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@OliverSalzburg rofl
@OliverSalzburg That's… dedication right there.
@TomWijsman The easiest way to avoid a discussion is simply not participating in it. You probably only stand to lose, so you might as well not not take part
@OliverSalzburg carraylength.com
Just replaced the php randomly.
@TomWijsman Heh :D
I wonder what's that got to do with C array lengths.
@IvoFlipse But why?
I wonder if slhck's post needs my endorsement too :P
@HackToHell There are some kinds of discussions where you know they aren't going anywhere, right from the start.
@HackToHell Because he can't win, but also can't deny it happened. So simply ignore it and hope others do too
@IvoFlipse haha, it's alright, thanks :P
@IvoFlipse Ignoring the wrong stuff you did id bad, others will ignore you then
@IvoFlipse True, I'm not going into any of them. There's always a next year, or well, perhaps it's been enough and I'll accept they don't want me to contribute more than that.
@slhck The problem is, everything I would say has already been said. Though I could still add that I'd quit if you don't get elected :P
@IvoFlipse lol…
@TomWijsman I wouldn't view it that way, just look at your own stats. You've got a ton of highly upvoted answers, lots of useful edits and you've flagged and closed quite a bit. That wouldn't have happened if everyone thought your contributions were bad
@HackToHell Exaggeration (!= pointing out) of certain matters is what is bad, it's why I edit the hell out of my comments to make sure they don't start a discussion / negative response / ...
@IvoFlipse Correct.
So simply maintaining the status quo would still make you a valuable community member and you don't have to become a moderator to do so
@TomWijsman Fair point, this discussion is useless, back to geeky stuff
@IvoFlipse True, pursuing leadership is one of my kicks, but there's too much competition other valuable persons in a large community; it's a valuable lesson towards the business world, though.
@TomWijsman Wow, you quoted Taylor Swift in your mod resume
well uhm you made that SU editor script which I appreciate.
@TomWijsman My point was to not post a comment which you'd need to delete or edit
@IvoFlipse I handle comments too personally, they feel like a need to explanation or covering why I don't think that way. Exactly those two things happen if I don't want them to be that way. It's only when the comment is there that you get to see what that comment is, I'm trying to be more cautions / preventive wrt to them though. It's harder than it seems, what I really need is a "Are you sure?" next to the button...
And I have found a rather complex way to rip music I listen to on spotify to be downloaded to my computer :)
yay, ugly hacks
@HackToHell that sounds interesting!
@HackToHell No drama intended, but I felt I had to respond to Ivo. :D
@OliverSalzburg: Apparently a friend of mine is going to try to mount swap for a raspberry pi on a NFS or NBD drive... for fun.
@TomWijsman And that's exactly why people don't think your mod material just yet ;-)
@HackToHell Upon reviewing, it poked me that it wasn't a really original thing to do.
@JourneymanGeek Ah, now :D
@slhck It's not so legal
@OliverSalzburg: its entirely my fault, suggested it as a joke
@IvoFlipse I'll write me Clippy.user.js.
and if he dosen't i might, cause it just sounds too crazy not to try
@JourneymanGeek Well, experimenting is always great :)
@jokerdino what are these numbers?
@HackToHell Depends on where you are located :P
2 hours ago, by HaydnWVN
@jokerdino that's number of users which have ragequit per day due to each nominee? ;)
@slhck average number of closed questions per active day
@IvoFlipse Oh, I see.
@slhck Downloading from Grooveshark is not legal where ever you are :P
@HackToHell Call it permanent caching instead
@HackToHell Depends on how you define "downloading". Streaming is also downloading data to your machine, it's just not storing it permanently :P
@IvoFlipse Where did he get that from? Or are close voters indexed somewhere now?
@IvoFlipse xD
@TomWijsman Data.SE + me looking up how active you guys have been
@slhck permanent caching :P
@IvoFlipse still think 'average users ragequit per day' is a great idea for selection ;)
It's quite simple actually, you put the music you like in a playlist in spotify and then turn it into a playlist in grooveshark and then you download it using some ripper ta-da ;)
@HackToHell You mean you don't rip from YouTube?
@IvoFlipse nope, unless the music video is nice :P :P
@HaydnWVN: off the top of my head, i can only think of 3-4 people who'd have ANY of that
And now a cat
one is a mod, the other is a site founder
gets reminded of the late awesome one eyed cat
@HackToHell So tempted to link Meredith right now...
@JourneymanGeek Maybe i need to dedicate more time here... BOFH style >:D
I think we have one more user who is coming close
can we share ragequit credit if its actually not our fault? ;p
I think my ragequit attempts have been futile, they're all still around. :(
@TomWijsman Forgive me, but I do not get it, this ?
@JourneymanGeek sure you can
@HackToHell playlist & fire up audacity, record loopback, export to .mp3... :D
btw @TomWijsman I'd rather have you help manage the blog than become a moderator :P
@HaydnWVN I want ID3 tags, lyrics, album art and automated recording :P That's why I love spotify :)
@IvoFlipse Leaving SU and becoming a full time SU blogger, hmm...
I think tis his cat
@HackToHell No, you don't know Meredith? :(
No not leaving SU, simply put the time you'd put in moderating into the blog
@IvoFlipse I don't do much more than that on SU. :D
@TomWijsman no :( :( I am relatively new to geeking
@HackToHell You probably are going to facepalm:
That's Meredith.
Do not tell me that's TS
scottish fold?
@HackToHell 'new to geeking' lolololo
I was born a geek. ;p
@HaydnWVN dude I am newer than him to geeking :P
@HackToHell It's hard to link Meredith without her...
@HaydnWVN why a lololol
(Sadly it skips a generation)
@HackToHell: If I don't get elected, I'll use that as my gravatar maybe, muhaha. :D
@HackToHell 'geeking' - sounds like an activity performed on the weekends/after school clubs :P
does it require a membership card with my photo on? :D
you gotta have your geek card man
@TomWijsman I remember seeing a photo of TS with a cat in FB and I shared it, I am trying to find it, did not know it's name until now
but sometimes they ask you to turn it in
@HaydnWVN What else proof do you want other than spending time here ? :P
@TomWijsman btw, strange seeing her without lippies
Actually she's kinda cute without makeup
@HackToHell lipstick? I've seen her a lot without the red gloss.
@JourneymanGeek nooo, she's cute with lipsticks :P
I've seen you've replaced you TS FB profile photo by a cat, so thought I'd give you another one that combines both.
@TomWijsman I am not that a fan of her yet
I've not heard anything by her yet ;p
1 min ago, by HackToHell
@JourneymanGeek nooo, she's cute with lipsticks :P
Then what's this? :D
Taylor Swift?!
Denial is a river in africa?
@TomWijsman Calling someone cute is != to liking them
I am picky :P
@JourneymanGeek are you talking about the cat or the girl?! :o
@HackToHell How about...
Apr 8 at 8:07, by HackToHell
Must see TS too, I am not that big a fan, yet a fan neverthless ;p
Why would anyone put lipstick on a cat?
@TomWijsman I like her songs, I am not crushing on her like you !
Who said I am crushing on her? :/
@JourneymanGeek me :) I put gloss on my catty
@JourneymanGeek well you never can tell these days...
Who puts cats on a lipstick?
yes you are ... :P
My SU shirts just arrived :)
I should have remembered that these are US sizes... :(
It doesn't fit? Or too big?
New sleeping gowns!
They look huge :D
Oh yeah, kinda similar here.
I ordered M, still seems a little large.
I lost 20kg this year, still adjusting to that :D
@OliverSalzburg Heh, learned a new word there.
@OliverSalzburg Whoa, good job, should put myself to that too. Hope to lose some over the vacation at least...
@TomWijsman I don't think I ever used it in writing, had to double-check ;)
And now to get some productive work done, I am going Cold Turkey
Q: Question of the Week #37

KronoSNow we're into week 36 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth and the reason why. Try not to promote your own questions or answers for publicity's sake. We are...

C:\Windows\system32>netsh winsock audit

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:
audit trail - Shows the audit trail of Layered Service Providers that have be
en installed and uninstalled.

only one argument for a command... why not just RUN it? grrrr
@HaydnWVN: Software design, bothering users since 1613.
Microsoft, bothering admins since BC 3.11
Or whenever the notion of software and design came up...
Weird though that they have chosen to make audit into a context.
Or do all netsh command are at least of the form netsh firstContext secondContext [moreContexts ...] command
yeah, considering other netsh audit stuff is called 'stats'
Ah, there's a netsh audit as well. They probably wanted to keep it as a context to be consistent I guess...
Where it's usually annoying, this one would fit a Do you want to run? (Y/N)
And well, now that I switched to Linux, love how handy it is that you can just change those kinds of things to your liking.
lol yeah, but i guess for scripting its gotta be more argument based than prompts
@HaydnWVN: Sysinternals is an example of that, they have a --accept-eula parameter.
may aswell remove EULA's anyway and just include them in 'Help', nobody really reads them before installing anything
@HaydnWVN: I hate it when games do that, here's an update: long wall of text
Which makes me think about those EULA updates like... Okay, great, you've just changed what I accepted earlier. Can't you just tell me the difference?
Often, they can't be copy pasted either, which makes it impossible to do a diff.
Granted, it could be done on the website as well, but that's not the text I'm clicking "accept" under, there isn't even a "save" button either.
Glad there are all those laws and such that prevent from a company stating absurd things.
You have to know, there are things in some recent EULA's that I have read that contradict with the EU laws. Like being able to sell a game to a friend...
For such a full room, you guys are quiet ;)
@SimonSheehan We're just whispering behind your back. :P
@sidran32 Oh dear, better hide! runs
@SimonSheehan i haven't seen you much in this room.
or you are not active when i am active.
@jokerdino I used to be extremely active... In the past month I got busy with school and exams, but now I've got lots of time :)
good boy.
@SimonSheehan More and more people are discovering "sticky tabs" and what not.
@TomWijsman Sticky tabs?
app tabs / pin tabs
Ahhh. I just keep a tab open usually :P
Oh yeah, pinned tabs.
Oh wait
APP tabs!?
I just discovered a new firefox feature! haha
But I name them sticky as I don't want them to go as I lose my browser session, but it isn't helping.
@SimonSheehan EPIC FAIL!
@SimonSheehan: We learn something new every day.
@SimonSheehan you just lost my vote there sir.
oh dear :(
What a horrible data migration :P
@OliverSalzburg oh dear, what were you doing?
@SimonSheehan Converting a client CMS database from crap to gold.
@OliverSalzburg ooh nice. :D
This was for a single type of record. The source is a double-UTF-8-encoded field, which contains XML
Part of the XML has to be extracted and inserted in a new type of record.
But the XML can't be parsed because of the broken encoding...
Fun! :D
Any AHK specialists around? I need help on an answer
Q: How do I set up a hotkey or shortcut to rotate my screen?

wax eagleI've recently acquired a set of monitor arms that allow for free rotation of my monitors. I'd like to be able to quickly switch from one orientation to another on the fly, without having to go through the trouble of accessing the screen rotation features of the operating system. How do I set up ...

@ivo i just checked my close vote stat on AU.
@jokerdino and what was it?
Nope, have a AutoIt history. And even though the source's been forked, the syntaxes have somewhat grown apart.
I got 497 =)
What do you need help with, though?
I guess I can use that as a standard for voting.
@jokerdino how do you check close vote stats? o.o
I am gonna use myself as a standard and vote for you all.
And I think there's API calls for screen rotation though, but perhaps not easily implementable for fake programmers like us. :D
oh cool. Yay API shenanigans!
@jokerdino That's pretty solid
@SimonSheehan No worries your stats were solid
btw @SimonSheehan where were you located again? I'm going to Vancouver at the end of August
oh cool, 350 total
@IvoFlipse I'm over in Ontario, a little bit far :(
Exact duplicate 170, Off topic 82, Subjective and argumentative 70, Not a real question 67, Too localized 40, 429 total
Heh, the Duplicate Question Suggestion Boxes script has surely helped.
@SimonSheehan not active enough bro=)
@jokerdino @OliverSalzburg @Bob @sathya Thanks! Now to go play with the "Tools" :)
@jokerdino haha
goo.gl/MprCG Gspreadsheet comparison for current nominees
I've deleted more posts than I closed o.O
Dude, @slhck is my idol!!!
How does that query work? Is the name in the description?
Off topic - 98. Exact duplicate - 85. Subjective - 84. Not a real question - 46. Too localized - 37. Total 350.
@jokerdino Whys that?
@TomWijsman I believe it has an id
@IvoFlipse: Is there also a query for that? Because I believe a lot of what I've closed has been deleted so far.
@SimonSheehan I like his stat. You can ignore my random comments at times =)
hi guys
@IvoFlipse ((Text LIKE @searchUserId1) OR (Text LIKE @searchUserId2))
There's no query for deleting, we mods have our own private dashboard for epeen stats like that
Apparently it does, didn't know that.
@jokerdino haha, he has some nice numbers ;)
@IvoFlipse: Yeah, better to keep that private.
@SimonSheehan well, you are right there without the 10k tools
Closing and Deletion are kinda negative anyway...
@jokerdino Haha, thanks. I would like to be a bit better, but eh, can only do so much :P
Already feels tricky to put clean in a nomination.
Anyways guys, off for a 9 hour shift at work, I'll see you all tonight :)
see ya
Gonna do something else as well and do some more SU-ing tomorrowing, been a long night. Have fun guys...
@TomWijsman They're also needed
@TomWijsman Bye
@jokerdino lol, thanks
True, but not worth outlining i.m.o....
@TomWijsman See ya!
@slhck you beat my stat :/
@jokerdino Which one? I mean, it's not about stats, it's about what you do, even if it's not much :)
And as far as I can see, you're doing a good job over on AU and here, so that's nice
i console myself that when the last dump came in, i didn't even have 10k tools. so no queue =)
@slhck well you have a valid point.
@slhck I do a good job? Sarcastic :P
@jokerdino What? No, I'm being serious, from what I've seen.
well uhm thanks then.
i do intend to get to 2k rep in SU.
Before @HackToHell in SU or @sathya in AU.
and well, it's time to get off the computer. See ya everyone laterz
@jokerdino Have a good day/night
night @jokerdino
good night.
can someone help me fix my theme on linux mint? It for some reason reverted to soemthing ugly :S it looks all old when I open nautilus :L but, when I do sudo nautilus, it looks new and shiny again!
@Ell Post a question here. Include screenshots! :)
right okay :)
More pictures is better! ;)
@Ell Might help to also include like … whatever you did before it went bad. Any software you installed? Any commands you executed (check with history)?
I think it was probably the installation of the nvidia driver :L
meh I think I'll do a bit more digging first
@Ell Dig for Victory! xD
@iglvzx Oooh nice find :D
sorry couldn't find a bigger URL ;)
cya all anyways, hometime o/
@HaydnWVN See you later
yay temporarily fixed it
@jokerdino can you get them to vote for me :P
@Ell If you do resolve the issue by yourself, you can always ask AND answer your own question on Super User. Your post could help someone else out one day. (Plus, Google likes to put Stack Exchange pages at the top of search results.)
okay it turns out I didn't solve it :L I just fixed it temporarily, which in turn broke it permanentaly
so I just disabled my 2nd monitor :L
@Sathya I ended up switching to SmartGit on Windows. The official GitHub client was too simple, hiding most of Git's functions.
@iglvzx how does it compare to Git Extensions?
@Sathya There's no Windows Explorer integration for SmartGit, but SmartGit was extremely easy to set up with my GitHub account and its GUI and visual diff are superb!
@iglvzx interesting. WIll have to take it for a spin
@Sathya I really like TortoiseHg's Workbench for Mercurial repos. SmartGit reminds me of it. Apparently it can do Mercurial, too. So, I may have found my new client.
@KronoS lol. I wonder if digits in real names would ever be common.
@iglvzx it has now become my whole goal in life to name my children using either password safe conventions or this:
@KronoS That was an amazing arc in that comic :P
@KronoS or "sudo rm -rf" ... She goes by "Sue" :P
@iglvzx Good ol Su
@iglvzx haven't used that, or Mercurial for htat matter
hi guys. It's gotten worse. titlebars dissapeared :L
@Sathya I find Mercurial to be much easier to use than Git. It seems, however, that most people prefer Git because it is faster.
@Ell Oh no. I still think you should open up a question. ;)
I know but I always end up fixing it so :L
and now it's sort of spiralled into many different issues
Hmm. I should try asking the OP why he mysteriously un-accepted my answer. superuser.com/questions/445502/…
If you want another fun statistic for the nominations, profile views. :D
@iglvzx Heh, that's weird, especially given the upvotes and how it sounds like it would work.
Maybe he didn't get it to work?
@iglvzx I see.. I started out with git
@TomWijsman Yeah. I just left a comment to invite them to provide feedback.
> 1109 Users earned this badge
This is just getting rediculous. Linux mint has now decided to give me three toolbars at the bottom on gnome classic
@Sathya and out of those, only about a quarter will probably vote :(
@KronoS yeah :(
@OliverSalzburg: Wont you candidate for election? Didn't see your name listed..
@Diogo Heh, I'm actually staring at the form right now, wondering what to write :D
@IvoFlipse convinced me to participate :)
@OliverSalzburg You have my vote.
@Diogo Cool. It's appreciated :)
@OliverSalzburg Your welcome
Now its starting to become difficult to vote, guess I'll have to flip a coin
or you guys need convincing arguments
@IvoFlipse Yes. We have a lot of great users that would all make great mods. :(
My main criteria is: do I handle a lot of your flags? If yes, you got my vote, if not, no pie!
@IvoFlipse Hmm, I got it?
@Diogo You're fairly high up the food chain, yes
My main worry for some of the candidates is whether they'll have the time, especially based on the past year
Though the same goes for me, so I may have missed a lot of activity
@IvoFlipse Good point, I missed this part on my candidate post
@IvoFlipse What do you mean, based on the past year?
@slhck well look at the blog for example, a lot of us were very active on it last year, then it died out. As did chat participation and other things I would notice (meta posts). So I just want to know that whoever gets elected will have the time to be around the coming year
my status: 425 days from the registration, 402 visited su, I'm trying to put it in some way on the election, I have only 4 characters left...
@Diogo Wow, that's pretty solid
@IvoFlipse Ah, I see. Well the blog is a separate problem, I'd say. It just lacks organization or one person who's running it. But for the rest, I agree. Availability is an important factor.
I always hate how my trips to the other end of the world kill my streaks
@slhck Well I know the blog is a separate problem, but they became inactive because real life caught up on them too
@IvoFlipse That is a problem... At my work I don't need to do travels (I travel only for leisure :D), but even on travels I try to access SU and see what's happening...
@Diogo Good luck with that in China :P
Or at the Grand Canyon
@IvoFlipse :D yeah, on China is another history, last year I visited Europe and Israel only
I'm going to Canada this year
@IvoFlipse That's true of course.
I just got the weirdest spam email: "I'm <NAME REMOVED> And I would like to order some Traffic Cone, 36”H with 4” & 6” Reflectors.Could you please give me the price for the supply? Also what types of credit card do you accept as payment..? Thank you and reply ASAP.."
@iglvzx That's odd indeed
@Sathya My vacation or ...?
@IvoFlipse your vacation
Trying to get a link to the route we're planning to drive, but I believe MalwareBytes just decided to block Google sites
I want that Sportsmanship badge so bad... :P
evening @nhinkle
Hi everyone
and evening @DanielBeck
where's your nomination?
Did I hallucinate @TomWijsman nominating himself in the election yesterday?
@DanielBeck Not for long :P
What happened? Tom just decided not to participate?
@DanielBeck No, but if we had primaries...
Uh, he was on the list of candidates, he was on my shortlist so far...
@slhck the blog was running fine, when I was cracking my whip :P Honestly @IvoFlipse has got a point... I was reluctant to nominate myself due to me wondering if I'd have enough time.
You're free to try, it shouldn't be hard for new mods to beat me on the stats
But that shouldn't be the new mods ambition, rather they should compete with random/sathya/studiohack
@Diogo Thanks for the kind words :)
@DanielBeck Yes, and wanted it to drag on into the primaries. But decides the effort into it, my nomination was mostly received negative; I don't want to go through with such nomination as hoping isn't the right way to go about things. I won't nominate again in the future unless people would want me to, I'll just contribute in other ways and give up on this one. It's been enough...
@OliverSalzburg you welcome
More overly, it's the lack of any form of positivism; thanks @Mokubai.
@TomWijsman Just because I don't think your suited as a moderator, doesn't mean I dislike you as a person
I'm not thinking there is hate, just compare the comment threads. But again, apart from responding to DB, I don't want to talk more about it...

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