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@HackToHell -->
> Commited: Jun 8 '11 at 4:48
Committed a while ago myself.
just when you think TOI can't do any worse.
I was expecting them to clone your mobile phone as well.
oh, they do that too.
and then you have this dumbass
@SathyaBhat why is that question being asked even ?
@SathyaBhat in most cases sorted trumps unsorted. So.
mr cloud? ;p
in reply to that rep-hogging post
java - Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? http://u.sbhat.me/NctUJw
@Sathya How does that even work ?
@HackToHell it doesn't :\
@HackToHell: Magic. And frigging Magnets.
Saying it was a fail is an understatement.
and lots of information raining from the cloud
TOI sucks and this is another proof ...
@JourneymanGeek SIM's do not have magnets ...
should probably start a security training sweatshop in india ;p
@HackToHell: Magnets.
(i'm being sarcastic here)
oh ok, my bad :P
Idiots everywhere. :P
speaking of which
TOI should apologize for the brain damage caused.
(clicking on it would work)
I managed to trigger off some security thing on a one time pin generator ;p
still doesn't load :/
@SathyaBhat blind fetch? That's one of the few scenarios when advantage of sorted is nullified.
no, you dumbass, that's exactly what the question says isn't happening. RTFQ & then give your expert comments
tell him to comment in SO
@HackToHell I know him in RL. For a "security" consultant, he's full of shit.
Block that dumbass on Twitter and have a happy life.
enough conversation with him.
@HackToHell can't see that.
Nothing big, just a commercial stint
superuser.com/questions/443810/… do we edit the error message into english or leave it there?
@JourneymanGeek translate.
1 hour later…
@Sathya its a bit moot
closed for too localised at some point
I'm confused, what's the edit here?
@JourneymanGeek he nuked the existing question. and added his question in the revision history
Captain obvious strikes again
I still dinnae get it ;p
oh wait.
he cut the existing question and posted it in the comment box..
epic fail.
Q: What files, file types, and folders to exclude from user folder backup?

bbodenmillerWhen backing up a user and shared users folder using the backup software of your choice on the operating system of your choice what files, file types, and folders do you exclude from the backup? In regular expression format: All: .*\.(class|obj) (?i).*\.tmp (?i).*\.temp (?i).*\.cache (?i).*\.c...

@JourneymanGeek check the markdown diff
I would have but I have no link.
@Sathya can't see MD diff :/
might be a 2k rep feature
strange, I can't see either
@jokerdino what do you know, an anon you can submit an edit without an any edit :/
Weird. I mean weird.
@Sathya I am tempted to try that now.
@jokerdino I just did :\
you'll need to fill in the summary though
Best feature eva!!1
be glad it is not like Wikipedia.
where there is no peer review.
@jokerdino I dunno about that..
ah @KronoS - always has a sense of humour, that fella.
Regarding Anti Virus, anyone have experience with ESET Endpoint Security? (eset.co.uk/Business/Endpoint-Security/Endpoint-Security) In a corporate environment?
@Sathya: bug?
@JourneymanGeek contemplating asking on meta
XD. The way of the Editless Edit?
@Sathya: asked ;p
primarily, i admit, cause that title is a repwhoring dream.
@JourneymanGeek What? Where? :D
Q: The Way of the Editless Edit: How did this anonymous user do a blank edit

Journeyman Geek There's two suggested edits here.. and the difference is obvious - there is no edit. While it was rejected, i see a comment but no actual edit. Is this an odd glitch, or something else?

@JourneymanGeek dammit :X
Maybe I should ask for this to be migrated to MSO as well:
Q: Why does the position of tags sometimes change when I edit them?

Oliver SalzburgExample Question Macbook Pro Graphics Cards + Computer Games Before After This only happens on some questions and is really confusing. Why is this happening?

@OliverSalzburg #no
it DOES work
Can anyone grab a screenshot of the "move this discussion to chat" thing?
@OliverSalzburg (I was semi-joking, you know)
@Sathya So was I ;)
Unless I don't get an answer on it for a while
@OliverSalzburg on my to-do
@Sathya Awesome :)
@OliverSalzburg i want those pretty inline tag editing.
some 400 rep away :/
@jokerdino It's a curse half of the time :D
The link doesn't look quite right on the mobile view..
Because I delete a tag or two, then I realize there is more to edit in the post. So I cancel my retag and edit the whole thing.
@OliverSalzburg more often than not, there are more things to edit other than the tags :/
@jokerdino Indeed. I tend to forget that :P
@OliverSalzburg Do you still get a retag link?
@OliverSalzburg Right :P
@Bob I get this:
@OliverSalzburg Weird, I only get the full edit link..
@Bob 10k
@Sathya Is this on a review queue?
Or mod tools, whichever :P
@Bob nope, on all question links
Why would that be 10k then?
I can click edit, change only the tags and it comes up as a tag edit...
@Bob because inline retag precedes inline edits
I guess it's intended for those big retagging fun projects.
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or specific expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. Questions here should try to follow the FAQ, and be able to be answered in a clear, concise manner. In order to do so, you should post questions that can be answered by experts, show research effort, and have as much detail as possible. — Oliver Salzburg 18 mins ago
encoding fail :P
Thanks for pointing it out
Humm, I can't seem to fix this
No matter how I put the & in the auto-comment, it always fails when inserting.
Must be a bug!
A: AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE

Oliver SalzburgThere seems to be an issue with & in the comments. Preview Result Import/Export

Er... I mean
A: AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE

OakBug: if my comment contains &, when I insert it it will insert & instead. Preview Result Import/Export

corporate antivirus solutions: suggestions?
@HaydnWVN Symantec Endpoint Protection? Microsoft Forefront Client Security?
(I really don't know, but those are the only two I've seen)
Oh, there was a Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition too
@HaydnWVN: If you were a comms room regular you could probably pick their brains
Just after peoples opinions/choices - theres so many different review sites and different ratings that you really have to read them all with a pinch of salf
www.av-comparatives.org is great, but the reviews are not critical enough
cnet.com reviews are very biased towards certain products for no obvious reason (probably marketing related)
@HaydnWVN: and most AV reviews i've seen focus on consumer products
agreed, then again we're after endpoint workstation protection... couldn't care less about deployment, 'complicated' installs or admin software... Running Ubuntu servers with Samba as a Workgroup means i'll be the one going round installing and configuring it on all PC's manually lol
@jokerdino Depends on the time I think, there are actually people and bots checking the edits. I've once tested on a random page on an anonymous IP and got banned right away for inserting some inappropriate text.
@TomWijsman hmm so it depends on the sort of edit I think.
The bots themselves actually find a lot of stuff already...
wiki bots are too awesome I suppose.
looks like your dog :P
bit.ly's new service is amazingly confusing :P
@sathya I do something weird?
heh, I got 3 upvotes on my answer! \o/
@KronoS just made my moderation process a lot more enjoyable :)
@sathya... I do what I can ;)
hey @afrazier
hey guys
i'm looking for an rsync on steroids
i need back and forth syncing of server and I also want an option to list files that would be changed if i ran the sync. meaning files on queue to be changed. a notification via email would also be nice.
You could post that on the main site..
no, SU
@afrazier Not necessarily
Hrm. Never actually used this chat thing before. :-) sorry for deleting that.
@hanleyhansen MS's SyncToy does 2-way sync, and can show you what's about to be done. No delta changes though. Unison might be worth checking out too.
@afrazier Yeah i just ran into Unison. Have you used it before? Looks pretty interesting. Cross-platform!!
I also found this: github.com/sickill/bitpocket
@afrazier This is some of the stuff that I need: superuser.com/questions/444054/…
@hanleyhansen Okay, I'll go take a peek.
Any one here?
How can I insert the spaces in sandbox of SE?
@Sathya thanks
@hanleyhansen Unison and SyncToy should be your top contenders.
A: Any big differences between the Core i7 940 and 950?

avirkThere is not a big difference just few are listed below: Intel® Core™ i7-940 Processor Clock Speed                              2.93 GHz Max Turbo...

@Sathya just posted that answer but in little doubt is it what the OP wants?
Now that I reached 10k rep, and won the "vote to delete" privilege, shouldn't it apper the "delete" tag on closed questions?
must be closed for a day i think
@Diogo is that really off topic?
@avirk Actually I wouldn't cast to delete this, is just an example...
@HackToHell Similar dog on TV right now, they're becoming famous!
@Diogo hmm, I understand what are you looking for then I think @Sathya can answer you better if he is here somewhere.
@Diogo negatively voted posts only. You need 20k+ for anytime deletion
@TomWijsman you both are pulling the leg of @JourneymanGeek ;P
@avirk yes.
@Sathya Hmmm, understand..
Shhh, don't ping him, or he'll have to do yet another lol.
@Sathya you did. it was @Diogo who wants to know some thing
@TomWijsman lol
@avirk refer to in-reply-to link to see what the "yes" was for.
@sathya But I don't need to wait 1 day right?
@Sathya sorry :p
@Diogo next time, just drop a link to the question
@Diogo that is correct
@Sathya I posted the print because it was a particular doubt, I mean "delete" tag would only be showed for me..
Q: Need help porting a Windows Game to OSX

Rigel GlenSo I want to play this game called Airmech, awesome game by the way. So back on topic, I've tried doing a cider port and a wineskin port, not sure if I've done it right though, so can someone port this for mac ? https://www.carbongames.com/download.html (click the link saying "Download Airmech fo...

@Diogo uhm sorry didn't realize it was already in -ve votes, let me check
> Users with reputation >= 10k (more precisely, the “moderator tools” privilege; 2k on beta sites) can vote to delete questions that have been closed for 48 hours. It takes three votes to delete; more if the question is popular.
so 48 hours it is, @Diogo ( cc @DarthAndroid )
hmmm let me check
hmmm let me check
Yes, it makes sense... now I could see.. thanks @Sathya
@Diogo welcome
@afrazier Does SyncToy work on Linux as well?
@hanleyhansen no, but you have rsync..
This is confusing. Two of the servers I'm working with right now have identical 3rd and 4th IPv4 address octets.
Let's call them 'Bob' and 'Steve' instead then.
@DarthAndroid Can't really use their names. They're DNS servers :D
@hanleyhansen No, SyncToy doesn't work on Linux. It may be possible to get it working w/ Mono + Wine, but I'm not sure. Unison's probably your best bet. Sparkleshare may be worth a look too, but it's a slightly different beast.
Hmmm, I wonder if you can specifiy a domain name for a nameserver. Does it resolve if it's in /etc/hosts?
stressed people on SU: superuser.com/suggested-edits/12663
Wow. I wonder why it was even an edit...
Probably he wasn't enabled to comment it..
I never understood that kind of user.
Is it just me or does the url forgetsecurity.com have some seriously dodgy connotations?
@Diogo o.O
Hi all, I'm needing some help with accessing a linux samba share on my mac. I can view it but I can't write to it.

Has anyone ran into anything similar before?
This is my post for the issue: http://superuser.com/questions/444099/smb-mount-linux-share-on-mac-os-x
@Mokubai The www. version doesn't work at all for me
@Mokubai And the non-www site looks normal (without having a prior image to compare against).
Not the site itself, just the "forget security" bit. as if you can trust them with your door keys and stuff
Oh, and fixed the link
@Mokubai It's a weird slogan for a security company, I give you that :D
Here Random Internet Dude, have my door keys and car keys and while you're at it have my bank account numbers 'cause I want to forget security completely....
Plus the last place you'd want to get antivirus or security products is a place that completely forgot about security...
Sec-you-rit-ee? Fuggedaboudit!
@sadmicrowave You cannot write to the directory because you're connected as a guest, and you're trying to change files in a folder which requires permissions to change. Try connecting with valid login credentials.
So, this is interesting: it'll only be $40 to upgrade to Windows 8 from XP, Vista, or 7 windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/bloggingwindows/archive/2012/07/…
@Diogo well that's interesting...
@nhinkle O.O Wow. All of a sudden I'm happy I have 4 licenses for Win 7. I wonder why the huge drop in price? Think open source or OS X is forcing their hand in this?
Good way to retain market share and continue to keep users locked in. It also makes users who actually paid for a previous version feel like they're a valued customer.
Wonder if my OEM copy of 7 counts
@DarthAndroid when I try to connect now it doesn't even prompt me to choose between guest or an account....
@sadmicrowave It's probably caching your last request. Try manually disconnecting the mount in Finder, or worst-case restart the system to see if OS X prompts you again when you connect
Hello from Estonia!
Samba translates the guest user as the "nobody" system user, so if you connect over samba as a guest, you have whatever privileges the "nobody" user would have with regards to reading and writing files.
@DarthAndroid, I went a different route, I just setup an nfs share on my linux box in the /etc/exports file and I can read/write now from my mac, the only issue now is I can't modify existing files/folders that have 755 mods....is there anyway to fix this without going through and changing all files/folders to 777 (very insecure thing to do)....
I know nfs doesn't take credentials - which was my first thought
1 hour later…
@sadmicrowave I don't know, I just use samba with guests = no, and then require valid logins. All the permissions and such just work once samba knows what use it should use.
@nhinkle That's great! $39.99 for Winis much better than $199.99! (microsoftstore.com/store/msstore/pd/Windows-7-Professional/…)
@iglvzx, it is a sign of how much confidence they have in the OS though
LOL. I meant Win 8, not "Winis"
Personally, I think it works fine (though with some bugs)
@iglvzx, I know
@soandos :P
@soandos Micro-payments or just smaller costs for the consumer always work really well with technology. People can go out and buy it immediately, instead of having to wait and save up.
@iglvzx, agreed, but it is a dramatic cost drop (compared to previous upgrade costs)
The question is how much more expensive is the Win 8 Ultimate upgrade going to be :X
Is there an Ultimate edition? I thought there is only 4: 8, 8 Pro, 8 Enterprise, 8 RT
Oh cool. I just looked it up, and there isn't.
Now, if MS can get the hype up for Windows 8, the extra new customers should make up for the price drops.
If they can just entice the XP customers, they'll get a good share made up
@DarthAndroid, the XP should die off now that support has ended
keyword: should :P
@DarthAndroid, all it takes is a zero day that is exploited that cripples XP. It won't get fixed
@soandos Mwa ha ha
@sadmicrowave What makes a microwave sad?
Hmm, just lost some rep, only a small amount, probably from a deleted question. Is there a way to figure out which one?
@Paul not directly, but unless you have a ton of questions you might be able to infer. Also, does it really matter?
@Paul, you can check the recently deleted questions
(in /tools )
@soandos nice! I always forget about this :)
@JosephWeissman No it doesn't matter. I just like to understand how things work.
@soandos I guess it depends how you get on the list?
@Paul, given the small number of organizations, I heavily suspect sucking up to politicians, and this can also be used as leverage against them

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