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@JourneymanGeek I found my light switch! Also if it weren't for drugs I'd have killed myself a long time ago
@Bob Xenserver does shitty ballooning, but VSphere takes memory overprovisioning up to six levels of awesome.
@CircusCat yay, and eh. I have nothing against you taking the drugs you need, in the way you're supposed to, and not blanking out and having ... incidents.
Haven't blacked out for like, two weeks.
Since I figured out the dosing. Like I said, it was the whole business of oops I took ten times more than I intended.
The button now makes it catch fire before I take ten times more than I intended. It's a workaround, but it works.
Speaking of which, I need to go collect my prescription meds
just take the pills normally
Can I be blunt?
Urgh my brain, is being pulled in like 5 different directions right now
/me splits
I think I speak for many of us when I say, this ... craziness about taking drugs in unapproved fashion... has gone on long enough
Its another attempt at getting attention and its pretty tiresome, and folks get worried.
Could you please knock it off @CircusCat?
I'll crazily take them in an approved fashion if that makes you happy.
Heck I didn't even mention drugs till you brought them up! I just said I found my light switch. It was hiding among a pile of other similarly coloured items.
@CircusCat eh.Read that again
@JourneymanGeek no u
@Burgi The URL made me wonder what Sean Talbot did to that tea round to lose such trust
But it was the other way round!
<I support Reverse Polish Notation for URLs>
Building WP CLI on Docker sure takes a long time...
@CircusCat there is no lube in this image ;)
@Burgi don't encourage him :(
@ThatBrazilianGuy There's a CLI version of wordpress?
sowwie :(
smacks @Burgi on the nose with a rolled up copy of the caprica times
Hey geek, when you're done can I get the sports section? Want to see the latest Pyramid results
On a more serious (ish) note, anyone know why 'typing autocorrect' is a thing?
you mean incorrect autocorrects?
Kinda, more like why the brain chooses the wrong rehearsed sequence of keys rather than the right one (eg 'where' instead of 'when')
CLI management tool for WordPress. Has been for a few years.
Since 2012 if the release dates on github are to be trusted.
that happens to me
It's a huge timesaver.
Or will try to put a 'g' on the end of words ending 'in'
@ThatBrazilianGuy Huh, TIL; will check it out
@ThatBrazilianGuy Cheers!
@bertieb You have to install it as a binary, instructions on the site (I suppose)
Also, (VTC: primarily opinion-based warning) I've been using VMB since $forever, should I migrate to native WP's multisite stuff?
> The WP-CLI team communicates on Slack, in the #cli channel.
(VMB = Virtual Multiblog for WordPress)
@bertieb Huh?! WP Multisite is a native function of WordPress since... v3.0 (2010), you've been using it since before 2010?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Oh, definitely
Migrating 8+ years of content could mean a lot of effort
That's kinda what I suspected :-\
Although I studied Multisite intensely for a feew weeks back in 2014 so I could present a talk on WordCamp São Paulo, I haven't had the chance to see it working in a real, live environment so much of what I knew is lost and much is theoretical
I did help to implement two instances from scratch at work but then other team took over it
There are some... peculiarities over a plain single site install.
Fair enough
I tried it once (twice? three times a lady?!)
I have the link to my talk on prezi.com but I suppose you don't speak Portuguese
But it confused the heck outta me and did me a real big frighten
@ThatBrazilianGuy I wish!
Like I say, I only speak two languages
@bertieb Oh wait they have an auto transcript for the slides
Here, you can try Google Translate prezi.com/zqbc8eq8c0xh/…
@bertieb Forget it, the transcript sections are completely scattered. It doesn't make sense.
I'll see if I can write an English version, but I'll only have time after June 6
@ThatBrazilianGuy No worries; either I'll figure it out, or (much more likely) continue with VMB as it rarely if ever breaks :)
Oh, great! A week ago, InfoWorld contacted me and said according to GDPR, I am allowed to reaffirm their permission to have my data and send me emails. I chose not and unsubscribed. Result: Today, I have been bombarded with their newsletters.
Last chance for the dual L5630 for $200/yr from Delimiter
@bertieb Okay. Well, do keep backups. Always. You have backups, right?
Revenge of InfoWorld.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Backups? No one mentioned backups!
@allquixotic Went to see if you posted the deal before, and your last message makes me question them :P
May 25 at 17:13, by allquixotic
Delimiter: 9 AM to 5 PM US Central time Monday-Friday only; often misses deadlines; blames other people saying the problem is out of their control
(I am looking for something to replace my £15/year 512meg VPS because Wordpress seems to be making it fall over; but $200/year is a rather large step up)
@bertieb that's actually pretty reasonable...
Oh, the quote?
oh, the cost
@allquixotic It's the same one as the one you lent me?
Ah right yea
Aye the cost looks pretty good for whatcha get
@bertieb USD 200 is, if including taxes, nearly one month of min. wage in Brazil
> £15/year 512meg VPS
Link plz?
@ThatBrazilianGuy I think we had this discussion before? Not on sale in Br ?
I pay 15 USD for a year of a 128 MB OpenVZ slice
Will dig out the link anyway
heh,that's buyvm?
Have a vague recollection
@bertieb Oh was the one that blocked BR IPs? Ò_ó
Yerr :-\
They might not anymore?
I've been reasonably happy with online
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, the one you recommended to me. Been using it since then, it's my VPN + ADblock combo :D
All I really want is something that doesn't fall over OOM
@bertieb lovesomething IIRC?
@ThatBrazilianGuy That's the one
@ThatBrazilianGuy and that they're still around is a thing
My first vps host... vanished one day
@bertieb I can open lg.loveservers.com but get 403'd on loveservers.com
@JourneymanGeek Without any prior warning?!
@ThatBrazilianGuy Happy to spot you a UK VPN to uh, test if that makes a difference
can't remember the name
But you prolly don't want to do business with folks that block a country just cause
(well, I wouldn't)
@bertieb Nah, I'm fine. I just wanted a bigger toy to try bigger things
He said, totally-not-having-bought-from-Nuuvem-in-the-past
@bertieb The fact they go to such lengths to not have my money makes me actively not want to give my money to them.
Cool cool
@ThatBrazilianGuy Agreed 100% (plus 15% tip)
@bertieb Well, nuuvem has an official international interface nuuvem.com/catalog/price/promo/sort/bestselling/sort-mode/desc so...
I am quite price-sensitive (read: broke) so can let you know if I find an Awesome Dealâ„¢ somewhere
@bertieb Wait, Nuuvem blocks UK payments / users?
@ThatBrazilianGuy This was back in the days, not that I did it, when it was much cheaper to buy in BRL
@ThatBrazilianGuy Yeah I think so
I seem to remember... a friend telling me they stopped taking British monies
Steam sells the same game cheaper in BRL in a lot of cases. Like, if you do direct conversion it should cost x, but in BRL it costs x/3 or x/4
Well, back to work.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Would put x BRL on it being region-locked tho
@ThatBrazilianGuy sounds about right, i tried the beta
@ThatBrazilianGuy ($16 year, 768Mb vRAM, 20GB disk, US/EU location, hostUS)
But as Bob says,
Jan 22 '15 at 16:59, by Bob
ok, this one's just crazy and probably heavily oversold: http://lowendbox.com/blog/hostus-10year-768mb-and-18quarter-6gb-ovz-in-three-us-‌​locations/
(one of two references I found to hostus in chat)
@ThatBrazilianGuy ya
@bertieb Not AFAICT.
@bertieb It shows up to me as $ 7.95 / 3 mo ($24 / yr)
@ThatBrazilianGuy If I click on it, it/the googles does nothing. Lemme double check
Coming from the link on lowendbox.com/blog/… works (ie this one)#
But that's the same link, so I have no idea
Unless the're doing HTTP-REFERER detection or similar shady malarky
@bertieb Direct link works. Thanks! :)
Yay Symantec doesn't support 1803. :(
Yey I 'Crashed' Burnout Paradise, while in Crash mode DS:
I am extremely disappointed in this amazon sausage
It's bloody weird. So my favourite type of sausage is saucisson sec, which you used to be able to get in most supermarkets.
Tesco is now the only one that sells them, at £10 per KG, and they're out of stock over 80% of the time. But outside of Tesco, everywhere else sells the French variety for £40+ per KG. Which is just ridiculous.
So I tried this "similar" Spanish variety off Amazon, which was only £20 per KG, but it's just revolting.
So now I have to order sausage off Ebay, at £18 per KG from "the mountains of Lyon", which doesn't even have mountains.
The price isn't too bad, but the shipping costs are annoying, seeing as it's coming from southern France and not the Tesco down the road, but once we're out of the EU I'll be getting import taxed on my French sausage :-|
Why is it so bloody hard to get decent sausage in the UK
Y'know, Windows Defender Offline scan sounds like an actual potentially beneficial and positive use of TPM and secure boot.
@CircusCat until the leet haxxors find a way to bypass all that security theater and embed malware in the TPM / secure boot / secure Offline scanning facility
hacker elevates to Administrator ==> hacker owns the box until it's nuked from orbit is a fairly safe assumption
@allquixotic Half the embedded chips have already been shown to have fatal flaws already, no?
But at the end of the day targeting someone's specific TPM's vulnerability is some very niche, and advanced l33t haxx0ring that's unlikely to occur to everyday users.
@CircusCat many, yes... I don't think anyone has claimed an Apple bug bounty on the A-series Secure Enclave Processor (introduced with, IIRC, either the iPhone 6 or the iPhone 6S)
@CircusCat except that TPMs are bascically a monoculture on x86_64 Wintel boxes, so if you break one, you've broken them all, and the financial incentive in breaking them all is like, ... potentially billions USD
@allquixotic Hmm, somehow I suspect that might make Apple a bigger target...
@allquixotic I dunno about that... just about every machine I've used has a different TPM chip in it from some obscure OEM I've never heard of.
@CircusCat but everyone runs either Windows or Linux on their box, right? and there's only a precious few ways to interact with the TPM from the OS kernel... so if you have Administrator / root and you find a flaw in the interaction between the host CPU and the TPM, you'll probably be able to exploit any TPM
you don't have to necessarily target the TPM at the chip level if the OS leaves the door open :P
also, many motherboards allow you to change firmware settings (used to be: BIOS settings :P) from the OS itself, so you could theoretically disable Secure Boot with malware
since all modern x86 hardware lets you disable secure boot
only ARM locks it down on some hardware IIRC
Wrote a very simple... Albeit long... backup guide on Talk-About-IT. If anyone wants to read it and offer input, be my guest.
@allquixotic You mean exploiting flaws in the communication protocol somehow? Yeah, I guess that's one way. I was thinking more bugs in the device firmware itself rather than the TPM communication standard, whatever that is.
Urgh why is there lube on my keyboard again.
Oh never mind, it's actually fish sauce.
@CircusCat cats like fish :)
@allquixotic Yes, and I was eating some very recently
sometimes I call my cat a fish because she turns her body in a wavy way to turn around, and it looks like what a fish does to turn around
except that she has a spine
fishes have spines...
so they do :P I just googled that
fish are vertebrates
IIRC the smallest biological grouping that includes all fish also includes humans
@Walmart Do you have any decent reasoning behind that suggestion, or do you just throw out "reinstall Windows" to any problem you can't solve? — Bob Feb 14 '17 at 5:14
Firstly, I'm super curious what the original comment Bob was referring to was, secondly, why is some question from 2016 with last comment being 2017 on the top of the active/top questions list
new answer
Third, why "Walmart"
oh, that user kept using the names of famous companies for a bit
@JourneymanGeek Shit answer. Downvoted.
Jesus christ I'm actually browsing SU for questions. What have you done to me.
@allquixotic Hmmmm if that bounty isn't a number of millions, i wouldn't be claiming it either...
@BenN is that because sharks are weird, and could technically not be fish?
Sharks are a group of elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five to seven gill slits on the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are not fused to the head. Modern sharks are classified within the clade Selachimorpha (or Selachii) and are the sister group to the rays. However, the term "shark" has also been used for extinct members of the subclass Elasmobranchii outside the Selachimorpha, such as Cladoselache and Xenacanthus, as well as other Chondrichthyes such as the holocephalid eugenedontidans. Under this broader definition, the earliest known sharks date back to...
According to Wikipedia by default sharks are fish.
@JourneymanGeek OMG @allquixotic's cat is a fish!
but they are unlike other fish.
Does it mean she tries to eat herself?
maybe a fishcat?
My cats ignore my fish
far too much hard work.
I have neither fishes nor a cat.
When I was 7 I had a cat
I also have a turtle
I have cacti but can't tend to them properly so they tend to die
This phrase is confusing, did I English right?
@ThatBrazilianGuy yes, looks fine
I keep cacti? I have many cacti
Oh we have a few hummingbirds that visits us each day because we're cool to drink sugary water
^--- generic image not meant to reflect the contents of this package. Illustrative reasons only. Actual contents may differ.
still, that's amzing
I keep cacti
a turtle
3 guinea pigs
3 cats
shrimps (which are now breeding!)
I keep keeps
@allquixotic Does it cost a lot in upkeep?
Dammit, was writing an answer, then my computer crashed because I unplugged a USB device.
Goddamn dodgy USB subsystem/chipset
@djsmiley2k and a mini 2.0?
hey all
@CircusCat 2 2.0's
@djsmiley2k man you must have a crazy household
pretty much yes.
@ThatBrazilianGuy yup
Right, I'm off to get a USB hub. I'm annoyed technology is so slow.
Got a laptop nearly two years ago with two USB-C and two USB-A ports. On the assumption that USB-C devices will become commonplace sometime during the life of the device.
riot/matrix is super laggy
Reality: constant battle over the too few USB-A ports, the only thing I've ever plugged into the USB-C ports is USB-C to A/B adapters
@allquixotic were you the one who said you had the 10GbE over Thunderbolt setup?
@CircusCat point to point between two TB3 laptops, yeah
actually a 2016 13" Macbook Pro and an Alienware 13 R3
@allquixotic windows on both or mixed OS?
@CircusCat I've only tested it on Windows to Windows, but it very well might work macOS to Windows too
Skylake-U + Iris Plus + TB3 for the MBP and Kaby Lake-H + GTX 1060 non-Max-Q + TB3 for the Alienware
@allquixotic nice. Optical, active or passive cabling BTW?
@CircusCat passive I believe - I don't think it's optical anyway, and it's definitely not a powered cable; it's an extremely expensive cable that feels fairly light for its thickness, and it's sold by Startech.... 2 meters or 1.5m long, and like 60 bucks
decidedly not a "USB 3.1" cable - has the TB logo on it
that's it
in the distant past I also used Target Disk Mode from one MBP to another when I was returning my 15" MBP to keep the 13" MBP, and needed to migrate my data back, and that was I think also 10 Gbps
it had excellent performance for transferring several hundred gigs of data, anyway
yeah, pretty sure it's copper, that might actually be near the limit of what copper can reliably do
I was thinking for a sec that it might be optical like a TOSLINK cable, because of its extremely light weight, but now that I compare it to an actual TOSLINK cable, it's considerably heavier
At least I can be confident the laptop end will work then, my Alienware 15R3 is basically the same platform
@allquixotic interesting. I'd have thought 2m TB3 would require active cabling but I guess a quality passive cable works. Maybe the limit is 5m
@allquixotic also optical cable would have problems with 100w power delivery :-P
(unless they add extra copper wiring to it, which now that I think about it, they probably do.)
cables are starting to become really intricate and complex, especially at the connector ends -- don't they have to convert from optical signaling back to electricity?
and if they use copper and optical, that's even more complicated!
@allquixotic pretty much. But that's not too different to Ethernet with SFP+ modules, which are pretty cheap and universal.
One thing I do wonder is if its one optical fiber per 10G stream or a single 40G link that's multiplexed at the plug somehow
> multiplexed at the plug
sounds like something a $90 cable would do
@allquixotic I wouldn't expect an optical cable to be below $100 tbh, I was thinking more $150 range
Oh hey, either Chrome or SU autosaved my half-typed answer from before my PC crashed
SE's platform does that
Not too familiar with Thunderbolt. I have no hardware with Thunderbolt functionality, though my desktop can do USB 3.1 Gen 2.
I have a StarTech USB 3.1 Gen 2 mSATA SSD enclosure which is being used with a 64 GB Plextor M5M as a caching drive for my cheap netbook; ironically, while Astaroth was able to do close to 570 MB/s on that drive, Bifrons only supports USB 3.0 so it tops out at about 450 MB/s.
Jan 21 at 2:16, by bwDraco
user image
(write speed limited by the underlying SSD)
Aside from that, I have no other external devices capable of doing more than 5 Gbps.
Does this look like a "How do I programatically get pre-boot malware onto someone's machine" question to anyone else? Or is it just me?
Q: Programmatically restart computer and boot into flash drive

GrumpyCroutonI originally posted this on StackOverflow but was told that this may be a better place to post this question, so here goes; I've created a small script which will automatically reboot a computer into it's recoverysequence (Windows Troubleshoot), which works. Here is my code: $testpath = test-p...

It's an XY problem question.
@CanadianLuke Looks like everyone is impressed with this bit of hardware. You're not the first person to show me this.
@FleetCommand Stay on topic, please.
@bwDraco That is the topic.
I was actually going to ask if anyone here knows what kind of GPU fits into those USB3 slots and whether they are any good at their actual graphics duty.
@allquixotic has experience with cryptocurrency mining, so you might want to ask him about that.
@bwDraco Really? I thought you are the most experienced in the field of hardware.
Not cryptocurrency stuff. I exited my position in bitcoin late last year.
@FleetCommand, it really seems like you're trying to troll me by hijacking the conversation. Please cut it out.
Actually, I am interested in this certain motherboard only. (So, yeah, cryptocurrency is indeed what I consider off topic, if that's what you meant.)
I'm not the the first person to accuse you of trolling. Cryptocurrency isn't off-topic, but you're posting irrelevant messages in an attempt to get attention.
Oh wow, that's a lot of GPU slots
And here is what I am thinking: What to do with it after its mining duty is no longer relevant. Can it be put to good use?
Perhaps compute applications like Folding@home?
But aside from that, miners really don't care as long as they can get a positive ROI.
@bwDraco Please allow me to offer you an olive branch: If there was indeed a discussion you feel I am hijacking please point me to its starting point and I will join it. But I assure you, I didn't perceive any. Well, except that PowerShell question, which I am already on it.
With all those USB ports, driver developers could use it as a new USB cart of death :p
"USB cart of death"? Are you referring to Windows Driver Stress framework's test #4?
Yeah, though I guess that was more a test of hubs
@FleetCommand You were posting about a cryptocurrency mining motherboard, but followed up with messages that are only tangentially related to that topic and are intended to draw attention rather than actually discuss the hardware.
Are there are hard drives that go over PCIe?
(I know very little about hardware)
Well, there certainly are storage units for PCIe. NAND mostly.
Could use it for a giant storage machine?
WSUS ahoy
17 mins ago, by Fleet Command
@CanadianLuke Looks like everyone is impressed with this bit of hardware. You're not the first person to show me this.
11 mins ago, by Fleet Command
@bwDraco Really? I thought you are the most experienced in the field of hardware.
@BenN Probably yes, but not without optimized drivers.
Do these messages really relate to the mining motherboard, or are you simply trying to get a response?
@bwDraco You're re-escalating, please stop :)
Hmm, could a ton of GPUs be used for a terminal server-like setup?
I was thinking distributed computing.
@BenN That's actually your best idea so far. I believe combined with virtual machines, it is possible to run more efficient thin clients.
You can clearly see the monetization possibility here, right?
A thin-client farm on a server, with actual graphic components for each.
I wonder if Adobe would be interested in licensing time-shared Photoshops for users on pay-per-hour use-on-demand basis.
I have to restore around 30 iPhones today. :|
Ow. What happened?
Oh, they're being wiped for redistribution, but they need to all my restore and updated.
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