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@iglvzx CO fires are nothing compared to what's here
Only 2 nominations so far? Come on, people! Get writing!
@nhinkle 3 ;)
> I know a lot, but I'm not Jon Skeet.
way to be humble @SimonSheehan :P
Now that exams and stuff are done, time to get back into the swing of things
@studiohack oh dear, let me reword that haha, i didnt exactly proofread it
@SimonSheehan I was just giving you a hard time hahaha
Sounds about right to me.
when I get some photos up of the fires and such on my site, I'll have to post the link in here :P
@nhinkle Can we not nominate other people too that we feel deserve it?
@Luke you can only do self-nominations
Good luck on the elections people
@studiohack haha\
@slhck thanks for the nice comment :)
@studiohack Oh wow. It's been a hot summer, too. So, I expect there to be the usual natural forest fires, too.
@SimonSheehan Well, I'm just being honest :)
ooh, election
elections are fun because you get to hear all the warm fuzzy things people have to say about each other
@iglvzx fire season is super early this year
until somebody crazy nominates and then it's all downhill from there
@nhinkle agreed! lol
@slhck should mention that he won MVSU in his nomination
@Mokubai's in the running! :)
And with that, Enjoy this lovely song titled "I'm a Cuckoo"
@studiohack Yeah, sorry about that ;)
GAH!!! This is gonna be a hard election to vote in!
Oh this is interesting. I can nominate myself
@nhinkle do it!
@SimonSheehan distraction
I wonder what happens if a mod nominates themself. If they win, do they get TWO DIAMONDS?
forgets about election entirely
@nhinkle hahahaha try it!
@nhinkle do it! we all should :P
@nhinkle They become the Uber-mod!
@nhinkle If you win, then one poor sap is out of luck. Meanie!
@iglvzx I don't wanna share my flagz!
@nhinkle If you win, we make the losers mods. If you lose, we make the winners mods.
this sounds exciting
@Shog9 if I were to nominate myself for kicks and giggles, how much would it break things?
I can nominate myself too. neat!
maybe i'll run again. if I lose, I keep my diamond. If I win, I have DOUBLE DIAMONDS!
@nhinkle and @studiohack for mods!
@nhinkle Character limit :/
@studiohack let's do it! If we both win, then the world might implode.
@nhinkle Seriously? We'd probably just delete it and tell you to knock it off. But if we didn't, it'd just waste the votes of whoever voted for you.
If StackExchange was going downhill, this would be an excellent act of civil disobedience.
@Shog9 obviously we'd withdraw before the real election :P
damn right you would... ;-)
@slhck what's the limit? I'm surprised you ran up against it - my nomination was, like, a book. I guess that might be why they imposed a stricter limit.
@nhinkle yeah!
sigh apparently the fun police are here
I think @slhck already won his position...
@nhinkle Well, I can only add 3 more chars, so … Didn't feel like bragging either ;)
the character limit is restricting my want to write my entire lifes story aha
Elections should show reviews, my numbers look weak beside you @slhck ;) haha
@SimonSheehan Well, it's not the most important thing ;)
@slhck true true :) I do like this meta participation thing... can sorta guess meta rep from it haha.
@SimonSheehan That's true – too bad you can't see those stats on MSU itself
@slhck Unfortunately :P
Always so jealous of your pictures @studiohack :P
not the best photo tho :)
aw, thanks @SimonSheehan :)
I should stop using Google as a calculator, it hates me now :P
Hi everyone
@Bob Too many queries?
hey @DanielBeck :) nominating?
@DanielBeck No, I just messed up the order of operations :P
@studiohack Not sure.
@DanielBeck you should :)
> flagged by @SimonSheehan 5 secs ago.
that's the kind of reaction time I expect from new mods...
lol :D
Ah, now the 7 day wait till the vote :P
@studiohack So you can take a break?
another photo from this weekend
@DanielBeck sure, then I can retire! :P
This is what @studiohack looks like when he's taking care of flags ;)
@SimonSheehan hahaha yeah, that's right! :P how did you know?
@studiohack Oh, experience... and 0.02 second average time to respond to flags ;)
@SimonSheehan eh true :P
@studiohack ha ha... like you'd retire...
@KronoS sure, why not? I can stretch out, and get my tan...
@studiohack why not just use this: mystique.net/cybertan.htm
@KronoS I'd rather have the real thing :P
In case you haven't seen this before: javascript motion detection | Soundstep
That's just incredibly funny
You can get a tan in a computer room @studiohack?
@studiohack real shmeal
@KronoS not the real deal :P
@Mokubai there is such a thing as sun tan lotion
I would read a tutorial. Here a list of 10 good tutorials. If you're used to a VCS like SVN, forget everything you know, git is completely different. — criziot 51 secs ago
If only someone told me that last year :\
It seems to me that every VCS works completely different from every other. I recently had to use MKS Integrity. A steaming pile of %£&# and it destroys the minds of the people forced to use it. They just don't get SVN after prolonged exposure to MKS...
Ah, the simple world of SVN...
Is it weird saying that I completely forgot how to use SVN after changing to Git?
I have to say, SVN bothered me :/ Generated a LOT of hidden files that were a pain to pack away later
I should get around to setting up Hg-Git. I prefer Mercurial, but GitHub doesn't support it natively.
another chopper!
Svn got better with that 1.7 release, much less cruft scattered around the filesystem
@studiohack I got play around with one of these lenses a few weeks ago, you'd probably like it for all your photos...although its hellishly expensive haha.
@SimonSheehan ooooh crazy
me would love that
Canon white lens... The standard
Yep. Also tried a 300mm Olympus one... was cool at the race track.
@Mokubai I've only ever had hidden .svn folders in every folder :S
Then again, I'm relatively new to VCS
@Bob Now it's only in the topmost folder of your working copy (I think git behaves like this as well?)
@SimonSheehan Is that the 70-200 2.8? Or even bigger?
@DanielBeck Git does, brb (checking my svn repos)
@slhck 70-300 :P
@SimonSheehan Those are really great lenses. I used to have a 70-200, but I sold all my gear.
Er, sorry, that one I showed him is strictly 300mm.
If you've got the cash, there's always 100-400..
That's what I got myself
370€, and it comes with a 28-112 2.0-2.8 lens. That's just crazy.
@slhck Neat. I saw recently that you can get Digital Cameras that actually have full size lenses on them, pretty neat.
@slhck Weren't the SO election nominations just a month ago or so much longer?
@DanielBeck A month or so
@DanielBeck Wasn't just topmost with whichever version of TortoiseSVN was available last year
Okay be right back guys, time to get some pizza haha.
Every non-empty directory
@SimonSheehan Ohhh.. Pizza.
And I was debating on what to get for dinner.
@DanielBeck It was 1.7.1
@Bob They introduced it with 1.7. IIRC you had the option to convert older working copies but didn't need to, but am not sure about that.
Sooo... let's hope I can get that Windows VM to run or I'll commit tax evation :-/
@DanielBeck Whoops, never saw that option :P
I truthfully was never this happy to see a Windows login screen
You're in Germany?
Just recently there was some fuss here in Australia because filing tax returns online required Windows :P
@Bob Germany as well, at least as a business. I complained about it here before.
Ah, here it is. Journalism... gah
> it isn't as if we're asking for [the computer operating system] Linux or anything like that, Mac OS is a major operating system.
Yea, rubbish like that
It's just a convenience thing, isn't it? You can print it and mail it, can't you?
No, there's an actual software package
Most convoluted thing ever, too
Still, calling Linux minor and OS X major? That's.. apart from being barely accurate (is it?), it's not going to get them any support :P
@Bob Well... I have the paper forms in a program window, complete with pagination and monospace font for entering values. Looks a lot like a PDF form, only less usable.
Ah, damn technology journalists
@DanielBeck You need Windows for that?
@Bob Yep.
Cool, huh?
Wouldn't have thought it's possible to create UIs this ugly with Qt....
-3264 characters left
Aw... :(
4465 characters, so I need to get to 1/4th of what I typed, what... o_O
@TomWijsman Wow. Good luck.
Good night everyone
@TomWijsman <backspace>{3300}
Should have checked, thought it was longer previous year.
@DanielBeck Night.
@TomWijsman I'm pretty sure SO elections a month ago still were walls of text as well.
@DanielBeck Yeah, true, 1200 feels weird.
Eh well, $(".file-contents").text().length a few times on GH will get me at 1200 within 7 days, I suppose.
So, I tried Github for Windows. It was too simple. Giving SmartGit a shot now, and I'm already enjoying it. :)
Well, I don't see another way than putting my nomination as it is, I'll try to consider a shorter one but I don't see me do it as it would totally change my message. Something which I would not intend to do so, perhaps I'll shorten the GitHub version.
@TomWijsman Maybe you can add a "Read more ..." link at the bottom of your shortened version on the nomination page?
@TomWijsman, can I search deleted posts?
nope @soandos. only diamonds
@studiohack, thanks, but this is annoying (i'm sure it has been suggested though)
@iglvzx I don't want people to only read a shortened version, read the TL;DR or the longer one, there is no inbetween.
@soandos they almost didn't give mods this as well... so mods are already lucky to have this
@studiohack, what is the big deal with not allowing it?
@TomWijsman I see. AHA! Post your entire blurb as a PNG. Take that character limit!
Then include a link to the text version. :P
@soandos privacy, spam, etc? I'm not sure
@iglvzx SMART!!!
@studiohack Strange, but ok
@iglvzx: Worth trying, but I don't want to get sanctioned. Linking to GH is already, uhm, tricky...
@TomWijsman Your nomination speech is brilliant. Hehe
(I have no idea how to pick version numbers for my software...)
@iglvzx Yeah, and I want to keep it like that, previous year it would have fit but now it's an issue. But well, I'll just give it a shot...
I have returned!
@iglvzx (I think I'll just do "Name rev#"... My projects aren't that big anyway...)
@iglvzx: Since I've put the TL;DR and Vacation part in the nomination itself, I have cut those off the GH one. Makes it seem shorter already.
Think I can still dedupe some of the bottom part, won't turn 2300 chars into 1200 though. Eh well...
@TomWijsman Microsoft Word --> Summarize. :P (Don't do this, though)
What does that do? I'm on Gentoo Linux and Word is kinda out of my reach right now...
o_O That would've been an option, problem though is that it's not likely to produce something that you can read without stopping at the end of each sentence. (= not fluent)
@iglvzx: If you have it available, feel free to run a 25% new document summary of it, would make up for a good laugh. :D
@TomWijsman Okay. I'll post it as a Gist. BRB
@iglvzx: Or 33%, given that I've cut a part already. Or whatever brings it down to character limit if you want to play around.
> pretty iffy algorithm
Probably, given that every sentence will end up having the same words.
The feature was hidden away in Word 2010... I'm looking for it. lol
@iglvzx It was removed...
@Bob Ok. I have word 2007, too. I'll try there.
I think it'll be something like Help, People, Community, Super User.
And if every sentence contains those words, it's going to be boring to read... :D
@Bob Dang it. Haha
Make a toolbar button that calls AutoHotkey AutoIt AutoHotkey which will copy the documentfrom Word 2010 to Word 2007 and then open up the dialog.
I never liked Office 2007
At least I can actually find what I need without resorting to Google in 2010 (I basically jumped from 2003 to 2010 too, so it's not just getting familiar with the ribbons)
@TomWijsman Eurgh
Might as well implement your own as an addin
@TomWijsman Here's 25% gist.github.com/3079744
But that won't call the original pretty iffy algorithm. :(
o.O Taylor Swift quote
That works out quite well, and yeah, the TS quote is deadly. :D
anyone know how to select a field in the output of ls (or some other command)? Having some trouble with "cut"
@soandos What's your terminal/console program?
@Bob, bash
No, not the command shell
teminal, but I am looking for a bash way
As a Windows user, I pipe to clip
One of the first things I learned in Linux is to keep the cat at home...
Ok, I failed that. I meant clip, obviously
its just painful
@iglvzx grep -i help ~/SuperUser/Drafts/GitHub/Nomination.MD
Probably have to do a sed regexp first that inserts newlines after dots, but hey, I'm new to Linux.
@TomWijsman lol. I think you found your campaign slogan. "How can I help you?"
Well, I'm off for the day. Have to take care of laundry and stuff. :( lol Have a good day, everyone!
woah, SU election?
@iglvzx I hate how questions, it'll rather be What can I do to help you? :D
Its that time again :p
I totally feel like nominating myself :p
@iglvzx "Welcome to Super User, my name's Simon, how can I help you today?" We're going to sound like McDonalds ;)
@jokerdino do it :)
@jokerdino Go for it, I want to write an ever longer nomination next year.
@SimonSheehan That won't be fair.
@jokerdino why not?
I don't even do anything useful for the SU community. And i won't even vote for myself =)
Oh, you're from Ask Ubuntu haha, didnt even see that :P
@jokerdino You keep the bored procrastinating productive chatters busy happy.
@TomWijsman I wrote a 1K word essay for my nomination last time =)
@TomWijsman oh yeah? :D
Yeah, you do. :-$
@SimonSheehan SU is third on my list :)
@jokerdino Yeah, was just examining your profile ;)
Ok, let me quickly see who has nominated themselves.
@jokerdino Sathya, studiohack, DMA57361 and nhinkle did. Oh wait, that was last year...
I'm staying well away from this until next week
gulp all are wonderful nominations.
It's a pity I only get to vote thrice. :/
@TomWijsman haha, I am talking about this one.
Don't mind me, I'm just being awesome entertaining silly.
heh man. Since I see more than 3 awesome nominations, I think I should boycott this election.
You should nominate too, then you get the same feeling. :D
@jokerdino: Getting a moderator to leave so a fourth one can be elected like last year, I see what you're up to... :)
OK, here's the deal. Anyone who goes through Ask Ubuntu /review more in the coming weeks got mine and a bunch of other AU'ers votes ;-) talk about being an opportunist :-)
@jokerdino You want a full flag queue, eh? :D
@jokerdino screw you, i'm the one who has to deal with all those. <3
Actually, I am pushing for more flags. Then we can have more mods, etc
@TomWijsman That's the plan :D
@jrg oh come on! :D
But then I betray the Super Users, and I'm a Gentoo user. :(
I didn't know I had my boss here in this room. :D
@jokerdino I suppose I could go on another vacation and let Marco deal with them... ;)
@jrg and make him grumpy at all us flaggers :-)
That'd be fun.
@TomWijsman Remember, this is more than just a single vote. :)
And how are you going to verify it was me?
You are going to leave comments right? Reviewing includes editing as well you know =)
well, anyway, this is joke-ish. Don't feel compelled.
I am glad myself that I have enough rep to vote for this election. I had to scrap through 150 rep to vote for the SO election.

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