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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

How many $CRYPTOBUCKS could I mine with 8x i7-6850K / GTX1080 8GB computers?
in a weekend.
none probably
you need to mine zcash or ethereum if you want to usegpu
eth is kind of a bigger deal atm
IDK about block sizes of eth but it's probs not worth it
What if I wasn't paying any of the operational costs?
Don't mine cryptos, it's a waste of power to buy into a bubble that you probably won't be able to cash out of anyways
If you desperately want to get in on the cryptocurrency hype bandwagon at least mine something where the proof-of-work is useful, like foldcoin
@JourneymanGeek (and maybe @allquixotic) servethehome.com/…
@BenN How's it going?
Pretty good. Everything well with you?
If I have a shared linux server where I have an account along with many other people, is it possible to buy a domain and link it to a web server running on one of those accounts? Kind of like how they showed Zuckerberg do when he created Facemash?
@DemCodeLines it may depend on the specific setup of the server, but in principle, yes
When making an HTTP request, the browser tells the server what hostname it thinks it's sending the request to with a Host header
how would you do that? Say I got a domain. What ways are there to connect?
So an httpd running on a one IP can serve requests for many domains.
(this is how shared web hosting in general works)
@DemCodeLines so, what kind of shared server is it? Shared web hosting? VPS?
I would say it's closer to a VPS than a "web-hosting" server
@DemCodeLines If it's running nder a non-root account, it'll have to be running on a non-standard port.
If it's shared web hosting this is all handled by the hosting company, you just need to tell them what domain you're hosting and what directory you're putting the webroot in -- how you do this varies with provider.
To run on port 80 requires root-level config.
The root-level config can either serve out of user directories (you know those addresses that look like example.com/~user/? that's an example) or reverse proxy to another server running on a non-standard port under your user.
Basically: if you're the admin, you can set it up like that. If you're just a user, you'll need to get your admin to do it.
Anything below port 1024 requires root access.
@DemCodeLines Generally, you can, but you're going to be limited to the tools the host provides. You should be able to set up name-based virtual hosts on the server.
@BenN mostly :)
On a server with a static IP address reserved to you, it's much easier because you can just set an A record on your domain registrar's control panel and not much configuration would be necessary server-side.
@bwDraco Not in any meangfu way from a normal user account.
@Bob cpanel
I thought most shared hosts allow that?
@bwDraco Mine definitely does through cpanel
@rahuldottech Should DIAF. Also, requires root.
10 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
I would say it's closer to a VPS than a "web-hosting" server
@bwDraco Then it's not an account on a shared server. A container is conceptually a separate server.
Then why cPanel?
Account on a shared server sounds more like something you're allocated at a uni, etc., rather than something you'd buy.
@bwDraco Indeed, why cpanel?
I think until DemCodeLines gives more information on what they actually have to work with we can't meaningfully answer this
cPanel does not indicate a VPS then
@Ramhound Unless I missed something, @DemCodeLines never suggested cpanel or similar.
That's something @rahuldottech brought up.
Can't install it
AFAWK, cpanel has absolutely nothing to do with @DemCodeLines's situation.
And even if it did, it's hugely inappropriate for this scenario.
Oh, okay. Got confused there.
@DemCodeLines What kind of infrastructure are you working on?
"I want to host a simple webserver under a custom domain" "Why not install a huge, complex, vulnerable, pricey control panel?"
@DemCodeLines - Why do you need cPanel to configure Apache?
I don't need cPanel
@Ramhound ... ... ... are you even reading the conversation?
If it's a limited account on a shared server, then your only choice may be to use a 301 redirect at your domain registrar.
@bwDraco Let's say something along the lines of what you saw with Zuckerberg setting up a web server within his school account. It's not exactly like that, but it's similar restriction-wise.
@DemCodeLines There we go. "school account" is pretty telling.
That's why I gave the Facemash example.
@Bob It's not a school account, but again, the restrictions on this shared server is similar.
@DemCodeLines From there it depends on what kind of setup your admin has given you. Every school does it differently.
It's common for universities to enable hosting for each user. You dump your files in ~/public_html and they can be accessed via /~username/. If you're lucky they'll even enable cgi-bin processing.
You wouldn't be able to use the domain name directly. You can set up the domain to redirect to the real web address, but visitors will only see your domain name as a shortcut to the website and you won't be able to use URL paths like example.com/foobar.
It's not common for them to support custom domains without specially asking.
@DemCodeLines Well, I'm going to assume it's a school account unless you feel like providing more info.
So I guess Harvard was doing something wrong when they let Zuck do his thing?
@DemCodeLines Whoever said anything about wrong?
You trying to base this on something you saw in a movie by chance?
He could have asked his admins to support a custom domain for him.
It could have hosted out of students.harvard.example.com/~mzuck/
He also might not have redirected a url provided by the school to his own domain.
@Ramhound No, but I was looking into setting up a domain and this example is the closest one to the current situation.
@Bob I've seen this before and was introduced to this sort of setup while in college - I opted not to do this and decided to spend my own money to get a VPS and do all my class projects on it.
like I said its more likely he just passed around his personal url then forwarding it to a domain
Yeah, that would make more sense I guess.
That's how I got started with Linode and fierydragonlord.com.
@user486818: “I view Peter Parker's financial condition as a weakness in Peter Parker's character.” You’ve got some weird views on money buddy. Money has nothing to do with character. It’s an arbitrary system of value storage and transfer that humans have invented. — Paul D. Waite yesterday
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
@DemCodeLines You're better off being explicit about what you want rather than guessing what some hypothetical admins allowed for someone who is not you in a network that is not the network you are on.
Because every setup is different.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Credit score may be a better indicator, though this isn't exactly well supported by research...
For early-days prototyping, before VPSes got so cheap, it was common to just host off the user subdirectory. And no one cared for custom domains.
'course, nowadays you have vanity domains everywhere...
Now? If you can afford a custom domain you can probably afford custom hosting.
@bwDraco Of someone's character?
You're referring to a situation 10+ years ago.
Besides, the very notion of credit reports is confusing. We don't have it here.
That's why I said may.
@bwDraco It's mostly an indicator of history and circumstances :P
A situation you don't know all the details of, one which appears your getting, from a Hollywood movie it appears.\
@Bob Domains can be had for $7 for an entire year. Web hosting is more like $7/month, which comes out to $80 for an entire year after discounts.
@DemCodeLines ...I'm paying for a rather powerful (as far as webhosting goes) server for something like $3/month. I've had some for $10/year.
@Bob Where are you finding these?
@DemCodeLines Eh, there used to be good ones on lowendbox. Dunno what's going on there now.
buyvm is often recommended in this chat
They'll almost always beat out shared hosting, which often charges for the management overhead. Assuming you can set things up yourself.
Linode (affiliate code available upon request) or DigitalOcean 1 GB? Both are $5 a month; this might be a bit too much but it's been rock-solid for me.
They're also not necessarily the most stable, which means you should keep backups. Which you should do anyway, regardless of host.
VPS is based on usage. So for development work you would have very little traffic
buyvm is stable and decently priced (iirc $15/yr)
some of the newer and smaller ones have a tendency to disappear :P
@bwDraco Those fall into the 'overpriced' category, if you're looking for cheap.
Heck. For that price you can go grab a light dedicated server.
In any case, they should beat out your typical school server shared amongst hundreds of students.
@Bob specs please?
I think there are cheap, decent 512MB servers out there but I haven't really looked.
(actually, DigitalOcean 1 GB is $10/month, not $5)
@ThatREDACTEDGuy 2x Avoton cores (dedicated), 2GB RAM (dedicated), 50 GB SSD storage, 200Mbit/s unmetered (though more like 100Mbit/s)
> 200Mbit/s unmetered (though more like 200Mbit/s)
Actually, I take that back.
Hosted by Orange (Paris) [1.88 km]: 10.028 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 678.10 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed....................................................................................................
Upload: 215.76 Mbit/s
@Bob Hm. Interesting. If you have an affiliate link, I might use it.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Nah, no affiliate link. Have at it: scaleway.com (VC1S)
Thanks! :D
It's very workload-dependent - Avoton is great for multithreaded workloads, but not if you need lots of single-threaded performance. Thankfully, applications needing lots of single-threaded performance are unusual in the server world outside of game servers.
There's a few caveats to them, though.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy 1. If you don't "stop" the server, if the hypervisor crashes then everything on the local disk since the last "stop" (via control panel) is lost. So, backups to an off-server storage, or stopping every now and then, is ... pretty important.
That happened to me once in the 4-5 months I've been using them
Wait a sec. Writes are not committed to disk until you stop the server?
So... I use it as a dev box. Wouldn't touch it with prod.
Are they using some sort of ephemeral storage and flushing it when the server is shut down?
@bwDraco They're committed to local disk but not permanent network storage.
Hypervisor crashes are really rare, but ... it happened.
I'm currently paying ~15USD / year for 128 MB RAM on buyvm, mostly for VPN, but some months ago their bandwidth somehow reduced to ~2 MBps when I'm VPNing and I haven't yet investigated why. For HTTP downloads it's much faster.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Oh. Also according to some forum posts they might not be accepting Brazilian credit cards -_-
Soooooo yea.
@Bob Oh, those guys.
The other issue, which ties into the first, is that monthly pricing only kicks in after something like 2/3 of a month continuous, otherwise you're on hourly. Which means if you stop/start a lot you can end up paying ~30% more than advertised? Bleh.
So, yea. Not something I'd necessarily recommend. Stick with buyvm if you want stable :P
Ah. So they're using a decoupled compute/storage model.
This is typical of full-fledged cloud systems like AWS or Azure.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Alternatively, their main (and actually dedicated) offerings are solid. online.net/en/dedicated-server/dedibox-sc But a tad pricier.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Alternatively, OVH has VPS offerings too, $3.50/month. You don't get the dedicated CPU cores, but you do get decent RAM and good network. And AFAIK OVH VPSes are stable.
OVH runs on OpenStack, not Scaleway's wonky home-grown solution :P
@bwDraco I think that was the goal, but AFAICT Scaleway dev has dropped off in recent years.
It's a great box for testing things - good connectivity and decent performance - but it's not stable enough for me to host on, especially when I have a bunch of actually stable servers :P
buyvm offers 250 GB storage for $7/month. Anyone knows a cheaper alternative?
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Active storage, or long-term archiving?
First of all, does your application need that much storage? 250 GB isn't a trivial amount of data.
@bwDraco credit score has nothing to download with a person's character either IMO
@Bob I ran quite a bit on buyvm. Spring for the shared db option if you need MySQL and want to save on ram, it's a dollar a month
@rahuldottech I wouldn't say nothing, but it's also not necessarily an accurate measure.
@Bob yeah, well, that.
Nothing to do*
@JourneymanGeek I ran with them for a while before moving on to bigger and (maybe) better :P
@Bob active storage
@ThatREDACTEDGuy ah, that's a bit hard.
Okay, so speedtest-cli kets killed upon testing upload speed. Appending --no-pre-allocate delays the kill a bit, but it gets killed nonetheless.
Hm. I could use netcat and dd to measure it but I need netcat on two servers.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy where's your server?
I could set up an iperf server nearby if you want
1 hour later…
Would this question be on-topic for SuperUser?
Q: Female to Female HDMI Socket extender

KababChii want to create a female to female HDMI extender. i used 2 of this breakout board female HDMI socket (here) connected both of them with jumper wires and checked each wire with multi meter. connections seem good and there is no sign of short circuit. but when i use HDMI cables i don't get any con...

Don't migrate.
le sigh
North Korea's "fuck you" response to sanctions and military exercises is just getting me very worried.
(No, I don't take using the F-word uncensored lightly.)
@NickAlexeev no
UN sanctions are not helping. I doubt China limiting oil exports will help at this point.
However, Pyongyang knows that it cannot win a war against the United States.
I'm getting the feeling that a threat of imminent, overwhelming military action is going to be the only way we can force the regime to stop what it's doing. We should not have to follow through with the threat, but if it comes to this point and North Korea initiates an attack... I don't know what to say.
I'm not a war hawk. But the way North Korea is responding is not promising.
Hopefully, one last shot at diplomacy will help, but I doubt it unless it's clear that the regime has lots to lose if it doesn't cooperate.
China needs to step up its game and not be afraid of regime collapse. "Either you stop working on nuclear weapons or you lose ALL oil supplies from us."
We've reached a point where militaries are mobilizing and preparing to attack. This should not have been necessary.
Good morning : )
The moment I start hearing multiple countries in a block of text, my brain shuts off. I can barely imagine the magnitude of my own xD
@bwDraco You can let your elected reps decide on action. I'm sure your opinion will be taken into consideration.
@bwDraco eh its not the first time. NK is like that little kid who realises f he throws a tantrum he'll be given a lolly
@JourneymanGeek wow, that sounds a lot like me.
I'm trying to drag the top left chrome tab to the bottom left chrome window.
Can't do it from the Win+Tab menu.
Had to rearrange the window stack inorder to do what I wanted to do.
Surely, there must have been a quicker way.
A: My cat seems to dislike the idea of morning walk. Should I continue?

PhilippPutting a cat on a leash and walking it around isn't species-appropriate. You can and should do that with a dog, but cats usually hate that. They value their autonomy. The idea "My cat will feel safe when I am around" is wrong. Cats don't think that way. While they are social animals, they aren'...

lol. I thought the question title seemed a bit off
"cat ... morning walks" wait what
I love the windows 0 typo :-)
We want things for cheap but in the end we are not happy with life... Why? Because the more we want for less, the less happy are people who serve us and wise versa.
Capitalism... Are we really happy? Just another phase in humen evolution...
We are same people who serve us. We want proper income for our work but they want to pay less just as we do when we are served. Self-centered people will not understand my message and will keep blaming everything as they usually do...

Capitalism is double-edged sword.
/Rant Off
Waves. Off to work to earn money to I can pay for things like rent
@Hennes If we could work half-time and get compensated for full-time... That'd be Great!
@NickAlexeev Why would that question be migrated to SU? It has an answer, the question itself, is sort of low quality though (grammar, formatting, clarity) questions with answers shouldn't be migrated. It likely would have a similar reception as its current home. See no benefit to the question if it was moved
I really should get two cloud VMs and work on a ssh script next weekend. Should have done it this weekend:-( looks like I am looking at another 8 months for a fix to a bug my system has because RHEL 7.4 didn't fix it!
@Bob Who is your current vps provider?
@Ramhound ...I have three (four?) dedicated servers and a few odd VPSes...
It's been a few years since I last used a VPS for anything serious.
If you want a general rec for good price + stable... OVH. RamNode. BuyVM. Or the ones @bwDraco likes (Linode/DO), I suppose, though I'm not personally a fan.
@Ramhound ^
BuyVM seems to support RHEL might go with that. It's a quick shell script I have to write:-)
Automatically log into 3 other servers and one by one restart a service
@Ramhound Do you need RHEL specifically, or will CentOS do?
@Ramhound Also, do you need it long-term or only for a few hours/days? If the latter, just use AWS.
Looks like BuyVM probably only does CentOS.
Not surprisingly. If you need RHEL proper, you usually either need a RH subscription or a big cloud provider (e.g. AWS) that can resell.
Well I have my own subscription to RHEL. Short-term
@Bob hiss
Might have to look into AWS in that case, just need, RHEL purely for it being as close as possible
@Bob I got a free year of RHEL with basic support for going to one of their openshift conferences :P
@Ramhound CentOS is binary compatible with RHEL; any discrepancies would be limited to desktop backgrounds and /etc/issue
I signed up for their free developer license
to i
Will have to look into that then.
also, not all packages in CentOS (free as in freedom) are available in the basic RHEL subscription
all Red Hat software is available free, without support, open source... the only reason to buy a subscription is if you need support
in RHEL, to access certain "advanced" packages you need very expensive licenses that aren't available with the free dev license; but those are available for free in CentOS
Well honestly as long as I can ssh into the host from a second host restart a random service then log into a third host (or some combination) but (as root each time because we don't use ssh keys)
it will be fone
We are not using those packages currently so :-)
don't waste your money on a RHEL license, then; even if you use AWS, provisioning a CentOS instance is cheaper per hour than a RHEL instance because you're not paying license fees
@allquixotic giant hamster wheels are a better idea
@JourneymanGeek you know what the best idea is? leave the cat alone and let it do what it wants to do
Might just wait on CentOS 7.4
I wonder if I could replicate my problem....and perhaps fix it myself... sucks each test would take 10 days to perform lol
@allquixotic and let them plot?
@allquixotic almost ... except those virtio-win drivers :P
my 10-15min journey took 45 min this morning
i don' tbleive that's just down to kids going back to school, i think the council have been screwing with the times on the lights again -_-
@Ramhound Re: the RAM, IIRC that can happen because it's mapping the dGPU memory into the limited 32-bit address space. Which does make it a 32-bit problem.
1 GB shared with an iGPU is rather a lot, especially for Sandy Bridge
*shrug* not sure though, so I removed the 30% claim.
Yeah it's a 32-bit os problem with regards to the usability at least partially
But in this case the CPU has iGPU did he even have a dGPU?
@Ramhound I don't know; that's why I removed the claim :P
@ThatREDACTEDGuy slow storage? so-you-start from OVH.
I get 2Tb for £11/mo
@djsmiley2k doesn't have the redundancy he gets from buyvm though
they do raid or?
@JourneymanGeek 3 days!
(maybe 2 depending on timezones?!)
start whistling the great escape theme music
@djsmiley2k RAID 60 it says
o nice.
You guys. Lol.
30 min to go
@JourneymanGeek you're not staying past scheduled time anymore, are you?
7 minutes to go
@bwDraco I am not looking to buy. I was just curious about that SSD. Seems like sufficient for office work-only workers...
@Boris_yo IT LOOKS...... nasty cheap
like the label is photocopied?
refund request sent!
if they guarantee 99.9% uptime and only deliver 99.88% i'm gonna get my money back
Director was like 'where's the handover' I'm like 'google docs spreadsheet' .... He couldn't find the tab with the password list.
Also wants it printed out.
welcome to the reason you're leaving :)
@Burgi :D
@Burgi What if they delivered 99.89%?
@djsmiley2k then I'm also getting a refund
Also, is there an SLA on how quickly they process the refund? ;)
@djsmiley2k i'd put a refund request in
Refunds for all \o//
Free money \o/
i'll be honest, i forgot to do it for the last 3 months
/me glares at the store who just rebooted their router
@Burgi Also I am telling him I don't know what they need to know. What I know they need to know I told them, but if they need to know and I don't know they need to let me know.
He hasn't worked out I am being intentionally confusing
@Bob heh. For your amusement and horror
@JourneymanGeek are you channelling Dick Cheney there? ;)
@JourneymanGeek yo dawg, I heard you know about not knowing about unknowns, so there's some unknowns we don't know about, maybe you know how we can know about the known unknowns, so they no longer unknown, while you might not know about the unknown unknowns.
@JourneymanGeek @_@
I can sense I'm going to need to think up a project to work on...
Oh i found a pic of the bomb in germany
@Avery cn't remmeber who else was talking about it
> The evacuation operation was carried out with typical German precision
Heh, spambot on PSN, that's kinda new
oooo 'free passes'
doesn't understand 'NAH sorry I'm at work'
> Thank you for contacting us and and I am sorry for the delay response. Unfortunately we can not guarantee 99.9% uptown on our shared servers.
is that for shared servers?
Also, 'uptown' ?! XD
I guessing they get funky
Also, you're using shared servers? XD
@djsmiley2k "Legacy site"
I continually am surprised about certain answers granting HUGE amounts of rep
superuser.com/questions/1246140/… granted me over 50% of my rep, while I thought it would only give me like a couple of upvotes
@Nzall i can retract my upvote if you like...
@Burgi That won't be necessary
I was simply surprised that it ended up so popular
and I don't really understand why.
its an interesting problem and the solution is clear and well written :)
I was expecting like maybe 5 or so upvotes, but I'm pleasantly surprised it's far more than that
Yeah, but all I did originally was say "the other answer is partially right, here's why", in a couple of sentences
Had I known beforehand it is that easy to get rep, I'd start answering more questions.
Although I do admit I made that answer because I saw the question in the HNQ, so that probably helped
HNQ is essentially amphetamines for rep
@Burgi "endeavour to" pfffffffft
@Nzall Yes! Answer more questions! :)
@Bob oh right, that's actually a good thing
@Bob indeed, everyone should endeavour to offer 100%...
@djsmiley2k lol, didn't even think of it that way. so they try to get 0.1% downtime? :D
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