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@FML if you're a cat, clearly I can see why you FML. If you were a dog.... Life is good ;p
While they misunderstand it...
> The ISP offers regular internet plans with caped usage and overage fees, SAME AS ANY OTHER ISP and doesn’t block access to any of the listed services. They also offer addons which provide unmetered or large chunks of data bandwidth to popular services, that don’t count against your monthly bandwidth cap and prevent you from triggering the more expensive bandwidth overage charges.
That's not how it works. That's not how any of it works ;p
Many ISPs just sell you "service at this speed" and.... actually have the infra where overall usage caps would be a waste of breath.
1 hour later…
> Plane's broken!
@Bob another A380 survives a mid-air incident to land safely... this time the front part of the engine including part of the compressor and most of the engine cowling exploded over the atlantic and they had to land at Goose Bay airport
For some reason the video is black on my PC
someone else in the comments said that -- something about the way Youtube encoded it I guess? maybe a bug in specific file formats or resolutions
or maybe it's an un-transcoded original upload with a bug in the metadata incompatible with some decoders
Tried Chrome and Edge. May be a HW decoding bug with Nvidia cards
works for me on Windows 10, with a GTX 1080, in Chrome for Windows
Or not
Nvidia driver 388.00
@allquixotic Just a GTX 1080 or also IGP?
Chrome 61.0.3161.100
IGP is completely disabled
Windows 10 v1709
works in Chrome 62 too
I think I'm on driver 385.41
Windows says it's
Also in my case the IGP can't be completely disabled, even in DGPU only mode it still shows up in Device Mangler
@Bob The "Cleophobic" coating on this screen protector doesn't work against glue :-(
No repro. Video renders correctly on Astaroth.
(and yes, it is hardware-accelerated here)
@FML it's not Cleo
throws breadcrumbs @FML
Well, this desktop is a space heater under load :\
2 hours later…
@bwDraco heh, most PCs are under load
if its a space heater under load, and a kitten outside it, your system scales well ;p
Don't have exact power measurements - at full overclocks for CPU and GPU, I reckon that power consumption is in the ballpark of 500W.
It was doing approx. 350-400W earlier and the room temperature rose by about 5C over the last several hours.
(my bedroom isn't exactly well-ventilated when the door and windows are closed)
I don't have my exact PC power consumption because the PSU reports (over a USB cable to the PC) the power draw on the entire UPS, which has my monitor and a powered USB hub plugged into it too.
but it's 225W just using Chrome
720p Youtube hardware-accelerated video decode draws about 20W of power on top of that baseline
._. I've never really bothered ;p
@bwDraco That's... pretty high.
I think a full load (Furmark GPU + CPU loads) was in the region of 350-400 here. The overclock might be pushing yours to 500, though.
@Bob The GTX 1080 Ti does use more power than most graphics cards.
@JourneymanGeek Corsair Link and/or UPS monitor = easy power consumption monitoring :P
maybe with my next build ;p
Based on the data I'm able to collect, the card's probably pulling about 200W, while the processor's doing another 100. VRMs are probably responsible for another 20-30W, and the rest of the parts would add up to about 350-400W.
I'm semi-idling at 185W incl monitor
At full overclock, about 150W is dissipated from the processor, while about 250W comes from the graphics card.
PSU reports ~110W out, ~125W in
I don't have any accurate measurements from the wall, so I would not be able to say how much power is being used under less stress - I'd want to guess about 30-50W at idle and 40-80W during web browsing.
I really need a Kill A Watt meter.
meh, those are annoying unless you leave them hooked up
cause you need to go through a full power cycle
however, you do need a UPS :D
nah, kinda depends on how your power is
@Bob Well, I was looking into getting one, but New York City power is generally pretty stable save for the occasional power drop about once every couple of months or so.
> power drop about once every couple of months
I... would consider that bad.
I mean, we're down to an average of 1 per year, though there wasn't one last year.
That said... brownouts are worse.
About five years ago it was once every month or two. That's when I got the UPS :P
Doesn't really happen often. I'd say it's just a momentary drop about 3-5 times a year - we go not get brownouts or other more serious power quality issues.
It's getting late here, so gotta go to bed.
Home power is reliable. Our dryer trips stuff, but I stuck its own breaker type thing on the plug to stop that.
2 hours later…
Huh. It is strange to thank someone for a downvote that changed the reputation to 66,666. (See the starred comments pane.) 666 is the number of the beast. 66,666 must be the number of the much worse beast.
@FleetCommand Some people just like interesting numbers :)
@DavidPostill Yeah. All it takes is to no be an overzealous Christian.
On the other paw:
The interesting number paradox is a semi-humorous paradox which arises from the attempt to classify natural numbers as "interesting" or "dull". The paradox states that all natural numbers are interesting. The "proof" is by contradiction: if there exists a non-empty set of uninteresting numbers, there would be a smallest uninteresting number – but the smallest uninteresting number is itself interesting because it is the smallest uninteresting number, thus producing a contradiction. == Paradoxical nature == Attempting to classify all numbers this way leads to a paradox or an antinomy of definition...
@FleetCommand Well most (if not all) religions are overzealous as they all want my membership which I'm not prepared to give ... ;)
@DavidPostill Fleet Command has stopped working after triggering an E_TOO_MUCH_NONSENSE_ACCESS_PROTECTION exception.
@FleetCommand if anyone comments on it - the appropriate answer is -"So it has come to this"
Yo o/
I posted a question on main site: superuser.com/q/1263444/191162 . Would be great if anyone can look into it. :)
cc @JourneymanGeek
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 3 hours ago, by Journeyman Geek
chat is not for asking questions - least as far as RA goes
Fun question! Would you drink non-alcoholic beer at work?
.... What's the point exactly? ;p
@MichaelFrank Is there one ?
@TheLittleNaruto that's a thing.
I was making my lunch for work tomorrow and noticed a beer in the fridge... I just had a sudden random thought about whether or not I'd try and get away with it.
Yea yea, non-alcoholic is really <0.5% ABV
Though I would totally drink ginger beer at work
That's more of a fizzy drink though. Nobody really takes notice of the beer part of the name.
@MichaelFrank That would imply I like the taste of beer, no?
never liked the smell of the stuff myself
Try Corona
I like beer. I don't like Corona.
@djsmiley2k Enjoy your upvote.
That suggestion was for @JourneymanGeek
He'll have to give it a try
I'll stick to my non alchoholic things.
Alcohol flush reaction is a condition in which an individual develops flushes or blotches associated with erythema on the face, neck, shoulders, and in some cases, the entire body after consuming alcoholic beverages. The reaction is the result of an accumulation of acetaldehyde, a metabolic byproduct of the catabolic metabolism of alcohol, and is caused by an acetaldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency. This syndrome has been associated with an increased risk of esophageal cancer in those who drink. It has also been associated with lower than average rates of alcoholism, possibly due to its association...
> Approximately 36% of East Asians (Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese and Chinese) show characteristic physiological responses to drinking alcohol that includes facial flushing, nausea, headaches and tachycardia.
Crispy Duck (yummy) ;)
Crispy Duck can only Crackle not Quack
good thing I am not east Asian.
It is possible you could still have the responsible gene:
> According to the analysis by HapMap project, the rs671 allele of the ALDH2 responsible for the flush reaction is rare among Europeans and Africans.
good thing I don't drink.
@jokerdino s/drink/drink alcohol/ </pedant> ;)
good thing I am ancient.
@jokerdino good thing you are extinct ;)
@DavidPostill I've had that from a couple of particular types of beer... It's weird.
@jokerdino I think you're confusing decrepit with desiccated
@JourneymanGeek That makes perfect sense given the topic of conversation ;)
@user218987 Not only is your comment rude, but there is no indication in your question that you have read the link or checked the parts that I have highlighted in my answer. In addition answers are meant to provide information that may be useful to other readers that have the same (or similar) issues. — DavidPostill ♦ 2 mins ago
@user218987 From the help pages "Have you thoroughly searched for an answer before asking your question? Sharing your research helps everyone. Tell us what you found and why it didn’t meet your needs. This demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to try to help yourself, it saves us from reiterating obvious answers, and above all, it helps you get a more specific and relevant answer!" — DavidPostill ♦ 1 min ago
@JourneymanGeek AND SO IT GOES
@MichaelFrank for hwat? :D
@DavidPostill my friend has it
but she also turns bright red when exercising
it's pretty amazing
@djsmiley2k Is she of East Asian descent?
lol nah
Sorry for my words. You seem to be good. Find time and approach ISKCON temple. — user218987 55 secs ago
ISKCON is Hare Krishna ... ;)
Being hospitalized sucks
@DavidPostill yeah. Traditional Indian mythology with a Western twist or something like that
anyone in the UK interested in reale ales?
@Burgi wotizdat
its a type of beer
it's a drink
@rahuldottech Hi. Do you mind if I ask you a cultural question? About India?
just ask it, there are loads of indians here even if @rahuldottech isn't about
Oh, I forgot I posted something here. I was ... engaged elsewhere.
@FleetCommand go right ahead
!!afk Hospitalized for surgery. Will check regularly for pings.
@rahuldottech Having figured out that filmmakers know literally nothing about computers, including what they look like and how to turn them on, I am literally sensitive about things they inject into their films as factlets.
That includes facts about India.
So, I was watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory...
...and one of the characters is supposedly Indian.
He said there was a row kicked when one of his relatives, who was a worshiper of Krishna, died and a statuette of Shiva was found in his possession. Is that something that might happen in India?
Or is that another film poppycock?
@Bob Hᴉ
@FleetCommand poppycock
@FleetCommand That might a good question for hinduism.stackexchange.com
@DavidPostill it's honestly kinda ridiculous?
@DavidPostill Posting a question in any Stack Exchange requires advance research. Here, I am doing advance research.
@FleetCommand Krishna and Shiva are both forms of basically the same god afaik. And while there are devotees of both in India, it's all basically Hinduism
We have several gods
> In recorded history, the very first God to appear in Hinduism is none other than Lord Shiva. Pashupati, the primitive form of Lord Shiva can be found in the Indus Valley Civilization around 3500 BC while Krishna emerged around 500 BC. People worshiped him as one of the ten Avatars of Lord Vishnu, not as the Supreme Godhead.
@FleetCommand ^^^
Several hundred, even thousands. You can worship any and as many. You do not need to disclose it, and no one fights because of whom you worship
also, is the afk command disabled, @bob @all?
@FleetCommand heh, there's fundamentalist vaishnavites who think their god's better ;p
@DavidPostill E_PARSER_FAILURE_MISSING_CONTEXT exception! Aborting AddtoMemory()
but like...
Nor that common that people would kick up a fuss over that
Hindus... Are very tolerant. Of each other and everyone else.
but it can be a thing
@rahuldottech Hmmph.
Communal violence in India includes acts of violence by followers of one religious group against followers and institutions of another religious group, often in the form of rioting. Religious violence in India, especially in recent times, has generally involved Hindus and Muslims, although incidents of violence have also involved atheists, Christians and Sikhs. There is also history of Muslim – Parsee riots (List of riots in Mumbai). Despite the secular and religiously tolerant constitution of India, broad religious representation in various aspects of society including the government, the active...
@DavidPostill eh, arguably typically someone started it - less arguably, ****ing politics.
@rahuldottech can't remember. maybe. it was buggy/spammy at one point. might be better to avoid it
6 mins ago, by rahuldottech
@FleetCommand Krishna and Shiva are both forms of basically the same god afaik. And while there are devotees of both in India, it's all basically Hinduism
But in Islam, they're all the same god
also, Krishna and Siva arn't the same god
like... every god is the same god
yet still ISIS.
Krishna is an aspect/avatar of vishnu
Whether the trinity is "one" god is... something that religious scholars have probably killed forests over.
@JourneymanGeek wait. So that's ram and Krishna? As in different, uh... Forms?
Oh right
I remember now
I'm not very religious
This is the fourth religious nonsense I discover in films. Prior to this, another film purported that a row was kicked when a Sunni customs official found a book about the Ali in possession of a Muslim traveler, as this proved him to be a Shi'ite Muslim. That was poppycock.
What I know is from my mom
only the 4th?
Basically this "age" is one where vishnu is incarnated on earth, to right some wrongs.
you need to watch more :D
Depending on who you ask, (and some count budda for some odd reason), 9 of 10 incarnations have occured, and the last will essentially be our equivilent of the apocalypse.
rama, and krishna are both vishnu come down in human or demi devine form.
And before that, another film said another poppycock about Trinitarian Christians hating non-Trinitarian Christians.
Siva has come down... properlike 2-3 times but mostly to do a thing. Not a proper incarnation of sorts.
Although, to be fair, Christians hate each other for no reason whatsoever.
@FleetCommand errr... some vishnava foiks would consider siva worship a scandal ;p
but its a insanely obscure thing to reference
> The Sunni branch believes that the first four caliphs--Mohammed's successors--rightfully took his place as the leaders of Muslims. They recognize the heirs of the four caliphs as legitimate religious leaders. These heirs ruled continuously in the Arab world until the break-up of the Ottoman Empire following the end of the First World War.

Shiites, in contrast, believe that only the heirs of the fourth caliph, Ali, are the legitimate successors of Mohammed. In 931 the Twelfth Imam disappeared. This was a seminal event in the history of Shiite Muslims. According to R. Scott Appleby, a prof
@DavidPostill I bet the filmmakers read exactly when they made the film. What they missed though is that Sunni's hold deep respect all caliphs, including what they consider the fourth one.
@FleetCommand people in general do, over the smallest thing.
@JourneymanGeek Remind me again: Why did UK separate itself from Vatican authority?
(also, a good chunk of the old hindu epics, I learnt from comic books)
@FleetCommand What? or When?
@FleetCommand beats me, Do I look anglican to you?
(oddly the christian tradition that would have had the biggest impact on me was methodists, and the main takeaway I had was the concept of personal faith)
You look like dog to me, given that I can only see your Avatar.
The Dissolution of the Monasteries, sometimes referred to as the Suppression of the Monasteries, was the set of administrative and legal processes between 1536 and 1541 by which Henry VIII disbanded monasteries, priories, convents and friaries in England, Wales and Ireland, appropriated their income, disposed of their assets, and provided for their former personnel and functions. Although the policy was originally envisaged as increasing the regular income of the Crown, much former monastic property was sold off to fund Henry's military campaigns in the 1540s. He was given the authority to do this...
@FleetCommand oh. WHY.
Yeah. Autocorrect. Sorry.
@FleetCommand medivial papacies was a mess.
You don't say!
You had popes, antipopes....
And popist anti-popes!
Why? Basically he was after the money:
>From 1534 onwards, Cromwell and King Henry were constantly seeking ways to redirect ecclesiastical income to the benefit of the Crown—efforts they justified by contending that much ecclesiastical revenue had been improperly diverted from royal resources in the first place.
You know, the kind that believed in papacy but not in a certain pope.
@DavidPostill Excuse me? I was under the impression he was after a certain bride...
@DavidPostill oddly enough, I thought he basically was shopping for archbishops as well.
The name "Anne Boleyn" rings any bell?
@FleetCommand No. He was pissed off because the pope wouldn't annul his first marriage to Catherine of Aragorn, and then he got excommunicated. In the end the Archbishop of Canterbury annulled the marriage and he married Anne Boleyn.
@DavidPostill Exactly.
> His disagreement with the Pope on the question of such an annulment led Henry to initiate the English Reformation, separating the Church of England from papal authority and appointing himself the Supreme Head of the Church of England. Despite his resulting excommunication, Henry remained a believer in core Catholic theological teachings.[2]
who he ... had a somewhat terminal divorce with?
@JourneymanGeek Not before that marriage was annulled as well ;)
Catherine of Aragon (marriage annulled, died while detained under guard at Kimbolton Castle, mother of Mary I)
Anne Boleyn (marriage annulled, then beheaded, mother of Elizabeth I)
Jane Seymour (died twelve days after giving birth to Edward VI, believed to be caused by birth complications)
Anne of Cleves (marriage annulled, outlived the rest of the wives)
Catherine Howard (beheaded)
Catherine Parr (widowed at death of Henry VIII, remarried to Thomas Seymour)
hence the "shopping for archbishiops"
@DavidPostill To put it crude and frank language, he thought what p***s mandate is more important than the word of the God he says he believes in.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah
> After failing to negotiate an annulment of Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon, Wolsey fell out of favour and was stripped of his government titles. He retreated to York to fulfill his ecclesiastical duties as Archbishop of York, a position he nominally held, but had neglected during his years in government. He was recalled to London to answer to charges of treason—a common charge used by Henry against ministers who fell out of favour—but died en route of natural causes.
Huh. I just noticed that "p***s" could represent two different words: One of them is a euphemism for the other, if the context says the person related to it is a man.
Death threats against enough Archbishops until one said yes :)
@FleetCommand Pope Joan?
I thought she was apocryphal?
And the probably untrue story of the papal chair ;)
Q: Were the medieval popes examined on a toilet-lid-like chair to establish their masculinity?

Elberich Schneider Is one of the consequences of the Pope Joan story, whether it was true or false, the use of a marble chair with a large, toilet-like hole in its seat? As the picture above shows, it seems that that chair has been a part of the papal enthronement, when the pope-elect had to sit on the seat nake...

@DavidPostill Muslim womanizers have another method: They level death threats against the clergy until one of them says the marriage falls within those rare exceptions by the mean of which a Muslim man can have up to four living wives.
@FleetCommand But annulment is far easier for them ...
@DavidPostill But multiple wives are ... preferable?!


Idk why people do this superuser.com/a/1263505
I kinda deleted that
@FleetCommand Given that Anne was supposedly Henry's mistress while has was still married to Catherine I don't supposed he cared much about polygamy ;)
Anyone here ever setup an OpenVPN server hosted on Server 2012 R2 VM from Hyper-V running on Server 2012 R2 Data Center?
Or just run an OpenVPN server hosted on Windows Server 2012 R2 VM I suppose the host OS may not matter
If so just curious of any gotchas anyone may have run into getting VPN connected clients to be able to access LAN IPs / subnet on the other side of the VPN server? I can connect, have gateway static routes setup, IP forwarding enable on OS, even client push routes accordingly and can connect just fine but once connected it seems like the OpenVPN VPN gateway IP isn't routing once it reaches it from LAN or VPN subnet between the two. So any ideas or gotchas anyone has run into that may be helpful.
@TroubleMakerChatBroom I think you are confusing chat with asking a question on the main site ;)
Just wondering if anyone has ever run into an gotchas with such a setup since the OpenVPN server is on VM run by Hyper-V. Are you saying chat is not to be used in such a manner for a simple question and rather I should spend time typing up a thorough question and ask?
@TroubleMakerChatBroom The thing is asking a good question on the main site means that future visitors can see any answers ...
The thing is tho. I don't have a "good question" just yet and typically figure stuff like this out on my own with networking or find something somewhere to give me a pointer. Just curious if anyone here has ever been bit with such an issue after doing everything else since the OpenVPN Server running on Server 2012 R2 is a VM. I can certainly try IRC chats or FreeNode I suppose.
@DavidPostill this looks like a perfectly good answer to me
it's almost more of a canonical question because there aren't more symptoms but many possible solutions
each of those answers is different but useful to future visitors
(in fact, if that were posted as a comment, in many SEs you'd get told to not answer in the comments...)
1 hour later…
@TroubleMakerChatBroom from a networking point of view, it's no different to running on bare metal
@Bob Comment removed.
Q: How do I mirror mouse movements and clicks in two windows in real time?

conradconradconIf I have two identical applications side-by-side on my desktop, is there software that exists that will mimic what I do on the left half on the right? Basically, if my screen is 1000x1000 and a click event happens at 5,5, I would also like it to fire that event at 505,5 (mirrored on the X-axis)....

just posted, is an exact duplicate of this 5 year old question:
Q: Can I mirror / duplicate mouse events on both halves of my screen?

qJakeIf I have two identical applications side-by-side on my desktop, is there software that exists that will mimic what I do on the left half on the right? Basically, if my screen is 1000x1000 and a click event happens at 5,5, I would also like it to fire that event at 505,5 (mirrored on the X-axis)....

Hm, spam seed?
Weird that the tags are different though
@BenN Maybe, I wouldn't have spotted it except that I happened to scan the list of related questions...
@DavidPostill 'natural causes' eh?
how's it going @bwDraco enjoyin the machine?
yah I saw
A: what does echo "" > /dev/null do?

an shoan sho tiz an sho dadash an sho yalle

anyone have any clue what this is supposed to be
Not sure what that's supposed to be - flagged as VLQ
@BenN "This user was created to post spam or nonsense and has no other positive participation" ;)
Perfect :)
@BenN TIL: If you remove the username from his post then what's left is "tiz dadash yalle" which is Azerbaijani for "kneel" ...
oddest maker video i've ever watched
2 hours later…
> Ensure software categorised as hacking, sniffing or peer–to-peer (P2P) file share
software (e.g., **Lime-wire**) is not used unless explicitly approved.
"Lime-wire"... Really?
@djsmiley2k Thanks, I ended up not being able to get it so I switched the VM over to SoftEther after some research on it, and it connected, and the local LAN is accessible. Same server, etc. just reverted back to start pre OpenVPN install and started with SoftEther. Not sure what the deal was but I had everything to a T down and quadruple checked—easier to find a workable solution that was probably timelier than further troubleshooting that issue.
It uses port 5555 rather than 1194 or whatever but just a FW appliance 1 NAT IP rule change there.
Still curious if anyone has ever gotten OpenVPN to run on Server 2012 R2 VM guest server while that is being hosted on a Server 2012 R2 Data Center host server, and able to get to access resources on the LAN side of the connected VPN tunnel. I could make the connection just not hop across the tunnel from either side with routes and all triple checked, OS enable forwarding ticket, etc. was odd for me at least.
Non-bridged too so I was using the routed method... no more said now from me on that...
and i've gone bliund watching metalpocylose
did i mention robot wars is back on telly?
i saw... last series?
it was kjinda cpap :/
how do i find out what caused a BSOD after the fact?
Google "trace|diagnose bsod"
@Burgi bluescreenview sometimes works, otherwise windbg is more accurate
A: How to diagnose a Windows blue screen?

Frode LillerudWhen the computer bluescreens it'll most likely create a dump of the memory. The content from memory is written to the Pagefile as the system is going down. It uses the Pagefile as placeholder for the data since it is too dangerous to try to create a new file on disk. When the machine starts up ...

looks like it was a driver
my mum thinks it is a virus
she's crying on the phone... ._.
!!xkcd virus causes
@Burgi Something went on fire; status 403
!!xkcd 1180
ugh i've lost interest already
@ThatBrazilianGuy old people
@Burgi That's a bit cruel when your mum is crying because her computer is broken
@DavidPostill i'm just over-tired
@Burgi Hmmph. You had an extra hours sleep last night ...
@DavidPostill thats just an extra hour of my girlfriend snoring
lol. time to upgrade to Girlfriend 2.0
> Shortly after that, I installed Girlfriend 3.0 beta. Unfortunately, there was a bug in the program and the first time I used it, it gave me a virus.
I'm eating my first chocolate after being on a diet for 3 months ;)
I can personally verify this.

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