's what I found before
no folder with libraries, only one binary
@TomWijsman locate -i is case insensitive
@DanielBeck: Ah yeah, like grep -i, wasn't sure if it would support that as well. Didn't look, thanks. :)
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N     ] x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2  USE="(-aqua) (-c++0x) -debug -pch (-qpa)" 0 kB
[ebuild  N     ] x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2  USE="exceptions gstreamer jit (-aqua) -debug -icu -pch (-qpa)" 0 kB
[ebuild  N     ] app-text/sigil-0.5.3  12,543 kB
Sighs Oh Excel why do you always think you're smarter than I?
[I] x11-libs/qt-core
     Available versions:  (4) 4.7.4-r1 4.8.1-r3 4.8.2
	{{aqua c++0x debug +exceptions +glib iconv icu +jit optimized-qmake pch private-headers qpa qt3support ssl}}
     Installed versions:  4.8.2(4)(12:56:38 AM 06/30/2012)(exceptions glib iconv qt3support ssl -aqua -c++0x -debug -icu -optimized-qmake -pch -qpa)
     Homepage:            qt-project.org qt.nokia.com
     Description:         The Qt toolkit is a comprehensive C++ application development framework
@KronoS, what are you trying to do?
I'm on 4.8.2, I could install sigil (it's not blocking me in any way).
Although qt-webkit is a quite big compilation. :S
@soandos It's complicated... lol
@TomWijsman install it from what? The source on their google code site?
but basically as I'm dynamically inserting and deleting columns, after a while the whole thing blows up on me :/
Through my package manager, I'm on Gentoo Linux.
@rumtscho: But first things first, what sigil version do you have?
The packaged version from the unofficial openSuse directory installs for me and runs, but can't save files
it throws fatal errors when I try to save
@kinokijuf Well, I was just hoping for you to explain a little more … why you would nominate yourself etc. Too bad you withdrew, I mean, people said they could overlook the whole retagging thing.
@NOTjustuser4304 It probably isn't, no :P
so I tried to compile from source and the compilation script exited with the error that it needs Qt 4.7
@KronoS, if you have any issues, feel free to ping me (least for an hour or so)
@soandos you a vb expert?
@rumtscho Well, that sounds easier to fix to me. Or is that just the binaries?
C# mostly, and not so great with VBA :(
though I do know the .NET extentions into office decently well
@rumtscho What version is that?
@TomWijsman sorry, I don't understand the question - what is the binaries? The version which runs without being able to save comes from a repository.
Version 0.3.4, from build.opensuse.org/package/…
@rumtscho Because, if the version that you can't save with has source code for that version. You could try to fix it, I've found one patch but not sure whether it is that, but the code you need to fix is probably not far from there.
Ah yeah, source code is there. build.opensuse.org/package/…
(that patch was from this issue: code.google.com/p/sigil/issues/detail?id=1335)
But then I would have to compile the code?
Won't I get the same error?
Dunno, are you compiling that exact same code?
From what my package manager tells me, 0.5.3 is compatible with Qt 4.8.2, so you could try compiling that instead of 0.5.2.
It is another bug
@soandos ya this is all in VBA :( well at least the parts that I'm working on right now.
Error info: Critical: kfilemodule(3055): couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave:
klauncher said: Unknown protocol ''.
Sigil version: 0.3.4
Runtime Qt: 4.8.2
Compiled Qt: 4.8.0
Platform: Linux
It's super annoying
@TomWijsman have I downloaded the wrong source then? let me try again
@KronoS, debugging issue, or not sure how to do something?
Yeah, try getting the last 0.5.3 from Google Code itself.
No, it was sigil-0.5.3-Code.zip from their page
I suspect that Sigil itself can run with Qt 4.8 but the script which compiles it has 4.7 hardwired as a requirement
and the people who packaged it for your distro went around the script
but I don't know how to compile without the script
But I am willing to give this other software a try, it should be able to make an ebook for me too, then I won't need Sigil
The problem is to decide which makes more sense, removing the navigation per hand or learning enough XSLT or php or whatever language has a parser, then writing a small programm which traverses the files and removes the divs
Getting the compilation to work would make more sense.
@TomWijsman But I don't know if Sigil can remove these divs for me or not
There isn't anything special going on on my platform, just downloading it, removing some extra files and starting compilation and install... bpaste.net/raw/34901
maybe at the end I will spend time solving the Sigil problem only to have a tool which can do no better than eCubs
@soandos it was just weird behavior... finally figured it out...
I wasn't deleting entire columns like I thought, but rather a range of cells.
@TomWijsman ah, do you think I can just write 4.8 in these file names and get it compiled?
@KronoS, everything is ranges or cells in excel
(or sheets)
@soandos right, but I was selecting specific cells instead of their entirecolumns
@KronoS, got it
http://${PN}.googlecode.com/files/${MY_P}.zip with PN = package name, MY_P = Sigil-${PV}-Code, PV = package version. It just gets it from Google Code, unpacks, ./configure, make, make install.
So, theoretically, it should work. In practice I haven't tested compilation but I don't want to as qt-webkit is quite big...
Can't do more than suggest to take the latest of Google Code and try compiling that.
@soandos it's one of those things that is very simple, but at the same time super sneaky and causes a LOT of problems
for example this was cause an overflow issue
I mean, if you run the latest Qt you should be running the latest Sigil if you want them to be able to work together.
I guess Fedora isn't really up to date with their repo on that.
@TomWijsman yes, it is the latest of Google code which doesn't compile now, 0.5.3. But ./configure ends with an error, or maybe it was make, I forgot which
Which error?
Let me extract and run it again
I tried this a few days ago and forgot
OK, I tried it again
There is no ./configure, I have to make it myself
The docu says to run cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release /path/to/extracted/folder
Ah, autoconf or something probably. Dunno...
and it says
> CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:97 (MESSAGE):
Could NOT find Qt4 (missing: QT_QTWEBKIT_INCLUDE_DIR) (found suitable
version "4.8.2", required is "4.7.0")
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:288 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
/usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindQt4.cmake:1172 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS)
src/Sigil/CMakeLists.txt:37 (find_package)
and from there, I don't know how to make it use 4.8 instead of 4.7
@rumtscho: Moment, I'll look into it.
Try filling in 4.8.2 there, it's perhaps a lame fix but let's just see if that can get it to compile.

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