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@Bob Ah, I had seen the question in chat right before I had to leave, haha
Good luck with the HNQ! :)
Also I had forgotten about 24-bit color in the console, that's pretty neat
Bountied question that ends tomorrow
@tereško amen
but people iwthout the care don't get it
so they are like 'zomg your so mean, but we let people die in the streets lah!'
@djsmiley2k when I say, that "fat acceptence" movement is full of insane people, I refer to people like this: ted.com/talks/kelli_jean_drinkwater_enough_with_the_fear_of_fat
Ah, inflato ad adsurdism
cant watch atm
Someone got confused between fat people can be beautiful and fat is beautiful
... am I only one who still remembers when TED was not filled with activists ?
ive watched some good ted stuff
@tereško ted was always progressive.
@djsmiley2k yes, videos like this: youtube.com/watch?v=Q1ZeXnmDZMQ
you can't label "people who I agree with" as not-activists and "people I don't agree with" as activists.
@tereško hahaha i live in coventry
@tereško I'm halfway through and this is by no means insane.
if you think that "It's simple: It's your body, and you decide what's best to do with it" is insane then, just, idk what to think about you.
@Avery not when I am stack in a buss for 2 hours next to a human, which looks like it ate two other humans
I see where @tereško means, but even then it should never be cause for body shaming.
Shaming people into anything or for anything is never right.
@tereško 1) that's rude. 2) "it"? Don't dehumanize people.
When and if it becomes an issue of public health, it should be treated as such, with campaigns and such.
"it" as in "undetermined gender"
then again, in this case it might be appropriate to use "they" :P
@tereško "they" is used as "undetermined gender"
@ThatBrazilianGuy it has become a public health issue, and there are people who want to pretend that it isn't
Let's make sure we're assuming good faith :)
@tereško I disagree.
You're biased.
Like pmuch everyone.
so, are people, who weight 200kg "healthy" ?
@BenN We may need a timeout.
I'm keeping an eye on things :)
here's an example for you.
@Avery answer the question, please
it's a simple yes/no
Depends on person.
I was thinking, a 30-second room timeout might make sense.
Not a simple yes/no.
@bwDraco 30 secs will fix nothing.
Everybody needs a moment to cool off.
In other news, apparently KRACK requires both client and AP to be patched, which is a shame
@BenN or other RO/mod, can we put the room in a brief timeout?
@tereško Sorry, but it looks like you don't want to be near a person who makes you uncomfortable because if think they're ugly and that's nothing to do with health.
@Avery let's assume average height person: 170cm , at 200kg
I don't want this to degenerate to flags.
is that person healthy
@BenN oh that sucks
@tereško Again, depends on person.
@bwDraco not helping lol
Height doesn't matter all that much.
Yeah, my Android phone doesn't really get updates from the manufacturer
I checked for updates but it's got nothin'
I expect mine to get updated in like.... a year? XD
I'll trade it in when I return to my hometown for Thanksgiving
Here's your example: Govt banned nearly 90% of food sold on school cafeterias here, to prevent obesity. And guess what, it caused more anorexia than it fixed obesity, because the amount of people that are obese are very, very little compared to people who are thin.
My devices are unlocked and run LineageOS, so not an issue for me.
You can't get it right, seriously.
I'm waiting on NETGEAR to come out with an update for my Nighthawk X4S.
@Avery erm anorexia isn't caused by not eating some fatty stuff.
@Avery the correct answer is "no", unless you are american and dont know the SI measurement system
fatty as in high in fat btw.
@djsmiley2k eh. wrong word.
@tereško you're wrong.
again, depends on person.
Anyway I have my weekly "communism" study group now.
Maybe everyone there just needs to eat more?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Communism study group?
@ThatBrazilianGuy you have a study.... on... what?!
/me is unsure if that's a joke
Actually we're just reading The Capital, but saying communism is MUCH GLORIOUS.
@djsmiley2k they can't find proper food because proper food causes obesity reee and should be banned reeee and got banned.
can't find proper food
@Avery pleas, give an example of a 200kg/170cm person who is healtyh?
Controverial topics thicken
OK, answer this one, @tereško: What will you do, say "oh if you're over X kilogram, you can't get basic healthcare"?
so you're saying 90% of the people who go to school in turkey, don't get proper nutrution at home?
That kills people.
@Avery right now the US is already killing people.
you got no money? you die.
@djsmiley2k US healthcare is hecking dumb.
@Avery yet that's what we're discussing so....
Did you miss the fact that this whole thing started because of a discussion of how the US healthcare system can't cope?
and my joke that it was due to a large number of overweight people?
Folks, let's not get too political here. Political debates tend to trigger flame wars.
@Avery what is was saying is, that "let just pretend they are healthy" is crazy attitude
and @tereško basically said s/he thinks people who justify/fight for being overweight are bad people.
to which I strongly agree.
So... let's change the subject. Despite stalled renovations, I may be able to start putting together Astaroth by next week, just in time for Assassin's Creed Origins.
@Avery assuming you are american, 200kg is 440lb and 170cm is 5'7"
I mean if you're a millionire and you're going to pay for all your healthcare anyway, go ahead and get as fat/thin as you want.
@djsmiley2k no. School usually starts very early so children rarely have breakfast, and they can't get proper lunch or breakfast on school due to the anti-obesity laws preventing actual food from being sold
@tereško I'm not american
@Avery lol, sounds like a problem with the idea of 9-5 living to me.
It's becoming apparent that we're not going to get anywhere by waiting and I want to get the desktop out of the way.
oh well, I'm out.
then I dont understand how you can insist, @Avery, that such a person can be healthy
This is getting nowhere, I thoroughly believe that body positivity is good, please don't ping me, have a nice day.
@tereško ah to be young and believe you can change the world.
what is body positivity?
sorry, i'm old and don't know what that actually means :/
I wonder if i can be bothered to finish rapture tonight.
The backtrack trophy is broken for a start :/
'Everyone's gone to the...'
why would you even start it to begin with
Tho wasn't rapture the name of the under the sea city in bioshock?
@tereško haha, because was bored :/
@djsmiley2k linky
alrighty, I'm out.
oooh keey .. but why did you thing, that it would help you be less bored!
it's very....... weird
to say the least.
have you discovered the sprint walk-a-bit-faster button
yus, :/
blazing speed!
@djsmiley2k it's actually an offshoot of intersectional feminism
@djsmiley2k Hm, weird in what sense? I can appreciate some unusual games
@tereško to me, it feels like telling a person with cancer to accept the cancer, it's part of them after all!
@BenN erm
firstly it's not really a game, more of a interactive movie/story thing
not entirely, but the underlying reasoning is probably disturbingly similar
@djsmiley2k Oh, I watched an LP of a game like that (Gone Home?) and it was pretty neat
@tereško lol
whereas I'd tell anyone who's unhappy about themselves, to go out and change the world.
@BenN ah ok, not played gone home yet, so can't compare.
the only thing this reminds me of is myst
but, there's none of the puzzling
I love Myst! :D
So far I've played Myst, Riven, and Myst III, currently partway through IV
You could watch a LP of this, and completely have the whole experience tbh
@BenN try " Antichamber", "In Verbis Virtus" or "Frozen Synapse"
I'll look those up, thanks!
also "The Magic Circle"
@djsmiley2k what and when is the next stream?
I could do one now
I'm about to try and follow the walktrhough for 100%, but I've already activated 'most' of the story elements....
What game?
btw, is there a GOG client on linux?
@tereško I agree. I'm in the boogie2988 camp (except I'm far, far less obese than him)... he's a fat person (and I'm a fat person) who doesn't want to be fat, and is trying to lose it, but it's been a very difficult battle. We're like smokers who hate smoking and want to quit. The smokers who love smoking and want to go on smoking are the ones who need to be culled ;p
I'd gladly take any help I can get to lose it, and I actually did take some help with Weight Watchers and dropped 20 lbs
it's something...
@allquixotic I actually read recently those new "shit transplants" (there is a proper name for that operation, but that's what it actually is) have been proven to be extremely effective for weight loss, since it changes your gut microbiom
@allquixotic Nod
@tereško yeah, you know, I had tons and tons of ear infections as a little kid due to the shape of my inner ear, and that caused me to be on a near-constant (OK, not literally near-constant, but very often) dosage of flora-wrecking antibiotics
this is what my joke was about earlier, I too have too much weight, and would love to move some
but I also love food, and hate exercise, infact it hurts, a lot
as a very small child I wasn't very obese, but ever since I went on those tons of antibiotics I've always been fat
@Mokubai everybodys gone to the rapture.
@allquixotic hmmm, gut bacteria problem?
quite possibly
@allquixotic hence, even though it seem a bit icky, you should look up what are the prices for that procedure
as a kid i looked like someone from one of the adverst from oxfam, due to my stomach wall having a hole in it
maybe having like 10 doses of antibiotic regimen, in a single year (and repeating that performance for 2-3 consecutive years), literally killed all of certain types of bacteria that are helpful
my ear infections dropped off to about one every 2-3 years since adulthood
but the damage has been done I guess
well here we go people
what are you playing?
2 mins ago, by djsmiley2k
@Mokubai everybodys gone to the rapture.
err why didn't that quote
k, there we go.
It did for me
took like 5 serconds here @BenN
@djsmiley2k patience youngling
I think it takes an extra roundtrip to the server for oneboxes to render
@Mokubai maybe that's what this game is about XD
if you're watyching, i'm litterally sprinting
the whole time
what's a roundtrip? I have a SATA cable directly from my macbook to the SE servers ;)
(btw if you send chat messages on twitch it'll T2V them)
or that's what it feels like on FiOS Gigabit
@allquixotic but a 56K modem to the rest of the world?
@djsmiley2k that's kind of a creepy game
@Mokubai nope! although I still get horrible downstream to certain servers like Ubuntu cdimage
let's try installing Xenonauts on Arch
@Mokubai lol
what could go wrong
@BenN ur missing out
Heh, I need to go to class pretty quick
u having fun @allquixotic ?
yes lol
the text reader is hilarious
oh god!
@allquixotic just watch me play instead ;D
the music is really good i think @allquixotic
I will just go back to playing Mount&Blade
@djsmiley2k Does the game itself integrate with Twitch?
@MichaelFrank no, the ps4 does that
Oh right.
I think Twitch integration is pretty clever though.
uyeah it works welkl
I was watching someone stream Dominus.
The Twitch chat could vote on which fighter he would put into the next fight, all through Twitch->In-game integration.
@djsmiley2k get a real gaming PC
lul y?
it's cheaper in the long run, you get better quality games and you have a huge library of available games
Not sure how $400 every console generation is cheaper than keeping up with the demand on PC gaming hardware.
you can get a gaming PC for $1000
console costs $400 + $60 per year + $60 per game
@tereško Astaroth is getting greenlit soon, don't have a hard date but probably next week.
on PC the games get on 50% sales after about 6 month since release, and all your library has backwards compatibility
It's still cheaper for me to play on console.
$3,500 multipurpose gaming/workstation system. The goal is great performance in virtually any task.
I might buy one or two full priced games a year.
also, another reason: there are just more genres available on PC, @djsmiley2k
meh i don't have time nor money :P
i've never spent £60 on a game
also, it would not actually cost you those full $1000
since you already have a PC
you probably just need a good GPU
@tereško Actually, much less for basic gaming.
I run linux.
Jul 28 at 0:44, by bwDraco
PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xWBCXH
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xWBCXH/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 3 1300X 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($140.45 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: MSI - B350M GAMING PRO Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($71.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($85.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial - MX300 275GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($48.98 @ Amazon)
@djsmiley2k I do too
your point ?
(this includes a Windows 10 license; subtract that out for actual cost)
@bwDraco and you can delay the purchase of that HDD
4C/4T Ryzen 3 with overclockability. Lots of room to upgrade.
the number of $1000 was for "I can play everything on max with 1440p monitor" machine
If Coffee Lake is available, though, I might pick that for a pure gaming workload. The i3-8350K (4C/4T @ 4.0 GHz) is going to beat the Ryzen 3 pretty easily, especially when overclocked, but it does cost more, both processor and motherboard.
@bwDraco and the upgrade process is somewhat byzantine
Oct 5 at 20:43, by bwDraco
Physically identical, but electrically incompatible socket? WTF.
intel fucked up in this generation
also my friends are on ps4
If it's gaming on a shoestring budget, though, I'd still shave off some of the cost by going with Ryzen 3.
The extra performance of the Intel processor and Z370 board may not be worth the extra ~$100.
@allquixotic saddest bit yet! D:
my budget right now is £0.
then stop playing a slow walking simulator :P
@bwDraco Not worth the extra $100?!?!?! What kind of gamer are you? If it gets you 1FPS better than your neighbour then it's worth $1000!
I stopped watching sorry dj
@bwDraco the worst kind
This assumes a very constrained budget, though - the Intel processor is unquestionably the better pick when performance matters and you're not that limited.
if you have money to burn, then better just buy a good monitor :D
either 4K or 3440x1440 (I have the latter)
To me, I'd step up to a GTX 1060 before going to the faster Intel processor. The processor is unlikely to be the bottleneck until you go up to a 1070 or faster.
@tereško I'd actually prefer 2560x1440 at 144+ Hz.
I need to code
and ultrawide is awesome for work
Me? Multiple monitors. Mix and match.
not enough room for that and
That's how I've worked for the last 5+ years.
@tereško ultrawide ftw! I have the Predator X34
I'm using three monitors for my CompSci coursework and I wouldn't be able to finish my assignments on time without them. #MultipleMonitors
I have an ultrawide... it's just got these weird stripes at 1/3 intervals. ;D
...as I prepare to finalize the bill of materials for Astaroth, I'm reading the Crosshair VI Extreme motherboard manual and I find this:
Oooh hey, that Microsoft Surface Book looks quite nice.
> You may install varying memory sizes in Channel A and Channel B. The system maps the total size of the lower-sized channel for the dual-channel configuration. Any excess memory from the higher-sized channel is then mapped for single-channel operation.
That's new.
The main laptop has 24 GB of RAM, installed as 4+8 GB on each channel.
(2x4 GB Super Talent from the OEM, 2x8 GB G.SKILL aftermarket)
So guys... After all this talk about Astaroth over the last few months, I think I will finally be able to put the dream PC together next week, just in time for Assassin's Creed Origins. This is my first fully-custom PC build, and it will be a very high-dollar build (~$3,500), though Mother will reimburse me for a substantial portion of the cost so this isn't an issue. I'm comfortable working with the guts of a PC, but again, first build. What do I need to know before I start building?
Depending on how the cooler attaches, it is often much easier to fit it while the motherboard is outside the case.
@allquixotic @Bob @BenN @JourneymanGeek @Burgi @MichaelFrank @Mokubai @djsmiley2k @djsmiley2k: Astaroth is coming – any hints?
too many pings!
This is huge news.
hints on what exactly?
First-time PC build.
Potential gotchas, finer points of system construction.
make sure the cat is thrown out while you do it
tap a radiator a couple of times to discharge yourself
We are not 100% sure this will happen next week but chances are pretty good.
Also, 2 yearolds are not useful assistants. They mostly want to stick the screwdriver on the sensitive bits.
We don't have young children or pets here.
you know the rubber protectors on the motherboard?
No, not really. Standoffs?
I thought standoffs were metal?
I don't even know what the rubber protectors are...
mine kept popping off from the screws, so i got plastic screw caps from the hardware store instead
@MichaelFrank like washers
@bwDraco Less talk. More game.
lol, yeah, stop quoting yourself!
@Burgi Oh, the nylon washers.
@MichaelFrank yeah
I didn't quote myself there.
its only a matter of time
@bwDraco Don't lick the CPU before installing it, it won't help.
Use thermal paste instead of toothpaste
FYI, I have thermal paste on hand.
They look similar, but aren't
Don't put it on your hands, put it on the CPU.
(about 2/3 of a tube of Arctic Silver 5)
If you need it I might be able to find the Arctic Silver Thermal Epoxy I had around here somewhere
That stuff saved a computer once
I'm not looking for thermal adhesive.
Damn machine had a "go slow" every 20 minutes of gaming, turns out there's a reason why most computers had a heatsink on the northbridge.
That was an annoying problem to find, no thermal sensor in the NB
You know what? I'm going to quote myself because there's something relevant:
Jul 22 '16 at 1:53, by bwDraco
@JourneymanGeek They still skimp in some places. I opened up one of the newer staff machines (equipped with an i7-4700) and found that the PCH has no heatsink on it.
That's a Dell business desktop FWIW.
Hehe, money trumps everything
This is actually one of the higher-spec desktops we have on the college campus.
OptiPlex 9020, to be exact.
So, hints on stuff like first-time setup, the more difficult aspects of installation, cable management, etc.?
@bwDraco some mobos require you to punch out pieces of metal that are loosely connected to access the expansion ports; if yours does, be very careful because it's liable to cut you really bad if you do it wrong (use gloves or a screwdriver)
make sure your case is compatible with your GPU, because it's very easy for (especially cheaper or smaller) cases to be incompatible due to length
and make sure your selected CPU cooler has enough clearance that it doesn't bang into your GPU, HDD bays, or provide no room for cable routing
(personally I generally only use compact CPU coolers just to be safe, and because I'm on MicroATX)
I saw a HP Z Workstation with a Xeon and 32GB of RAM being used as a projector PC for PowerPoint presentations recently. I was sad.
and don't rush; when building a computer it's important to take your time... I failed to do a proper CPU or RAM seating multiple times and ended up going to the store to buy a replacement (to try different parts) for no good reason, when the original parts I got in the mail were actually fine, but I wasn't getting something seated all the way
This should be the final BOM, but the SATA SSD might get left out.
PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/72XLM8
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/72XLM8/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 7 1800X 3.6GHz 8-Core Processor ($449.99 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Corsair - H100i v2 70.7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Asus - ROG CROSSHAIR VI EXTREME EATX AM4 Motherboard ($353.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($315.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($331.98 @ Newegg)
I thought it might be the CPU or mobo, so I bought a cheapo Z170 and a Core i3 to swap out to troubleshoot
but the original ones I ordered from Newegg turned out to be fine
I'll be sure to go slowly.
the hardest thing for me is knowing what amount of force is acceptable -- obviously too much will eventually break stuff, but too little won't actually complete the "seating" of various things, especially RAM and GPU are hard for me to tell
and it's hard to tell if that's because you've got it lined up wrong, or it just needs an extra oomph to get it in there
Hmm. RAM does tend to need quite a bit of force to fully seat.
Not sure if DDR4 is better in this regard, but you really have to push it in hard.
Granted, the last time I installed desktop memory, it was DDR2, and I suspect things have changed since.
RAM sticks with heat spreaders are easier to slot because they help you distribute the force more evenly across the chip, which makes it less likely you'll snap off a piece of chip in the socket
they still care about the orientation you put them in; one side has a notch and the other doesn't
as far as cable management, I don't generally do cable management, but I currently own a case that separates down the middle between the "PSU and HDD/SSD side" and the "Mobo/CPU/RAM/GPU side", which makes cable management a bit easier
your SATA cables don't have any chance to get tangled with, like, fan cables or GPU external power cables
and you just route power cables from the PSU side through a hole to the mobo side
Case is a Corsair 760T full tower designed to accommodate EATX boards like the C6E; wondering if you're familiar with it.
nope, I have a Corsair Carbide Air 240
(900D is unnecessarily large)
the build looks fine if overspecced - personally I'd save money on the GPU and get a 1080, and get a more mainstream mobo for about half that price, and then spend that money either on storage or on future upgrades, like the next generation GPU 2 years down the road
future proofing a system is really hard these days, the sweet spot is to not go all-out and upgrade every 2.5 years because there's no substitute for having the latest kit
"2080" will be better than 1080 Ti and you can almost buy a 1080 and a 2080 at the price of the Ti
I'd probably build a new system for around $1800 and put the rest away for a later upgrade rather than spending $3500 outright
FFXV for PC was the original reason I've specified a 1080 Ti. I was thinking I might just have overspecified the hardware...
unfortunately, tiered storage is the most affordable way to do storage, and Windows doesn't properly support tiered storage in software, only ZFS on *NIX does
(though those specs are for 4K, and I don't plan to do 4K but rather 1440p high frame rate)
so I ended up getting a $1000 hardware RAID controller to do tiered storage right
in the long run, even though I spent $1000 on a RAID controller, beyond a certain capacity, it's cheaper than going all SSD, and faster than going all HDD
and easier to manage and faster than having separate volumes for different purposes
I've... grown used to having multiple volumes.
I haven't :P
For starters, photos don't need to be on the fastest storage on the machine. (Remember that I'm a sports photographer and I need to deal with dozens or hundreds of photos at a time.)
I'd rather have that space for the OS, apps, and games.
well, I have *two* volumes and a total of 6 storage devices:
2 x 8 TB HDD (bog standard HGST blah) in HW RAID-1
2 x 1 TB Samsung 850 Pro in HW RAID-0
2 x 256 GB Samsung 850 Pro as read/write MaxCache for the HDDs
@Burgi We need that video linked up for a /rickroll command in here
I could probably not even have the terabyte 850 Pros and still experience the same performance in gaming
MaxCache is that good
Heh. I'm not hugely into storage, I just want an efficient solution.
!!learn betterrickroll <>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63qtYi1nwcs
Once I start building, I'll probably have a Flickr album with the images.
@Burgi Please enter some output
@DavidPostill I don't think any of those "fat acceptance" activists are sumo wrestlers
@Burgi You have a space between the angle brackets and the link which should not be there.
@Burgi Command betterrickroll learned
There we go.
@bwDraco ty

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