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._. fun Apparently my raspberry pi is reslient to testing and not actual power trips.
I really need to boot it off NFS instead but that's another project to the pile
Speaking of home servers...
this looks fun
Is that an ethernet on the USB host?
I think its for space. I suspect that's a fairly common layout for IPMI
3 hours later…
Really, really cool. They're using bench power supplies to drive water pumps, in order to generate a precisely controlled volume of simulated rainfall.
1 hour later…
Trying to remember all the Turing GPUs (64 CUDA cores to an SM)...

- RTX 2080 Ti: TU102, 68 of 72 SMs
- RTX 2080: TU104, 46 of 48 SMs
- RTX 2070: TU106, 36 of 36 SMs
- RTX 2060: TU106, 30 of 36 SMs
- GTX 1660 Ti: TU116, 24 of 24 SMs
By Ysmir, that was a lot to memorize.
As for Pascal (128 CUDA cores to an SM)...

- GTX 1080 Ti: GP102, 28 of 30 SMs
- GTX 1080: GP104, 20 of 20 SMs
- GTX 1070: GP104, 17 of 20 SMs
- GTX 1060 6GB: GP106, 10 of 10 SMs
- GTX 1060 3GB: GP106, 9 of 10 SMs
- GTX 1050 Ti: GP107, 6 of 6 SMs
- GTX 1050: GP107, 5 of 6 SMs
- GT 1030: GP108, 3 of 3 SMs
(TITAN cards and mobile variants are not included in the above)
64 shades of CUDA to a SM?
I haven't been paying much attention to the tech specs of these GPUs since Turing came out.
Maxwell (128 CUDA cores to an SMM):

- GTX 980 Ti: GM200, 22 of 24 SMMs
- GTX 980: GM204, 16 of 16 SMMs
- GTX 970: GM204, 13 of 16 SMMs
- GTX 960: GM206, 8 of 8 SMMs
- GTX 750 Ti: GM107, 5 of 5 SMMs
- GTX 750: GM107, 4 of 5 SMMs
I got a GTX960 collecting dust somewhere and a GTX1080 which was surprisingly cheap 6 months ago (yet technically still above planned budget for both that and upgrades to SSD stoage)
you don't need to memorise them though....
2 hours later…
@bwDraco where is that evidence?
2 hours later…
how weird, my cookies had seemed to magically delete themselves
@JourneymanGeek are you able to action that tag synonym thing?
... well technically since I'm back...
could you refresh my memory?
tag synonyms are pretty horrible to mess up, so I want to be careful, but I'll take a look ;)
Q: Extending the range of wireless-extender

BurgiIs it possible to get the tag range-extender converted to a synonym of wireless-extender? The questions in each category seem to be talking about extending the range of wireless signals. What does everyone think to this idea?

to be fair it was only yesterday
i thought i had posted it on monday
so i'll stand down on my antsiness
Its ok. I thought today was friday
omfg why won't windows download the dotnet3.5 files >_<
why does the offline installer want to go online and 'download' files?!
Error is 0x800f081f if anyone is interested xD
1 hour later…
@FMLCat a real mood.
Now let's wait for you to get flagged.
Let's not
@FMLCat Language!
Oh lol
Yeah my server was displaying incomprehensible characters
dude, don't poke the bear dog
@FMLCat people have gotten flagged and in trouble. I'd suggest you not tempt fate.
Rahul literally knows this, and mentioned it.
Jan 30 at 18:27, by rahuldottech
Pardon my french but... HOLY FUCK
none of us like the change
@FMLCat and he literally could have someone flag it, months later.
but hey, if you really love tempting fate, and messing with something that works reasonably well, and making certain tourists happy... sure.
I don't like censoring people. I don't like having people randomly getting suspended when they should know better either.
Hey its not your fault
It's just the direction stackechange is going
The powers that be
^^ Tis dumb but alas.
Actually, its been the rules for ages - chat's been relaxed.
Chat is the ugly stepchild that they don't want to even think about.
@djsmiley2k Chat's me.
Underappreciated, and very useful ;p
@JourneymanGeek should I flag rahuldottech's message?
I'll probably go clean up when no one's looking
But if we know its a problem, yanno
i'm going to go to the logical conclusion of this discussion...
does this mean you have to purge all historic instances of "go forth and multiply"?
hopefully not
But I do think we can deal with this like adults?
FLAGGED! for using the "a" word
It won't affect me
Other folks having trouble does
its like those people who try to censor mark twains stories and remove the N word
It isn't ideal
i really don't think they should as the stories should be allowed to stand in their historical context. people used to say that word.
perhaps if you reading the tom sawyer aloud to a child you might want to self censor, atleast until they are old enough to understand the context and the consequences
Well, some people are...
btw, i am in no way saying that RA chat is a literary masterpiece on par with mark twain but i feel the point stands....
nope. But I'm also not going to pull out a copy of satanic verses in Iran
TIL RA = Iran
clings to Matrix
naw. random flaggers are the moral police though.
we can haz nukes?
I will totally swear a lot on matrixx as appropriate
But here - well
Y'all know what's happened. It feels like a reasonable compromise
I mean
2 hours ago, by rahuldottech
Now let's wait for you to get flagged.
your ear... it has noms
2 hours later…
@djsmiley2k I mean I one for flagged for saying "fart'
Oct 2 '17 at 14:02, by rahuldottech
Someone flagged "fart"? God, such a snob
4 hours later…
Huh. GeForce GTX 1660 Ti typically performs at 95-115% of the GeForce GTX 980 Ti (@JourneymanGeek), at about half the card power.
And 90-105% of the GTX 1070. However, the Turing card performs substantially better in a handful of games, such as Wolfenstein II, that use FP16 shaders. These games have historically favored Radeon Vega cards, but Turing has substantial improvements in FP16 capability that give it a massive edge in such games.
The RTX stuff is just too expensive for a modest improvement over what I have. I can't justify spending $1,200 for an RTX 2080 Ti when it only performs at 110% to 130% of the GTX 1080 Ti (though again, substantially higher in games that use FP16 shaders).
I'm happy with my GTX 980 TI for gaming and other workloads
Yea, my 560Ti is perfect for what I need to do.
My 980 is probably being kept for now :p
The 1660 looks interesting buuuut
Not a priority for now
I'm waiting for NVIDIA to come out with a 7nm solution.
Hm. iOS us
Hm. iOS is on version 11 right?
@bwDraco my GPU is the newest part of my build
And pretty much I am upgrading hardware because my mothboard appears to be slowly dying
And I want a smaller desktop if I rebuild, and probably keep the current case for a future project when I have $$$$
@JourneymanGeek 12.1.4 is the latest.
Ah ok
The new router has a fast roaming feature that won't work with it. We don't have any iOS devices but visitors might

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