I just found out in 2018 we'll be having twelve extended holidays! :D :D :D
As I mentioned before, whenever there's a holiday on a Thursday, it's very common for people skip work Friday (or if it's a Tuesday, people skip Monday).
...and as most people get paid per month, and not per day or hour, it doesn't impact on your paycheck.
@CanadianLuke I might have done a presentation once using it.
Gave up not only because of the proprietary format, but because once the novelty feeling wore off, I realized it's a lot of bells and whistles that clutter and distract from the content itself.
It's like Powerpoint on steroids with a really easy to use interface and lots of templates... IIRC.
It looks like now, it's a .exe that relies on Adobe Air being installed, and the presentation being in the same folder... And it combines it inside the MacOSX archive for the .app file
Our reason is cost and "efficiency". I can agree with point 2, but point 1, they would lose a tech (or a few) if we had to suddenly pay licensing costs
Linux does file sharing just fine, and that's essentially what our servers are doing now, at each school
The current way we're doing it is users (and computer accounts) are created in the Samba database, as well as on the Linux servers
The new way, all the users are virtual, so no locking down SSH against their user accounts
The users can be organized however we want, in theory, and belong in multiple places
We will be able to log in from any school (not just your "home" school), because it's all virtual
Right now, we're doing LOCAL group policies, which was never meant to scale. With AD, we can centrally manage our Group Policies from the server, and clients get the new settings within a couple hours
Whoops, I made a mistake? That's fine, fix it once on the server, then it's done (AD)
Whoops, I made a mistake? That's fine, I gotta find a way to automate it and touch every computer (No AD)
So we have 12 techs, including our "Tech Coordinator" (boss). We have the high school, and it's feeder schools, assigned to the techs. The techs are expected to do everything - helpdesk, network support, new user creation, imaging, deployment, updates, virus removals, etc