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I managed to get water into my phone
Apparently they did not reseal the waterproofing stuff when they repaired my shattered screen
So water got into it and the screen got spoilt again
Repairs usually have a warranty of their own, even if implied
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Not the local stores in India, they don't
@JourneymanGeek Congrats on getting outta the job
I just opened a ticket for IT to join my new PC to the domain IPA server. Knowing them, in 3 to 6 months they'll do it.
I jest, but they're so understaffed and overwhelmed I once had a ticket open for 5 months
So usually the best (or only) way to get what you want is to knock on their door
one of the customer service poeple just said i need to get closer to "the street"
@Burgi Move your desk near the window. Problem solved.
i told her that the only reason that she is closer to "the street" than me is because she's a short arse
@Burgi But what she really means by that?
she kept saying "wagwan" to me
i have no idea wtf that means
Laugh at her
I think she was being gangster
@JourneymanGeek "broke"
@Burgi Manchester speak?
a friend of mine goes by the name wagwan.
> wa gwan
Jamaican slang for "what's going on?"
@Avery lol
I knew a guy who went by the name 'Spud'
and his last message is him yelling at me for communist propaganda
well, more like "I'm worried"
> like, you do you and everything but this is just gonna lead into a downward spiral
@Avery you are now on a list
@rahuldottech we are all on a list
@rahuldottech I am part of a group who studies Karl Marx's "Das Kapital" every week.
How's that listwise for you?
@ThatREDACTEDGuy I have no idea what that is
@rahuldottech well even if the book name doesn't ring any bells, "karl marx" should
(ever heard of marxism?)
yeah that does
Capital: Critique of Political Economy (German: Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie, pronounced [das kapiˈtaːl, kʁiːtɪk deːɐ pɔliːtɪʃən øːkoːnoːmiː]; 1867–1883) by Karl Marx is a foundational theoretical text in materialist philosophy, economics and politics. Marx aimed to reveal the economic patterns underpinning the capitalist mode of production, in contrast to classical political economists such as Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill. == Themes == In Capital: Critique of Political Economy (1867), Marx proposes that the motivating force of capitalism is...
@Bob like literallike
@rahuldottech Ever heard of a german guy who wrote a tiny little book called "The Communist Manifesto"?
Apparently it got big in Europe last century
marxism is Mancunian
my linux box seems to be refusing to boot
what did you do it to? :(
I think I had a power outage a few days back
I'll take a look tommorroww
ah fun :<
The main thing there I 'need' is my Torrent RSSes ;p
the nice thing about linux is, unless it's a physical hardware crash, your data is mostly safe
> Mancunian is the associated adjective and demonym of Manchester, a city in North West England
@djsmiley2k ... ... ... that applies to just about every OS, y'know
@Bob yus hgehe
but with windows, you tend to some times have accidently turned on extra s tuff like bitlocker
i mean sure you could accidently encrypt your drive in linux, but it feels like that takes more work
which is an amusing and silly way to look at it, which I am ;D
Well that's weird
why did they accept that answer superuser.com/questions/1231059/…
I'm sorta in conversation with my ex
It's... weird
Huh. Looks like our bandwidth graphs are open to the public.
We have a 0.5 Gbps / 2 Gbps average traffic
And taht is one TenGigE device 0_o
looks like I need to fsck the drive
I can use my new toy ;)
8 years on SE today it seems, or at least got my 8th yearling badge ;)
@djsmiley2k no one accidentally turns on bitlocker, and it doesn't affect data loss anyway.
It's like saying in Linux you can accidentally turn on LUKS
You can arguably say Linux is better because most of the time you can just transplant an HDD from a machine to another without worries and the system just works (if you have enough RAM), whereas on Windows most of the time it leads to a bluescreen (at least up to Win7 I experienced it a lot)
But what you just said about data makes no sense
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Windows has improved a lot in recent releases
I'm madly in love with it <3
Worst case, Sysprep generalize the OS before transplanting the hard drive and you're guaranteed good
@rahuldottech what is windows to go? :/
@djsmiley2k Windows live USB
@rahuldottech oo nice
@rahuldottech Be careful or in two months you won't be able to go near it.
unopffical I take it?
@rahuldottech Official?
@ThatREDACTEDGuy -_-
IIRC it's official
> Tropical Storm Jose is approaching hurricane-level strength, with sustained winds at speeds up to 70mph.
Okay, major pro tip: Use it with the LTSB iso, create using rufus. You don't even need to activate!
the weather gods hate us
@rahuldottech oh ok, awesome :)
it's true
Windows To Go is a feature in Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 10 Enterprise, and Windows 10 Education that allows them to boot and run from certain USB mass storage devices such as USB flash drives and external hard disk drives which have been certified by Microsoft as compatible. It is a fully manageable corporate Windows environment. It is intended to allow enterprise administrators to provide users with an imaged version of Windows that reflects the corporate desktop. Creation of Windows To Go drives is not officially supported by non-Enterprise (or Education) Windows 8...
I think the real issue is...
@rahuldottech ... ??? What???
there's only one copy of this and I haz no backups
> which have been certified by Microsoft as compatible
Rufus overcomes that
@JourneymanGeek y u do this?!
@AndyK WinToGo is @rahuldottech's new gf
@djsmiley2k IKR?
my linux boxen are usually reliable
> "Because of a hurricane, the Holy Father's flight will take a more southern route and will enter the airspaces of three other countries (Barbados, Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago)", the statement said.

Even the power of god can't save us now.
@rahuldottech Hmmm... Tell me more about that
@ThatREDACTEDGuy WinToLoseMyMind
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Basically, the guys over at HowToGeek found a way to overcome the thing that it only worked with enterprise windows
It's best with LTSB though... Much smaller imprint since no metro and cortana
@rahuldottech Link plz?
@rahuldottech Hm. Didn't know about LTSB. Win10 minus metro and cortana. Interesting.
LTSB sounds like an obscure lightweithg Linux window manager :P
Just use rufus, it does it all for you
@rahuldottech There's no mention of Rufus on the article
@rahuldottech Hm. Sounds like a new article for your blog? :P
@ThatREDACTEDGuy I know. Trust me on this
@ThatREDACTEDGuy I have a draft written on it, haven't gotten around to polishing it yet and adding screenshots
@bwDraco I have a sore throat
@ThatREDACTEDGuy yeah karl marx wrote his manfestio here after visiting the slums and tenements of industralised manchester
I always knew nothing good came of manchester ;)
i don't think the building he lived in while here is still here
@JourneymanGeek must... not.... bite....
Yanno what they call a man that bites a dog? Mad. Dog Bites Man? GOOD BOY!
if this is for real, it's going to be ground breaking
time to invest now
@djsmiley2k no
quantum chips are not hard to make.
you know what... i'm a little surprised he doesn't have a blue plaque
the cooling and other hardware needed to get it to work is the real real expensive part.
@Avery they aren't? :O
@djsmiley2k well
they are
but they aren't the real expensive part
as I said, you need to keep them close to absolute zero
I need a hug
@rahuldottech hugs
and that requires a ton of energy
@Avery hugs back
> Declaration of the Rights of Man, Hanging Ditch
Life is tiring and trying
@rahuldottech yeah
@Avery nod
Okay, quick question.
in fact I think that some companies are starting to not use electricity on the quantum chips to keep them that cold
This is probably stupid
i'm wondering if however we can use the quantum nature, to ignore the quantum nature of variations induced by outside influence....
i.e. cool 1 chip, use that to 'control' others, which aren't cooled, or aren't cooled nearly as much
@rahuldottech a question not asked is the stupidest of all.
yesterday was all great (took a HUGE step in my life) but today's meh
And I'm pretty sure I'm I've understood something grossly wrongly, but...
@Avery Oh, you did it? Cool!
bye folks
@AndyK bye
oh right I forgot that I talked about it with you
but yeah I got it
and like this stuff is real cool
I don't know what this is about, but glad you got it sorted
I have some idea.
Anyway so, you know how most electronics use two voltage levels, right? Low for 0 and High for 1. Why don't we have electronics which use more than two levels?
@rahuldottech we do....
analog electronics are a thing
analog computers are even a thing.
but they are.... complicated
This reminds me of something...
> It is much harder to build components that use more than two states/levels/whatever. For example, the transistors used in logic are either closed and don't conduct at all, or wide open. Having them half open would require much more precision and use extra power. Nevertheless, sometimes more states are used for packing more data, but rarely (e.g. modern NAND flash memory, modulation in modems).
An analog computer or analogue computer is a form of computer that uses the continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved. In contrast, digital computers represent varying quantities symbolically, as their numerical values change. As an analog computer does not use discrete values, but rather continuous values, processes cannot be reliably repeated with exact equivalence, as they can with Turing machines. Unlike digital signal processing, analog computers do not suffer from the quantization noise,...
An asynchronous circuit, or self-timed circuit, is a sequential digital logic circuit which is not governed by a clock circuit or global clock signal. Instead it often uses signals that indicate completion of instructions and operations, specified by simple data transfer protocols. This type of circuit is contrasted with synchronous circuits, in which changes to the signal values in the circuit are triggered by repetitive pulses called a clock signal. Most digital devices today use synchronous circuits. However asynchronous circuits have the potential to be faster, and may also have advantages...
@bwDraco that's something else I think...
I want to say procedural programming, but I think the term is wrong.
I know it's different, but it's another theoretical way of getting past the limitations of current processor design.
event driven computers!
that's it.
From what I understand, binary is relatively 'easy' to understand...
So. IT just left.
I had created a ticket this morning asking fro the new PC to be enrolled on the IPA server.
IT guy arrived with a list of steps printed on three sheets of paper.
He looked at me, looked at the PC, looked at the paper.
"Is that a new PC" "Yeah, sort of" "Has it been recently formated" "Yeah" "By whom" "By me"
Looks at PC a bit more (without touching it)
"Have you ran the update process" "Not yet"
Yeah, it will take a long time and I'll need to take it away for a while
"Uh... No, you won't" "Really? Last time it took less than 3 minutes."
(keep in mind we have a gigabit connection to some mirrors)
well hopefully there's a WSUS server
I take a look at the list and it includes steps such as
- Update all packages
- Install RPM Fusion and United RPMs
yum update
yum upgrade
Install nextcloud, gstreamer all/ugly/bad/everything
/me makes some more u
Install Libreoffice and wine
you missed 'good'
Install dark text theme for firefox
In the end I just installed freeipa-client, edited the hostname, added the mandatory local DNS servers, and ran the one single line from the list of steps
IT guy entered his password mid-process
Thanked him, he left
Things work and all is well Apparently they need to set a role to the new machine on the server
@rahuldottech Not wearing one. And I'm at work.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy What do 'em brazos wear?
Unless "shorts" are a subset of "pants" in English.
If so, the joke only works in Portuguese
so looks like Cuba will get hit then
@ThatREDACTEDGuy they kinda are
by pants I think he means trousers
Aug 28 at 13:24, by That REDACTED Guy
user image
Aug 28 at 13:24, by That REDACTED Guy
I usually wear like the "casual" example above.
@djsmiley2k something to cover mah downsides
Aug 28 at 13:25, by That REDACTED Guy
On the hottest days of summer, I wear like the "streetwear" example but with casual shirts.
@rahuldottech nothing covers my downsides :P
@ThatREDACTEDGuy streetwear... nobody wears shorts
'Ladies and Gentlemen, we are just about to fly into possibly the biggest hurricane seen on these shores in the last 10 years'...
litterally just !!NO..
@djsmiley2k the blackhole is sucking it in!
My knees and lower legs are exposed. It is hot out there.
wound and wound and wound it goes
maybe it'll shoot out and take out NK?!
iirc its safe for airliners to flyover hurricanes
> Where others have turned back, Delta #DL431 presses on.
@Burgi it's meant to be landing at Purto Rico
@djsmiley2k its looking for MH340
@Burgi xD
you hear about the guy who was due to present some new evidence on that, and turned up dead?
the pilot is all "landing in 200mph winds? hold my g'n't, i got this"
@djsmiley2k Even if there is, it wouldn't matter for a Linux PC.
no, it wouldn't :P
I should probably stop spamming this room with random crap
@rahuldottech Random crap is the very spirit of this room.
It only matters if it's annoying random crap. Funny or interesting random crap is ok
@rahuldottech what's that image
> I asked the Google people if I understood correctly: If a publisher didn’t put a +1 button on the page, its search results would suffer? The answer was yes.
@Avery kinky and google don't go together very well
like why make a b/d ref, can't you find a better picture?
It's a reference to gagging, as far as I can tell
@Burgi That's because COMMUNISM IS EVIL!!!
David Robinson on September 06, 2017

We recently explored how wealthy countries (those defined as high-income by the World Bank) tend to visit a different set of technologies than the rest of the world. Among the largest differences we saw was in the programming language Python. When we focus on high-income countries, the growth of Python is even larger than it might appear from tools like Stack Overflow Trends, or in other rankings that consider global software development.

In this post, we’ll explore the extraordinary growth of the Python programming language in the last five years, as seen by Stack Overflow traffic within …

@rahuldottech gizmodo....
@djsmiley2k what about it?
oh it's an upstanding journalistic high point of our culture.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy yes
well, that or socialism or leninism or marxism or stalinism or maoism or dengism or hoxhaism or titoism
how can bringing equality not be evil? sheesh
On this laptop (Bifrons): The speakers are downward-firing stereo, with software tuning by Dolby. It looks like they were designed and tuned with the assumption that the laptop is on a hard surface such as a table so that the sound is reflected off said surface; hence, the audio doesn't sound right when the laptop is on a soft surface like a bed or even when the laptop is lifted away from a table.
Regardless, they clearly do not match the Onkyo speaker system on my main laptop, which are two upward-firing speakers near the display along with a subwoofer on the system base.
(Onkyo speakers are typical of Clevo machines of this sort and generally have very good sound quality)
...let alone the 5.1 surround-sound system my father's old desktop has.
My oldest laptop, a custom HP Pavilion dv6z-3000, had even worse audio.
> OnePlus 5 4G Phablet 6 MB RAM / 64 MB ROM - R$2066.77
OnePlus 5 4G Phablet 6 MB RAM / 128 MB ROM - R$1739.54
Twice the storage, R$ 300 less?
Besides, who calls "internal storage" ROM?
As in, READ ONLY memory
Are you sure the 128 GB model has 6 GB of RAM? It's supposed to be 8 GB.
Here, the prices are US$479 and $539 respectively.
(OnePlus 3T was $439 for 64 GB and $479 for 128 GB; both models were equipped with 6 GB of RAM.)
> OnePlus 5 4G Phablet 6 GB RAM / 64 GB ROM - R$2066.77 (USD 663)
OnePlus 5 4G Phablet 8 GB RAM / 128 GB ROM - R$1739.54 (USD 558)
Also, you know how people call the firmware image "ROM"? That's because they used EEPROM in the old days.
Flash memory is technically EEPROM but is rarely referred to as such.
Yes, but it makes some sense calling a firmware image, or an emulator image, a ROM.
It's technically wrong, but you know what they meant.
It's a static image to be written in memory
Calling a storage area "ROM" is wrong, misleading and dumb.
I'm personally very, very happy with my OnePlus 3T. I see no good reason to upgrade.
So, have you found a good cheap phone?
Both good and cheap? No.
I'm honestly leaning towards the Moto E.
I'm currently undecided between a Moto C, a Moto G5 and a "Actually I don't really need a phone and will save my money"
How much does the Moto E4 cost in your region?
Not that much more (~USD 30) than a Moto C. Might consider it too.
I'll compare specs later, nw I have to figure out how to integrate PHP sendmail in a docker container
Althought I think we're several layers deep into recursive X/Y problems
Hmmmmm.... Samsung S6 Edge 32GB on ebay, new for USD 220, plus a 25% discount code, down to USD 165
97% positive feedback for the seller
When I add shipping and taxes it's still half of the retail price, but more than what I'd pay on a Moto G5 and nearly twice a Moto C or Moto E4 =/
What the heck is going on with dating sites today...
@Boris_yo In today's episode of Root Acces Love Life: "Dating with @Boris_yo"
And That Redacted Guy who acts as pilot for Boris_yo in assisting finding his date...
Oh boy. Who assigned you a blind pilot?
Two chicks approaching. Boris_yo takes hot sexy chick on him, firing his missile while That Redacted Guy diverts attention and fires his missile on fatty chick...
Hot sexy chick is taken, fatty chick had her attention diverted. Roger that. Mission accomplished!
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Blind? Can you see a missile fire button pilot?
Don't leave me with 2 chicks approaching soldier!
I only have 1 missile.
I don't date as I play videogames -.-'
What are you going to do when you get old?
Keep on living? :P
Stay married?
If my marriage ends, then I'll see.
So you are married? Married people have permission to play video games I guess.
@Boris_yo What... is that even supposed to mean, man?
@rahuldottech I am drunk a little.
Goddamn adults and their stupid drinks
Yeah. I drink water though.
I think I'll stick with mango juice, thank you very much
Insulin spike is waiting to happen...
10 mins ago, by rahuldottech
Goddamn adults and their stupid drinks
C'mon, this deserves to be starred
Yay, Friday ends in 4 minuets! \o/ :D
@ThatREDACTEDGuy what
Friday. It ends in 4 dance moves minutes.
Today is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, then Saturday again, then Sunday.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Today is Wednesday.
@Boris_yo How drunk are you? It's Friday, dude.
I mean, it was. Just got over
@Boris_yo For you. For me it's Friday 🎉
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Okay boy...
@ThatREDACTEDGuy But like... Friday just got over...
@rahuldottech Ssssh. He slept for two days straight! And didn't even notice!
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Wait, being drunk messed up your perception of time?
@rahuldottech Time perception, threat assessment, attractiveness standards... amongst others
speaking of which... brb beer
Someone mentioned 3 dating sites here recently...
One was Tinder, another two were... I don't remember.
@rahuldottech Lies!
@Boris_yo dude, go take a shower
@rahuldottech I don't stink!
@Boris_yo How drunk are you man
this isn't right...?
what's going on with @Boris_yo?
I've never seen anyone drunk before
This bad?
He seriously thinks it's wednesday?
If you're not drunk tell me what you see when you open Google
@ThatREDACTEDGuy I think you are trying to get me to fraud website where you will phish for my assets.
@rahuldottech nobody has exams at the weekend
@Burgi We do on Saturdays
india doesn't count
so I don't use this site often and felt I'd ask in here first
are there any questions on here about connecting two wireless routers together?
via wires or magic?
a la, router 1 is connected to the modem, router 2 would connect to router 1 wirelessly and then desktops could plug into router 2 to get internet
router 1 and router 2 would be in different parts of the house
yeah, i'm pretty certain we have those sorts of questions
any idea how to phrase my search?
A: Connect two wireless+wired networks wirelessly?

DarkEvEOk so there are many ways to do this, but I you should be aware NEVER connect your local network to an AP which is connected to the internet as this would allow people to access your network. Also make sure you set your Wireless access points 6 channels apart to avoid interferance as they are t...

its not 100% but pretty close
god I was trying to find this but nothing was really quite right
I'm also trying to determine if it's economically feasible, or if I should just buy a couple of wireless adapters and call it a day
that depends on your load i think
yeah, it kinda sounds like I'd just be better off with a couple of wireless adapters
basically, I'd got a desk upstairs that I can't run a cable to, and I might need to work on multiple computers at a time
I think making a wireless bridge is probably overkill, but I wanted to know
Sigh. So tomorrow an extended holiday begins and I forgot to leave work earlier.
Google maps has a nice wine-red color all over the city.
@Burgi we have exams on weekends too. Not school exams, but national exams, university admission exams, exams for hiring for the public sector...
@ThatREDACTEDGuy yeah well R E D A C T E D isn't a real country either ;)
SHIT I'M BLIND!!!!!!!!!!
@Burgi Install nvda on @Burgi's PC
this beer is really yeasty and it was under pressure, the beer squirted out of the part open cap into my eyes!!!!
Why is everyone drunk today?
Is that a sign that I should go out and drink?
Why is Jägermeister so damn expensive?
i'm not drunk, just tipsy
also blind
@DForck42 repeaters would let you do that.
Oh zat guy.

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