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I went to a marriage Sunday and had a song stuck in my head until yesterday.
And I don't even know the name of the song, who sings it, or anything other than the chorus
And the chorus hasn't even got any lyrics
my ex just snapped me
> I still think of you...
insert panic
I think I lost a hard drive to a power outage ._.
Ow :/
Like physically, or did it lose power in the middle of some critical FS operation?
Its not detecting plugged in directly to a NUC or in a known good enclosure
didn't have any critical data but eh, its annoying
@JourneymanGeek restored the backups, eh? :P
@Bob was basically where my downloads were stored
so all data was transient, and could be downloaded again
> You have backups, right?
Not all downloads can be downloaded again :(
@ThatBrazilianPony these quite literally can
anything important is auto backed up...
currently in quadruplicate, but that's cause I'm clearing stuff from my 1tb external to my new 2tb external.
is brazil considered patagonia?
when you write an answer at 2am ... and forget to actually answer the question
@JourneymanGeek new 2tb in 2017? :P
Its so if something does break, I can plug in an already copied back up to the device and restore
@Bob 2tb laptop drive
Almost got a 4tb...
Storage density?
I didn't really need that much
Aren't laptop drives more expensive than desktop drives of the same capacity?
@fixer1234,hi,look at our question
@bwDraco external drive/self powered
Main goal here is (enough) storage + maximum flexibility
So, my architecture for backups here is...
Oh, okay. I have a 2 GB portable hard drive of this sort being used for File History.
everything backs up to a NAS - I use veeam and everything backs up to one share (in fact, I'd use the same setup + the newfangled encryption option if I was setting up an office). Those backups are backed up over smb and bvckup to my desktop daily
that gets backed up to an external drive on my desktop using bvckup
If say, a laptop needed a restore, I could just grab the external drive, plug in the external drive and @Bob's not quite my vulpine uncle
I'm shifting over the 1tb external drive I used for the third tier to my download box (alongside a 160 gb drive replacing the dead 320gb storage drive)
I have two desktop hard drives in a dock for backups and said portable hard drive for File History.
Some of my photos are also on Backblaze B2.
I'm going to have to get some more hard drives once Astaroth is set up, but we haven't gotten to that point just yet.
I recently reacquired my 1TB GoFlex drive... after considering it lost for about 3 years.
Turns out it was plugged into the back of my sisters TV.
does anyone know any TV/10foot friendly linux desktop environments?
hm. I actually want to move of openelec cause I kinda need a browser and their youtube plug in kinda sucks...
> By the time it reaches Florida it might be a cat6 or at least a cat5e.
@JourneymanGeek kodi?
@Avery openelec uses kodi
I know
kodi on a regular install?
UGH Why is anonymous access difficult to do with this NAS?!!!
@JourneymanGeek I'm interested. I actually used Kodi a lot back when it was xbmc.
There was this really great skin, can't remember the name
Used it in a raspbmc
> uptime
> 23:30:31 up 14 days, 4:01, 1 user, load average: 0,49, 0,65, 0,72
I haven't shut down my PC in 14 days
@MichaelFrank It's secure!
Hey @Bob, was it 2G you said they were turning off in Australia or 3G?
@CircusCat 2G
gah, message reply is hard without the plugin :(
@CircusCat already off for Telstra & Optus btw. I think Vodafone's keeping it on for a little longer
Contemplating getting a dual-SIM S7, or wait for an S9
> Optus completed the shut down of its 2G network on 1 August 2017.
@CircusCat supposedly the S7 can do dual-4G/3G
> If you’re a Vodafone customer and still using a 2G device, you have until the 31 March 2018, to move across to 3G or 4G.
@Bob With a (not-that) recent firmware update
@CircusCat yup
It's more the whether I want to buy a new phone now, or struggle with a non-waterproof S7 for six months
I got the X Perf specifically cause it did dual-4G/3G
@CircusCat 6 months sounds worth it to me :P
brb fixing the userscript
@OliverSalzburg I think SE updated their jQuery and broke the cursor plugin you include
@Bob You don't use your phone as your primary navigation device in the rain on a motorcycle I guess
@CircusCat I have a distinct lack of motorcycle riding skills
@Bob And a lack of rain
Motorcycle riding skills are easy to obtain. Lack of rain less so in Scotland.
@CircusCat that too
driest winter since 2002 and all
in fact I think all our grass died
the drought-tolerant grass
the new (~10 months) drought-tolerant grass
Maybe I should move to Sydney. I Cats hate rain.
@CircusCat But do cats like fire?
@Bob They like air conditioning
@Burgi Not too many patos in here.
Still in the process of migrating extensions...
Replaced BarTab Heavy with WebExtensions-based Tab Suspender.
Sun and air conditioning
We lack both in this country
I could probably live with the slightly slower and laggier internet
Especially if I spend all day outside playing Ingress instead of internetting anyway
@OliverSalzburg I think I fixed it. Also, apparently I have commit privs so done that too :P Can you do a build sometime?
@ubu16, it looks like you're in good hands. The question got closed because it wasn't answerable without more detail, and it looks like you provided the detail. So hopefully, it will get reopened and you'll get an answer.
@CircusCat slightly?
@bwDraco I'll be losing DownThemAll and OpenDownload. Annoying, but eh. Also probably losing FoxyProxy (:?) and hopefully Greasemonkey will get an update out in time.
@Bob Well, a tab unloader/suspender is necessary on Bifrons to keep memory use in check.
Greasemonkey is planning but slow-ish.
(2 GB RAM doesn't give much wiggle room)
DownThemAll is abandoned. Which is sad.
Speaking of, anyone want to suggest a download manager for me? :D
I'd ask on softwarerecs but there's like 50 questions already and none of the ones I looked at hit the spot.
Most important is supporting auth cookies for non-public downloads...
1 hour later…
@Bob eh, I'm staying with a friend who has 15Mbps ADSL in the middle of a city... I'll survive.
@Bob Note 8 has the same problem for which I'm refusing to buy the S8, stupid unreachable Fingerprint sensor location. Note 9 is a year away.
So... the vast majority of jobs I'm looking at require more experience then I have, and internships are hard to find for MS-level graduates. What are my options?
Most jobs in the fields I'm looking at require 2+ years of experience, and 5+ years is very common. Entry-level positions are very, very rare. It seems that despite the rapidly improving state of the job market, companies still cannot afford to hire inexperienced people.
It's like six years of college education are completely worthless without relevant job experience.
My keyboard appears to have set itself to UK english
and I went "b "b ahhhhhhh
@Bob does it have to be a browser extension?
do you need spidering?
@JourneymanGeek No, and no.
It doesn't even have to be free.
Loosely, the requirements are auth and good resume support. Fragment download is a bonus. Spidering is a super-bonus (and even then not so much spidering as downloading a selection, but I do that so rarely I can just do it manually).
The auth support probably wants a browser extension if only so I don't have to manually go copy cookies.
Alternatively, a browser built into the DM
@JourneymanGeek That's no better than the in-browser download functionality :\
In fact. It's worse.
httrack is outish then
I mean, I still use the browser downloader for almost everything.
DTA is only for when I'm going to download something really big (so, good multi-session resume support, and fragment support, helps).
Or when I want to download like 20 links at once.
Anyway, it's not urgent... I can always keep a copy of 52 ESR around for DTA
FreeDownloadManager is no logner open-source.
And because I have a master's degree, I am ineligible for many internships.
InternetDownloadManager is paid, but that's actually fine.
I'll take paid software over "free but proprietary"
Cause the latter really makes me wonder what they're selling.
@bwDraco Eh. Pretend you don't have on then.
1MT TNT can be smuggled in parts. TNT can be substituted with other more powerful conventional alternatives. Alternatively, a disguised cargo ship could be filled with that stuff and set off shortly after docked at a busy harbour. — Nederealm 15 hours ago
@Nederealm 1 megatons are about 10 of the world's largest container ships filled to the brim. No, you can not smuggle that in parts. — Philipp ♦ 15 hours ago
@bwDraco my experience of job hunting is you keep trying until you find something
Are you kidding me
a earthquake?!
@bwDraco I ignore all 'experience' requirements, and apply for any job that sounds interesting
As most job requirements seem to be written by the recruiters, not the actual employers
IRC quotes are fun :D
* ted has quit (Connection reset by peer)
* ted ([email protected]) has joined #developers
<ted> i'm glad i bought a UPS
<ted> so that my cat could step on the power button
A UPS with an upwards facing power button?
That sounds majorly flawed
cats are lawbreakers by nature. Including gravity
my cat can turn my ps4 off, by climbing on top of it, so yeah, true
don't you normally have to hold the power button down for 5 seconds on UPS'?
<jorendorff> The terminology could be better... "finding ways to exploit child Workers", not what i want in my linkedin status
@XKCD earthquake? check
hurricane? check
tornado + firespout...
@XKCD Also, isn't beteljuse due to 'show up' exploding any time soon?
'soon' being the next 10,000 years or so
isn't it "within the next 200"?
if so, awesome, i might see it in my lifetime :O
also I spelt it wrong, betelgeuse
according to wikipedia it's 'Currently in a late stage of stellar evolution, the supergiant is expected to explode as a supernova within the next million years.'
> Given the estimated time since Betelgeuse became a red supergiant, estimates of its remaining lifetime range from a "best guess" of under 100,000 years for a non-rotating 20 M
the milky way is overdue a supernova
/me registers 'hasbetelgeuseexploded.com'
Answer is No*
*Maybe yes but we can't tell yet.
i think it could have exploded up to 600 years ago
me too
inwhich case yey
nerd sniped by wikipedia!
fracking clickbait
What's 'nerd sniped' D:
##xkcd 356
##xkcd 214
what did you click on tho
from betelgeuse to ...?
The Chandrasekhar limit () is the maximum mass of a stable white dwarf star. The limit was first indicated in papers published by Wilhelm Anderson and E. C. Stoner, and was named after Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, the Indian astrophysicist who independently discovered and improved upon the accuracy of the calculation in 1930, at the age of 19, in India. This limit was initially ignored by the community of scientists because such a limit would logically require the existence of black holes, which were considered a scientific impossibility at the time. White dwarfs resist gravitational collaps...
oh black hole forming stuff,
that's not so far
SN 2003fg, sometimes called the "Champagne Supernova", was an unusual Type Ia supernova. It was discovered in 2003 with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Keck Telescope, both on Mauna Kea in Hawaii, and announced by researchers at the University of Toronto. The supernova occurred in a galaxy some 4 billion light-years from Earth. It was nicknamed after the 1996 song "Champagne Supernova" by English rock band Oasis. It was unusual because of the mass of its progenitor. According to the current understanding, white dwarf stars explode as Type Ia supernovas when their mass approaches 1.4...
> Champagne Supernova
it appealed to the Mancunian in me
##xkcd 722
my my my
sausage batch on my desk
is a batch a type of barm/roll/bread?
@Burgi seeded batch loaf is one of the best things ever.
that must be a southern thing
i've never heard them called that
@JourneymanGeek coughour customercough
a roll i guess you'd call it.
being a batch seems to be a Coventryism.
a roll/barm cake
that's deffo not a cake.
@rahuldottech Language!
@JourneymanGeek sorry
My phone got spoilt
And mom won't get it fixed
ah, that is terrible.
And I really really need a phone
I thought she took away your phone(s)?
Half the school stuff is sent over whatsapp
@JourneymanGeek I got it back this month because exams are coming up
Oh. the horror. (non sarcastically)
Yeah well.
She won't get it fixed
Just told me to "get stable first"
It's the damn household which needs to be stable
I should probably go before I say something really stupid
The comments here fill me up with joy: dnaindia.com/india/…
could you go live with your grandparents for a little while?
@Burgi I could not. My Uncle has threatened that he will leave that house with his wife and kid if me, my sister, or mom go live there
i don't understand that threat
@Burgi Don't ask me
i meant just you go live there
I, on the other hand, am imagining the worst thing that could happen and it is not pretty.
until after your exams
Which part of "I could not" do you not understand?
alright, chill. i was only asking
Today, a shopkeeper insulted and drove me away, because he thought I am Chinese. He then apologized and gave me great prices when someone pointed out that I have no resemblances whatsoever to a Chinese. But in the middle, he resumed the angry driving away when someone pointed out I might be Muslim. A passing police officer tried to arrest him for discrimination, until someone pointed out that there is no evidence whatsoever that I might be a Muslim.
By the way, I have question from you computer geeks. Do you think System Center is suitable for a small business?
Wait! I think I'v already asked it here. Never mind.
you did
you asked @Burgi
there is something weird going on with the database on our client's website
What gives you such an impression?
i set up a new user on tuesday. they've now asked me to reset their password and the user has vanished from the admin section
i'm just checking that i didn't accidentally give them access to my local dev copy
its definitely gone
Double ouch!
Didn't someone rollback or something?
Restoring an old backup can have this effect.
not from our side
What database are we talking about? MySQL?
the hosting company is proper dodgy though, they might have rolled it back without telling anyone
@FleetCommand yes
@FleetCommand just don't shop there again
Sure. Just give me the name of the place and I'd be sure not to shop there.
I donno, you shopped there not us.
I mean, if someone was rude to me, I'd probably bite them, but do you have any idea how hard it is to find dog friendly stores here?
@JourneymanGeek You seem to have taken the word "again" very seriously. Do all dogs?
Or maybe "don't" was supposed to be "won't".
> Sure. Just give me the name of the place and I'd be sure not to shop there.
@FleetCommand are you feeling ok?
indicates you're asking @Burgi for a shop that was not to be shopped at...
Well, he is clearly dissatisfied with a certain ISP.
looks at JMG confused whats going on?
@Burgi You said "the hosting company is proper dodgy", "don't shop there". This looks like you are trying to warn me not be a customer of an ISP.
@FleetCommand he replied. See what the reply is for and things make more sense.
@Burgi I think it is @FleetCommand who is confused ;p
I do not confuse. Except you're my former director....
Oh! I see now. The "just don't shop there again" refers to my bad experience with the bad shopkeeper! (Didn't see this coming.) Well. The shop won't be there. I have filed a complaint. We take blatant discrimination seriously in our country. Or, at least when there is gross public insult.
yay, local council election tomorrow
I have no idea who these candidates are, and they don't seem to know either
there's a distinct lack of campaigning
Vote for the dog.
@Bob LOL
Vote for the cat.
as a white middle class male the only time i run into discrimination is when i try to buy car insurance
@JourneymanGeek vote for the guy with a dog on his facebook page? :P
i also tend to be quite blind to it occuring around me
I don't even know what a HTV is
But that is clearly a face you can trust.
@JourneymanGeek ...neither do I
@JourneymanGeek Looks kinda familiar!
somewhat, yes
he has decent views
but doesn't seem to have much of a plan
HTV = HUGE TeleVision
then again, that's a lot more than I know about the other candidates
who don't have any public details at all afaict
All you need to know is 1) If they have a dog. 2) if they like cats.
I've learned a new torture method today: Force someone who cares a lot about the meaning of songs listen to Nier:Automata OST album.
I tried this method before with another album, but the subject mistook the song's nonsense with Latin.
But in case of Nier:Automata OST, you can't possibly mistake.
@Burgi tats because it mostly doesn't
i didn't notice a friend of mine was being discriminated for being a woman
How could you not?
i was thinking about spaceships and staring off into the middle distance
we'd gone shopping and i turn off my brain when shopping
Oh, I see.
i came out of my daydream to find my friend getting angry at the sales assistant
Discrimination in our country is literally non-existent. Once I used the word we have in our language for discrimination in front of a colleague and he asked me what it meant. I knew that he knew English, so I said "discrimination" and where he hadn't understood in his native tongue, he understood in English.
what country?
So, in a way, we are not sensitive to it, until someone, like that certain shopkeeper, does it grossly.

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