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@HackToHell lol. edit reason needs more cowbell
1 hour later…
No one has said anything so far about my satirical revision: meta.superuser.com/posts/4921/revisions
someone noticed this the other day ;p
1 hour later…
Does any one know when e3 starts... Time wise? Is it at midnight PST?
Nvm... Found out. Microsoft kicks it off at 9:30am PT. Looking forward to hearing what the MS Smart Glass is and the specs of the next Xbox.
@SgtOJ isn't smart glass just DLNA / Airplay with a different name? Of course, it is MS so likely to be an incompatible protocol to the DLNA / uPNP standard. Just like Airplay. Because we have learnt nothing about the value of standards in the past few decades.
@studiohack I thought thanking people for answering here is polite?
@JourneymanGeek DLNA - Download Not Available!
@Paul yes it is.
not that way
@Sathya Morning
Q: Which one is the local computer in this case?

JennyI have 2 software A & B. A is the data feed to B. A is installed in computer pc-A, when it starts, it wake up B in computer pc-B. In this case, which one is the Remote Desktop, and which one is the local, pc-A or pc-B ?

Look familiar?
hint see the user's other question hint
I recognised the name ;p
@JourneymanGeek Yep. Close the question? It's even more abstracted from the actual problem!
Aaah Jenny.
Is this a homework question? — Frazell Thomas 3 mins ago
yes, it's in home network — Jenny 2 mins ago
It would be cool if we had a translation service on SU/SE. So somewhere where people can post in their native tongue, and have volunteers translate and post the question in English. I am not convinced this would help in Jenny's case though, s/he seems intent on being as vague as possible.
What are the chances this is a troll?
@Jenny Frazell asked if it was a homework question, you said "Yes", but it looks like you misunderstood the question. Also, are you sure you want to use the Remote Desktop Protocol in this case? You do not need to manually and visually control the 2nd computer, do you? — iglvzx 5 mins ago
Jenny doesn't seem interested in learning the terms they are throwing around
Yeah it is a bit XY.
@Paul A bit? Considering how vague the question is too...
That's a rather massive understatement.
@Jenny Different software communicate through a network differently. In order to be able to even get started on an answer, we need to know more about software A and B. Please join us in the Chat Room, so we can help you clarify your question. This question was closed because it is extremely vague. We can help you, but you need to help us, too. — iglvzx 1 min ago
sad enough, this question is closed. Seems superuser's admins need to go stackoverflow to get some proper training. When human get a little power, things just like this. — Jenny 1 min ago
@iglvzx Does s/he have enough rep to talk here?
first of all, I think it's not technicion's job to guess the intention behind the question.
@Jenny There was a misunderstanding.
that's why I comment on the "homework". that my answer of "yes" to the first comment, that's my fault
But in its current state, your question is not fit for Stack Exchange
If you can help us clarify you question by providing more details about your current setup, then we may be able to reopen your question
back to the question itself. I need to connect the 2 software , they are both in home network. I saw this stie has tag of "remote access", "network", that's why I ask here
what details, could you give a hint?
Remote access generally refers to accessing something on a different network
Okay. What kind of software is A? Or even better, what is it exactly?
The more details you can provide about what you need to do the more it will be possible to help.
A's name is "QuoteRoom", it's a data feel, it download data from internet. B's name is "TradeStation", it's doing graphic analysis base on the data it get from A
Okay, good. Now, can you confirm that computer A and B are on the same network? Do they connect through the same router?
How is your home network set up?
yes, both connect through the same Router
Which operating system is on ComputerA and ComputerB?
all my PCs are connected to the same Router
both A and B are windows XP
:) Okay. We are making progress. When dealing with networks, these types of details are usually important
Can you PING computer B from computer A?
yes, can ping
can ping, and can share files
How do you share files?
in the data feed software, it has a place to input remote access IP, that's what confuse me. I though the data feed should be remote
share file by Set up Home Network, then, can browse the computers in the group
Is it from these people: forexite.com
It looks like Computer B would be the "remote" computer in this case.
Since Computer A is itself. Computer B is the "other", receiving input from Computer A
it's all Russion languge, so I have no idea how to get it working
so, I need to enable Remote Desktop in computer A ?
Not necessarily. You need to find out how Software B expects to receive input
software B has some database connections dll files
@Jenny when you say Remote Desktop are you referring to Windows Remote Desktop software for accessing Windows machines across a network? Have you seen somewhere where this is referred to in the configuration?
I didn't see anywhere in the software's instruction about the remove connection, because it's in Russion language. I only see the software has a place to input remove IP address
@Paul: o0 how did you know what it was?
on the software input , it says "Act as a data server for connection other computer", then it provide input of "local network server address" to input IP and Port
Ah ok, then it is not Remote Desktop most likely. You have a place to enter a "remote IP" in QuoteRoom - so this is either the internet site that it downloads the feed from, or its own IP
@Jenny earlier you described this as the "remote ip", now you are saying "local network server address". Are these two separate fields?
no, on the input address, it shows the default is my local computer
@JourneymanGeek I googled...
sorry I said "remove" because on my mind it should be remote since it's 2 computers.
@JourneymanGeek - it didn't help though
you've gotten further than most people
now all we need is someone who reads russian...
If it says "Act as a data server for connection other computer" then I would suggest that you enter its own IP address. If this is defaulting to its own address already, then leave it. Is there something in the port field?
what would google translate do?
Google translate is what I did, but this is a general forex site, that happens to provide forex software, and it is difficult to find any information about their software there
Aha! Now you're thinking like a Super User. :P
hmm, that looks like it binds to a specific ip address
@Sathya Hmm?
there's very little instruction about how to set up even in Russian. After google translate, it's just a alien language.
@Jenny that helps. I think that you should leave that as is. On QuoteStation, is there a field for defining the server? If so, then that should be set to the same details.
That sounds right.
Make sure you tick that box where is says "Act"
I know how to set the other software. but I need to install A in one computer and install B in another computer
the 2 software were designed to use in one computer only. the network thing is something new in the recent version. and I happend need to use them seperately in 2 computers.
I don't think it matters. If Computer A is acting as the server with software A, then Computer B with software B will have to point back at software A.
@Jenny Ok, so have you installed TradeStation somewhere else already? Damn I called it the wrong name earlier.
yes, I installed TradeStation in computer B
Ok, and have you configured Tradestation to talk to on port 2189 to get its data?
now I want to install the QuoteRoon in computer A, so that I never need to shut down QuoteRoon because I never shut down computer A
TradeStation is installed in
@Bob comment became outdated
@Jenny Which software did you take a screenshot of previously?
@Jenny, you are saying that at this moment, you have BOTH installed on B and you are planning to install QuoteRoom on A?
when both QoteRoom and TradeStation both are installed in, they are working fine. Now I want to move QuoteRoom to another computer.
yes, Paul, that's correct
the is the computer that they currently installed. the picture is taken at current computer. Now I want to move QuoteRoon out to another computer.
@Jenny, install Quoteroom on the new machine A. Go to the same screen you have posted above once installed, and enable "act as server" then note the IP address and port. Then go to B (Tradestation) and configure that IP address and port in the place where you define its server.
Anyone want to revamp the original question now that we have all the important details?
This is a lot better than "How can I have A connect to B" :)
but I need first enable windows xp's Remove Desktop, to get this to work. which computer I should enable as remove desktop?
No. You do not.
@Jenny Why do you? Do you not have physical access? Does it not have a screen and keyboard on A?
You said you could PING both computers. One is going to act as a server on a port. If your firewall allows it, the other computer can connect to this port and communication should happen
Computer A is a very old computer. so I want to install QuoteRoom in it, and remove the screen, and let it run to the end of it's life.
@Jenny that is a separate matter, it confuses things if you suggest one is dependent on the other. Just enable remote desktop on A once you have finished setting this up.
in case the QuoteRoom get stucked somewhere, I need to reboot it. so I need remotely control the QuoteRoom
ok, that's clear now.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for taking your time to help this question. I will correct my original question if needed.
@Jenny Be sure to include all the details you brought up in our discussion here. Once you've cleaned up your question, post a Re-Open Request on Meta.Superuser
ok, thanks!
Since the software provides little documentation, this would be a great question for future visitors. Now that you can ask about a specific issue, people with the same issue can find an answer. :)
@iglvzx Should be enough to flag it for moderator attention actually /cc @Jenny
@slhck Ok. Will do.
Morning, evening btw :)
Evening. :)
I'm impressed ;p
Oh, looks like Paul is taking care of it. He never rests. :P
@iglvzx I have update the question, could you confirm this matches your understanding? @Jenny too if you are still around.
Cast my reopen vote
@Paul Looks good.
sad enough, this question is closed. Seems superuser's admins need to go stackoverflow to get some proper training. When human get a little power, things just like this. — Jenny 55 mins ago
@Jenny fyi none of the people involved in closure were "admins", neither does comments like that help.
Hmm. The title seems off.
@Sathya I am hopeful that Jenny learnt a less in how to ask a question effectively from this process
@iglvzx Ooops yeah
@Paul: linking to the software (and pointing out the page is in russian) may help too
assuming we find someone who does speak the language
@Paul, I see you have edited the question. thanks. By the way, I didn't learn the lesson of how to ask proper question.
@Jenny: as much clear details as you can. The sort of stuff you mentioned here should have been in the question in the first place.
@Jenny - if you read the question as I have edited it, and compare it to your original question, it should help you see what types of information are useful
I came here with a question of how to do this. but I got assumption of "hidden intention" and "homework". That's I learned most about superuser.
jenny: "Homework question" is exactly that
You have a question for homework, you don't know, you ask
(and thats entirely fine in some cases) - though it was misinterpreted as home network in your case
and the issue for us is, we had no idea what 'this' was
you had a thing, that needed to talk to another thing.
@Jenny, I realise you feel you were treated poorly at the start, but surely you can now see that people here are helpful? That the misunderstanding began with a poorly described question?
yes, my question is poorly structured. Because I am far away to understand what is my question about. I'm only a user. Going so far to touch a software's settings already beyond my knowledge. I read your edited question, it's very well structured, I appreciate that.
but what impressed me is -- some people on this site like to make assumption on things behind the question. that is beyond the site's interests, right?
@Jenny: Well, its a public site, and maybe a loss in translation somewhere. There were people also asking for further details
I've been feeling people here are helpful since I know the site, not just today. I only addressed the issue of some people's assumption problem.
anyway, I'm glad the question is solved. Thanks for taking your time.
@Jenny in the absense of sufficient information, people must make assumptions to fill in the gaps. In order to avoid people making assumptions about your questions, please leave as few gaps as possible, provide as much detail as possible.
ok, Paul, thanks!
@iglvzx What is this about?
@Borisyo: do you read russian?
@JourneymanGeek Boris_yo is from Isreal according to his profile! I agree, with a name like "Boris" he should definitely learn Russian if he doesn't know it already :)
I know that ;p
@Paul Yes, I am real.
Ah, the question is readable/answerable now :o
Good job @Paul et al. :P
Are these good for power cable stipping?
@Boris_yo I use a pair of scissors to strip wire :P
@Bob Pair is much to carry around.
@Boris_yo Huh?
I prefer 1 unit. @Bob
@Bob Why you need 2 scissors?
@Boris_yo This is a pair of scissors
Like, "a pair of pliers"
We don't say pair.
We do :P
I can't really say "a scissors". And "scissor" is not really correct.
@Bob I just bough a pair of socks? Laptops? Adapters?
Scissors are hand-operated cutting instruments. They consist of a pair of metal blades pivoted so that the sharpened edges slide against each other when the handles (bows) opposite to the pivot are closed. Scissors are used for cutting various thin materials, such as paper, cardboard, metal foil, thin plastic, cloth, rope, and wire. Scissors can also be used to cut hair and food. Scissors and shears are functionally equivalent, but larger implements tend to be called shears. There are many types of scissors and shears for different purposes. For example, children's scissors, used only ...
"What do you see?"
"I see pair of laptops..."
"Are you high?!"
> The noun "scissors" is treated as a plural noun, and therefore takes a plural verb ("these scissors are"). Alternatively, this tool is also referred to as "a pair of scissors", in which case it (a pair) is singular and therefore takes a singular verb ("this pair of scissors is").
@Bob We say scissors but without "pair".
But when you're referring to a single one?
pair is correct
It depends on context.
english is a bloody wierd language
Some places, you use pair. Some you don't.
"A pair of" is the easiest way to say "one"
@JourneymanGeek Why "bloody"?
In fact, it might be the only way - I'm not aware of another.
being one that tends to mug other languages in dark alleys, and rifling around their pockets for spare vocabulary
We also say things like "a pair of pants". And yes, English is weird.
That's why programming languages designed to be "English-like" inevitably fail: the syntax is so convoluted.
@Borisyo "bloody" in English is just emphatic, not literal, but slang.
@JourneymanGeek Ah..
Its also sterotypically british
like old chap ;p
Bloody good show old chap
@JourneymanGeek "Old bean"?
@Paul These bloody pirates!
"bloody good" means "very good" only more so.
@Borisyo Exactly!
and drinking tea with your pinkie sticking out!
and monocles
@Paul These are good. These are not:
would_you_mind {
    // Code here
} actually_i_do_mind (Exception £e) {
    // Politely move on
Which makes them "unbloody".
@slhck lol
They are a bunch of bloody hooligans
See. Still bloody. You can put it whereever you like.
@Paul Mosquitoes are bloody... Vampires.
@Borisyo I see what you did there
@Paul Where? How dare you refer to me without underscore?!
Thats how your name is stored for pinging, it looks like any non alpha characters are removed @Borisyo
Can anyone confirm this?
A: What is the default install location for java on Vista?

santanu kumar mishraIt's in usually c:\user\your-username\AppData\LocalLow\Java\ Search for the current version and copy/paste it to your desired location.

1 hour later…
@Bob that doesn't sound right
@Sathya It also contradicts the other answers, which are correct on my system. I do have a %LocalAppData%Low\Sun\Java`, but there's no javaw` in there, just the installer packages.
@Bob I'll check later but what you say reminds me of what's there at my system as well
Argh, I keep forgetting that \` escapes the backtick.. but only half the time :\
Comment Markdown syntax is weird indeed.
You also can't link to [some question [closed]](http://…)
It works in normal posts though
I still haven't figured out how to display a single backslash with code formatting in a comment...
Ooh, that works
The delay on rendering Markdown in chat is weird too
hm, people keep trying to spam-edit this post, i donno why superuser.com/questions/20187/…
@JourneymanGeek how do you know?
@JourneymanGeek I think I saw an attempt earlier today
@slhck That doesn't work...
Only {backtick}{backtick}{backslash}{backtick}{backtick} seems to work
@Bob Weird, ugh.. too lazy to try something else :P
@Bob: rejected two so far
@slhck see ^
Q: HDD disappeared and very slow windows boot

Joan VengeMy secondary hard drive disappeared in windows and when I restart the DOS booting takes like 15 mins while it shows the "Starting Windows" logo. How to solve this problem? Also how can I retrieve the files from this HDD?

What's with people confusing DOS and Windows?!
DOS has been (near) dead for over a decade now :\
Greetings :)
have these close reason descriptions been around for a while or was it a new addition :-s
@Sathya I guess that (bulky, unnecessary) text is new
@slhck so I was not imagining it being new then
@Sathya I swear they've been there for a while...
Well, I'm relatively new to SU anyway, but I think they've always been there for me?
Guys should this lock be relied upon?

@Boris_yo Depends entirely on what you want to lock with it.
I have the impression that everything @Boris_yo does is buying gadgets all day long :P
@slhck :D
@Bob Luggage as I travel.
Of course, I expect that general size of lock to be easily broken by any good pair of bolt cutters.
@Bob Concern is, assumingly this is made in China.
I'd be more worried about being unable to open it myself. There's no way that will provide reliable protection against any determined person, especially with luggage - it's a deterrent at best.
@Bob Yeah I am affraid of being unable to open it.
I had a cheap combination padlock of the spinny wheel variety that eventually broke (unable to open). Ended up taking it apart with a small hammer.
I don't want situation where I come to fix my client's PC and failing to open the lock.
@Bob This hammer?
@Boris_yo ...that looks like it's an inflatable one...
@Bob To me looks like warhammer. Might be high now...
Is this invisible clock or I am high?
@Bob perhaps.. but it is new
@Sathya Now I feel like there was a change as well. What were the old texts? :D
@OliverSalzburg there weren't any iirc.. or maybe single line?
@Sathya Oh. I remember some explanations from ever since I am allowed to vote.
@OliverSalzburg Same here :)
Q: Close voting menu broken on mobile site

Oliver SalzburgOn my Android 4.0.3 browser, the vote to close menu will no longer appear if a vote has already been given: The site will focus on the close button and seems to try to load something, but no menu opens. If I haven't given my vote yet, it works just fine: I noticed this on superuser.com Addi...

The only parts that look new are an extra line on the end of some descriptions with links?
There is an old screenshot :D
@OliverSalzburg That's odd, I swear I had that problem last week on my phone :P
Man the mobile theme of the site on the desktop is intense!
@Bob The buttons don't work at all for me on mobile right now.
@Boris_yo You can break most padlocks in about 20 seconds with a large screwdriver
But I switched my mobile SU usage pattern to read-only. Since then, no longer a problem :D
@JourneymanGeek o.O?
@JourneymanGeek Or with a proper set of bumpkeys :D
@Bob: As long as it has a U shaped hasp, sufficient force will break the little indent on the locking end
Thinking about the actual security a lock provides makes me sad :(
(just to clarify, I was the unofficial unit lockbreaker when i was in the army. Sometimes people would finish their conscription and leave, sometimes leaving contraband in their lockers)
I got pretty good at breaking locks... and well, its AMAZING how quickly contraband dissappears when its in an unlocked locker
@JourneymanGeek lol
@Bob: get the sort of lock with a straight hasp and you're safer
actually, i was probably official. I think i've gotten direct orders of sorts to do it
@JourneymanGeek What is your lockpicking level and how much XP left to level up?
"I want that locker open, i don't care what you do" counts
@Borisyo: I got rusty
last time i tried, it didn't work
course, that time the levers were seized up so we just hit the lock with a hammer till the key worked ;)
@JourneymanGeek Gotta stay ahead and updated in lockpicking.
Hm. The first time I really run into a computer problem I can't solve.
@slhck: what problem?
Q: Dropbox context menu missing in OS X

slhckProblem My Dropbox context menu is missing in OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.8). While the Dropbox service runs normally, Finder doesn't show the icons and also doesn't give me the ability to browse files on the website or copy the public link. What I've tried Removed ~/.dropbox and ~/Dropbox/.dro...

ahh, OS X
(darn, its in my list of things to learn)
I really have no clue on what to try next.
@Sathya This section of the FAQ looks new... and it looks like the added text in the VtC links there.
@Bob No, that's been around forever
Q: Extending the "Why are some questions closed?" section in the FAQ

slhckWhat the FAQ says ... Okay, so let's imagine I'm completely new to the site, and I have a question closed. However, I think my question is perfectly valid, or I'm totally confused about why that even happened. Nobody cared to write a comment about why it was closed. I start thinking about it, a...

@slhck Whoops? :P
For some reason I don't remember seeing that
Hmm. The whole edit-reopen thing is still broken.
@slhck ?
@Bob Read my feature req :P
May 28 at 14:12, by slhck
Meta Stack Overflow is the ultimate rep-whoring feast.
I finally made an account/asked something there.. and that was a fast upvote o.O
@Bob Your circles are too perfect though
@slhck And here I was thinking not perfect enough!
I was about to make sure they were all the same height (perfectionist :D)
it should probably look like this
falls off his chair laughing
@slhck I envy your freehandwriting
@slhck A+++++++++++++++++ FHC, will upvote
@Sathya I thought about adding one of balpha's majestic unicorns, but my image editing program probably doesn't support that
@slhck: I hate it when people don't update their questions even when people bother to ask for details
@JourneymanGeek Yeah.. I have to admit I'm a bad question asker myself. Sometimes I can't even get into the situation to try things people suggest and I'd much rather delete my question and be done with it :P
In any case, here's a polka-esque Rammstein cover by some kind of Ukrainian band
I'm pondering deleting my no answer questions
> Many thanks before Best regards.
Q: Rsync : delete remote files after transfer

Nimbus147A little question : How can I delete some files after (or during) the transfer with rsync tool ? rsync -e ssh -avl --delete-after --stats --progress --exclude-from 'exludes.txt' source/ user@remote:/folder/folder/ Many thanks before Best regards.

What is this i don't also
there's also a NARQ flag in this. Live/Kill?
Old question, no answers....
@Sathya NARQ
nothing wrong with putting it down IMO
@Sathya Flip a coin! :P
Heck, just delete it
quick, lets VTC before satya decides ;p
my thought was to delete it.
but since fellow nix neckbeards are around :P /runs
Hm. I don't get a delete link.
oh well
@slhck it needs to be -vely voted right
@Sathya No, I should be able to vote to delete any question that is closed
The negative score thing is only for answers
> Voting to delete questions immediately after they are closed (even if they are new)
Seems like I can't vote to delete migrated/closed questions.
strange bug

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