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while 66Gb torrent is downloading...
@djsmiley2k u n00b you directly linked the image from speedtest servers
so wut?
they even give you a link to do exactly that.
Yea, I'd link the image directly.
@djsmiley2k Why is Sherlock using drugs?
@djsmiley2k That's a lot of Linux ISOs.
@djsmiley2k Yeah, what'shisname Bumblebitch Cabbagepatch
He looks quite stoned in that picture
@djsmiley2k but what if someone is looking at the transcript 10 years from now and speedtest decided to not host all the old images -_-
Errrr, what picture? XD
In 10 years imgur might be offline and reddit abandoned
In 10 years, nobody will care about that Speedtest result.
This is apparently even better (?) to get old features back in Google Image Search: github.com/bijij/ViewImage
Hey @djsmiley2k I made a gift for your kids:
3 mins ago, by That REDACTED Guy
user image
@MichaelFrank -_-
Yus they will
They'd wonder what speeds we were complaining about
@MichaelFrank What if they live in shithole countries like Brazil?
shrug Chat is chat, like a conversation around a table. If it gets recorded, great. If people forget what is said, well it was never meant to be remembered.
Hello @havoc!
XP :shy:
@HavocLamperouge What brings you here to(day|night)?
Just got the chat privileges and came check it out
Super users reminded me of TRON 2.0 the game by Buena Vista
so I joined
@HavocLamperouge Nice!
@HavocLamperouge Tread carefully, we're all crazy here. But we're all nice and we don't bite (usually).
@HavocLamperouge It's basically for computer geeks
The term geek is still in dispute where I live
People haven't come to terms with its meaning
same as with nerd
@HavocLamperouge :o
so I do tread lightly
What are the various meanings?
@rahuldottech yes and each generation XYZ etc disputes them.
I mean
3rd world problems
I would've thought Urban Dictionary would settle all differences immediately /s
@HavocLamperouge Ehhhhhh
Basically means "enthusiast"?
Man... Problem is we got national instances mimicking urban dictionary AND my people are highly ILLITERATE so pop culture gets twisted, and lots of subfactions emerge, each with their own historically-inaccurate appropriation of the cultures where the english language is native to.
so we got national versions of urbandic sowing discord
Besides, this is the land where memes are king
so each faction has its own meme-army
and dissent is pervasive in every rank
metaphorically speaking
Uh... Someone seems to be taking online communities a little bit more seriously than the usual even for this chatroom.
Oh no, forgive me for misleading. I don't really care. That summarization was merely academic.
Thats a cute Voxel art for Mario Bros btw
in the lifetime of computing, how many devices has windows been installed on?
Wolfram can't process that input
@rahuldottech It can also mean "someone who study too much and does nothing but study and gets high marks and is totally socially inept"
@ThatREDACTEDGuy that's more "nerd' than "geek"
haha even here there's dissent.
Well, there's not a "here", the regulars are from all over the world.
So expecting a culturally linguistic consensus is complicated.
In my school a nerd was a person who didn't pay attention to class AND didn't study a lot and still got high grades, no matter how socially apt or inept they were. A CDF was a person who studied to the detriment of his social life and got high grades through effort. Socially inept people were just labelled weird. You guys have used SE for long?
@HavocLamperouge I'm 16, have used since I was 12 or 13
You can check on a user's profile the day they joined.
I see.
So redacted, how about the prices of gadgets in Brazil?
@HavocLamperouge Not again...
Can you give me a complaint?
I read your profile
TL;DR: the're crappy
the gadgets or the prices?
Of course, some people (ahem!) have literally hundreds of linked accounts, which would make checking it a bit effortful (does such word exists?).
@HavocLamperouge Give you a complaint? Well, ok, you asked! @HavocLamperouge sucks!
but ok
The word effortful does not belong in the Longman Dictionary of contemporary english but it follows correct english ortograph paradigms
Its cos the Dollar to Royal ratio is bad and since the import channels are all cornered, big retailers like Kabum! have huge stocks and can easily manipulate prices.
Royal lol... I mean Real
@HavocLamperouge Where are you from?
Also, people in Brazil are more willing to pay high prices for gadgets than any other people in the planet
When your prices are so big they got their own Wikipedia page:
Brazil cost (Portuguese: Custo Brasil [ˈkustu bɾɐˈziw]) refers to the increased operational costs associated with doing business in Brazil, making Brazilian goods and services more expensive compared to other countries. There are several factors that contribute to the extra cost, including: High levels of public deficits; The economy divided into cartels; Inefficiency of public services; Maintenance of high real interest rates; Exaggerated net interest spread of financial institutions (among the highest in the world); Excessive bureaucracy for importing and exporting, creating difficulties for...
Brazil cost does not necessarily apply to all segments of the gadgets industry
@DavidPostill He lives in a south-american country where people speak Spanish.
Two years ago when the USD to BRL ratio skyrocketed the importers stop buying and huge retailers like KABUM! and BalãoDaInformática Bought ALL the stock in the hardware distributors' menu
Since then no one has capital do import
They literally dumped millions of Reais to build huge stocks
They saw the dollar rising
For a few more years to come no one can compete with them
@HavocLamperouge Never heard of it. Source plz?
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Privileged information. Off course, you don't have to believe me.
@DavidPostill I'm from the 6th most populous city of Brazil, namely Belo Horizonte.
@HavocLamperouge There's nothing a "bit" of informal markets won't solve.
Falando nisso, os camelódromos em Belo Horizonte estão se lotando de imigrantes chineses já faz uns cinco anos.
Todo o centro está cheio de imigrantes no comércio.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy camelódromo?
I know I started, but please let's keep the chat in English.
@DavidPostill Market of contraband
@ThatREDACTEDGuy I used to design "world-class-systems" for people who wanted to optimize the value of their cash.
I'd source the market all around importers for best prices then build computers or smallish data centers
I loved it
But since dollar went up I stopped
Just finishing college now.
Yup... there's a camelódromo.
"Camelô" = informal street-seller. Not necessarily counterfeit.
Do not confuse with "Camelo" (camel).
I hadn't actually seen that term used. A very good word construction.
"Camelódromo" = Camelô + drome.
@HavocLamperouge So... That's a fancy way of saying you used to upsell custom built computers? (Just kidding, I did that a handful of times as well)
Oh yeas, It just means some goods are better priced (not always) others are goods you can't usually get legally. Others are contraband, others are counterfeit, some are original, but no retailers are selling but the street sellers know there's a market, so they grab some of it through other channels.
tsk sorry
still learning this chat.
@HavocLamperouge You'll get the hang of it eventually.
If you place an "@" and then start writing the name of a user, you can alt-tab between them
@ThatREDACTEDGuy No not upsell. I'd build the system from scratch and save people a lot of money actually. Instead of buying a 5k computer from DELL or HP I'd make them a custom one with much more performance and better quality hardware, and still give them the same support, often for much more time than the big one's warranty.
And I'd go charge them anywhere from half the price of a DELL or HP machine to 80%
If you want to reply to a specific message, click on the small arrow at the end of the message.
@HavocLamperouge I know exactly what you mean, I did exactly that a few times.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy The stars save the message forever?
But now I can't compete with the big ones buying intel cpus in the thousands and halting the market.
You were charging them not only for your work of assempling the machines, but for the price research, for knowing which pieces work best with which, for support and for the knowledge. And it would still be cheaper than a pre-assembled one
Its better off to tell a client to see if someone's coming from abroad and could buy them a new rig out there
I can't really do much right now.
I felt good doing it.
Did something I loved.
Made machines I was proud of making
@ThatREDACTEDGuy hahayes
the package isn't there.
Machines that could last ten years with just a few upgrades.
she checked po, it's not on her grandma
Machines with planned lifetimes.
It was beautiful
@HavocLamperouge I know exactly what you mean.
also, it's sunday
no deliveries
@Ave My coworker used to work for Correios and maybe he still has... internal contacts.
I can try checking with him if the package don't show up soon.
neat, thanks :)
Oh @HavocLamperouge you can also edit messages if they're more recent than 3 minutes.
@Ave Next time see if you can send using the "in the person's hand only" type of delivery
Technically they'll deliver to the recipient only and just them, no one else.
And technically you are not liably for it if they don't deliver in-hands.
Lawyers use that all the time for citations.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy yeah I didn't know
tomorrow she'll call correios
@HavocLamperouge No, all messages are saved forever in the history.
Stars just call attention to it and is totally not like facebook "likes" and there are no star whores here
give me stars! I want stars!
I'd call them myself but I don't have international minutes to them and I don't want to use notsophone
No @Ave, that's how you do it:
Don't star this.
Have you guys read this https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0/html/vkspec.html#boilerplate-flags
@ThatREDACTEDGuy I'm not starring it
(I'm sarcastic btw)
ahahha you're fluent in Brazillian Spanish?
@HavocLamperouge The site keeps rendering forever.
@HavocLamperouge I'm native.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy yeah, sadly its the ENTIRE Vulkan documentation at once on that site. They couldn't bring themselves to write a 'readthedocs'. Good thing is you can easily save it as pdf.
@HavocLamperouge All I know about GPUs is: they exist, they're expensive, I won't own one so soon.
Really? That bad in Buenos Aires?
(By that I mean Brasília).
Since your profile says you live in the capitol jungle of Brazil.
@Ave I don't know if it would be available as it's something you request from Correios upon checking out your order with them, not sure how it would be done with an international package they receive.
@HavocLamperouge Nah, I live in Rio.
Ah ok
Give me a P.O. Box. I'll send you a gpu from my old stock.
Don't give me your personal address ahha
be prepared to have the package arrive in like, 3 months
Ave, where is the package coming from? Regular personal package? Or from a store?
and get mishandled and potentially burned in process
and in the end probably lost
@HavocLamperouge etsy.
handmade thingy.
@HavocLamperouge Well, the thing is, I own a 6GB i5 laptop, and nothing else (well, a Pi 1st model, a Pi Zero w/out wifi, a mini ITX mobo I use as a pfSense instance, an old Lenovo desktop catching dust).
ah ic. I can't possibly find a GPU that fits...
Nothing decent I could use as a proper gaming / dev / serious work PC.
But thanks for the offer
Don't mention it.
Pi is fun!
I might assemble something slowwwwly when I pay all my debts.
But the curse of adulthood is having money for gadgets, but having no time. And having responsabilities with your money.
And I already own an Xbox 360, a Wii, a recently-bought PS2 (yes, PS2) and a lots of games on steam
And the last time I played something was back in... October?
So, spending multiple times my salary building an impressive PC sounds... tempting, and also totally a waste.
WTF Amazon... Two identical packages "lost in delivery"? Really?!
@HavocLamperouge They are, specially if you know electronics (not my case).
All I ever built are a media center (OpenElec with xbmc/kodi), an adblock DNS (pihole), and a gaming emulator (retropie)
The UK version of US prices is fun
@djsmiley2k :sadface:
at a time when it was £2:$1, they'd do a direct convertion
Recently I've found out people are making arcades like the ones from the bars in the 90's with coin receptors and all, I want to make one too someday
@ThatREDACTEDGuy I tried making a little server once.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy I have a friend who bought one for his bar.
Meh. Buying one isn't fun, making one is!
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Making one is easy? I'd definitely put my Dreamcast for good use with that.
aaaaaa cc @ThatREDACTEDGuy
Well, you see, all I've found is facebook groups and it's a total mess, way worse than forums.
@Ave \o/ \o/
@Ave I'm glad that ████ could get her ████ at ████
@HavocLamperouge I don't follow. I meant using a Pi as the CPU of an arcade machine.
Something like this:
With a Pi inside.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Ah... I was thinking of remaking stuff like, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, but building the whole structure and using MOAR games. And also more modern games. Like Spawn: In The Demon's Hand, which never saw one arcade machine sold where I live.
But since I have the dreamcast, and an original BIOS
I can rip mine
And emulate one
@HavocLamperouge But I would be wary of putting one in a real bar because the law could complain of (1) children playing it in a bar, (2) charge it as a "jackpot machine", (3) maaaaaaaaaaybe complain about piracy of ROMs?
In any hardware really
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Ah my friend doesn't charge for it.
priacy, brazil? never!
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Its free
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Yeah But I have lots of original ROMs. So I wouldn't have to pirate anything.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy One way or the other you have to spend money in it. My friend bought a real licensed machine, with lots of games. But his cost like 17k
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Cos all the games are licensed.
@HavocLamperouge That's a gray area.
It would be really cool putting one during parties or at a night-club. I saw one at a night club and it was cool, people would gather over it and it was a sort of conversation starter.
If I rip my original Dreamcast BIOS and use the games I bought there's no illegality.
@HavocLamperouge Disputable as you would be providing it to others, not as personal use.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Why its gray?
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Hmm. Its not a public venue as in a concert. Software license for my personal use is limited to one copy being run at a time. You think there's more legal liability than this?
Because when you "buy" a game you're actually (arguably) buying a licence, the rights to use that specific release in that specific hardware, that's why you buy a game for PC and buy it again for a console.
I don't agree with this vision, but it can be argued and tried to enforce.
But again, it's Brazil. They would only complain about it if using it as arguments for a bribe.
@HavocLamperouge IANAL.
No I agree with the license part. But the license of old software has no specific hardware implications and none could be enforced at this point in time. For new software, maybe. Oh cops wouldn't argue. Maybe Municipal Fiscals.
In my opinion the most probable outcome is nothing happening at all. But I never owned a bar.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy I see. I am though. Its why I asked. I'm always looking for more legal arguments ahah.
I know what you mean though
So you're studying law?
Already passed the bar (OAB). Been practicing for four years now as intern. Just a few more subjects at college and I'll get my ability to council solo.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy confirmed through videochat, she has it.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy XP thanks!
GG Amazon.
On the plus side, they refunded the order, and if it turns up I get to keep it anyway.
I mean, it's literally just a mechanical pencil, but hey.. free stuff!
@HavocLamperouge AHHH A LAWYER. (Hi!)
@JourneymanGeek I think 'Hi!' is © @BenN
You'd better get a lawy- hey, wait a minute...
@bertieb I could go woof, but he might think I was trying to eat him or something.
Thing to get used to in 'Root Access', Volume I. #1: Idiosyncratic greetings
or the many memes of foo that people keep threatening to do, ala many memes of meta.
(which I kinda oppose cause I suspect it would be 90% me)
I'm such a goddamned idiot
PPCG got rid of theirs :(
@rahuldottech nice
@bertieb ://
I mean
the bet is, meh
I know people who'd willingly do that
@JourneymanGeek Entaro Tassadar, Executor.
> Being with a married man might feel exhilarating at first. But, if he fails to end his marriage and commit to you fully, you may need to make the choice to end things. Walking away can be challenging, but you can successfully cut ties by remembering your worth and getting support from someone who loves you. Once you’re ready, have the talk with your married lover and let him know that you can’t be with him anymore. Then, shake up your routine to stay away from him for good.
This seems... sorta malicious
@rahuldottech why are you even reading that?
@JourneymanGeek It was on the WikiHow front page
I have an exam in two hours
@JourneymanGeek I wanna know too
16 mins ago, by rahuldottech
I'm such a goddamned idiot
@rahuldottech That's pretty common advice for someone wanting to end an affair tbh.
Honest question: when people talking about alternate versions of characters use an exclamation point to separate the version and the person name (e.g. Mirror!Stamets), is that a reference to Excel's use of the exclamation point to indicate a cell on a different sheet?
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