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@OliverSalzburg: I'm tempted to mess around with moving an install between processor architectures now ;p
I'm deleting the answer on sysprep for now, pending testing
1 hour later…
superuser.com/suggested-edits/11792 <- rejected edit for spelling errors >_>
@Boris_yo I found it through reddit
@JourneymanGeek o.O
> correct the grammar
2 != "to"...
@OliverSalzburg I thought it was "Bob's your uncle" @iglvzx?
Goddamn HP hold music. What crap. Also the voiceover of the cheery robot lady telling me about how great HP is... I WOULD NOT BE CALLING IF YOUR PRODUCT HADN'T BROKEN, JERK
@nhinkle lol
I haven't had to call HP support yet
Damn cooling fan broke.
Fortunately, got a loaner laptop to use in the meantime.
@nhinkle Nice timing, I got my replacement pack of HP screws a few minutes ago :P
@nhinkle Ouch :\
@Bob: so did i
@nhinkle: about the only thing nice i can say about lenovo/IBM support is they never put me on hold ;p
@Bob so did i
gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/71801/… I'm a little baffled to why this was migrated as opposed to closed (and i didn't vote to migrate, i voted to close)
@JourneymanGeek was there a lot of non-nice things you had to say about them?
@nhinkle: they weren't very efficient, took them nearly 4 weeks to work out the broken USB port was covered by insurance...
that's frustrating
what computer model?
and i'm still convinced it was a material fault, the replacement board seems fine so far
Its a lovely machine otherwise
i've heard those are nice
is it the tablet version or the regular version?
they are
regular/stripped down in my case
core i5, no camera or wireless wan
(i don't mind the cameralessness, actually)
@JourneymanGeek No WLAN? I didn't even know they made laptops now without WLAN
My next laptop purchase - whenever that may be - will likely be either an ASUS or a Thinkpad
my bad
it has lan, not yanno, mobile broadband thing
I have my eye on those new Thinkpad T530/T540 series w/ ivy bridge. They look niiiceee.
Also the new ASUS Zenbooks... the 13" feather-light beauty with a 1080p IPS screen. DROOL
I just stumbled on this: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2011/12/…
That is unbelievably... well... stupid.
I'll be upgrading my desktop
96GB of RAM?! Just what the heck is the point of this?
the god box?
(damnit, AT won't load on my ISP. need to use tor STAB)
@JourneymanGeek o.O
Does Singapore filter?
they have random glitches with some sites
That's... weird.
its just this one ISP
Crappy caching?
I should bitch at them but its too much work
@Bob: thats the AT god build. Its meant to be excessive
I want me one of them 27" 1560x1440 monitors...
@JourneymanGeek Still.. even the 'budget' one is crazy. As in, completely unecessary.
Or three of them.
@Bob: crazy how?
Its a fairly sensible build
@JourneymanGeek Maybe my definition of 'budget' doesn't include an extra $100 for a discrete video card.
If you game, its worth it
and thats the aim of this
@JourneymanGeek If you game.. well, let's just say my i5 laptop using the IGP is actually better in terms of FPS if not heat than an i3 desktop we have using a 6850.
if you REALLY wanted a budget box, just get a matx board with a cheap AMD or pentium (and the AMD's IGPs are pretty decent), load it up with as much ram as you can, cheap AMD....
my core i5 has issues with minecraft
been meaning to try one of the source based games with a larger monitor, but not really been in the mood
If you REALLY want a budget box, get a Pi
But seriously, you need a dedicated GPU for a lot of stuff. Gaming, 3D modeling, CAD, rendering, serious video encoding, serious graphic design, >2 monitors...
Not saying you need the most expensive one, but you can get a dedicated GPU for around $30
@nhinkle: I currently run local server stuff off a old atom mini itx box and a thumb drive
for about the same amount, i could build a low end AMD desktop i think
Hard drives are about the only thing thats gone up in price
The pi is nice for what it is, but you're horribly crippled if you need something more than web/video/audio
true, true
and from a power user point of view, why would we build budget boxes?
(evaluation? x86 sounds more flexible, we arn't stuck with specific linux builds. Loaner systems? windows sounds like a better bet...)
@nhinkle I wouldn't want a budget box for any of these :P
I'm still not sure whether QuickSync is actually good or not, but if it is, video encoding could be crossed off that list.
It would make a decent HTPC if you don't need >720p
@Bob: i have a bit of a thing there. I have lots of spare VGA monitors. I'll very likely plug one into a discrete + igped box
speaking of which
adds his name to the raspberry pi queue ;p
sadly i'm spending more money than planned this month, but it shouldn't drastically delay my plans
@JourneymanGeek That reminds me, I need to find something to do with this bag of DVI cables. I don't have 20 spare monitors/ports :P
@Bob sell 'em on eBay?
@nhinkle What, 50c/$1 ea?
Or donate 'em to some local school or something that needs computer parts
Hm.. eBay DVI cable prices have gone up. Nice.
@nhinkle The local school was selling computers, complete with monitor/keyboard/mouse/cables
$60 for a Pentium 4/D with varying amounts of RAM (512, 768, 1024)
although so much for that idea :P
2 hours later…
Apparently a safe at home dosen't work any more
/me wonders if i can have it
though if i had the electronics skills, replacing the electronics with a microprocessor sounds fun
@TomWijsman Awesome!
@JourneymanGeek You mean money safe?
metal box. has a fingerprint scanner
about the size of maybe 2 mini atx towers side by side
@JourneymanGeek So you can chop owner's finger and get an access?
@JourneymanGeek This scares me:
Q: I found that the company I work for is putting a backdoor into mobile phones

anonymousqueryI have found out recently that the remote assistant software that we put in a smartphone we sell can be activated by us without user approval. We are not using this option, and it is probably there by mistake. But the people who are responsible for this system don't see it as a big deal. Because...

this is why i have a secret weapon
i'm actually boring
@Borisyo: no
the scanner has failed
so we have to use the key
@JourneymanGeek What drill model do you use?
no need for one in this case
but can't go wrong with a dremel for small holes
@JourneymanGeek What "no"?
chopping the finger would be pointless
@JourneymanGeek You just said you are boring.
since the scanner has failed ;p
I am!
its true security by obscurity
@JourneymanGeek That's why I asked what drill you use for such a job.
Well, actually, most safes have a backup opening method
usually one or two keys
you open up an access panel (often with a key), insert another key and use that to turn the bolts open
@JourneymanGeek What do you think about that link where employee claims his company abuses mobile phones for backdoor?
my first loyalty is to the guys who help me pay my bills.. ;p
and well, i wouldn't trust any senstive information on a system i didn't implicitly trust
(and i don't trust cellphones)
BOX is now like Dropbox:
dosen't seem very secure if you can link that
i'm currently using cubby
another sync programme, you can set any folders you want, and unlimited sync between your own systems
@JourneymanGeek What is so insecure there? You still must login to your account.
@JourneymanGeek SonySmartWatch? Any thoughts?

watches need to have 2-3 hands
or 4 digits
And how do they shoot such professionally good looking videos and pictures? Do they use expensive DSLRs? Can i shoot same with bridge cameras (advanced P&S)?
Well, part of it is practice, settings and such
@JourneymanGeek ... and separate expensive lens? Okay what if I ask you about shots of nature and insects on National Geographic? I am sure you will say they have PROshooters using latest and gratest, advancest DSLR.
in many cases, yes
but a lot of it is using your camera right
@JourneymanGeek I like to shoot beautiful things, food, apply effects. All I have is my Android smartphone though...
smartphones tend to have horrible lenses ;p
@JourneymanGeek Yeah and image sensor... lots of noise.
@JourneymanGeek A card reader?! Just buy 1 for $4 on DX!
@JourneymanGeek Why 2-3 hands?
@Borisyo: also USB 3.0 Port headers...
hour/minute, or hour/minute/second
heya @jokerdino
@Boris_yo Photos from the Nokia 808 look quite nice. Well, with that sensor.. o.O
the pureview?
thats an insane sensor
and the method they use is interesting
Pity they aren't releasing it in Australia..
@JourneymanGeek What is so bad about Sony smartwatch? You can switch tracks, look on time... can call with it?
@JourneymanGeek I actually wasn't aware of sysprep at all. I have no experience with it. The documentation just sounded risky.
@Boris_yo too complicated
@JourneymanGeek Are you replying to me?
@OliverSalzburg: people do it quite often actually, especially when moving hard drives between systems
@OliverSalzburg I've always wondered what side effects Sysprep could have...
Someone should try that and waik and post it on SU blog
@JourneymanGeek For $149.99?
Well, work time! :)
my current watch costs 2 dollars ;p
I only use it during exams
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, your "smartwatch"... because you use it during exams.
@OliverSalzburg I will check on you after 1 hour. Make your report ready.
@Boris_yo ;D We're finalizing our Windows Server deployment for our customer :)
Can only be done on the weekend :P
@OliverSalzburg I am watching you
@JourneymanGeek hi
If teleportation was invented, would all shipping businesses go out of business?
I just registered for a raspberry pi today ;p
@JourneymanGeek What's the current backlog?
(but since the other thing i want is also out of stock, ahh what the hell)
Wow, mysql is such a pain ...
@HackToHell Do you have databases background?
Nope, first time
@HackToHell As you get your hands dirties, it will get easier. It is hard to kill someone first time, but then the more you do it, the better you get at it and easier it gets.
@Boris_yo You are right, the more problems that arise, the more experience I get :0
@HackToHell: i find using phpmyadmin makes it easier at first
trying to wean myself off it for security reasons tho
@JourneymanGeek MySQL is eating up 186mb of ram, if i change the configs, it crashes or does something weird, trying to get the mem usage under 70 mb.
I got mine down somewhat
if i can remember what the config file was called...
or if your overrode the config, it will be in /etc/mysql/conf.d/[any.cnf file]
I think i've used this before somewhere github.com/rackerhacker/MySQLTuner-perl#readme
I already ran it and several other tools
one moment while i pull this up
Powerful pack of emotions caught me off guard this morning:
@HackToHell Yes and eventually you get perks like sharpshooter, two-handed and more criticals.
Wow, killing innodb, pulls the plug on memory usage, 90 mb improvement :) :)
hm, something is up with my ISP
more wierdness than usual
ya, it does
My ssh session is sucky cause of the insane ping with my box, 250, everything happens very slowly
@Boris_yo Making me sad :/
thats mine
hopefully there's no passwords there ;p
mostly no :p
I can't remember what half those changes are, or where i got em from
@JourneymanGeek You too skip innodb, must have done it in the beginning.
@JourneymanGeek How much mem does it use ?
Mine's now running at 28 mb :) :)
But mysqltuner reports this and google or geek's config is helping
[!!] Maximum possible memory usage: 426.8M (166% of installed RAM)
@Sathya Do you know abt mysql configs ?
@HackToHell Reminds me of RPG games like Icewind Dale.
I missed the 123456 question mark :(
There is the only person who can do finger push-ups. Who is that person?
@HackToHell: that would depend on your load, really
another way to save memory is just not to use mysql ;p
@Boris_yo Have never played it
@JourneymanGeek hmmm yeah, i am running wp so i need mysql :0
you could, in theory use a non local mysql server
(of course there's risks involved)
I could but that beats the purpose of using a VPS ;p
@JourneymanGeek Do you think 200000mW Wi-Fi network adapter would kill people over the air?
if you have that many zeros the m is redundant
@JourneymanGeek Is it possible to kill with 200000watts wireless adapter?
in oh so many ways
I could, for example drop it on your head
how do people die ??
@HackToHell: oh let me count the ways. Damn i'm out of fingers and toes and other assorted limbs
@JourneymanGeek That is only one person. How do i kill masses?
very enthusiastically i suppose
@Boris_yo You are the next Hitler ;p
"The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic."

- Joseph Stalin
@HackToHell: darn it, you invoked godwin
@JourneymanGeek Who's godwin?
full of questions this one is
lol, it happens. eventually.
Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) is an observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990 In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes some comparison to Hitler and the Nazis. Godwin's law is often cited in online discussions as a deterrent against the use of arguments in the widespread Reductio ad Hitlerum form. The rule does not make any statement about whether any particular reference or comparison to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis might b...
@JourneymanGeek i only influenced @Borisyo's thought's, you cannot blame me ;p
hm, I just turned up the backlight on my keyboard...
but i touchtype, so i have no idea why i did that ;p
Godwin's law = talk about Hitler in an online discussion.
@HackToHell: irrelevant ;p
Actually I was not thinking about Hitler, Stalin. Only about Nikola Tesla and Einstein.
tesla never killed anyone
that bastard edison...
You meant Einstein.
@JourneymanGeek I know that Tesla was about to invent wireless electricity but had his financing cancelled. I wanted to know if wireless electricity can kill.
@jokerdino Physics Einstein is about as well.
@Borisyo: sure it can. Back in the old days, before these newfangled things called lightning rods, we had this thing called lightning
we'd go uphill both ways in the rain... and when we least expected it.. WHAM. kentucky fried kid.
@JourneymanGeek No, I don't mean lightning from rods and tesla coils. Just wireless electricity. Like radio transmissions travelling through our bodies.
lightning is wierless electricity
2 words
faraday cage ;p
Here, let me clarify:
@JourneymanGeek thanks. that was a good read.
If you are coming from an AWS address you can only access the API
@jokerdino the best, i knew edison was crook, but then this much, then he is a complete Ahole
Star the tesla article everybody or I am hitting you !!
@JourneymanGeek en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Douchebag&action=history LOOK AT THE EDIT HISTORY, a lot of people added Thomas Edison :) :)
oh dear god
thats even more of a cluster**** than i'd dare to do
thats just too many partitions
The 'right' way to do it (not the way i did it ;p) would be to have the bootloader for each os on its own partition
then use chemeleon to select which partition to boot from
@JourneymanGeek Chemeleon?
the bootloader a lot of hackintosh varients use
it just selects a partition to boot from
if your hardware is supported its fairly simple, just install the other OSes first
Couldn't the same thing be achieved through chainloading with GRUB?
Though it's probably harder to configure :\
hm, well...
I also have grub, and bcd
The only real experience I've had with setting up multi-boot was a Live USB
but if i picked my XP partition it'd fail, i need to pick 7 then XP from there
I've stayed away from it with OSes I actually use, there's too much chance of killing something...
multibooting is fun if you have spare hardware
(which i eventually do)
though i seem to alternate between not having enough, and OHMYGODWHEREDIDALLTHISCOMEFROM
@JourneymanGeek I just realised I have a PIII sitting in the corner :\
I had one, it blew up. twice.
Designed for Windows NT/98
Anything older than a PIV is quite useless tho
(PSU blew up, and one day it stopped booting)
and i gave up cause i realised i kept it running out of spite ;p
@JourneymanGeek I'm pretty sure it would run better than my old P4
(someone claimed it wouldn't run more than a day cause it was passively cooled. I had it running for YEARS)
lets see..
That thing overheats in 15 mins to the point of thermal shutdown
PIVs are unlucky
they run hot AND often have bad caps
@JourneymanGeek I can't seem to find a fan on this PIII
One in the front, one in the PSU. The CPU only has a heatsink..
I wonder if it still runs?
ooh, is that an AGP slot?
I love how IBM computers have motherboard diagrams inside the case :D
Wait a sec, is this CPU mounted in a slot?!
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