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youtube.com/watch?v=tFvkgfBXHPA&feature=player_embedded my second most favourite scene in babylon 5
hmm, one nice thing about having everything back on the same router is i can play with mouse without borders
@Sathya I'm still around ;) no Chinese firewall stuff stopping me. Just really really really busy in real life. Busy times at Amazon, and I'm running a small VPN service for expats here as well. No time for SU!
@Gareth: ahh, turning a problem into an opportunity ;p
hmm. I need to see if my r61 supports WOL
on one hand, digital idiot. On the other... utterly no helpful information in the question superuser.com/questions/430829/…
1 hour later…
hi Superusers, quick question: I've got a GTX460 derivative and am looking to switch to an ATI chipset. What are all the cool kids using these days? Is there a nice sweet-spot in terms of price:performance among ATI cards at present?
nvidia guy myself, so can't help there
let me check the places i check...
@JourneymanGeek, thanks
I know a few people here build with AMD chips, but none of them are currently doing a build
(i am, but i tend to go intel/nvidia)
@JourneymanGeek Intel/ATI guy myself :P
Looks like an ATI HD 7850 would be a nice step up from the nvidia 460 for only modest cost.
Nice link mate.
I have the 6770 - I like that one a lot
If you weren't going ATI, i'd suggest a look at the 560, its a step up from what you have, and supposedly really good value
/me is pondering borrowing the 450 thats in the main desktop for messing around with having a dedicated physics processor alongside a 560 or 660, depending on what i end up getting...
@JourneymanGeek, " the Radeon HD 7850 does its job using about half of the power as both older boards based on 40 nm GPUs. As such, the more expensive GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 Core loses its recommendation entirely."
@AndrewHeath: sorted then ;p
according to Tom at least
I'll poke around a bit more, but that's a good starting point.
also take a look at anandtech, arstechnica (they do a build every so often) and
er... there's the one jeff atwood uses
@JourneymanGeek Why are your buy vm guys counting down always ! Do they release small amounts for a long time ?
they have small releases over a period, then none for the rest of the year
@Gareth ah, glad to know you're doing fine!
That sucks, they can release a large amount and then sleep for a year, then atleast it will last for some time
that ends up in it being a madhouse
3 hours later…
Not cool, the HDD manufacturer are still keeping the prices up arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/05/…
@HackToHell Did you expect anything else? :P
@HackToHell: i've noticed, and bitched about not being able to get decent cheap low capacity hard drives for a while ;p
I wonder if someone downvoted me because I answered my own question. That, or they have a thing against AHK
A: Windows - Launch Google Chrome in Fullscreen mode

iglvzx If only there was a way to automatically press F11 once Google Chrome was open... There is! With a little help from AutoHotkey we can launch Google Chrome in fullscreen mode. Now, F11 is pretty standard as a fullscreen keyboard shortcut, so we will write a script that can work with any progr...

@JourneymanGeek yeah me too, i want an external HDD and prices are very high :/
@HackToHell: dosen't help that we're down to what..
2 companies making them?
or was it 3
@Bob filthy corporate companies, no competition, no low price
hm, the WD 1tb model i have has dropped back to pre-flood prices i suspect
least here
Usually it's 20$ to 25$ costlier here
than american prices
my 500 gb drive is twice as expensive as it was when i bought it
which is annoying. 50 bucks is the sweet spot for 'random system drives'
@JourneymanGeek Apparently, four: "As of March 2012 independent manufacturers were Seagate, Simmtronics, Toshiba and Western Digital." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_defunct_hard_disk_manufacturers
i've never seen a simmtronics drive anywhere
I bought a 500 gig drive just one month before the flood :)
I need one or two more ;p
@JourneymanGeek I got a 1.5TB external hard drive for media and backups about three years ago. The same now costs $40 more :\
@JourneymanGeek Indian company. I think some of our users may recognize it :P
Yes, too much movies and I am saving up for a laptop so no drive is within budget ;p
am VERY seriously considering a no-name SSD off DX for one of my spare systems ;p
@iglvzx: ok, these guys are almost interesting
@iglvzx I have never seen a simmtronics drive being in India, and it's not on flipkart
prices look sane, but ya, i'd actually need to find these on the market
local distributor ;p
there seems to be one in Singapore
almost tempted to e mail them and ask if they'll sell hard drives to indivduals
apparently the company I work for got acquired
is that good or bad?
The company you worked before? it shouldn't matter much right?
He did not say before
I read it as worked for. My mistake.
Hopefully that wasn't an unintentional foreshadow
Just don't tell me SE acquired it =)
that would be a good thing
but doubtful
@jokerdino hah, I wish but yeah the 2 are poles apart
seems like Logica has been acquired by CGI http://www.nasdaq.com/article/logica-cgi-group-agree-terms-of-recommended-cash-acquisition---quick-facts-20120531-00039 http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/media-advisory-cgi-acquire-logica-creating-global-technology-champion-with-significant-tsx-gib.a-1663492.htm #fb wil have to see how that turns out.
@JourneymanGeek will have to see. The operating regions are of the 2 are totally different, CGI is Americas, Logica is EU.
Do we have a 'FAQ' question to redirect questions related to accidental International keyboard layouts?
@Sathya hehe, I know it is more than unlikely.
@Sathya Then you will able to work in CGI in America :)
@Bob I don;t think so
In fact, the second one should probably be closed as a dupe of the first :\
What's the rule on old questions that are duplicates of older ones, and both are answered?
Better quality minecraft
oops wrong room.
:4780184 Isn't that the point of chat?
@jokerdino: if they want to use a forum, use a damned forum ;p
I have no idea what he is trying to tell. :(
and you can talk about stuff you can't on SE
like "what's the best tool for X"
"anti-activities"? O_O
@iglvzx Spam, I guess...
@Bob Ah. Like anti-matter...
Interesting word choice
I love how everyone in this question posted the exact same answer:
Q: Weird problem in windows XP - apostrophes and double quotes don't show up until the key has been pressed twice

user31284When I type a single double quote, no character is displayed. if I type another character, the apostrophe and the next character appear at the same time. This applies to double quotes (") and apostrophes ('). What could possibly be causing this? This occurs in all applications I have tested -...

@iglvzx Not the exact same, they all posted parts that, if put together, could make a whole answer :P
Well, very similar answers. lol
There is a lot of overlap :P
Morning! @OliverSalzburg
@Bob Morning!
@iglvzx Morning!
(;p Its only fair i ask him a question once in a while )
Pardon me for not knowing whether it is evening, afternoon or morning in your countries, but doing online time conversion for everyone of you seems like a hassle.
and delete it before he sees what it is ;p
@Borisyo: this is why there is such a thing as good day
and hello
@JourneymanGeek Who are you talking to?
or just not bother, like i do, and convince everyone you are a robot
you, presumably ;p
and the man behind the curtain
@JourneymanGeek I am not. Will Smith is.
Not iRobot, heRobot.
Maybe he stole idea from Steve Jobs?
the basic plot is all asimov
What if Jobs would create SIRI speaking robot?
@JourneymanGeek Weird surname for a russian... Asimov? hmmm
though they took elements from another story
American ;p
Isaac Asimov, one of the sci fi greats. Wrote the foundation and robot series
@JourneymanGeek Thanks, I will try to keep that undeleted on my headdrive.
@JourneymanGeek I am "The Randomizer". Earned "Most Random Question" medal yesterday.
I will have questions in august ;p
And I am not bot. If i would, my name would be BOTis.
well july/august
funds permitting
Maybe Riddlerizer would suit too.
@JourneymanGeek "Unable to comply", "insufficient funds".
I'll have enough
question is really if i'll be able to do it in july, or wait till august to get a buffer
Then get ready to farm Dune worms in your backyard and keep them well fed with vehicles.
Who could have thought that collecting worm's shit can be so profitable... Kudos to Atreides, Ordos and Harkonnen!
@Boris_yo Evening!
My damn laptop fan just died. Worst timing.
Use a mechanical fan dude!
Wow. This laptop has a hotkey to send the screen to sleep.
I remember a few questions regarding such a feature.
@OliverSalzburg My old one used to (it was backlight off, specifically - the screen was still on). I've been wondering for a while if I could do that on my current laptop :P
I was just checking all the Fn key combinations on this one :D
@OliverSalzburg Was it Fn + F2 by any chance?
F6 actually
Aww.. this was my one
Annoying Fn/Ctrl locations too, with no way to change them
Oh boy. Having the Fn on the bottom left would drive me insane. That's where I expect my Ctrl :(
@OliverSalzburg Exactly. By the time I got used to it, I couldn't use any other laptop. Took me a week to train myself to expect the Ctrl on the left again.
@Bob That's frustrating
@Bob if they are near identical, they're merged
@Bob that's a pain. thankfully my Envy has the buttons in correct(!) order
Maybe it's a Brownian mouse? ;-) — Keith 8 mins ago
I chuckled.
@Sathya I don't get it :(
@Sathya This one specifically
@Sathya I'm particularly bad at choosing laptops with good keyboards..
That's my current one. The up/down arrow keys are painful
@Bob Those up/down arrow keys...
@JourneymanGeek His books rock
Why do severs use Xenon, instead of i7, i7 is faster than Xenon or is it based on Power Usage.
@HackToHell Xeon?
> Xenon is a CPU used in the Xbox 360 game console.
> Notably, the Xeon variants include support for ECC memory, VT-d and Trusted execution that are not present on the consumer models, while only some Xeon E3 enable the integrated GPU that is present on Sandy Bridge.
I'm pretty sure they have a higher RAM limit too
@Bob yes Xeon, typo
@Bob The ram limit might be a bad thing for servers, that's why they use Xeon I guess
@HackToHell From memory (no pun intended), the i3/i5/i7 CPUs only support up to 32GB of RAM, while Xeons support over 100GB
Wait there is a Sandy Bridge Xeon, looks like it is a brand name
The Xeon microprocessor from Intel is a CPU brand targeted at the server and workstation markets. It competes with AMD's Opteron. P6-based Xeons Pentium II Xeon "Drake" (250 nm) * All models support: MMX Pentium III Xeon "Tanner" (250 nm) * Based on P6 microarchitecture * All models support: MMX, SSE * All models support quad-processor configurations * Die size: 123 mm² * Steppings: B0, C0 "Cascades" (180 nm) * All models support: MMX, SSE * Only Xeon 700 and 900 are capable of quadprocessor configurations {{cpulist|p6|cascades|model=Pentium III Xeon 80...
@HackToHell Sandy Bridge is the architecture, Xeon is the server class of CPUs...
@Bob And it can support more memory, it can support 1500 gigs of ram
@Bob And i5,i7 are sandys...
@HackToHell Actually, the first were Nehalem
Then Sandy Bridge
Then Sandy Bridge-E
Ivy Bridge is next
I do not a lot abt Intel CPUs, know everything abt AMD though
@Bob And i did not know that
@HackToHell And I know nothing about AMD! :D
@Bob: there will likely be an ivy ridge e as well
@JourneymanGeek Is Ivy Bridge even out yet?
I haven't been keeping up lately..
also xeons seem split, low end use the 1155 pin layout the SB/IB procs use. and the high end ones use 2011 pins
ya, my local stores have it ;p
actually they had it pre-release, labelled as AAAA BBBB CCCC DDDD on the price lists
Q: recover windows7 drive, over that linux installed

sandeepI installed linux minikernel over my windows drive, that was supposed install on my external harddisk,, but wrongly i did it on the windows7 drive,, now in in windows7 that drive is invisible and is showing as linux, when i give command fdisk -l,, plz help to restore all my directories which were...

Nuked his Windows partitions, is actively booting from and using it, wants to recover, completely failed to tag appropriately, and he is "expecting valuable answers to the problem quoted"? :\
Use testdisk. come back fi it dosen't work
@OliverSalzburg physics..
Brownian motion (named after the botanist Robert Brown) or pedesis (from "leaping") is the presumably random drifting of particles suspended in a fluid (a liquid or a gas) or the mathematical model used to describe such random movements, which is often called a particle theory. In 1827 the biologist Robert Brown noticed that if you looked at pollen grains in water through a microscope, the pollen jiggles about. He called this jiggling 'Brownian motion', but Brown couldn't work out what was causing it. The direction of the resultant force is constantly changing. At different times t...
@Sathya Thanks :)
1 hour later…
@Bob just to note, i've done the very same thing. And recovered. One hell of a learning experience ;p
@JourneymanGeek How did the recovery go? Did you get everything back? I assume the Linux installation only rewrote the partition tables, and didn't actually zero the drive (that would be bad).
@Bob: ya, i caught it partway
and i got lucky even despite a full format
fun fun
@JourneymanGeek I never tried to recover in this kind of situation..
testdisk has saved my ass a few times ;p
(and my data)
I'm going to have to try testdisk next time :)
worth running through a few scenarios on a VM if you want to use it without panicing ;p
I still haven't figured out how, but fsck corrupted my boot partition (in a VM) when run on a flash drive.
Even if I had run it on the wrong drive, it shouldn't be corrupting anything :\
Went for the snapshot restore, since my data was stored on a VirtualBox shared folder anyway
I'll give testdisk a shot next time :D
testdisk repairs boot sectors
(And there will be a next time)
the ones i hate are NTFS failures which arn't failures on linux
@JourneymanGeek ?
@Bob: won't mount on windows. Mounts perfectly on linux
so i mount the drive on linux, copy the files out, wipe and reinstall
well, copy back the files
both times its happened, its been a data disk
@JourneymanGeek This convoluted juggling of OSes! Wait, didn't you have a quad-boot system?
only 2 of those OSes work well
(gentoo.. is WIP. needs more compiling and patience. OS X... is a mess. half the hardware is unsupported or has wierd ass glitches
@JourneymanGeek About the checking of the monitor.. perhaps check EDID (if on Linux)?
@JourneymanGeek It'll probably try to switch the monitor on when checking EDID, so never mind :P
i could just tell it to switch off the monitor each time
(gonna poof a bit. Law class. darned business school lecturers assume you're chatting in class, even when you're taking notes. Especially when you're chatting)
@JourneymanGeek lol
@JourneymanGeek I HAVE A VPS !! YAY
@Sathya Bought it ! :)
And PayPal finally allows to pay via Debit Card :) :)
@JourneymanGeek wmic desktopmonitor get availability
3 should be running/full power, there's some numbers defined for power save, etc
@JourneymanGeek Do you run a GUI in your VPS ??
If so how what ?
Unfortunately, running that command turns the monitor on, so it gives 3 even if it's in power saving (at least with my tests and turning the monitor off through nircmd).
This is stupid.
@JourneymanGeek If you don't mind having a program live in the background, you can have one intercept the screensaver/power message and hold the last value. Then you can ask this background program for that value... this is getting convoluted.
Similarly, you can register for a power event
Q: Is there any way to detect the monitor state in Windows (on or off)?

Sam SaffronDoes anyone know if there is an API to get the current monitor state (on or off) in Windows (XP/Vista/2000/2003)? All of my searches seem to indicate there is no real way of doing this. This thread tries to use GetDevicePowerState which according to Microsoft's docs does not work for display d...

Hey guys, is there a single Cloud web operating system that let me browse flash websites?
I cannot browse website in flash since I do not have it installed
I am in the library right now and cannot install flash of course...
@HackToHell no, not even plain naked X
@Bob: I'll give that a poke over the weekend. You might want to post those things as an answer. I'd like to avoid convoluted however
would like to avoid making a better potato peeler
@user1111261: essentially anything running cloud would cause a bit of a performance loss. And while there's workaround for video (html5), server side conversion of flash of other sorts of interactive things sounds messy
so will it work?
i can at least give it a try
which one should i try?
neither Kohive nor glide does not have a browser
at least i cannot find it in there
i mean whick online cloud OS....
Ok, let me put it this way
Its on the cloud. Running a browser in a browser... just seems silly
and even running a full fledged remote desktop instance won't work very well
@JourneymanGeek Inception! :D
(No, I haven't watched the movie)
@JourneymanGeek I'd rather not post this as an answer. It's nothing concrete; I have no idea if it could even work or not. I don't have the time to test it right now.
i just want to try it
maybe it will work for me
@HackToHell grats, which one?
1 hour later…
@user1111261: we don't have a no idle rule here ;p
@Sathya The 128 mb plan, others are too costly
@JourneymanGeek hmmm okay
@HackToHell: nor was i hinting we had one. just confused by the .
@JourneymanGeek lol, I was talking about X in VM !! My bad, I did not respond correctly :D
@OliverSalzburg: I think I found me a book...
@HackToHell: basically, you need a gui on a linux server like a fish needs a bicycle
@TomWijsman Which one?
Oh yeah. Amazon is constantly recommending that :D
Because I have so many similar books on my wish list I guess :)
@TomWijsman As if you do not know enough already ...
Maybe I should buy one some time...
Q: How do I force excel (and other office products) to stop opening files in the same application?

KronoSWhenever I "double click" on an Excel file and another Excel file is open, the newly opened file automatically opens in the same application window as the previously opened Excel file. This isn't limited to just Excel, as I've seen Word do this as well. This poses a problem when wanting to compa...

anybody got a solution?
@KronoS let me know if you do
@Sathya for sure
its such an annoying thing...
I seem to keep finding these amusing suggested edits to reject
And it's earth4energy
A spam site
Spam a spam site, an interesting proposition
That made me laugh.
@OliverSalzburg: The problem I'm experiencing now is quite similar to George Edison's
Q: Why does my wireless network card need to be reset everytime I start or wake my machine?

George EdisonEvery time I start my notebook, it fails to connect to any wireless access points. I can still view available wireless networks and attempt to connect to them - but it always fails. The only thing that seems to work is to visit Network and Sharing Center and click Troubleshoot Problems. After ru...

And I had something similar on earlier versions of Windows, so it's not really Windows 8 bound.
... Tom, Any chance you can quickly grab me something off of Steam? store.steampowered.com/app/10110
@TomWijsman Damn, at a client right now. Gotta check that later
@OliverSalzburg: It connects badly on boot, so I need to go to the IP settings thing and click OK a few times.
And sometimes my connection randomly falls away, then I need to disable and enable it like two times.
Already removed the device, didn't help.
No problem, you can read later...
@WilliamHilsum: Yes, talk to me on Steam. :)
Hi everyone
@TomWijsman buying/selling isn't really allowed... worried if Steam keeps logs! Anyway... transferring now
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to make call and play certain audio using a gsm modem?
@WilliamHilsum Hey hey! I'm so-called gifting...
@KronoS I know :/
@TomWijsman done... and, I don't remember if I did gift or purchased something... if it does a transaction fee/less money, let me know asap and i'll give more
Q: Installation of Windows XP on Dell Inspiron fails due to BSOD

juanpabloI have a Dell Inspiron with an i3 processor and I need to install Windows XP. When I try to install it, I get this blue screen: Why is that? What can I do to install Windows?

@WilliamHilsum: We'll have to wait a min for it to display what it did...
In any case, try asking different persons to do it if you're afraid of logging. Or make multiple accounts so they have to do cross-IP checks. But well, I don't think they go that far.
It's actually more like the countries that would need to check it than them themselves.
And why does PP have the stupid This list doesn't include your most recent account activity yet. thing. :(
@TomWijsman Im not that worried!
just a little worried!
and... wow ... someone just sent this to me
I'd like to see the easter egg
welcome @mapleshaft ;p
@Sathya Hi...
I don't come in here often...
I'd like to but I get so caught up with work
Ah, I figured out that's NSFW right on time.
@maple_shaft haha
How do I see this easter egg without annoying everyone in the room with pointless messages?
response: impossible
did someone mention the easter egg?
@JourneymanGeek yeah, @Aarthi found out about Clippy
@JourneymanGeek These aren't the easter eggs you're looking for.
..and so now all the mods are flocking here to try it out.
only now? ;p
you eventually find clippy. or he finds you. Usually when you want something you'd rather not need help with
@JourneymanGeek just like Clippy ;p
that's what happened
How do you know that?
shucks, that didn't work
its very specific
how do i invoke the horror that is clippy?
i want to invoke the horror that is clippy
only how do i seems to do it, i could have sworn i want to does as well
I'm trying to find help for myself
that works.
I'm suspecting that a driver installer executes cd c:` -> rd * /s`. How can I make sure it's the case?
A: How do I force excel (and other office products) to stop opening files in the same application?

Scott FelhoferI have Office 2010 and the only app that does this for me is Excel. A posting on PC Review, How to open vista excel in multiple windows versus 1 window? explains how to set this up: Use the File Association Settings You have to tell Excel not to use DDE to open the worksheet. Open Wi...

@Sathya this appears to work
1 hour later…
Holy crap, @Sathya. That's so amazing. XD
I just posted it to my Facebook. :P ¡Es Jefe Maestro!
Has anybody installed the Win8 RP yet?
@paradroid just put it for download
another 3 hours to go, so I'm off to sleep. 'night!
@Sathya ;night
4 hours later…
Why, in this day and age, do people still insist that we (a computer shop) are responsible to re-install pirated software when their Windows installations are dead?
lol. cause people are stupid >_>

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