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Need to declare a British emergency
@bertieb NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooo。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。...........................................‌​...........
Somebody alert the Queen
@Bob I know, right?
@JourneymanGeek Trying! But it's hard. Tea has been spilt.
@allquixotic how much RAM? looks like E5420 is more widely available webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1705852 but @ 16 GB
Wars have been fought over less :P
chut chut. Stiff upper lip and all that. The empire must go on.
An oddity... a 7-Eleven purchase on my credit card is coded as "Gasoline".
@Bob if you buy annually they give you 24
I know, I know; trying to remember my training
You hear about these things happening.... but you never believe it'll happen to you
you buy the E5420 with 24 GB of RAM and either a 120 GB SSD or two 500 GB HDDs, then you pay a one time $200 fee to upgrade to the dual L5630 (they give you a new chassis and keep the disks)
it goes DDR2 -> DDR3 and Core2 to Westmere
how do you want me to benchmark this?
@allquixotic ugh, it's been a while since I ran a disk benchmark... I remember it being a pain :P
a seq throughput is probably easiest and enough for now
what block size? :P
dd from /dev/zero to file and back to /dev/null, or if you have compression use openssl random to generate the data
uhh... 128kB
@allquixotic hm, I'm only seeing offers of annual $200 with 16 GB
but tbh right now I'm looking for disk more than CPU
I have the online.net one with a C2750 and a 1 TB HDD
@Bob I have a special offer :P
nowhere near saturating the CPU
> Los Angeles – Dual E5-2650v2
– 2x Intel Xeon E5-2650v2 (16 Cores, 32 Threads, 2.60Ghz)
– 128GB ECC DDR3 (Samsung 1866)
– 2x 800GB Intel DC S3500 SSD
– 5 Usable IPv4
– 15TB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer
– Dedicated 1Gbps Network Port
– 20Gbps DDoS Protection - UDP + TCP
> – 15TB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer
eww no.
I mean, that's pretty generous
way more than I need
I just don't like the idea of watching usage :P
that's a really cool box for $139/mo, but it's basically more CPU cache and s/HDDs/SSDs/ (with less capacity) vs. my current OVH
@allquixotic isn't your current OVH single-CPU?
@Bob oh, yeah, lol
single E5-1620v2
it's nice how we're moving up to the sandy and ivy bridges in the relatively budget dual-cpu range
considering the nehalem and westmere dominance for the past 5 years
tank/foo  used                  238G                   -
tank/foo  compressratio         1.69x                  -
tank/foo  logicalused           392G                   -
maybe I should change it to gzip compression...
zstd ftw
# openssl rand -base64 $(( 2**30 * 3/4 * 2 )) | dd bs=128k of=fil
0+469736 records in
0+469736 records out
2181038080 bytes (2.2 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 55.4886 s, 39.3 MB/s
# btrfs filesystem show
Label: none  uuid: (the uuid)
        Total devices 2 FS bytes used 5.07GiB
        devid    1 size 465.76GiB used 7.03GiB path /dev/sdb2
        devid    2 size 465.76GiB used 7.03GiB path /dev/sda2
so who knows what it'd be on zfs... CBA to be honest
that's with btrfs zstd compression
@allquixotic thanks
I just use ext4 across the board now.
"i don't really know what subtweeting is" "it's like normal tweeting at a lower frequency" "like a subwoofer" "That's a dog at a lower frequency, right?" "I think I have nothing left to teach you"
!! s/ext4/Eats data eXTraneously 4x more than other filesystems (ext4)/
@allquixotic I just use Eats data eXTraneously 4x more than other filesystems (ext4) across the board now. (source)
@allquixotic and btrfs just randomly stops booting cause ... I donno
Well... if what you say is true, I need to learn ZFS.
But I've not heard of data loss issues with ext4 from anyone else.
I've never had issues with ext
@bwDraco sure, but you won't get hired because you know ZFS
you need to know lots of different things at enough of a level to be dangerous
not necessarily a worldwide expert
@allquixotic 40 MB/s looks a tad slow but I can't test mine to compare right now
it's running a fairly long send/recv
also. Er. Its fun? ;p
Gosh. So much to learn.
@bwDraco instead of approaching it as "wow, that's a lot of work" just do things -- if you aren't naturally motivated enough to do stuff and are paralyzed just thinking about stuff to do, TBH it might not be the field for you... not sure if that's my morning crankiness talking but maybe I'm just being more frank than usual
You see, part of my philosophy is that forcing it is perfectly OK.
As long as you achieve your objective, that's all that matters.
But it isn't.
That's what SHE said!
so I think you guys dabble in dedicated home servers
Also less time on "what should I do" and more time on "Ok, I want to do the thing - how can I do it?"
but why not just use other random computer hardware?
@Hakase actually, a few regulars rent dedis of various levels of power.
...if I'm not naturally motivated, will I wind up with more stress if I take up a sysadmin job?
Doesn't matter as long as I get there.
@Hakase cause my ISP slightly sucks, and its slightly more reliable?
@bwDraco yes
like some cheap slow nettop or an arduino (low power consumption, and I don't think you expect much resource load requirement)
@Hakase you ever tried hosting a server on ADSL? protip: don't.
what kinda server tho
also, even a server-grade atom (avoton) can be painfully slow for 'simple' tasks like compilation or even installing packages
just static pages and ftp would be fine
let alone arduino
@Hakase I used to run a 8 core 8gb avaton
heck, an rpi is slow and that's light years ahead of any arduino
@Hakase A simple VPS will do.
worst I've run stuff on and not needed extrea was a 256gb vps
@Hakase ADSL is like 80 kB/s up
no, static pages and ftp is not fine...
@Bob it's a 5400rpm laptop drive, I wouldn't expect much tbh
@Bob ok just get a mobile plan then instead
@Hakase in which case I'd be paying like $5-10 per GB
man, renting a rather powerful dedi costs less than even a modest mobile plan
@Hakase lets see, I run TTRSS (which I access over mobile and desktop), on a postgres db, wordpress, some other random stuff...
wow mad prices
let alone a bigger one
and 'unlimited' doesn't exist
and I spend about 15 euros a month on my main server?
yea I suppose renting in another country probably would be cheaper
a local VPS is also cheaper than any hope of hosting on mobile
@allquixotic was talking about moving his hosting home.
@allquixotic So... is being interested in running my own projects a prerequisite to being a professional systems administrator?
@Bob modern consumer DSL is in the 5-10Mbps up range, which is a lot more reasonable for server hosting
@bwDraco no.
(not to mention, I don't actually know of any mobile provider that gives you a non-NAT'd connection... so no incoming)
Most sysadmins do construction in their spare time.
@ToxicFrog that does not exist here
I wanted to try hosting my chat bot on my phone but it turns out you can't just "try" android app development in under an hour
ADSL is specifically asymmetric
symmetrical DSL is business plans only
and costs like $500/month, minimum
@Bob yes? A typical domestic ADSL link here is, say, 25Mbps down, 5 or 10 up
@Bob (and in the US, business-grade Internet service typically requires an EIN)
In theory I could go with MR (60 dollars a month), get the 50 dollar one time static IP option and self host.
@ToxicFrog that's fibre assisted VDSL, not ADSL
@bwDraco I wish! unfortunately most sysadmins just do their day job 9-5 40 hours a week, and they are so hyper-specialized on whatever it is they do that they have no clue how to fix shit when it breaks or think laterally about problems
But then I'd also need to maintain my own hardware, have stuff goes down if the power trips...
@ToxicFrog I'm reasonably sure that's technically impossible with ADSL(2+)
why are you talking about slow speeds like that where do you live
even Annex M only gives you up to 3Mbps up, iirc
@Hakase he lives upside down, the electrons fall out.
@ToxicFrog impossible. ADSL is incapable of 5mpbs up in any shape or form. Enhanced ADSL2+ is 2.5mbps theoretical maximum.
@TMLCat aah. ISPs here don't differentiate between ADSL1/2/2+ and VDSL1/2
(also, lol. We talk about servers a lot. I've actually tried running small apps on a raspi model B and it was terrible)
It's all "DSL" or "ADSL"
@TMLCat I'm seeing ADSL2+ at 1.4Mbps, up to 3.3Mbps with Annex M
@JourneymanGeek since I have gigabit at home I had contemplated having my dedi at home instead of hosted, but nah, too much downtime
And it's not really something I've studied, since I punted on all forms on DSL a while ago in favour of cable to get a whopping 20Mbps upstream
@Bob 2.5 is the max with annex M here. Perhaps different power band allocations over where you are
@JourneymanGeek then use photons duh
same point I was trying to make
@Hakase they don't have the right tubes for protons.
@JourneymanGeek how?
@TMLCat I wouldn't know what it practically is here, since only one ISP does it here and at this point I'm just hoping something NBN-ish happens and the HFC isn't too shit
oh it's coz he photons start swirling the wrong way
@Bob practically 2.0 is the highest I've seen.
@Hakase was really slow, had a ton of memory card corruption
the only reliable way to run it was with the system on a external drive, which needed a powered USB hub which....
was the memory card old and kinda dead in the first place?
@Hakase And when that happens, you need to reverse the polarity of the main deflector dish
what if you use an ssd
Or Bad Stuff happens... well, for around 45 minutes or so
naw, was a brand new, supplied with the raspi model.
or a usb drive even
that got janky fast
I just run a NUC class machine for home server use
I hear sd cards are bad for repeated rewrites
nuc dukem?
@Bob in the UK Annex M coexists with non-Annex M lines in the same bundle and to minimise crosstalk interference the additional Annex M spectrum had to be power throttled.
@TMLCat ohhhh
@TMLCat Looks like 2800 is a typical max sync speed here: whirlpool.net.au/wiki/annex_m_results
Same reason the VDSL bands that overlap with ADSL have to be power throttled to prevent crosstalk interference with "legacy" customers.
@Hakase or if you don't shut them down right
the raspi has no clean shutdown method
how does that corrupt storage tho
@bertieb I thought it was polarize the hull and reverse shield polarity
So, @allquixotic, what made you learn ZFS?
> polarise the hull
Smells like shudder Enterprise
Reversing shield polarity is golden
Shield polarity, deflector polarity
Reverse all the polarities
@Bob the whirlpool article is dodgy. It says it provides the same download speeds but higher upload. This isn't true. It remaps some of the downloads channels to do uploads so by definition always provides lower download speeds.
welp no time to read the backlog, send help pl\
random consulant can't connect to vpn, cisco anyconnect ' cannot connect via local proxy'
no proxy settings configured D:
@bertieb nodulate the bussard array!
Synchronizer the dechyon emitters!
Also, there's a PGP vulnerability (BBC). EFF says disable automatic decryption. Been dubbed 'EFAIL'
@djsmiley2k Basically, EUserNameError (Fleet Command) was posting inappropriate material, got censored by a mod, then started playing innocent in order to troll the rest of the room. The user has since been suspended for a week.
@TMLCat Yea, I know. Linked it just for the reported sync speed table.
lol @bwDraco i know about that, i was here
I'm sure we all use PGP-signed email for all our emails (cough), but it's there nonetheless
I mean all the chat since haha
@djsmiley2k Oh, I spilled my tea
It's a serious emergency nods
@djsmiley2k we're talking about servers and how hosting at home sucks
And how I'm struggling to get started on my own projects and learning :\
There's also a paper on EFAIL (PDF warning)
I've already stopped using PGP after my PGP plugin broke on me.
I've never used it for anything serious, though.
And never with HTML messages.
@bwDraco oh they were blocked, so I didn't notice.
@JourneymanGeek hsoting anywhere kinda sucks.
I'm at a complete loss to help this guy connect
@djsmiley2k Realign the reverse tachyon beam!
when.... his system is complaining about somethin that doesn'/shouldn't matter
@djsmiley2k "hsoting anywhere kinda sucks" -- too damn true
I host stuff at home, on shared web hosting, and on a VPS, because apparently I hate myself.
I spend $15/month on Linode FWIW.
Got started on a whim for a class project, using it instead of the school's server. I've been maintaining the servers ever since.
One of the key uses of the servers is as a custom Firefox Sync server.
Yeah, I've got an OVH VPS that I contribute to an IRC network, a bunch of shared web hosting used for the family websites and whatnot, and everything else gets hosted on a machine in my basement
Which is actually an old laptop
@bwDraco I was working on my server and got tired of ext4's limitations
I got told by a guy smarter than me (at the time) that ZFS was cool.
my upbringing in software is similar to Louis Rossmann's upbringing in electronics repair
I guess I'll stick with learning Docker for now.
Urgh. Managed to go through a whole bottle of sleeping pills again and have no memory of how. Why does this keep happening...
lock them in a cupboard, with a lock that you can't easily just unlock
then, go to the doctor and seek help.
There are no cupboards I can't easily unlock when I have power cutters and a crowbar.
Pharmacy might be willing to do daily dispensing
@TMLCat if you're doing that without knowing about it, see my previous point.
6 mins ago, by djsmiley2k
then, go to the doctor and seek help.
> Current SNR = 0.3 dB
lol dat signal
> Packet switch domain(PS) state = Not attached
Registration state(EMM) = Registration Denied
I guess it's not activated yet.
@djsmiley2k my shrink is taking me to the castle on Thursday. Not sure how that'll help but meh.
The castle?
I manage to speed glyph in ingres (drawing sentences in an alien language) even while so out of it I'm barely conscious and can't stand so I doubt a lock is going to get in my way.
Do they know your popping sleepin pills like it's hot?
@djsmiley2k Edinburgh Castle.
@djsmiley2k yes.
Did they tell you to stop?
@djsmiley2k yes
These would make a really good date rape drug. If only I could actually get a date to begin with.
I'd retract that plz @TMLCat
@TMLCat are you addicted to sleeping pills?
That aside, if you are concerned about taking too many/overdosing, (in case you missed it above) you could ask your pharmacy where you get your prescription from about daily dispensing of the pills
@allquixotic no. I hardly ever use them.
@TMLCat twice in a week so far.
I tried herbal ones, once, a long time ago.
Right home time!
Just happens i take one or two hits, go "oh hey this feels great" take maybe one more, next thing I know I wake up the next afternoon, slept way better than usual, and feel great. Then I notice the whole bottle is gone and have no recollection of how.
Maybe the neighbours cat comes in and eats them while I'm sleeping or something.
@bertieb hey bertieb, fancy going on an interspecies date with a cat with a drug problem?
I already have a 'cat with benefits' (ie it goes home)
But ty
Though it does try to visit at inconvenient times
Like this morning, when I was leaving
@TMLCat @bertieb wouldn't be able to pet you
@Burgi Ja, I'm allergic :(
i just realised the extra "B" in your name stands for "Bionic Hand"
I hope not :P
This is the NHS, not the six million dollar man
Best we can do is about five bob
!!learn bertieb's_cat <>https://i.sstatic.net/Ejl2Y.jpg
@allquixotic Command bertieb's_cat learned
@bertieb "You are my owner now, yes?"
Just like the British Robocop
@allquixotic Ha :P
I have better photos of him her them
that's basically what that cat was doing
Oh yes :P
He does a good stare too
Oh man, I have dozens of photos
He's not even my cat
Jings. Someone with 34 famous question badges!
@bertieb That's what you think. In his mind, he already is.
@allquixotic Ha, touché
18 Famous Questions on my account.
I have none shrug
3 famous questions and 2 great answers
Well, I can't grouse as I don't really ask terribly many questions :P
But still
34 gold badges with '0 helpful flags, 0 edits'... brings out the irked squint in me :P
flags I can understand but no edits
I mainly create accounts because I want to edit something
6 famous questions; 8 great answers
the famous questions are very much meh, just old
the great answers are mostly luck... some of the better ones have 0-1 votes :/
who are we talking about?
Ourselves :P
oh no, I can't get to Bob's SU profile from chat popup once again.
Someone refresh his chat session pls
@bertieb ah I see
well i'm home at last.
I'm wondering what the crash was
must of been bad to close a big road like that
Some good, in-depth replies there
(The quality of RPG.SE answers seems to be invariably good, in my excessive reading casual browsing experience)
@Bob in that way, computer driving is driven by crowd sourcing?
@bertieb linky?
@jokerdino The IPS-style one is linked above (and almost definitely will be HNQ if not already)
My RPG browsing stumbles back and forth across the and QAs mostly
"Related questions" start a tvtropes/wiki-style tabsplosion
@bertieb interesting cross
@bertieb y u do this to me?
I have work tomorrow and it's already late in night.
@jokerdino Heh, mea culpa
I thought the mention of tvtropes would be sufficient warning to the initiated :P
I have never played this kind of game though. So it's kinda new to me
@bertieb How's recovery?
@djsmiley2k I have been exceptionally busy with family activities lately. Renovations have resumed, we're preparing to attend a relative's wedding, and I've been dealing with a nasty bout of tonsillitis these last few days.
@bwDraco Get well soon!
(the latter is getting better but it's sapped whatever free time I would otherwise have)
@rahuldottech Thanks :)
Have been on ibuprofen the last several days. The pain and inflammation are now going away, but it'll still be a few more days before it fully recovers.
11 hours ago, by djsmiley2k
Also, you're waiting on a book, to work on docker?
(see context)
OK it definitely wasn't the neighbours cat that emptied the bottle of sleeping pills.
You know one thing the Bifrons netbook is great at? As an RDP client.
1366x768 resolution isn't great and the screen isn't that bright, but I can't complain when it only costed me $230.
@TMLCat Are you sure? Aren't cats always sleeping?
I dropped by to ping @JourneymanGeek. I do not want to continue any drama, I just want to clear something up with this:
7 hours ago, by EUserNameError
@JourneymanGeek Ave left because of your insensitive comments. But if you have evidence that it was because of my comments, please show me.
I did not leave because of anything JMG said. JMG has been amazing to me and everyone this whole time, at least from my personal point of view, and this is a false accusation towards him.
JMG, thank you for being all the nice stuff you've been.
@Ave: Sorry I wasn't there at the time this happened - EUserNameError was playing dumb and pretending to be innocent. Feel free to ignore him.
Nobody deserves to be falsely accused of any sort of wrongdoing.
Our mods and ROs do a stellar job of keeping disruption under control.
Furthermore, he's been suspended for a week, so there shouldn't be any disruption for a while.
@bwDraco yes, exactly.
I just wanted to clear things up for everyone, especially EUserNameError and JourneymanGeek.
TBH, I don't recall anyone purposely posting transphobic content, so you should feel welcome here. If anybody ever does, you can always flag it.
I don't exactly remember why I left, and I joined again and posted a couple messages sooo... I'll pin the tab again, hope that stuff stays nice.
You don't need to worry. We value diversity and civility.
Remember that the flag option is always there when you need it.
Nice to see you around <3
@Ave I could remind you, if you'd like?
probably not.
@Ave +7 billion
@rahuldottech Getting there slowly thanks :) Fingers feel tingly and weird but going to fracture clinic on Wednesday so will see what they say!
In other news, I made friends with another small cat
They are black and white and have a little patch on their cheek, so I'ma call them Marilyn Monroe
(no photos yet as they're still a bit skittish)
And the other not-my-cats are being a bit territorial
Trying to be non threatening and friendly so they know they're welcome
But never had cats so idk if that works
¯_(ツ)_/ ¯
nevermind if someone tries to ask a practical question about a watch to a bunch of people who know a lot about watches... no, let's just downvote that
@allquixotic Flicked you an upvote, but the number didn't change. :|
@bertieb I hope your not-your-cats aren't the same cats as my not-my-cats, I'm territorial and don't like sharing
@MichaelFrank weird
@allquixotic I also gave an updoot, but I think Reddits/some subreddits delay / futz with voting to prevent gaming the system
Or some such handwavium
> They chose me!
@bertieb odd but thanks
Well, it would have gotten a +1 on here... before all the close: off-topic (shopping request) :P
hey folks, does anyone happen know, how the callee of a voip call know about the call? Assuming that it is hidden behind a NAT. I can image a NAT rule to forward SIP traffic to the client/SBC....
well the phone rings... thats how they know about it...
@Ave I know. And thanks.
@Felix.C are you talking about VoIP to VoIP or a call to the PSTN like you can do in Google Voice or Skype (among others)?
A NAT doesn't "hide" anything, typically, unless you're under an absolutely enormous NAT with lots of different users, but if it's a single domicile NAT then once they know your public IP it's basically you
and most NATs that cover a lot of independent users tend to have network operators who are willing to pull back the curtains, keep logs, and tell e.g. authorities who did what at what time, so they can prosecute, if you're thinking about illegal activities
eventually the recipient of a call is going to receive some kind of connection from your public IP (or at least their nearest gateway will); there's no way to prevent that
Wouldn't you use a stun server for that?

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