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3:01 PM
the ration might have been stored in high temperatures or the bag was open for a long time because the chocolate basically got ruined
just from March 2016 until the time he recorded that video
which, worst case, is like 1 year 7 months or something
@allquixotic "might have been stored in high temperatures" ... like, in Australia?
@Bob :D
oh wow it's 42 minutes
reminds me of the time he opens up a 1979 Japanese life boat ration and comments on how it has this salty, caked on powder that smells like "pool chemicals"
gee, ya think? if it was on a life boat.....
why is he eating the processed cheese on its own...
you put that on the bread or something
@allquixotic lol this looks like someone went just dropped by the local supermarket
'cept in rather more bland packaging
3:06 PM
@Bob :D that's probably the goal of making a ration
something the troops would recognize
"we have two rubber bands" *pulls out three rubber bands*
there are some ration types designed for long shelf life, but if not, generally they just have to pick components that'll remain edible for 2 years
@Bob I laughed at that quite a lot more than I ought to have >_>
one thing I've learned from watching many ration videos, is the storage temperature makes a stupid amount of difference in the shelf life of the ration.
Steve1989MREInfo has rations from before I was born that are edible because someone (for one reason or another) kept them in a freezer for 30+ years
what is this "tomato ketchup"
we use tomato sauce here
it's a fake!
@Bob lol
I like his reaction to the vegemite
@allquixotic haven't gotten there yet
3:16 PM
the fruitcake looks like play-doh
@JourneymanGeek "Back home"? Have you moved? Or traveling?
@allquixotic dammit now I'm hungry at 2am :P
@allquixotic he's also left the teabag in far too long :P
@allquixotic bega!
3:32 PM
@ThatBrazilianGuy he is in India for a few weeks
thank god trump has decided not to come to the UK
@Burgi he will eventually, though I'm not sure if he'll come on his private 757 or on Air Force One
did you see that the UN has branded him as a racist?
@Burgi for some reason, he seems relatively immune to backlash and free of consequence for anything he does... I guess there are a loooooooot of really powerful people protecting him
any other human would long have been impeached
3:36 PM
oh, he's not gonna just eat the marmalade directly? :D
I don't even remember what vegemite tastes like anymore
I should go pick some up tomorrow
@allquixotic oh come on, wrong anthem at the end :P
Hey guys. :)
Whoa. Bad day for Donald Trump. I myself have been found out too, although not for being racist, but for being practical instead of honest.
@Burgi Still betting on him doing his state visit in Scotland because there's less people up here to protest for reasons of his mother's birth
someone told me that the shares in his company have plummeted since he became president
i haven't checked that myself
Someone needed to tell you?
3:51 PM
@Bob I noticed that too rofl
@FleetCommand what's bad about today in particular?
Well, long ago a member of my extended family asked me what is ESRB rating.
I told him (or maybe her, I am not revealing it) that ESRB is a quality score. The higher the alphabet letter, the higher the quality.
That means the highest quality games are those that have a T for rating. And the worst are those with an A rating.
After years, he/she found me out.
3:53 PM
I argued that I was telling the de facto truth. The problem is, I don't he/she knows what de facto is.
@FleetCommand ...sooooo, what about those X-rated?
@Bob I guess I am lucky ESRB does not have an X rating.
Instead of X, it has A.
Neither does MPAA.
3:58 PM
i remwmber when someone tried to assure me that the BBFC (12, 15, 18) ratings were difficulty levels
Now, BBFC does have an X rating.
So, which one do you guys prefer? De facto truth or de jure truth?
Oh, no. I was wrong. BBFC had X rating once but not anymore.
1952 to 1982 only.
4:05 PM
I guess I asked a tough questions. There no general rule. In some cases, people prefer to tell the de facto truth after telling the de jure truth.
slept for like a few hours, still feeling crap :D:
May I suggest a bath?
no lol
tbh it'd prob be nice, but then i'd get out and feel like i'm in iceland again
you know what's worse than being outside in your swimming trunks in February, in Iceland?
I'd like to think if I didn't, I'd have performance problem for hours to come. Hot water really takes care of the post-sleep feeling.
it's not sleep that's hurting me, it's this stupid bug
it's 'almost' real flu
4:09 PM
It says "It looks like you're trying to think if you didn't, you'd have performance problem for hours to come. Would you like help?"
Lesson from movies: If you ever walked into an "English Literature 101" class and saw a periodic table of elements hanging in there, run. It is probably a setup by someone who has watched too much Blacklist or CSI.
@FleetCommand I meant WRT trump, but that's a fun story
Of course, the "English Literature 101" should have given you the first clue that something is up.
4:20 PM
@ToxicFrog Seriousy? You asked me a question about something that was being discussed to death already? Well, scroll up!
@FleetCommand Sorry, were you referring to the "shithole countries" comment? "Trump says idiotic, bigoted thing, suffers no consequences" is every day ending in y. I thought something had actually happened.
That's been the story of the United States for as far as I remember. Someone becomes POTUS for eight years, does whatever he wants, and then disappears into total obscurity because no one even trusts him with a matchstick.
This is even true for the one POTUS that actually got impeached: Remained POTUS for eight years.
4:57 PM
@allquixotic I awoke on Fri, 12 Jan 2018 16:50:10 GMT (that's about 7 minutes ago), teleported 74 goats
Such a fantastic example of brilliant, unbiased tech journalism: This $90 neck and back massager is on sale for just $34 today
10 ways journalism is dying, you won't believe number 4!
If you think contemporary digital content is messed up, then click like, share and subscribe!
Heart for "yes", angry face for "no"
@djsmiley2k Why are millennials killing journalism?
Is this what is killing journalism
Ah, perfect excuse pretext
mini-rant: even the BBC is starting to slide into this
Information-less headlines
5:37 PM
grrr d9sheashing
dishwasher still not working, wife acting like entitled prat
If your dishwasher isn't doing her job, take her out on a date, then leave without telling her :P JK
6:27 PM
> "I'm the commander, see. I don't need to explain — I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."
7:07 PM
. . . . . .
7:27 PM
2.1 likes to rest his hand on the keyboard when he goes to sleep
not cool....
Asked a question, received an answer, then just deleted it.
Didn't know it was possible.
I still see it?
Do you have 10k+ reputation
Someone restored it. I could not see it when Ramhound first posted the link.
7:37 PM
Somebody restore dit
@FleetCommand You lack the rep to see behind the curtain. If you could see what we see then you you would wish you couldn't.
I cry every single day because I can see what I can see
@Ramhound :D
are we rehearsing yellow brick road? XD
7:41 PM
After you see the 5th answer, to a question, "I have this problem also"
@Ramhound You're not the one who spends their days deleting them...
@Mokubai You don't have make it so dirty-sounding.
And besides, behind the curtains here couldn't possibly be worst than behind the curtain in Wikipedia.
@FleetCommand Nothing could be worse than Wikipedia. That place is bordering on toxic in places.
@Mokubai Amen
7:48 PM
I am trying to upvote Ramhound's message but somehow it doesn't stick...
It's clippy again!!!
It says "It looks like you're trying to upvote Ramhound's message but somehow it doesn't stick. Would you like help?"
Clippy likes to be helpful
Someone's idea of a practical joke that lingered far too longer than to serve its original purpose and now has turned into torment for the unsuspecting.
No. He's awesome and trying to be helpful.
7:52 PM
And I am sure Donald Trump wants his blue blazer black.
that's not cool
Just don't say "I am trying" or "I want to" or trying to be a help vampire and he'll leave you alone
@FleetCommand ?
How to be a help vampire?
7:53 PM
Let's see.
can you tell me the steps involved in becoming a help vampire?
"I want you for the U.S. army."
No sign of Clippy this time.
Let's try again.
7:55 PM
"I want to believe Microsoft is trying its best but so far, everything it has done has gone so wrong that I am coming around to the idea that Microsoft's motto is 'Dear consumers, we don't give a damn about you.'"
No sign of Clippy this time either.
I want to create a website about magnetars and rainbows.
@FleetCommand Leave out the quotes
I want to believe Microsoft is trying its best but so far, everything it has done has gone so wrong that I am coming around to the idea that Microsoft's motto is 'Dear consumers, we don't give a damn about you.'
So I think I may have finally got my Windows 10 golden image... Just capturing it, going to deploy, then decide if I hit the bottle, or hit the air
(Note: this is not a cry for emotional help - I'm not an alcoholic)
8:00 PM
@Mokubai - I still review them....
@CanadianLuke Nothing wrong with a beer or two now and then
I know, but it's the feeling behind the beer... For success, sure, I'll have a beer Friday afternoon with the other techs... When I'm irritated at a simple job that Microsoft could have fixed years ago, then I feel I might not stop at one or two beers...
@Ramhound More uncool things are happening in that question's page
@CanadianLuke Just outta curiosty, which deployment method are you using?
8:04 PM
You mean the answer within the question body
I saw that
Figured I would let @Mokubai or @JourneymanGeek handle it
i almost feel human
@Mokubai SysPrep with CopyProfile, capturing and deploying with FOG
First issue was SysPrep crashing after being thrown onto another PC
Second issue (more critical to me) was Start Menu layout being reset
So NOW, I'm building the "golden image" in Hyper-V, installing apps, local group policy, etc etc, then capturing a generic Windows 10 image. Apparently, FOG allows admins to create a folder structure for drivers based on the computer's model obtained during deployment, and it throws the drivers right in!
In theory, I can deploy the image to ANY device supporting Windows 10, have the folder setup with drivers, and it will just work out of the box! We'll see though. This is my 5th capture, but the only things I had to fix was the Start Menu (appears to work correctly now), and the OOBE starting up
And since I'm using a virtualized environment now, snapshots are much easier!
So, if this works, I'll feel like a winner finally!
I've been fighting with these laptops since the Xmas break started
@Ramhound What needs handling?
@DavidPostill interested in "Internal Opportunity – Internal Auditor –
Information Security & Quality

<My company> is accredited for ISO 27001, Information Security & ISO9001, Quality
Need auditor, really not sure how that can be a full time job but hey ho ;D
@Mokubai - I am not sure what @FleetCommand saw exactly, but I saw a question, that contained an answer. This question was deleted by the author but then restored by @DavidPostill
8:16 PM
@DavidPostill firstname.lastname@gmail.com?
@Ramhound Hmm. the guy whose question you answered put the answer back in the question...
Not really "great", but still says your answer is right...
Yeah, I saw that, suspect if you roll it back it will just be put back by the author
OK, image captured... Deploying to test computer... Hope it works!
8:36 PM
I wonder what's wrong with this world.
I want an image of a certain developer for a Wikipedia article. I search her name and sure, I find tons of photos. Except, I can't use any of them because in every one of them, she is not wearing anything encyclopedic.
And I am not betting she has even once appeared in her workplace in any that kind of attire.
!! Caaaaaaat2
guys!! help
I need a tablet, which has NFC support and has been released at least in 2017
are there actually ANY candidates?
8:50 PM
@djsmiley2k My email address. Make the obvious substitutions :)
@djsmiley2k lol. I know absolutely nothing about auditing ...
@CanadianLuke How's the deployment going?
It got deployed... And I'm still waiting for the system to come up... It's at the boot screen still
When I deployed this image yesterday, I started deploying as I left, and came in this morning to see it worked
So I think something is causing it to slow down... But if it works, I don't care!
It's been 28 minutes. I think it is safe to assume it won't boot.
I donno... Even my VM took forever to boot up the first time after the SysPrep
8:54 PM
hello :)
They care more about it being successful, as opposed to being right
I told them I'm not deploying until it's right
Yea, I've been guilted a bit, but whatever
The bosses
Non-techy people, asking why it's taking so much longer than deploying Windows 7 did
Unfortunately, I myself have no experience with FOG. I do it DISM's way.
8:56 PM
I wouldn't mind learning it a bit more, but FOG works for us... Usually.. Plus they have a very active forum with the developers
I dunno... It runs on Linux, so, it needs deploying a Linux infrastructure.
I avoid Linux as much as I can.
This slow VM of yours... Does it run on a fast HDD or an SSD?
It runs on a fast SSD. I was running 4 Server 2016 and 2 Windows 10 instances, along with my regular OS, so I know it's not a virtualization issue
I know it's a Windows configuration issue
And honestly, learn Linux in your free time... Microsoft is even encouraging it
I don't have free time. I sleep in my free time. There are the weekends, in which I avoid anything work and computer-related.
9:03 PM
But once FOG is setup, it's quite easy... Especially since it's managed 99% through the web interface. Or, you could download a FOG Docker image to run on Windows, then it acts like a regular .exe program
Docker images run on Window Server 2016 only, right?
... No
They can run on anything, virtually...
Think of it as a program. In that program, it has everything the real program needs
Once it loads up though, I'll check the Panther logs and see what's taking forever
I'm curious to know too. Could be useful.
9:28 PM
I had lots of errors before SysPrep could even launch, and I had to remove a bunch of games that Windows automatically provisions -.-
9:38 PM
I'm running out for lunch, I'll update when I get back... If things move...
10:03 PM
Let's talk about mouse pads.
Currently, I'm using Razer's (now discontinued) Kabuto mobile mouse pad, which is almost perfectly sized due to limited desk space. It's pretty well worn at this point as it's been used continuously for at least two or three years. I wonder what would be a good replacement for this...
(currently used with a Roccat Tyon mouse, which has seen more than three years of service)
I love steelseries
I had a metal one previously
now I just have their weird plastic one instead
> The most recent password flaw comes in the form of unlocking the App Store preferences that can be unlocked with any password. The steps to reproduce on macOS High Sierra are simply:

Click on System Preferences
Click on App Store
Click the padlock icon
Enter your username and any password
Click unlock
seriously apple, wtf happened
@Ramhound Sorted
@FleetCommand It's up now! Skipped the OOBE like I wanted, now to join to the domain and make sure everything still functions!
@FleetCommand Do people really wear encyclopedias? :)
10:42 PM
Crap... Can't log in... Only had the Admin account, and for some reason, it's disabled
Interesting layout. ASRock is doing diagonally-oriented M.2 slots to maximize the use of the available card area, with a blower fan to cool them. It even has 6-pin PCIe aux power.
Can be used with Intel VROC on X299 and AMD motherboard RAID on X399.
Hmm... I find the power connector to be rather unexpected, but consider that M.2 SSDs use 3.3V power and there is inevitably going to be some loss from converting 12V to 3.3V.
Let me look up the peak power consumption for a typical M.2 SSD...
I'm going to re-SysPrep with a new answer file... One that drops in an Administrative user automatically...
5.8W average load power for the 2 TB 960 PRO.
So... I'm not too sure how necessary the aux power is.
Two-phase VRM. Fan speed control switch on the right (off for full speed, on for half speed). Additional DIP switch on the bottom of the card set "utility control" (which enables software fan control) and specify the card number in setups with multiple M.2 cards. asrock.com/mb/spec/product.asp?Model=ULTRA%20QUAD%20M.2%20CARD
11:24 PM
@bwDraco better than dragging it through potentially already heavily loaded mobo power rails...
@Mokubai Heh. My Crosshair VI Extreme has a Molex power connector specifically for delivering extra power to the PCIe slots.
@bwDraco I'd still rather the majority of power went straight into the card through a solid connector than trust the iffy spring contacts in a PCIe riser.
(ASUS's ROG Zenith Extreme X399 board has it, too; not sure if others have something like this)
@Mokubai Good point. Storage devices are particularly sensitive to reliable power delivery.
The power plug contacts are going to be directly soldered into big power & ground planes while the weedy (but numerous) tracks coming off the PCIe finger are dumping power through lots of small tracks and small vias trying to make up the power budget.
It might not be a big difference, but the power connector will probably be slightly lower resistance and therefore better.
Less power wasted. Power directly from PSU. Generally better
Well, a maximum of 5.5A of 12V power is available through the PCIe slot per spec. Considering that the M.2 spec allows a maximum of 7W per SSD, we may be talking about peak power of about 10-12W after VRM losses. That is still within the limits of the interface, but we're talking about 3.3V at the SSDs proper, not 12V, and lower supply voltages are more susceptible to problems due to voltage drop.
Realistically, though? We could have SSDs pulling upwards of 10W under peak conditions, which could be up to 15W at the VRM. Although technically noncompliant with M.2 spec, this is not an unlikely scenario.
60W peak power at the VRM, plus a fan and other electronics... is pushing it.
So you're right, @Mokubai. The extra 6-pin connector will make for more reliable power delivery under peak load conditions.
11:41 PM
@bwDraco That makes it sound like you doubted me.
I knew I was right.
If there's one thing I know it's how to make a lot of electrons move in the same way at the same time.
Speaking of which, has anyone seen my cattle prod lately?
11:56 PM
I was thinking about M.2 SSD thermal management... well, with up to two SSDs in an expansion card, passive cooling is okay, but with four such SSDs, you're going to need either a big heatsink for passive cooling or active cooling. You might as well go with the latter at this point.
Under more than a few seconds of sustained load, with heat being exhausted from adjacent graphics cards, you can and will get thermal throttling.

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