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"alternate versions of characters"?
e.g. in Star Trek there's a mirror universe with doubles of prime universe people
I've also seen that notation once or twice to refer to characters in moods?
this is the first time I've seen that
@BenN Sounds like a question for SciFi.SE
quick sanity check...
A: Power Supply case measures 75V?

TheComputerGeek010101001Unplug the power supply. Take a multimeter and take 3 measurements. Measurement 1: Line (right hole in socket) to Ground (bottom hole). You should get around 120 or so volts. Measurement 2: Line to Ground You should get about the same reading as Measurement 1. Measurement 3: Neutral (left hole...

shouldn't you get 0v on an unplugged system?
@BenN I've never seen that syntax before, but * before someone's name in futuristic sci-fi anime often means that they're an AI (because at some point it gets hard to tell in the future, supposedly)
most references I've seen in ST:Disco have been to "mirror foo" with a space.
Counterpart (which also does a sort of mirror universe thrope very well) just calls them like "foo prime" and "foo alpha"
@JourneymanGeek Maybe they mean to unplug the PSU from the rest of the system but keep it connected to power?
you can't measure at the socket if then?
@allquixotic Interesting; the ! notation is pretty common on /r/startrek
@JourneymanGeek Not sure. Maybe the user suspects the PSU is somehow disconnected internally?
@JourneymanGeek Pretty sure I just got up to the episode where they go somewhere... different.
@MichaelFrank he just spoiled what that different place is for you
Oh whoops maybe I should have used a character from an older mirror-visiting series
Eh, it's okay. I'm not too worried about it.
@MichaelFrank and counterpart
Amusingly, I also just watched the ST:V episode, Parallax.
@JourneymanGeek 0V relative to what?
@Bob if there's no power going in... well everything should be at ground once the caps are drained?
also looks like they're talking about measuring mains, not the PSU
OP's problem sounds like their house wiring is FUBAR
its also NAA but trying to decide if that should be a comment or deleted
comment it is then
@BenN Sounds like a Game Design Document or Game Script
U guys played around with Vulkan yet?
(the API no the planet)
the planet the API?
(three - signs on either side of a bunch of words <---like this---> lets you strike out like this
@BenN I've read about this before - the best I could find is tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CharacterizationTags.
Actually, TV Tropes was the first place I recall running into this notation.
> [...] tags like this are used in spreadsheet programs to denote what sheet the cell in question is on if it's not on the same sheet as the cell you're typing in. Bang paths were used in early e-mail to specify a UUCP route to a given user, and they're still part of the return path in Usenet.
@bwDraco @bwDraco Yea, it's pretty common in fanfics. AFAIR mostly grew ~2010-onwards though it did exist before then. Probably impossible to pinpoint where it started.
wtt is supposed to be a "well endowed female"???
::Henge (or disguise), based on himself if he were a well endowed female instead of a guy.::
> "This isn't a bug," one of them told me, "because no one would ever do this." I found this fascinating on a number of levels, not least because someone had in fact done it, and even gone so far as to file the bug.
@HavocLamperouge Big... bits.
@HavocLamperouge In that context, it usually means having large ... body parts. Certain body parts that shall remain unnamed in a SFW channel.
Though I'm fairly certain you can glean the implication when I describe the burger I had for lunch... It must have had an entire chicken breast in it!
@MichaelFrank oh god now I'm giggling at work and hoping no one walks by :P
@MichaelFrank So, in the sense of current post-humanistic ideals vieing (and winning) for dominance in the West and parts of the East, anything the author of the tag deems to be the main point, id est: feet, or eyes, or literally anything.
It really is indefinition that defines contemporary times.
@HavocLamperouge Not really, see my comment about my lunch.
Technically, yes. Being endowed with a bodily part would indicate that it is rather large.
And i was thinking it could mean it is perfect.
How wrong I was.
This list is loads of fun. Thanks!
Although he did crush a planet, his name is Cushing, not Crushing. — Turion 9 hours ago
@Bob I should probably see TLJ.
@MichaelFrank I should probably see TFA :P
@Bob Ha
Yea, I saw that one at the movies, but just did not have the time to see TLJ since the twins were born.
@MichaelFrank Oh? A late congrats
@Bob Oh, ha... They're 6 months old now!
But thanks :) It's been a lot of... interesting times raising two small children and a slightly older small child.
I've seen them both? ;p
I only really like the original trilogy cast :P
New generations are ... not the same
(same reason I like SG1 but not Atlantis)
@JourneymanGeek the keyboard seller is one of those guys who doesn't mark as shipped :(
also the location is suspicious ... it's right at a major distribution centre so it could be coming from china for all I know
they sometimes lie about location :\
The easiest way to get to the real problem is usually asking Why five times. — Gordon Oct 21 '12 at 17:25
1 hour later…
Q: Grounding in space

user3597934I'm working on a project that will be launched inside a Blue Origin New Shepard rocket and need to know the details of how our experiment will be grounded. The experiment will have a 5 V USB 3.0 power supply and will be powering a Raspberry Pi Zero W. How would I ground our electronics in this ca...

Call me crazy, but... what if I said I was pursuing a second degree in a field I wasn't great at, like creative writing (BA English, concentration in writing)?
(currently have an MS Computer Science)
@bwDraco why?
you can accumulate credentials until you're 80, but unless you can prove to a company that you can do things, you're not hireable... that's been my experience anyway
Oct 18 '15 at 7:53, by DragonLord
I know this will seem crazy to you, but I'm evaluating becoming a professional author.
how many "best authors" have a creative writing degree?
If you're still evaluating it 2 years later, there's probably a good reason you aren't yet. If it's something you're passionate about, just start writing.
I'd guess approximately none
> passionate about
I think that's what's missing just in general
I don't quite get why, but some part of me wants to go into creative writing, even though I'm really bad at this.
How often do you write creatively?
Approximately never. Nearly all of my writing is of a technical or nonfictional nature.
Just start writing then. Put up short stories on your blog.
If you're worried about critical feedback, put it up under a false name.
You can't get better at something you don't practice at.
@MichaelFrank That's not really an issue. I just don't have any real ideas on what to write about.
Here's a quick story from the other night. I was putting my daughter to bed, and she loves stories. I had to, on the spot, make up a story about a little girl and her grandmother that lived in a clearing in the woods. The little girl was told never to go beyond the first ring of trees.
She did, and suddenly the clearing disappeared.
But what actually happened, is that the clearing was enchanted, and you couldn't see it from the outside.
The little girl didn't know that, but with the help of a little boy she found in the woods, managed to find her way back home.
...well, I guess it's not for me. Why waste another four to six years (considering that it's unlikely for me to graduate on time in this major) and tens of thousands of dollars in tuition learning something that I quite literally cannot apply due to a lack of interest in the subject?
It's all about taking what you know, and moulding it into something new.
I might as well be working a productive job in the tech industry.
I would 100% read any short story you wrote if that's what you wanted to get into.
But starting a degree in it, without even knowing if you like writing creatively is a bad idea.
Gotta shoot, need to catch the train.
Be back later.
In somewhat related news... nytimes.com/2018/02/12/business/…
My alma mater actually has a course covering ethics in computer science: csi.cuny.edu/catalog/undergraduate/…
> Computer science programs are required to make sure students have an understanding of ethical issues related to computing in order to be accredited by ABET, a global accreditation group for university science and engineering programs.
(CUNY CSI's computer science program is ABET-accredited FWIW)
I'm broken again.
However the scary thing is each time I break myself I seem to manage to fix myself a bit better.
I think that by breaking stuff I've trained my brain to auto-repair
I appear to be.... Evolving
> An attacker can execute malicious code on their own machine and no one can stop them
not for lack of trying!
hi Apple, Google, Microsoft!
"An oversight in the rules allows a dog to join a basketball team"
Don't tell me. Air Bud Sequel. Cause some sleeping dogs are better left lying.
@JourneymanGeek can you check something on lxd for me?
lxc --version
lxc launch ubuntu:artful artful
lxc exec artful bash
does that work?
(I'm trying to confirm a bug but I don't have a 2.21 on Ubuntu install right now)
@Bob don't have it reinstalled yet ;p
I just wiped my home linux box yesterday
@JourneymanGeek ... you uninstalled it? :P
after all that effort! :P
I wiped the system!
which is why there was a sudden interest in GFW
@JourneymanGeek o.O any particular reason?
@Bob erm.
I erm...
was not in a good mood so tore down the system, checked and reinstalled the HDD and reinstalled fedora lxqt
could've given fedora-in-lxd a shot :P
naw, needed to get my paws on hardware?
same reason I tested and threw out our c2d, and accidentally killed my soundcard
> BobVul commented 17 seconds from now
I'm a time traveller!
Hm. I'm at the interview place. There's no one here
@JourneymanGeek self-interview!
I'd hire me. Pay on the other hand...
Ok. Got a hold of someone
5 hours ago, by allquixotic
you can accumulate credentials until you're 80, but unless you can prove to a company that you can do things, you're not hireable... that's been my experience anyway
So... I'm going to see if I can actually sit down and learn Docker.
Hm. That was strange. Interviewer felt I was... Overqualified.
@bwDraco What happened to creative writing?
@JourneymanGeek Wasn't that the problem last time?
Naw. I quit cause my director was a twat
@MichaelFrank It's obviously the wrong path to take. I could do some creative writing prompts, but I have no good reason to believe that this is a productive activity, since entering the publishing career track, let alone selling enough copies of any given work to make a reasonable living, is very, very hard.
He's also worried I'd quit
That same time could just be used to learn Docker/PowerShell/LXD/ZFS/JavaScript/Python/Selenium/AWS/etc.
And any of these skills is much more likely to result in a successful career. Docker, in particular, is a key skill in a lot of places.
Why should I do something that has nothing to do with my CompSci background and I know I'm bad at?
At least with photography, even though it's not really related to computer science, it's something I'm interested in and enjoy doing.
@bwDraco Improving communication skills is also worthwhile
That's a different story. I'm actually pretty good at technical writing.
(you've seen my posts on Super User...)
Cause people get better doing things they are bad at if they actually want to get good at it.
@JourneymanGeek Did he say when you'd hear? Hopefully you were able to convince him that you will stay...
@bertieb I did.
@bwDraco Aye that's fair enough, companies value 'soft skills' as well though- particularly any roles that are customer facing (even internal customers)
@JourneymanGeek crosses fingers :)
Also felt my standard bullet point list of tech was confusing
@bertieb That... has long been a problem. It's actually caused incidents right here in chat.
After some thought... I've determined that given that my time is finite, doing this would take away from time that could be used to learn essential skills in a field that I'm actually interested in and has high income potential.
I think he was expecting a polytechnic freshman.
Computer science is a safe bet for a fulfilling career. Publishing creative writing... not so much.
@JourneymanGeek One of those 'entry level senior field manager' type things (not the role itself, but I'm sure someone posted an image here in chat yesterday to that effect)
or a '10 years experience in a 5 year old framework/language' ?
@bwDraco Depends what you enjoy :)
I'd have to start pretty much from scratch to launch a career as a novelist, whereas I already have a solid basic skill set (and a master's degree to go with it) in the tech field. Why waste six years of education by pursuing a completely unrelated career path?
But by all means, stick to what you feel is most relevant :)
Education is never a waste
@bwDraco You've said this already.
My point is, why not both?
If you literally only do CompSci related activities forever, you'll get bored. You need to do something outside of your job to stay sane.
Again, my time is finite and is better spent on learning tech skills then building an unrelated set of skills from the ground up.
@MichaelFrank I have photography FWIW.
Did you see a photo of mine go in the local newspaper?
Well... I see lots of beautiful photos of wildlife in calendars and stuff and I have always wanted to do stuff like this myself. But I'm limited by available funds. Photography equipment of the sort pros use is absurdly expensive.
We (my mother and I) have spent upwards of $10,000 on camera gear over the last seven or so years.
I've taken some good wildlife pictures before. But they pale in comparison to what I see from pros.
@bwDraco That's a nice photo!
I love photographing birds as well.
Well, I just need to put my heart into it.
Here's one of mine from a while ago.
equipment pssshuhgh
doesnt mean you can't take a good photo
lol, I took that one on a 450D with a stock lens >.>
I know there's a lot one can do with basic gear, but at some point, the stock 18-55mm won't cut it. The image I posted was taken with a Pentax K-3 II and 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. And even that is often not enough.
Ugh... I think I sold all of the bits I needed to upgrade my weapon with Cid. :(
:( which game @MichaelFrank
FF but which one?
you can farm em all I believe, tho I found some of the drops took forever
Ah. I have a standing pre-order for the Windows Edition.
may be easier to go to monster arena, I think you can get most there too
(though you'd need serious PC hardware to run FFXV at its best)
Yea, I just don't think I'm that far into the game yet.
I just got to the part where Kingsglaive takes place.
I found one that I thought I had already picked up!
@bwDraco basically you are saying that the console versions are inferior
Well... consoles are a known quantity so you can optimize the hell out of them.
Jan 24 at 22:36, by bwDraco
This illustrates that consoles do have their advantages. Although it won't give you as good an experience as a high-end PC, a console is a reasonably affordable, and most critically, a turnkey gaming solution.
@bwDraco using the example of FFXV where you need to install the game and associated huge patches. the advantage of consoles being "turnkey" is now no longer applicable
a modern console is a PC ;p
on the other hand, its predictable hardware
that is the only advantage
(well the switch is a tablet, close enough!)
@JourneymanGeek Closer to an actively-cooled Android tablet than a PC, though.
@Burgi The PC version is still upwards of 100 GB, and 165 GB with 4K assets.
yes, and?
neither platform is "turnkey"
@Burgi well, its cheaper to dev for a known bit of hardware and you basically have to worry about the (often crappy) display res being different and not much else.
(this is, in fact, the primary reason Astaroth has 2 TB of all-flash storage)
@JourneymanGeek Exactly.
you'd have erm, abour 3-4 families of video cards to test on, 2 (3?) familes of processors...
A console is a known quantity and requires much less configuration than a PC to play games on. That's why I look at consoles as turnkey gaming solutions.
as opposed to literally just a standard platform.
@JourneymanGeek Display res makes a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge difference, tbh. That said, it's usually upscaled and not rendered natively at a higher res.
@Bob until the most recent gen... was 1080p at best?
@JourneymanGeek ya, but we're talking latest gen no?
@Bob And tricks like checkerboard rendering, stuff rarely, if ever, utilized on PC games. (Dymamic resolution is a different story - it's often used on console games and is available on some PC games, like Assassin's Creed Origins.)
...wait a sec. I think I understand why dynamic resolution on the PC version of AC Origins uses so much graphics memory - it may be using checkerboard rendering to a higher resolution and downscaling.
Eh... that was annoying.
I had already picked up the required items for the quest, but it didn't automatically hand it in like other quests do.
Ended up hunting around for ages before thinking that maybe I hadn't picked up the quest properly and went back to the quest giver, which then turned the quest in for me lol
ah teh joys of when your backup fails, but succeeds manually
This driving around thing gets kinda annoying. Half the time it seems to put you a mile away from where you wanted to go.
(the Xbox One X version of the game renders to 4K, with Ubisoft saying they're using dynamic resolution, but analysis by Digital Foundry finds that it's doing checkerboard rendering)
On the PC version, what I suspect it's doing is using checkerboard rendering to a higher resolution in place of MSAA, and adjusting the number of pixels rendered per frame as needed to hit the frame rate target.
In the game's graphics settings, they explain it as dynamically adjusting antialiasing, and checkerboard rendering can be used as an AA technique.
This may be relevant: twvideo01.ubm-us.net/o1/vault/gdc2016/Presentations/… (Rainbow Six Siege and Assassin's Creed Origins use the same engine)
The "rendering to a higher resolution" part would explain the increased graphics memory usage.
"Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a medieval chore simulator"
That headline is exactly how I felt when I saw the gameplay ha
Jan 20 at 14:54, by bwDraco
This got me wondering: will developers be able to publish native desktop ARMv8-A applications?
@bwDraco I wouldn't be surprised if that simply got added on as a UWP target
if it wasn't already
UWP, sure. I'm talking about desktop apps.
As in, Win32 apps compiled to AArch64.
ah. I sorta suspect its ... less likely?
Technically, you can have PE binaries for ARM code.
RISC-V support?
2 hours later…
@BenN Hi. How much experience do you have with PowerShell remoting?
None, sorry :(
@BenN Okay. Thx anyway. By the way, is the following genuine? i.imgur.com/7pWfQ3v.png
It has been starred, so I wondered.
And beside, once I issued a ChatBot John Cavil command and you responded. That was starred too.
Hehe, no
That's not cavill
its clippy
He's a .... paperclip AI. Well a paperclip anyway
I know. I know.
Although you have treated me like an idiot so often that I am wondering whether you are doing it for fun.
And I never thought I actually like someone who treats me like that, but then again dogs are lovely, aren't they? ;)
(And I return fire like this anyway...)
What's your PowerShell remoting question? I might be able to do some looking into it, and I should probably learn about PSR in general
Well, I enter the following command:
`Enter-PSSession -ComputerName [some computer name]`
It works in PowerShell 6 but not in Windows PowerShell 5.1
@JourneymanGeek oh, they shipped the keyboard today :S
> It looks like you've been attempting a lot of purchases in the last few hours. Please wait a while before trying again.
steam. pls.
@FleetCommand Hm, any errors?
it's a sale. what did you expect...
@BenN Yeah. Sorry, I was copying and pasting it. Here it is:
@Bob yay?
Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server ***-***-***-* failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot
complete the operation. Verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the
network, and that a firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled and allows access from this computer. By
default, the WinRM firewall exception for public profiles limits access to remote computers within the same local
subnet. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
@JourneymanGeek I guess? at least it's coming :P
@Bob I paid an extra dollar for tracked shipping to dx...
package got split, and one of the packages was shipped. Untracked ._.
@FleetCommand Interesting. I've gotta go now, but I'll let you know if I find anything
@Bob When you said "steam. pls.", do you mean you are so angry that steam is coming out of your ears? Or something else?
@FleetCommand the quote is from steam
Aha! You mean the Steam game store.
I guess there is a reason Steam has a wallet.
What's the coolest thing I can do after rooting my phone
Cheat in video games using a trainer. Add diamonds and all the premium stuff.
attach it to a rocket and put it into a solar orbit constantly playing AC/DC's Thunderstruck
@Bob :-o
@Burgi Sir , how to do that
@AvatarShiny Step 1: build a rocket, Step 2: Launch, Step 3: ???, Step 4: Profit
i suggest using strong duct tape
Thank you kind sir . I will now begin my life's mission.
@Bob To make money.
Although the age verification here seems to be broken.
i bought euro truck sim yesterday
Really? A truck sim? Is that fun?
i think it will be
I was wondering if Warhammer games are any good.
i've played most of the 40K ones
DOW1 and 2 are amazing
not played 3
space marine is a bit "meh"
I remember playing one on a pal's computer and only half-way. I don't remember the title but I had to stop playing when I reached the part the we realize all the fighting and killing were only serving as a massive blood sacrifice.
And I don't remember for what. Summon Satan maybe?
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