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Question for you all - has anyone heard of the term "curtained" in the context of IT or IT security? A coworker described some printers as "not curtained" in an email, and I wasn't sure what that meant.
welp i've come home
@DavidK not myself no
hm, thanks
I wasn't sure if it was a standard term I didn't know or if it was just something this guy made up
i gave in and came home, as I feel terribad
@DavidK it maybe something someones used once or twice
only thing i can think of is with laser cutters, you have 'curtains' around the cutting head, to stop the dust flying out
you could technically have the same on some kinds of printer, but I've not heard of any
I was thinking it was security related since they were operating on a restricted network ("curtained off")
yeah, dmz type thing
But, it's good to know I'm not the only person who would be confused by that statement
Yeah, I asked over there too, so we'll see what kind of response I get
i guess it could of come from the terminology of the 'iron curtain' ?
google finds nothing for curtaining in IT, so I think it's safe to say it's a non-global term
so it's a soviet printer?
in soviet russia, printer breaks you!
we just got the first two replacement macbooks
@Burgi huge upgrade?
they have a single USB-C port
I should have known with how much red ink it uses!
@Burgi :D yeah, new mac books suck like that
now you get to carry a hub as well as your macbook
we've got to get adapters so we can use dual screens while charging
the adapters cost £70
/me nods
you need 2?
we'll need 4 adapters
the other two laptops are coming next week
you could of brought another laptop for that.
i priced up a dell with the same spec as the top macbook pro
i imagine it was still quite expensive
but it'd work right away...
£800 vs £2500
lol wow ok
not even close
Thing is, I can remember when mac's were good
the MD is sold on the apple brand though
like genuinely better than anything else you could buy for comparable price.
i think we must have spent £40-50 each on thunderbolt adapters for the old machines
most of the machines here are only used for word processing, email and web
i can understand the designers and video people wanting/needing macs but the customer service people?
the sooner we ditch our current IT company the better
they've deployed an engineer to us and not told him anything about what we need doing
Ian Allen on January 11, 2018

JavaScript UI frameworks and libraries work in cycles. Every six months or so, a new one pops up, claiming that it has revolutionized UI development. Thousands of developers adopt it into their new projects, blog posts are written, Stack Overflow questions are asked and answered, and then a newer (and even more revolutionary) framework pops up to usurp the throne.

Using the Stack Overflow Trends tool and some of our internal traffic data, we decided to take a look at some of the more prominent UI frameworks: Angular, React, Vue.js, Backbone, Knockout, and Ember. …

can someone remove and reattach my head?
i can certainly remove it but i might void the warranty
@djsmiley2k How functional do you need it to be once reattached? Are we talking working, or merely... decorative?
i just want the pain to go away
which strangely it has now
@djsmiley2k Glad we could help?
Hey all - Question for you. I have Cox cable internet, and I get connection drops every 5 minutes or so. I am on my 2nd modem since I stopped renting theirs, the cable guy has checked the lines, but when I get on my VPN to work, it drops and reconnects consistently.
What logs on the router do I need to look at to show cox it is somethign on their end?
Currently using a DOCSIS 3.0 NETGEAR - Nighthawk AC1900 modem.
I did see this question on the main, but it doesn't really tell me anything other than they might have oversold in the area.
@JohnP What logs does your router provide? General system log?
I don't think many people in this room are on cable?
But yea your best bet is just looking at all the logs :P
there's usually only a few... just look for any events around the disconnects
otherwise, consider dropping the router and connecting one system directly to the modem - and do a continuous ping test
@bertieb Honestly, I'd have to log in to see. This is a brand new modem (< 2 weeks) so I haven't played aroudn with the info on it much yet.
@JohnP FYI modem and router are distinct concepts
Not a bad idea... it's been a long time since I was on cable (NTL-era days; I was using some Linux distro on a floppy as a router), but the modem itself showed some stats IIRC
though in this case you seem to have a combined device... ugh.
@Bob Yeah, I know. I usually just refer to it as a modem, in this case it's a combined device.
(Ah, it was FreeSCO! Man, that was bothering me. I was very impressed by it at the time even though I had no idea how the heck it was doing what it did. Oh, the folly of youth...)
@Bob I've got an RPi 3 running Ubuntu Mate, I could figure out how to run a continuous ping from that.
@JohnP ping
@Bob I THINK there's an extra argument for ping on linux being contininous...
It's really annoying, as I was going to set the RPi up as a Kodi media server, but the interrupts prevent any useful streaming. Same if I'm WFH, the vpn drops and reconnects every 2-5 minutes.
@JourneymanGeek On Linux it's continuous by default
On Windows you'd want ping /t
Continunous by default Bob beat me to it
ahh, my bad
On Linux you'd probably want ping -D -O
(-D to add timestamps and -O to force output for timeouts)
I used to use irc for that, lol
You could alternatively use an external device pinging inbound (something like f8lure.mouselike.org) as that way you get a pretty graph
I'm not sure if it'll tell you anything more than what you know, if you are already aware of it disconnecting every 5 minutes
Does it only disconnect when you VPN up, or regardless?
@bertieb assuming your router replies to inbound ICMP
most consumer routers drop those by default and also don't let you choose otherwise
@Bob Well yea
Oh, really?
Shows how out of touch I am :P
@bertieb Regardless. Same behaviour on work laptop, desktop, two laptops and the Pi.
@bertieb "security"
Can't see any reason not to have that option, even if it's stuck behind some 'advanced settings' page
@Bob I think I can set mine to accept inbound ICMP
I’m giving my TDD class an hour to work on the assignment on mocking. It’s hard the first time you learn this stuff
@Bob Ah, like the 100ml bottles at airports, you say
@allquixotic You're teaching the class?
@Bob yep :) in a sport coat
@bertieb because it apparently confuses users
@Bob my parents are on cable
Elbow patches?
@allquixotic nice
Fourth time I’m teaching it
but i suspect the UK cable is different to american cable
@bertieb no
@allquixotic Aw
I had pictured something like the above
I'll probably be on cable by this time next year... not looking forward to it
just more things that can go wrong
i found it more stable than DSL
cable was mostly reliable for me
@Burgi suppose it depends on where you are, but our local coax is in shambles. not that the phone copper is any better but we had ours replaced recently, sooooo
but splitting the modem and outer makes sense
also... in the list of things I wish I could own but shouldn;t...
@JourneymanGeek they should use those here - at least they probably won't melt
> $1,850 pre-order discount
@JourneymanGeek they have one of those in a local bar
@Bob mechnical displays appeal to me in an odd way.
> final $3,495 price tag
@bertieb ya, its rediculously pricy, but mechanical devices are a lot of engineering...
its linked to their social media counts and flaps away when people like them on facebook
"How hot is it today?"
"The LCD melted."
@Bob I originally said that about FiOS, and while it wasn’t perfect, and I’ve had problems, LTE had problems too (bloating batteries, huge ping jitter, high first hop ping, huge throughout variability, prime time low speeds) and was waaaay slower overall
Comparatively my FiOS problems have been relatively solvable and the resulting gigabit pipe is delicious
@allquixotic The only problem I have with ADSL is the low throughput (esp. upstream)
Unfortunately it looks like I'll be trading that for questionable reliability
Also half my FiOS problems are the damn Netgear buggy firmware on my nonstandard router :P
(Unfortunate in the sense that it could have been so much better)
@Bob your ADSL is reliable? Weird. I’m not used to hearing such things.
ADSL was the worst when I had it, reliability wise
@allquixotic It used to drop every time it rained. Took a few tech callouts (from the reseller, TPG, till it got escalated to the physical network tech from Telstra), but he swapped the copper pair (from the street silo to the pit in front of the house) and it was all good.
HFC is likely to be much worse here
I'm not even sure where the coax goes
it disappears down the side of the house
now, if they gave us FTTN (fibre to the silo then copper to the pit then house, which I know is good), that'd be fine
if they gave us FTTDP (fibre to the pit then copper to the house), that's even better
@Bob Tell the techs you’re skeptical of the physical infrastructure when they come to install and to spend more than a couple seconds testing packet loss and connection stability
if they gave us FTTP (fibre to the house) that'd be best
but, no, gotta have HFC. The most questionable of the lot.
@Bob I have fiber to the ONT on the side of the house :D
The one method that is currently delayed for another 6-9 months because the first areas to get HFC are having a lot of dropouts
I have fibre to the ONT inside my house ;p
you know it's bad when the government that's spent the last 2+ years defending this plan has decided they're having issues
@JourneymanGeek Lucky
well not right now
I want fiber to my desk :D lol
I'm teathered to my mom's phone to my laptop ;p
like, "the sky is falling!!!!!!" bad
@allquixotic ha, it'll probably only drop when it rains, knowing my luck. or when the neighbours decide to connect.
@Bob Ewww. So they acknowledge there are reliability problems? Is it just inherent in the tech or the rollout strategy?
@Bob Make sure they install on a rainy day then lol
@allquixotic In the tech (read: the ollllllld coax that's been basically unmaintained since it was first installed [for cable TV, not even designed for internet] decades ago)
@Bob so it’s old PHY basically
> When asked by the ABC how many HFC customers had complained about internet dropouts, NBN Co's chief executive Bill Morrow said the number of customers affected was "small, it's miniscule, you won't see it".
I guess governments don’t really grok that infrastructure cables get old, noisy and lose their signal strength over time
yea, no. if you're suspending the rollout for 9 months, something is wrong
@allquixotic previous government got that just fine. current government spent the last election cycle attacking the previous government's plans and I'm pretty sure they changed it just to spite them
...which sounds very similar to the current US gov, now that I think of it
I guess governments assume that when you get a piece of chewing gum you’ll never need another piece of chewing gum ever again because it’ll last forever
> When pressed by the ABC, NBN Co said that 1.1 per cent of HFC connections were affected by dropouts that needed to be fixed.
that's... pretty bad
@Bob yep. Identity politics
> While NBN data showed that only 1 per cent of end users were reporting faults via their service provider, alarm bells began to ring after an internal NBN Co commissioned consumer satisfaction survey found up to 15 per cent of users were scoring their HFC service close to 0 out of 10, meaning that they were having the absolute worst time on HFC but that their provider wasn't necessarily reporting it as a fault to NBN Co.
@allquixotic or they ban it cause the opposition chews gum
@JourneymanGeek funny how the Singaporean is talking about banning chewing gum :D
naw, we banned it cause it was cheaper than powerwashing trains...
which break down anyway now
@JourneymanGeek sooooooo the gum was holding them together?
no, clearly they couldn't mcguyver them fixed
(orrrr, they kinda lost track of the fact they are a train company
argh. I hate job hunting.
don't we all
gotta get back into the grind when I'm back in singapore
@JourneymanGeek I have a job, I just don't make quite enough. Had to take nearly a 30k US pay cut last year.
oh, quit my last one.
Went from 100K + 15% bonus to 80k + 10% bonus.
/me ponders what he'd do with 40k GBP
I didn't quit, they axed our entire office.
so many things
@JourneymanGeek ours seems to have forgotten they need drivers for the trains
(Tuesday's delays were apparently at least partially because they ... ran out of drivers.)
ours are automatic
but we've had multiple maintainance related failures
@JourneymanGeek they're building a new metro that's supposed to be automatic
don't worry, I'm sure they'll find some way to stuff it up
because they were focused on non core stuff
no signal inside trains, fix pls
@Bob ah you've got the UK's probvlem
I did read about the phantom train problem in Singapore
we regularly run outta drivcers
and we had a train tunnel get flooded
I did hear our main shopping area got flooded too
my dishwasher wasn't draining
/me got his hand in there and fixed that bad boy
some how o_O
@djsmiley2k reverse pauli effect?
o_O :D
'hand of god'
kinda like how I joke a good IT guy can walk into a room and fix something just by touching it
@JourneymanGeek A good IT guy can fix it just by being in close proximity.
"I swear, it works every time you come look"
that's true
but we need to at least pretend to do something to keep up appearences
Which is immediately followed by the thought of "Well, which step are you skipping when I'm not around?"
@JohnP I gave up trying to figure that out
if i had a 30K paycut i'd have to pay to come to work
Hey, guys! PowerShell Core 6.0 has been released!
By default, it spies on you and reports back the OS version and Git Commit version of your PowerShell Core.
(That, by the way, was the journalists version.)
As its name says, if you delete it, it disables this heinous act of espionage telemetry.
i'm quite chuffed with how my new estimate calculator is working
1 hour later…
cor blimey! my game dev heroes want to talk to me about something i did in eve
i should bloody well hope so!
Sucks when it says it's milk, but people assume it's not, so they drink it anyways...?
Or how you need to use it by Jan 17, but it's only good for 3 days after opening?
It's like how McDonalds had to put on their coffee cups, "CAUTION: HOT"
@Bob oof
@CanadianLuke tbh if you have a cold enough fridge you can get a week out of them normally
I stopped drinking milk a while ago. Became lactarded for a couple years. But we'll keep milk for 2 weeks sometimes, no ill effects
@Burgi Oh..?
@bertieb yes
@Burgi Job spec? [email protected]
@rahuldottech Hello. All OK?
@DavidPostill yep!
How're you doing?
all OK?
Tired. 8 hours on the phone is tiring
@DavidPostill oh, that job. Does it pay well?
@rahuldottech Minimum wage plus a little. I just had a pay rise to just above what the minimum wage will be starting from April.
Another Final Fantasy game hits PC!
> For players with high-end systems, the exploration areas of the game can be played in wide-screen ratios up to 48:9, which we think will give them a really immersive experience.
I'm sure @allquixotic would like to hear this.
@DavidPostill do you want me to post the job spec here or just forward the email?
@DavidPostill that doesn't sound nice
@Burgi Forward the email please :)
That is explicit triple-monitor support. We don't see this often.
@rahuldottech It is how it is till I find something better.
@DavidPostill hope you do so soon
gtg, i'll send it later
@Burgi np. thanks.
@Burgi that fame eh
we have a 24/7 operations role going @DavidPostill...
i could drop you that email on monday, if i've not forgotten by then (as I doubt i'll be in tomorrow)
@djsmiley2k That's fine.
no idea what wage they offer in that role tho, might have to do some digging
but if you can find somewhere near by to rent, it could be quite nice i guess
@Burgi Got it thanks. Too many skills needed I don't have :/
ooooooo the dishonoured run
this is always a fun game to watch
@bwDraco yay ultrawide but I don’t care about final fantasy
Also 48:9?! Sheesh that’s like 2.25 of my monitors side by side
Q: Is it possible to restore data on harddrive after overwriting it with the DD command?

UmaI used the dd command to back up my home partition to a 2 TB hard drive thinking that it would add the HOME folder to my hard drive. sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdc where sda2 is HOME and sdc is the hard drive. As it was running it occurred to me to check the hard drive, and when I looked, al...

ruh-roh Shaggy!
@DavidPostill worth a shot i think
@BenN Hi. I need you opinion about something related to PowerShell Core 6.0. Perhaps you are aware that it went GA yesterday, right?
@Burgi Not really. Missing skills Windows 2003/2008/2012 Server, MS Exchange, Cisco Network Infrastructure
@FleetCommand Huh, I didn't actually - what's up?
2003 = XP
2008 = win7
2012 = Win8.1
you have experience with those
@BenN Well, like I said, it has reached general availability yesterday. Anyway, I am going to need a second opinion about this piece: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PowerShell#PowerShell_Core_6.0
the exchange you might struggle with and just say you need training on cisco
...especially the second paragraph of that section.
@Burgi Yes. But nothing regarding Server. There is a big difference between Server and Workstation not least all the AD stuff etc
basically blag it
no harm in firing over a CV
@FleetCommand The first sentence of the first paragraph doesn't make a lot of sense to me...
"unwield" should be "unveiled"
that's a horrible wide range of skills to have
The second paragraph seems slightly more opinionated that Wikipedia usually is
Thought so.
Also, thank goodness for it changing the default encoding to BOMless UTF8
BOMful UTF16 was the most annoying thing
Codename Lisa usually isn't opinionated. But then, if we remove it, there is the question of whether there truly is or isn't a top 10 list.
Also what "unwield"?
Oh, it's fixed now
I actually prefer UCS-2. But yes, UTF-8 is welcome. And I miss -ShowWindow.
PowerShell Remoting over SSH seems like a pretty neat feature for sysadmins
(granted I don't use PS in an official sysadmin capacity, so my perception may be incorrect)
You said it. I was very close to adding it to the article. Then I realized it says "for a Windows IT professional".
@BenN Did you see the "Telemetry" section? I bet journalist will soon pounce on it like wolves. "Microsoft spies on you by default" they'd say.
I see. It seems fairly unobjectionable to me, but indeed, people might freak out
Peope tend to freak out when they are presented with a freaky version of it.
Best Feature of PowerShell Core? Removal of the pesky wget and curl aliases for Invoke-WebRequest!
What was wrong with them?
I guess they could be confusing if you were trying to use those programs?
Personally I liked them, but iwr is (I assume?) still there and is shorter
Ouch! You're right. For a cross-platform shell, it is dangerous.
Yea, they were confusing as they didn't actually work the same way that curl and wget on Unix did.
Also hooray for smarter tab completion
Smarter? You mean it won't just start showing me file names of the current working directory? :P
In a few more cases now, yes :D
I should update my machines to PS Core...
Welp the removal of -Encoding Byte breaks a lot of my scripts
Hopefully, I can spend some time learning JavaScript and PowerShell soon.
@FleetCommand Because they have a business to run.
@DavidPostill :(
@rahuldottech Have you changed your Telegram account? I sent you a message weeks ago.
Well, I'll write it here anyway as it looks like you're more active here. I remember you were learning and practicing programming a few months ago. I found an amazing site with lots of programming exercises in many different languages, codefights.com
You can even challenge other persons and compete with them real time. It's quite cool.
Woot 8K OLED TV?
@FMLCat Huh? 8K?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Twice as many K's as 4K!
How do they fit so many K's on a single TV?
By making the TV really big
They added 11" to add another 4K's
"Hey look we doubled our pixels. also doubled multiplied by sqrt(2) our dimensions".
(my math may be wrong)
Actually they quadrupled the pixels while multiplying by 1.32x the dimensions
8K is 33.2 million pixels. 4K is 8.3 million pixels.
Either way, 8K is a lotof K's
Oh yeah, 1080, 4K, etc is only horizontal resolution
The display resolution or display modes of a digital television, computer monitor or display device is the number of distinct pixels in each dimension that can be displayed. It can be an ambiguous term especially as the displayed resolution is controlled by different factors in cathode ray tube (CRT) displays, flat-panel displays (including liquid-crystal displays) and projection displays using fixed picture-element (pixel) arrays. It is usually quoted as width × height, with the units in pixels: for example, "1024 × 768" means the width is 1024 pixels and the height is 768 pixels. This example...
@ThatBrazilianGuy 1080 is actually vertical resolution, and is "2K" horizontal
Not at all confusing
@FMLCat Even better, FHD (1920x1080) actually isn't 2k (2048x1080). And UHD (3840x2160) isn't actually 4k (4096x2160).
Well, not the cinema 2k/4k definitions anyway.
And 720p is 1280x720, 1080p is 1920x1080, but 4K is 4096 x 2160... 0.o
I tend to just use "2160p" to refer to 4K UHD.
1080 was easy to say, "ten-eighty"... but "twenty-one-sixty"? Not so much.
Could have called it "2K".
"But 4K is twice the Ks!"
"Twunny-one sixtee"
what's so hard about that
Doesn't roll off the tongue as much.
@Bob I have an idea to implement a Spotify-using music player ("like" Spotify) without any VMs, on Windows/Linux x86_64, Android/ARM and iOS... Taking into account that Spotify doesn't have a proper streaming API for desktop OSes anymore, just Android and iOS
Speaking of having ideas...
@ThatBrazilianGuy Neither does 720p either tbh
I'm assuming the API exposed in the Spotify streaming SDK is the same between iOS and Android; using Anbox I can put an Android system in a container on desktop Linux, so it'll have all the natives (ART/Dalvik and the rest of the Android libs) so that the .jar and native .sos in the Android SDK will work on desktop Linux (it has x86 and x86_64 natives)
I just had the craziest idea ever today.
on Windows I can try getting an Android distro on WSL
4K just sounds snazzier. And to retrospectively rename FHD to 2K would be too much change for simpletons' brains to adapt to
Some (if not all) mobile telcos here offer off-the-meter unlimited WhatsApp (because Net Neutrality be damned, right).
720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p, 4320p...
so the Android Spotify SDK covers Win/Lin on x86_64 and the native SDKs for Android and iOS cover mobile devices
1K, 2K, "3K", 4K, 8K.
@FMLCat It was hard enough for people to grasp HD-Ready and Full HD.
What if... what if someone implemented TCPoverWhatsApp?
@FMLCat you forgot the popular 1440p
Wish these porn sites would use consistent naming and stick to one type of measurement so my filter scripts would require so many fewer lines...
@ThatBrazilianGuy Like TCPoverFacebook?
@MichaelFrank It.... exists?!
@ThatBrazilianGuy better yet, TLS
@allquixotic Fixed
@allquixotic "without any VMs" => goes ahead and plans to use an Android VM :D
@ThatBrazilianGuy Invented by one of your South American brothers or sisters!
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