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@djsmiley2k A bunch of affordable housing is being built to Passivhaus standards.
Affordable housing here, isn't.
(in NYC, new city-owned buildings, including public housing, must meet strict energy standards; see legistar.council.nyc.gov/…)
Examples of affordable housing built to passive house standards: ny.curbed.com/2017/2/7/14526598/… ny.curbed.com/2017/10/27/16560700/…
@DavidPostill This read like a mod hat action. Is it that big a deal?
well hi there too
maybe, since there is now USB C, desktops or even laptops will become obsolete. I doubt it and hope not though.
I fail to see why USB-C would do thaty
because mobile devices can host USB peripherals such as USB sticks and keyboards
with USB C
and charge them too
USB Type-C is going to be a long transition.
theres not much that a pc can do which a phone cant do nowdays
yeah but phones suck
you have to like underclock em so they don't die or sumthing
touchscreens are the problem esp small ones
and yes there still needs to be more cpu power for it to rival a laptop
I'll always prefer a laptop or desktop
My phone can do a lot of what I do (SSH, web consoles, network scanning, office work, etc) but I don't want to have to use my phone for that stuff
@DavidPostill Quick simple question if you don't mind!
@CanadianLuke I'd rather make phone calls from my PC
You don't?
@TroubleMakerChatBroom Hmm. Quick and simple is OK ;)
I don't make phone calls tbh :D
but no, i don't
@CanadianLuke Ah, but can you mod from your phone? I hear that is problematic ...
I can... But a majority of the good modding requires a computer... And tabs
I will close questions or flag as spam when necessary, but anything else, I wait till I'm at a PC
srsly 3 upvotes on mah hat? XD
also not linked because !shamelessplug
Right, bed time because my eyes feel liek they are boiling inside my head, and my tinitus is back, and my car is fooked and I'm sad :(
@DavidPostill Sorry, just seeing your reply, how are you wearing so many hats?
Oh dear. Sleep well :)
@TroubleMakerChatBroom That is a secret :) Think about it for a while and you will be able to work it out ...
@DavidPostill I think I know how you did it.... I will test it out. I assume it's not a mod thing, correct? If not, then I know how to do it for sure. LOL the "secret" way I would say.
@TroubleMakerChatBroom No it's not a mod thing ;)
@DavidPostill Thank you sir, that's all I needed—quick, easy, and simple!!
@TroubleMakerChatBroom Hint: I can only easily change the last hat I put on :)
I presume it's pretty obvious really
involving some off site storage
@djsmiley2k If by off site you mean images on my laptop ... ;)
Right i'm off to bed, night yall
@DavidPostill Check it out.... Not as elegant as yours but .... superuser.com/users/510662/it-snuggles?tab=profile
I also remember doing something like this like right just before you were "officially" the new mod of SU during the election or whatever with your head.... remember that? Ha LOL
Good old Steam sales...
user image
@Mokubai I have a cunning way to control my Steam sale spending
@bertieb Is it being poor?
'cause I use that one too
@Mokubai Affirmamudo!
I'm not allowed money, I'd spend it all on games and computers.
@Mokubai Noble endeavours, both :-D
I set a budget and keep to it
I'm 40 dollars in on my 100 ;p
Hmm my voltmeter seems to be unable to meter itself
Also I keep getting upvotes for a dumb answer I made years ago that isn't even correct
Corrrect it
If I knew the correct answer I wouldn't have feigned wisdom and written an incorrect one
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