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The topic. Haven't watched it yet.
Q: How to secure linux systems against the BlueBorne remote attack?

GAD3RThe Armis Lab has discovered a new vector attack affecting all devices with blueutooth enabled including linux and IoT systems. BlueBorne attack on Linux Armis has disclosed two vulnerabilities in the Linux operating system which allow attackers to take complete control over infected d...

@Bob just uninstall bluez
@allquixotic ^ soooo I suppose there's one reason to be glad Android moved off BlueZ? :P
@ThatBrazilianPony hehehe..6 months ago i was become fan of this topic
Maybe software recommendations se might know something about these animation effects..i'll ask them
@Avery or turn off BT....
For Linux distros the patch for BlueBorne is out
@CircusCat ?
@Bob I believe she said IWOOT.
@CircusCat ask @JourneymanGeek, he has one :P
@Bob I have what?
@JourneymanGeek a phone suitable for small paws
@Bob counterintuitively, the best phones for paws are bigger... ;p
small phones probably are better for sticking on a collar lanyard or something
10 ~ 15 minutes to load a 100 MB MySQL database... x_x' +_+' 0.o"
What kind of database? A Drupal database, obviously.
Just when I think I got rid of Drupal it comes back from Hell to haunt me!
deep graves.
And concrete atop.
And somehow the same docker-compose file on the same database and files I used last time is now giving me an error.
@JourneymanGeek Oh speaking of concrete
yesterday, by Burgi
@Bob @ThatBrazilianPony have you ever used concrete5? if so do you have any opinions on it?
@Burgi Not really, all I ever heard of it was (very few) mentions of its name, didn't even know it was open source until now.
ok, thanks :)
All the CMs I know are WordPress (it has its flaws, but I like it, IMHO best one of the "top three"), Joomla (never used it but is used at workplace and coworkers use it, currently are migrating away from it (ha! sure!) as it seems to be dying)...
...and of course the terrible horrible very bad beast from hell Drupal.
drupal did fork from something else didn't?
man, eveeryone should go back to phpboards
@ThatBrazilianPony lol. I think I ordered them in the exact opposite way last time
wordpress is ... bleh
joomla seemed mildly interesting but didn't click
drupal worked out pretty well
@Bob wordpress... is better than everything worse than it ;)
@JourneymanGeek so, Uncle Tom's home-grown page and not much else? :P
Well, I run it. Debating something a bit more hipster...
@JourneymanGeek No, Joomla forked from Mambo. Drupal's recipe seems unique. (thanks god). ;P
@ThatBrazilianPony Hey, mind giving me your thoughts on this? chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/39937758#39937758
@Bob XD. That's nice of them
@Bob If one's know what they are doing, I believe Drupal can be done right.
If one's know what they are doing.
Problem is, our team was thrown headfirst into Drupal without knowing anything about it prior.
@ThatBrazilianPony probably bad that I had no idea what I was doing at the time :D
wordpress has always seemed more blog-focused to me
@JourneymanGeek the whole marriage equality thing's getting pretty heated over here
Each and every Drupal install we had to support (well, two until now) seemed to be built by people who had even less idea what they were doing than us.
despite very large majority support by all polls. blech. politicians.
@Bob I'm kinda of of those folks who think the government should keep their nose out of this sorta thing...
The Drupal documentation and support is appalling. Basicaly confusing forum threads with conflicting suggestions. Even drupal.se isn't really good.
@JourneymanGeek see, that's the problem - government's already got their nose in and they need to fix it before butting out
Drupal broke compatibility between v7 and 8
they've been ignoring it for the last decade or so
status quo isn't good here
@Bob the problem is... the government ;)
just for more fun, ~15 years ago was when they explicitly went and rewrote the marriage act to be male + female only
so... worse before it (hopefully?) gets better?
Pretty much
or it keeps getting worse.
@JourneymanGeek don't give them ideas
Drupal has a great flexibility, but a huge learning curve, the most complex CMS amongst the famous ones, you have to define data types, taxonomies, user roles, everything from scratch
(a good chunk of the other online community I used to be part of, and still have friends from are are american and LGBTQetc...)
@JourneymanGeek I'm firmly in the "you do you, I don't care" camp
if a vote comes up for equality, sure, why not
If its two concenting adults, I don't see the issue
There is no standardized way of doing a lot of things in drupal (for instance, content composing, inserting media, etc) which is a source of frustration when searching for help on google
I don't understand why they have to make my precious addons legacy.
cause webextenstions are shiny.
@ThatBrazilianPony that's like every CMS in existence
sharepoint takes the cake
and the legacy stuff isn't as ;p
The Drupal community isn't that active when comparing to WordPress
@JourneymanGeek more that there wasn't a proper api for legacy
legacy reached out and touched just about every part of the browser in breaking ways
Can I haz greasemonkas?
so it's always been a battle of "we can't change that, it breaks all the addons"
so ... break all the addons? ;p
they've gotten to the point where they've given up and gone "let's just break them all and be done with it"
@jokerdino you remember how in windows 98 you could do anything? including hitting 'cancel' on the login prompt and... errr... logging in.
well that's basically the access that addon's have/had....
for better or worse
IMO they should've kept the capability for powerful (reach out and touch everything) addons, but with the explicit warning that Firefox proper won't be responsible for compatibilty
@djsmiley2k hah. I remember telling someone that and them going OMG
@JourneymanGeek About FF or Win98?
about the win 9x "login" screen
@JourneymanGeek lol
that's always been a network login, no?
did win98 even have user-specific accounts? I can't remember
it did...
i setup my family with them
along with folders on each desktop, which you could copy an item into, to 'send' it to other family members
Also we salute Cassaini
I think I just butchered that name
omfg today has been busy
I guess I need to migrate out of Greasemonkey and Lastpass D:
they breaking lastpass too?
i'm supprised there's not an upgrade for that
maybe break out of ff completely
@rahuldottech So, I saw you mentioned me yesterday. But it is a very complex issue and I wanted to provide proper, well-thought observations. Problem is, I've been a bit busy at work and with personal stuff and can't focus really well as I think it requires to discuss this. It's a really interesting and complex situation.
@djsmiley2k yeah
depends who you mean by "they" anyway
mozilla? they're breaking all legacy addons
lastpass? yea, they've been hard at work breaking lastpass
I swear I see at least one critical security flaw from them every year -_-
Any boat I can jump to?
here's this year's one: engadget.com/2017/03/22/…
*shrug* idk
I hear 1password is popular
I personally use keepass, sooo. *shrug*
no browser integration, but tbh I count that as a feature
browser integration for passwords always feels ... risky
KeePass has auto-type
how does keepass work?
there's a risk of losing my laptop :P
keepass was the password manager of choice before all the cloudy stuff got popular :P
@jokerdino How does a password manager increases the risk of losing a laptop?
@jokerdino eh. I stuck my keepass db on onedrive (previously, dropbox). master key of local keyfile + password
so the db gets synced, and the keyfile keeps it nice and secure
spread the keyfile across devices and/or backup on flash drive, and that's not getting lost anytime soon
master password... not much different from what lastpass etc do
it's kinda homegrown cloudy password manager
but yea. lastpass will probablymaybe have a webextension out by 57 release
1password already has one
@ThatBrazilianPony I mean, if it is a local password manager and I lose my laptop, then I lose access to all the sites.
@jokerdino I do the same as @Bob
I am going to look into it
@allquixotic Mozilla is matching dates with Google for the Symantec distrust => groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/mozilla.dev.security.policy/…
s/onedrive/syncthing and I do the same thing with my keepass db
Except I don't use the autotype feature because I access it over ssh
@ThatBrazilianPony Oh, cool. Whenever you're free then :)
@ToxicFrog I've been slowly moving things over to owncloud/nextcloud but still keeping onedrive around for its ease of access - especially in more restrictive networks
OK exported everything to KeePass.
@Bob OMG, I just realised that ownCloud has a desktop client thingy
Used it? What's it like?
Enterprise only!?
Wait, no
This website is so confusing
@Bob I tried owncloud a while ago but it was a pain to set up and apallingly slow
use nextcloud
it has enterprise feaures
@ToxicFrog ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yessssssssssssss
Syncthing has worked out pretty well for me, not needing a central server is nice
it's so slow, especially on site
mobile apps were nice tho
@ToxicFrog You mean the client? If so, agreed.
So ~/devel and ~/Documents get synced between my laptop and server, photos and password vault between server and phone, ~/Sync between everything, etc, and if any one node gets disconnected the rest keep on trucking
I'll check out syncthing because my keepass2 backups apparently had been silently failing for weeks now
@ThatBrazilianPony the client and the web interface both
And on the web interface I get files that disappear, files and folders that I can't rename / delete, files that get (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) attached to its name....
@Avery my biggest complaint about syncthing is that it has no conflict handling at all, it just silently writes .conflict files for backup purposes and most-recent-write-wins
Apart of that, the web interface works. Except when it doesn't.
That could be caused by incorrect configurations, maybe.
So if you're editing the same thing on multiple machines simultaneously, you can end up creating conflicts and losing some of those edits without realizing it
@ToxicFrog Ouch.
For my purposes this is almost never a problem, but it's something to be aware of.
ugh so many fdroid updates
@Bob are you just uploading the db and key file or doing something on top?
@jokerdino No, don't upload the key file! :-o
what do I do then?
also I should switch to key files because password is a pain
@jokerdino copy key file by hand
not over the internet
via a cable
@jokerdino Upload kdbx file, copy key file to 12 flash drives, put one on your desk, one on your work desk, one on your granma's house, you get the idea
Of course you set keyfile + pwd and only you know the password.
I see
this doesn't mean anything good, I suppose.
uh oh, why does my raspi run a motorola 6502 emulator
prepares nukes
@jokerdino db gets synced with your favourite sync program (dropbox, google drive, onedrive, whatever). consider it public. key file is always offline only - it's part of your password (I use an actual password in combination)
yeah this is definitely getting nuked
@ToxicFrog I like having the central server :P
I can also share files with other people
@Bob what happens if I lose my key file?
you don't
@jokerdino you're screwed. So make multiple safe copies of it.
to go with archarm or with raspbian
@jokerdino think of it like your private key for ssh
lose it and you no longer have access
(note that a composite key means you need both password and key file, not one or the other)
stick a copy of your key file on a flash drive in the closet
you could use just password, which should be similar security to lastpass - your master password had better be a good one!
OK secured it.
or use only keyfile, which is convenient but means anyone with access to your machine can unlock the db
using both is the best for security
@Avery thanks for the pointer to nextcloud, that looks like something I might actually want to investigate
@ToxicFrog wait, don't you need an effective server anyway? something that you can open incoming ports on?
@Bob yes, but I already have one of those
@ToxicFrog nextcloud is nice but it suffers from the same slowdowns owncloud has
@Avery oh
Maybe it's not interesting after all then
now, if they could use something other than php... :P
(for perspective, I keep about 6GB of stuff and ~100k files synced)
huh, installing archarm is much simpler than installing the actual OS
though it's slooooooooooooow
I blame slow microsd cards
(and it finished just as I submitted that, nice)
> git not found
> pacman -S git
> need to be root
> sudo pacman -S git
> sudo not found
arch is fun.
(then again I have experience from past so IDK why I even forgot that sudo didn't come preinstalled)
Arch is ‼fun‼
I meeean
I run it on my pc
it's quite good.
then again I have some masochistic tendencies so
‼Avery‼ cancels use computer: on fire
@Avery Makes sense, it's a fork.
@ThatBrazilianPony yeha
I like o's :p
@ToxicFrog I mean most debian based distros tend to overload my ram and freeze the computer and stuff, and the only distro I've used to date that doesn't do that is arch
And it's not like I'm using some computer with tiny ram, this pc has 8gb which should theoretically still be enough for my workload
I wonder how much if that is debian using ancient versions of everything.
that's a major problem I had on debian based distros (that includes ubuntu)
I had times where I needed python 3.6 and it wasn't on any official repos
and still, 16.04 doesn't have it
@ToxicFrog Wouldn't older versions be less resource-intensive? Or is it bloat and feature-creep more of a Windows thing?
I run NixOS on servers and SUSE on laptops and have been pretty happy
@ThatBrazilianPony in general, yes, but new versions also come with fixes for memory leaks and pathological driver behaviour and stuff
(also if btrfs is the default you're going to have a bad time, but AFAIK only SUSE has made that mistake)
> left_prompt_segment:24: command not found: print_icon
left_prompt_segment:44: command not found: print_icon
left_prompt_end:2: command not found: print_icon
left_prompt_end:6: command not found: print_icon
right_prompt_segment:32: command not found: print_icon
right_prompt_segment:38: command not found: print_icon
right_prompt_segment:30: command not found: print_icon
right_prompt_segment:38: command not found: print_icon
right_prompt_segment:32: command not found: print_icon
not even my zsh prompt is working
arch is so much fun
I think I need to install powerline on the pi? but I already installed it? what
whatever switching to a non-powerline theme works.
> OS distribution not supported
nice, pihole doesn't support arch arm.
@Avery pihole is nice. let's trade blocklists later.
Oh weird, when installing pacaur it said that cower wasn't available for armv7 but just doing pacman -S cower then running script again worked.
Whatever, did pacaur -S pi-hole-server and pihole is being installed.
@JourneymanGeek This room is never placed on timeout, is it now?
I just experienced a timeout for the first time and was like "WHAAAA..."
What "placed on timeout" means?
@ThatBrazilianPony No one can chat for that duration except mods
(and maybe room owners? IDK)
Never seen it here, and I'm semi-regular since 2013
@rahuldottech it was
for 1 second.
Oct 25 '14 at 17:08, by hichris123
This room was placed in timeout for 1 second; the topic of this room is "For all you Super Users out there." - conversation should be limited to that topic.
OK finally I've got syncthing working on my phone, my pi and my server
it's unlikely that all will go down at the same time so I should be fairly safe
thanks for pointing syncthing out, @ToxicFrog
OK I'm an idiot
the reason my theme didn't work is probably because I didn't have any locales generated
and what would you know, generating locales worked.
arch is fun.
Me? I prefer openSUSE because it's stable and easy to administer.
A step in the right direction.
so after all that time fighting the usb boot not working, today I need to format the usb stick so i can stick a load of films on for the lil one to watch while we go on holiday
i insert it and notice it's not loading the logo properly
I remove it, reinsert it but not quite as hard...
the logo loads properly. So I reboot, and low and behold it's now working -_-;
aaaaand everything is pretty much working
except pihole's webui isn't showing data but who cares, it responds to dns
it must be this storm
it'#s fixed everything ;D
Hello all. I've got a Windows 10 + Hardware question which I expect will require some back-and-forth. Is it alright if I ask it here for some foundation and move it to a question if there's too much to it?
Thanks! So I've got a Bluetooth dongle/adapter/thing which I want to plug into my PC to connect a PS4 controller. I've done it before some time ago so I know it's possible. But now it appears like the dongle's Bluetooth just... isn't working? If I go into Device Manager I see a Bluetooth entry and the dongle's name under it. But if I go to the Windows Settings > Bluetooth & other devices page, I can't get the Bluetooth to pick anything up. (Little bit more description on the way)
Looking at the Action Center (the sidebar on desktop) the Bluetooth button shaded blue (as it is for anything else turned on, like location settings) with a caption saying "Not Connected". I assume that just means that it's not paired with anything.
Willing to send screenshots if they'll help
Thought it might be drivers, but I've triple checked that they're all up to date
Probably the strangest thing is that in Settings > Bluetooth & other devices there's a sidebar on the right with some more links, one of which is "More Bluetooth options", and clicking it does nothing. No loading, no popup, no error.
@JackParkinson completely absolutely unrelated: armis.com/blueborne
Surely the defense is to just... never use Bluetooth then?
well, it's one of those "deep shit" situations, combined with "nobody is actually surprised"
I wonder if it also applies to devices, that are "invisible"
I wasn't really planning on having the dongle connected all the time anyway - I only have two nice and easily accessible ports on my desktop anyway. Don't usually need more than that, but that's where the dongle is connected at the moment, so I'm not really concerned beyond the few hours a week that it will be connected.
@tereško You can check, the Armis team built an app for Android that you can use to check for vulnerabilities in your device and devices around you.
yes, and it indicated that my Z2 is fucked
Wouldn't that be a classic switcharoo though?

"Download our app to verify if you are affected!"
App pwns everyone that installs it.
The app doesn't detect my iPhone as vulnerable until I open the bluetooth settings and it becomes visible.
Q: Why would boiling milk in an electric kettle break the kettle?

SnyperBunnyOr: is it safe for the electric kettle's integrity and overall functionality to be used to boil non-water liquids such as milk? *note: I know milk may burn onto the element and be difficult to clean out after, or it may foam up and out of the spout and make a mess. For the purpose of this questi...

@JackParkinson This dongle specifically advertises Windows 10 support?
@Ramhound Yes, and it's worked before some time ago. It might have broken sitting in a drawer for a few months? But it's still being detected and displayed in device manager as a Bluetooth device, so I don't think so. Here's the device itself: asus.com/uk/Networking/USBBT400/specifications
Can we update the taylor bot picture to the one in this song? jk lol youtube.com/watch?v=3tmd-ClpJxA
arstechnica.com/science/2017/09/… The Irony of that article is SpaceX had to sue the Air Force to even get the right to be eligible for to use their launch vehicle
You should ask a question and provide us screenshots that indicate the device is functional (etc ext)
@William that's a question for @CircusCat
@Ramhound okay will do
Weak rumor, take with a grain of salt: wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1070-ti-pascal-rumor
GTX 1070 Ti with 18 of 20 SMs on GP104? (The GTX 1070 has 15 of 20 SMs enabled.)
The mobile version has 16 of 20 SMs at slightly lower clocks for efficiency.
This is not implausible but I'm far from convinced that it's a real product.
This will probably not change my build plans. Astaroth will get a 1080 Ti unless there's a budget shortfall.
@MichaelFrank Why in Oblivion would you want to do that?
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